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Making Memories

Page 7

by S J Batsford

  “If you want to, or you could just undo your shirt and give a girl something to look at.” I say licking my lips as he drops the stocking. Pulling his shirt from his trousers and unbuttoning it slowly.

  “Better?” He asks, holding his arms out.

  “Definitely,” I sigh, wanting nothing more than to drag him upstairs, but I have other plans first. “Now go hang those on the twins’ cots,” I demand winking at him and smack him on the arse as he turns.

  “Keep that up…” He warns stalking off.

  I quickly pull out his gifts and set them on the coffee table and play some Christmas music softly. I turn as he enters and hold my hand out to him suddenly nervous as hell.

  “What have you done?” He asks eyeing me.

  “Come sit and I’ll show you.” I say and my voice wobbles with nerves. He takes my hand silently and sinks to the floor with me.

  Taking a breath, I look him in the eyes and smile. “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed my life, our lives,” I correct myself because he has made an impact on the twins’ lives too. “I can’t see my future without you in it,” I whisper, dropping my eyes to his big hand in my smaller one. “I love you so much Jackson. I wanted to do something special for you, for our first Christmas together to show you…” I stumble over my words and wince. Picking up the first gift I hand it to him and wait silently as he opens it. He gasps when he opens the box, his eyes fly to mine.

  “You wrote me something?” He asks, I nod.

  “It’s rough and I’ll probably edit it again, but I wanted you to have it for Christmas.”

  “It’s perfect the way it is,” he says distracted as he flicks through the pages.

  “Don’t read it while I’m here,” I say placing my hands over his. I’m way too embarrassed for him to read it in front of me.

  “Okay,” he nods and places it gently back in the box.

  “I also made you this.” I smile and hand over the next one.

  “Lily, you didn’t need to…”

  “No, but I wanted to.”

  Opening it, he freezes staring at the front. FAMILY is boldly scrawled across the front in my handwriting.

  “Wow,” he breathes caressing it like it’s made of pure gold.

  “You haven’t opened it yet,” I laugh nervously.

  When he opens it and sees the collage of pictures the memories we’ve made together, his eyes fill with tears.

  “As I said, wow. This is amazing.” He turns the pages taking in every picture, his smile… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile so big. “Thank you,” he says and clears his throat. “I love them, they’re the best presents I’ve ever gotten.” Placing the photo album on the table he pulls me into his arms and kisses me gently but with so much passion.

  “I’m glad you like them, I was really nervous.” I laugh sliding my arms around him.

  “Why?” He asks puzzled.

  “I’ve never written anything for anyone before.”

  “I’m honoured to be the first. Will you sign it for me?”


  “Not right now. Right now, I want to take you to bed.”

  “Take me to bed then,” I say.

  Standing he turns off the music and lights before swooping me into his arms and carrying me to bed.

  Chapter 10

  Sunbeams streaming through the blinds make me wince. I cover my eyes and turn over into Jackson’s warm chest. The steady beat of his heart lures me slowly to wakefulness. The warmth brimming in my heart fills me with joy and hope that the future is bright for me.

  Excitement for the day ahead has me about jumping out of bed like a little girl. Instead I run my hands through Jackson’s soft hair and kiss his parted lips.

  “Merry Christmas, baby,” I whisper, watching as his eyes open captivating me as they always have.

  “Mmm, happy holidays.” He says, his voice rough with sleep.

  “It’s going to be a wonderful day, I can feel it.” I grin happily.

  “We’d better get up, see if Santa came,” he laughs, winking at me he rolls me off him and seals his lips over mine. I wrap my arms around his neck melting under him.

  “Already the best Christmas Day ever,” he murmurs against my lips and I couldn’t agree more.

  “Move it.” I smack his arse and give it a gentle squeeze.

  “Mmm, is that supposed to motivate me to move?” He questions, letting his weight settle across me a little more.

  “We have dinner to prepare before our guests get here and presents to open with the twins,” I say sliding my hands up his back, enjoying the feel of his warm skin and muscles.

  “Oh, well okay then.” He releases me and rolls off the bed. “I can’t wait to see the kids’ faces,” he grins, throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt. “I’ll go see if they’re awake,” he says and bounds out of the room leaving me staring after him.

  I dress quickly in comfortable clothes and go to find my little family, I find Jackson chatting away to Sebastian on the changer in their room, he even has their clothes set out for later on. It amazes me how he has adapted to taking care of them.

  “Hey, is Eliza done?” I ask moving further into the room.

  “Not yet, she was grouchy about being woken up, so we thought it best to leave her to fully wake up,” he replies, smiling down at my son. “Our girls are grumpy when woken up, right Seb?” He asks, picking him up and bouncing him on his arm, Seb giggles, clutching his hair and laying a sloppy kiss on his chin.

  “Not always,” I say and stick my tongue out at him. I look at my little girl and grin. “She doesn’t look grumpy now,” I remark and kiss her cheek as I lift her out. Once she is clean and dry we go downstairs phones in hands ready to capture their first Christmas.

  Walking into the living room, I smile seeing the tree lights on. Jackson must have came down and turned them on before waking the kids. We sit close together on the floor with Eliza and Seb propped up between our legs. I take a picture the best I can from such an odd angle. I am definitely not as good as Mason with a camera, but he can’t always be around and this is part is just for us.

  Grabbing the closest presents, I place one each in front of the twins. They stare at them inspecting the wrapping paper intently before banging on them excitedly. Laughing Jackson snaps pictures as I rip a small hole in the paper and help Eliza open her first gift. She shrieks excitedly seeing the big princess Belle doll, did I mention Eliza loves all things Disney? I gasp and grab the paper, I read the tag.

  “Jackson, this is expensive,” I admonish softly. He shouldn’t be spending that kind of money on my kids.

  “She’s a princess and I wanted to get her something she would love, look at her face,” he says, nodding at Eliza who is trying to yank the doll from its packaging. Chuckling, he takes it and opens it quickly kissing her head.

  “Thank you,” I whisper my throat tight, he shrugs and helps Seb open his. I assume that one is also from him. I smile as he unwraps a remote-control car. “That is for you and Mace,” I say laughing.

  “It is not. Sebastian loves cars.” He smiles as Seb starts making brum, brum noises. “See,” he adds smugly.

  “Yeah,” I laugh, shaking my head. I know Mace and Jackson will be playing with that one later too.

  We slowly get through all the kids presents, they get bored of opening them after the fifth one but we eventually get through them with Seb and Eliza mainly playing with the packaging while Jackson and I unwrap. Kids.

  “I think you have a few under here, too,” Jackson says pulling out a bag from the back of the tree.

  “Ooo, what did Santa leave me?” I ask, kissing him as I take the bag. Opening it, I see lots of gifts individually wrapped and laugh. Grabbing a smaller one I tug the paper but it doesn’t budge with the amount of tape around it. I bite through the tape all the time glaring at him, he smirks behind his phone.

  Finally, I sigh when the paper gives, I open the box and gasp, inside is a beautiful ‘I lo
ve you’ heart shaped necklace.

  “Oh wow, Jax, it’s gorgeous.” I breath and hand it to him to put it on me. “Thank you,” I say against his lips.

  “You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it.” He smiles relieved.

  “I love it, it’s perfect.”

  I open the next one and grin holding up the sexy lingerie. “Is this really for me?” I ask.

  “Well, you do have to wear it but I guess it’s for us both,” he winks, his heated eyes falling to my chest making my body tingle.

  “Later,” I whisper, grinning, I put them back in the bag, away from little hands.

  The next gift is a set of Jane Austen books, I squeal happily and throw my arms around his neck covering every inch of his face in kisses. The twins laugh and clap their hands enjoying the game.

  “I guess you like those then?” He asks laughing.

  “I seriously love you right now,” I breath.

  “Huh, and I thought you already loved me?” He raises his eyebrows in mock annoyance.

  “I do, but I fuckin’ love you more for these,” I whisper in his ear, tiny ears and all that. “For knowing me better than anyone,” I add smiling and caressing my new babies. He nods his understanding and passes me the next and last one.

  Opening it I smile as tears fill my eyes remembering our first date. “Wow, this is amazing. I am gonna whoop your butt,” I laugh setting the tickets on the table and hugging him for being so amazing. “Thank you, I love them.”

  I move the twins back to my lap and hand them the gift I got for Jackson from them. He smiles at them as he takes it ripping the paper excitedly he pulls out the t-shirt and stands holding to his chest to see what it says. It has a picture of Jackson holding the twins on the front and underneath it says; ‘He’s our Hero’ he slips off his current t-shirt and pulls the new one on before scooping the twins into his arms and kissing their faces like I just did to him a few moments ago.

  “Hold still,” I say standing and clicking the camera app on my phone. “Smile,” I sing and the twins turn to me an arm each around Jackson’s neck and smile a wet drooly grin. So cute. Jackson smiles proudly.

  “Okay, let me go grab a bin bag for the paper and start dinner,” I say leaving them to play.

  We spend a couple of hours playing with the twins, laughing and making plenty of new memories. Around eleven we change clothes and get the kids dressed ready for Nan and Mason’s arrival.

  The twins are so excited when Mace walks in dressed in a Santa suit with a big red bag over his shoulder. I shake my head laughing, only he would turn up to Christmas dinner dressed like that. They sit on his lap to open more gifts, luckily Mace left the beard off this time so they know who it is. Nan coos over their outfits enjoying seeing their faces and paper flying around the room. I guess she has missed this. I smile watching them for a few minutes as Mason and Jax play with Seb and his toys and Nan plays princesses. This is what Christmas is about, family. As we sit down to eat together I’m reminded of the one person who is missing. God, I miss her. It has been an amazing morning but I feel her loss so acutely right now, it takes my breath away.

  “You okay?” Jackson asks, taking my hand. I look down where his hand holds mine and nod, I can’t talk at that moment as my throat tightens painfully and I try to hold back my tears. “I know you miss her,” he whispers moving from his chair to kneel at my side.

  “She’s with us, honey,” Nan says, laying her hand over mine on the table. “You think she’d miss this?” She smiles sadly.

  I know what they’re saying is true and it makes me feel a little better, I just wish she could be here to share it with us.

  The twins have turkey and potatoes everywhere by the time we’re all finished, but they seem to have enjoyed it which is all that matters to me. A quick clean-up and they go back to their toys and eventually fall asleep on the floor after stubbornly refusing nap time. While they’re asleep Nan helps me clean the dishes and kitchen table.

  “What time is he coming?” She asks, breaking the silence.

  “Ethan?” I ask, knowing who she means by he.

  “Who else?” She scowls, she still hasn’t forgiven him for his behaviour.

  “He’s coming soon, I think Isabella and Alex are coming too with Ava. Please be nice,” I ask, I don’t want arguments on Christmas Day.

  “I won’t kick him in the balls, how’s that?” she asks.

  I laugh, not because it’s a joke but because she is serious.

  “Okay, just be cordial, that’s all I’m asking.” I drop the cloth I was cleaning with and look at her.

  “I suppose I can do that, but if he acts like a knob then…”

  “You’ve spent too much time with me,” I chuckle at her use of the word knob.

  “It’s a good description for him.” She shrugs grinning, slight wrinkles on her face showing her age. She still acts like a teenager, I sometimes forget that she’s a pensioner.

  “Can’t argue with that assessment,” Jackson says, leaning against the door jam.

  “Eavesdropping?” I scowl playfully.

  “Nope, just checking if you ladies needed a hand,” he replies, pushing off the door stalking toward me, taking me in his arms and dipping me backwards dramatically. I squeal and grab his arms as his rubs his lips back and forth across my lips.

  “Now that’s a man,” Nan laughs.

  Looking over at her I see her staring at Jackson’s butt.

  “Nan. Eyes off,” I scold and laugh as Jackson blushes. His eyes spark deviously before he releases me and sweeps my Nan up and spins her around. She shrieks and when she’s back on the ground smacks him upside the head.

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “I thought you wanted some love too,” he laughs and runs for the door when she lunges for him. I laugh so hard even when she glares at me, I can’t help it with the look on her face.

  “He’s a pest,” she huffs going back to cleaning up, I stay silent smiling, I know she doesn’t mean it, she adores Jackson and he her.

  It’s dark out when Ethan arrives full of apologies, he doesn’t say exactly why he’s late but I know it has something to do with Ashley since he hasn’t brought his daughter with him to see her brother and sister. He did however bring Isabella, Alex, Ava and Niles who hugs me tightly.

  “I’ve missed you,” I say as he pulls back.

  He smiles and kisses my cheek. “I’ve missed you, too. I’m sorry I’ve not been around much, I’ve been away, work,” he says. “Where are the twins?” Ethan asks tersely, ending our conversation.

  “Jackson is with them in the living room, they’re playing,” I snap at his back as he storms off.

  “I’m sorry,” Niles whispers, his face grim.

  “Hi, Merry Christmas,” I greet, Isabella, Alex and Ava. “Would you like a drink?” I ask. They all decline smiling and awkwardly follow Ethan.

  This should be fun. I sigh and follow behind them, Nan is sitting near Niles, glaring at Ethan.

  I walk straight to Jackson and lean against his chest as Ethan and his family fuss over the twins. The separation between both families couldn’t get any bigger. This is not what I had envisioned. It’s a sad thought but what can I expect after what happened the other day. Tensions are bound to be high, I can feel Jackson’s tense muscles at my back as if he’s waiting for Ethan to attack.

  Everyone relaxes after a while, thankfully. The twins help bridge the gap breaking the ice and entertaining everyone as only children can.

  I sit beside Niles who is observing everyone, always the quiet one. “Hey, so how are things?” I ask, nudging him with my shoulder.

  “Good, business is busy. How are things here?” he asks nodding between Ethan and Jackson.

  “Don’t even ask,” I say shaking my head.

  “That bad?” He asks, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “Worse, they came to blows a few days ago, I had to break them up,” I sigh brushing my hair out of my face.

ell, that explains it,” he mutters to himself.

  “Explains what?” I ask, looking over at him.

  “Ashley and Ethan are having huge problems. They barely spoke a word to one another this afternoon over dinner.”

  I look at Ethan, really look and see the strain around his eyes, I thought was tension or anger but he looks exhausted.

  “I hope they can sort it out,” I say, feeling bad for him.

  “Me too, but I doubt it, she’s a major bitch,” he whispers and I have to giggle, he sounds like a child afraid of being caught swearing.

  “Can’t argue with you on that,” I whisper back and we share a smile.

  They stay for a little over an hour playing with the kids, taking pictures and showering Eliza and Seb with presents and love. When they leave they take it in turns cuddling the twins who are yawning and rubbing their eyes. They’re fast asleep in bed minutes after that, dreaming sweetly I hope.

  Nan and Mason only stay long enough to tidy up again and have a celebratory drink before leaving us alone.

  “So, that went well, I think,” I say standing on my tip toes wrapping my arms around Jackson’s neck.

  “I guess it did since he didn’t make a pass at my girlfriend,” he admits, leaving open mouthed kisses along my neck as his arms slide around my back.

  “Hmm, that is a good thing. We wouldn’t want any blood shed on Christmas Day.” I reply, he hums against my pulse point making me shiver.

  “Want to know what I think?” He asks grinning.

  “What do you think?” I ask smiling.

  “I think it’s time you modelled the new lingerie I bought for you,” he growls nipping my neck in just the right place to get me nice and wet.

  “I think you need to lock up then and turn the lights out,” I answer, releasing him and grabbing my bag from the living room. “Hurry,” I whisper as I pass him on my way upstairs.

  I look in on the twins, smiling seeing them sleeping soundly, I pull the door to and hurry down the hall to our room.

  Quickly undressing in the bathroom, I pull out the sexy lingerie and I slip into the purple and black satin and lace bra, it cups my breasts perfectly, lifting them. It feels amazing against my skin and looks even better, I hurry and slide the matching knickers over my hips. Wow, I look fantastic. I brush my hair vigorously leaving it to fall down my back and brush my teeth.


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