Book Read Free

Making Memories

Page 6

by S J Batsford

  “Wow, he must have been a sight.”

  “Oh, he was. The best present I’ve ever been given,” I reply, playing along.

  “He may come again before Christmas,” he whispers and winks at me.

  “I hope so.” I reply and sit quietly for the rest of the drive, content to just hold his hand. Simple pleasures.

  I smile happily, I can’t wait until Christmas Day, I am excited to see the twins’ faces when they open their presents. I have a special, more personal present for Jackson, it’s nearly ready. I hope he likes it. Nerves attack my belly as I think about him opening it.

  Thankfully, we arrive a few minutes later and I can’t overthink it too much. When we’re parked in one of the only parking spots left, we get the twins out and into the pram quickly. The place is already bursting with families, kids run around squealing in excitement. We have to walk a bit to get to the main market area, I feel the buzz of elation go through me as we round the corner, there are stalls everywhere, some with toys and others with food, drinks and holly, all things Christmas. The smell of chestnuts invades my senses making my mouth water and my belly grumble.

  “You want some,” Jackson asks, nodding toward the couple selling bags of freshly roasted chestnuts.

  “Maybe in a little while. I want to find Mason and Nan, I don’t want the twins to miss out on seeing Santa.”

  Nodding, he wraps an arm around me as he pushes the pram one handed. We weave through the crowds taking in sights and scents as we pass by the stalls. A little boy runs in front of us laughing happily, followed by his mom and dad. They apologise for the near miss as they pass, I smile good-naturedly knowing that will be Eliza and Seb in a couple of years.

  We pass another row of stalls before I spot Mason over the sea of people, he scans the crowd for us. When he sees us, he bounces up and down pointing, I giggle. He looks like an overgrown child with his reindeer hat bobbing about on his head. Jackson bursts out laughing when he sees what he has on.

  “Hey man, nice hat. If I’d have known I would have worn mine,” Jax sighs dramatically, his eyes dancing.

  “Fu…dge you,” Mace laughs catching himself before he swore and got a smack off me and Nan.

  Ignoring them both, Nan bends down in front of the pram and smiles at the twins. “Are you excited to see Santa?” She asks taking each of their hands.

  “Lily is,” Jackson says, smiling down at me, I elbow him in the gut.

  “Well, let’s go then,” she says clapping her hands, totally missing Jackson’s meaning.

  As we are wait in line to see Santa, I listen to Mace and Jackson shoot the shit as they say. Nan chats away happily to Eliza and Seb, she doesn’t seem bothered that they aren’t talking back. I love these guys. It’s a shame that Niles, Isabella and Ava couldn’t come, but I guess they’re doing something with Ethan, Ashley and their baby. Maybe in the future things may get to the point where we can do things like this together, I hope so for the twins’ sake more than anything else.

  “Next, please,” a rosy cheeked elf calls out, bringing me out of my thoughts and making me jump. We move forward, and I bend down to get Eliza and Seb out of the pram.

  “Is it just the two?” The elf asks.

  I nod and leave the pram with another helpful elf. She takes their ages and leads us into Santa’s grotto. I look around in awe, I was expecting Santa in a chair but this… Wow. It looks like Santa’s living room, there is a fake fire, tree, presents, candles and cookies on a table next to the big guy.

  “Ho, ho, ho,” his voice booms as we enter, making Seb jump in my arms and hide behind my hair. “Come in, come in. Who do we have here?” He asks, smiling invitingly at my scared babies.

  “This cutie is Sebastian and this little princess is Elizabella,” I say smile trying to reassure them.

  “Do you want to come and sit with Santa?” Santa asks, holding his arms out, they both shake their heads. “Maybe mommy can come sit on Santa’s lap with you both?” He asks looking at me and Jackson sniggers as I step forward turning bright red.

  I sit on the big man’s knee situating Sebastian on one side as Jackson places Eliza on my other leg. He looks at me smirking, I could smack him right now.

  “Here Lil’s, put this on and I’ll take a picture,” Mason says taking his stupid hat off, I glare at him as he puts it on my head. “Okay, big smiles,” he sings smiling, the flash is blinding. I move off Santa’s lap leaving just the twins on each of his knees, Nan tries to get Eliza’s attention for the second picture, the camera clicks just as Eliza reaches up and pulls Santa’s beard off. I gasp in horror as Seb starts to cry seeing Santa’s beard in Eliza’s hand and reaches for me. The elf rushes to help Santa re-attach his beard while Mason and Jackson lean against each other laughing so hard they have tears running down their faces. Nan grabs Eliza trying to hide her giggles.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say to Santa.

  “It’s fine, happens all the time,” he chuckles handing me two gifts.

  Nan and I leave quickly followed closely by Jax and Mace, they’re still snickering like a pair of kids looking at the camera screen.

  Once I have Seb calmed down and the men, or should I say boys, have composed themselves, we walk around the stalls. I buy more decorations than I need but they’re so cute. We stop at a food stall, café thing I don’t know it has tables and chairs. While we eat Mace shows me the pictures he’s taken, and I tear up seeing the candid shots he’s got, there’s one of me and Nan trying to decide which ornaments to get. There is also one of me with my head on Jackson’s shoulder when we were waiting to see Santa.

  “Hey, I don’t see any of you,” I say, frowning.

  “Here, get together,” Jax says, taking the camera and pointing it towards us. Mace throws an arm around my shoulders and leans his face close to mine, we smile as the camera goes off. I lose track of how many are taken as we swap places with each other, but I love the one of Mason and me. I never noticed how much we look alike until I saw that photo.

  We eat and chat, laugh and smile enjoying each other’s company. Did I mention that I love my family?

  “Okay, I think we should go this way,” Jackson says, grasping my hand and pulling me along behind him. Mason and Nan follow with the twins smiling knowingly.

  “What’s going on?” I ask suspiciously.

  “You’ll see,” Jax throws over his shoulder, grinning. I have to run to keep up with his long strides.

  I know what the grin was for when we pass between two stalls, I stand still watching little snowflakes fall before my eyes.

  “It’s a winter wonderland,” I whisper as if not to disturb the beauty before me and adults weave and dodge each other as they throw snowballs at each other. I know it’s fake snow but it’s beautiful, I blink out of my stunned state and hear carols in the background, taking a look around I see a group of people dressed in Victorian clothes singing and my heart stutters. It’s perfect, it’s like a scene out of an old Christmas novel.

  “Wow,” I breath unable to think of anything better to say.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jax whispers in my ear as his arms wrap around me from behind. I nod slowly in reply, watching Mason and Nan laugh and play in the snow with the twins, I never even saw them come over.

  “This is a perfect first Christmas together,” I say softly, choked up as little flakes fall on my face.

  “It is, and it’ll only get better,” he replies kissing my head.

  “I love you. Thank you for making it so special for us all,” I say, looking up at him with tears in my eyes.

  “You and the twins have done the same for me, I’ve never had a Christmas like this.” His eyes are so warm, shining with love for me and the twins. That in itself is the greatest Christmas present I’ll ever get. He kisses me too briefly before we join our family and play in the snow. Jackson cops Mason in the face with a handful of snow and legs it, laughing his arse off. I smile warmly, watching my brother and boyfriend act like kids in the snow.<
br />
  Chapter 9

  Christmas Eve begins with me waking up to Jackson palming my breast and kissing my neck. My new favourite way to wake up. He shocks me by slowing down and making love to me slowly, staring into my eyes as he takes me slowly, easing us over the edge slowly but powerfully. I’ve never felt so close to someone before. When we come down from our orgasms his eyes find mine again and I gasp seeing and feeling the extent of his love for me shining in his eyes. As I said my new favourite way to wake up.

  When we’re both showered, dressed and we’ve checked on the kids, who thank God are still fast asleep. Jackson and I start the massive task of wrapping the rest of the gifts, well aside from mine from him and his from me, those are secret. Speaking of secrets, I need to make sure to do one last check to make sure my special gift is perfect before tomorrow.

  “Okay, now with that done. Could you watch the twins for me while I run to the store to grab the vegetables and fruit?” I ask, getting off the floor.

  “Write me a list and I’ll go, you relax for an hour,” he replies, sweetly kissing my cheek.

  “You sure?” I ask, stretching my back.

  “Uh-huh,” he murmurs distractedly.

  “You have had enough of that,” I laugh smacking his arm. Grinning he pulls me flush against his hard body.

  “I will never have enough of you,” he groans, kissing and sucking behind my ear, if I don’t stop him soon we’ll end up back in bed instead of preparing for the big day. Giggling I push him away and hold him back with my hand when he moves to take me back into his arms.

  “As nice as that is to know, you have to go get groceries for tomorrow. Also, did you send the gifts to your mom and dad?” I ask, worried about them getting them.

  “Okay,” he sighs, running his hand through his hair. “And yes, I did, they should get them in time. Maybe, we can go and spend time with them after Christmas?”

  “Definitely, it’s a shame they are away over the holidays.”

  “I know but they’d already arranged to go.”

  “I know, I just feel bad that you have no family here for the holidays,” I say, laying my hand over his heart.

  “I have you and the kids,” he says simply, my heart bursts with happiness.

  “You do.” I kiss him and pull away quickly before he gets any ideas. “Shopping.”

  “Okay, I’m going. Jeez, can a man not get a decent kiss these days,” he sulks, pouting.

  “You had a decent kiss this morning, or did you forget?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “I could never forget this morning,” he says, smiling softly. His eyes! Ugh…

  Leaving him to get his shoes on, I go and do him a shopping list.

  “Is this all we need?” He asks, looking over the list I just handed him.

  “I think so…” I try to think of anything I forgot, we have all the meat.

  “If you remember anything text me, okay?”

  “Okay, but I’m pretty sure that’s all of it.”

  “Okay, go relax. I shouldn’t be more than an hour, depending on traffic.” He kisses me quickly before leaving. Once the door clicks shut I race upstairs, do a quick check on the twins before firing up my laptop. My knee bounces as I wait for it to load, I am so excited for him to have this gift, I may give it to him at midnight. That way it will just be the two of us.

  I do a quick scan through to make sure it looks good as well as checking for any mistakes. I pause as my finger hovers over the print button, nervous butterflies attack my belly leaving it churning. What if it doesn’t read okay, or flow right? What if he hates it? I stare at the screen for ages before closing my eyes and imagining Jackson’s face and click print.

  As I wait for it to print I get another idea, I grin and pull my phone out.

  Me: Hey, can you send me any photos you have of me, you, Nan the kids and Jackson together please?

  I wait impatiently, tapping my nail against my front teeth and bouncing my leg.

  Mace: Of course. What are you up to?

  Me: Nothing…

  Mace: Why do I not believe you?

  I laugh at his reply.

  Me: Because you know me…

  Mace: Yep, sending them now. Are we still on for tonight?

  Me: I friggin’ hope so, I’ve bought all the food!

  Mace: Good, see you guys later.

  I leave it at that and open my email. When they come through I download them to a folder. When the printer finishes, I grab the pages organising them in the right order and punch holes in the edge. I thread ribbon through the holes and tie it in a cute little bow. One down.

  Changing the paper to photo paper in the printer I get to work on the second surprise.

  I just about finish when the door downstairs slams, I jump and rush to hide the evidence and creep down to the twins’ room, waking them gently. Minutes later Jackson walks in smiling.

  “Hey, I got everything and put it all away. How are our sleepy heads?” He asks, bending down into the cot. I stare at him gobsmacked, my mouth gaping open. Our sleepy heads. I close my mouth and gather myself as he stands back up holding a sleepy Sebastian.

  “I think they need a bath to wake them up,” I chuckle as I watch Seb snuggle into Jackson’s neck and attempts to go back to sleep.

  “Hey, little man. How about we go bathe you in my bathroom and let the ladies do their thing?” He asks, burying his nose in Seb’s hair. I can’t blame him I love the baby smell too.

  “Okay, you guys go do your thing and we’ll meet you downstairs in a few.” He nods already grabbing what he needs, Eliza’s eyes watching him even after he leaves.

  “We’d be lost without him wouldn’t we baby girl?” I ask, looking down at her beautiful little face.

  “Mmm,” she mumbles, blowing bubbles with her mouth as we enter the bathroom.

  When the bath is run, I sit Eliza in her seat and hand her a ducky. She immediately smacks it into the water effectively soaking my t-shirt.

  Laughing I pull my wet top away from my chest. “Thanks, baby, but mommy has already showered this morning,” I say and tickle her belly. Taking absolutely no notice of me as she splashes more, giggling. Kids.

  She loves the sponge, she giggles constantly as I wash her. Although, she hates having her hair washed. I guess no child likes that bit much, but god, her cries break my heart. Her eyes are puffy from crying when I’m finished and wrapping her in her towel. She is not happy with me right now, as soon as Jackson enters the room she cries and reaches for him. He steps forward and swaps with me effortlessly. She immediately hides her wet face in his neck sobbing.

  “Hair washing,” he says, nodding his understanding. All the time rubbing soothing circles on her back. Amazing.

  I’m currently up to my elbows in cooking for everyone, and by everyone, I mean, me, Jackson, the twins, Nan and Mace. The fam. Tonight even though we’re not going out everyone will dress up with it being Christmas Eve, Even the twins have special outfits on. Eliza is wearing a cute little red dress with white edging and a pretty bow in her hair, where Seb has a on maroon shirt and black trousers. They look adorable. Mason will be snapping pictures when he arrives with Nan, which should be any minute now.

  I smile as I pull the meat out of the oven setting it on top of the oven to cool a little, the vegetables just need a couple more minutes. I sigh, happily, I’ve never cooked for Christmas Eve before, but I want this year to be the start of many new traditions and memories. I hear the door open, followed by Mason’s hungry groan and Nan’s chuckle. The man can sniff out food anywhere.

  “God, it’s smells unbelievable in here,” he says hanging over my shoulder eyeing the meat hungrily.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warn pointing my finger at him as he backs off.

  “How long?” He asks rubbing his belly.

  “Ten minutes. Go take pictures of your niece and nephew,” I shoo him away and welcome Nan with a hug and kiss.

  “Anything I can do?” She asks.

>   “Erm, I don’t know. I think I have everything under control, why don’t you go relax?”

  “If you’re sure…” I nod, and she disappears into the living room.

  I look around the kitchen momentarily overwhelmed, I want it to be perfect. Okay, calm down. You’ve got this! I take a deep breath and release it slowly, oddly comforted by my pep talk.

  I put the meat on a serving plate and plate up the vegetables.

  “Jax,” I call.

  “Yeah?” He asks, walking in looking handsome in his outfit, he matches Sebastian perfectly, it’s cute.

  “Er, can you carry that to the table?” I ask pointing at the big joint.


  “Thanks,” I say and go back to grab the other dishes.

  Once we’re all seated, I look around making sure everything is there and looks good.

  “Hey, calm down,” Jax says placing a hand on my leg under the table.

  “I just want everything to be perfect, I’ve never done this before.” I may be a little frazzled.

  “Everything already is perfect. Look,” he says nodding to our family sitting and talking happily to each other and the twins, who are no longer clean. I smile relieved and relax into my chair.

  “A toast,” Jackson holds his bottle of beer up. We all raise our glasses and bottles. “To family, health, happiness and love,” he says, looking down at me. We all repeat his sentiments and drink.

  We play games, laughing and enjoying time together as a family.

  It went off without a hitch, I can’t believe I did it. I smile and wave as Mason pulls out of the driveway with Nan.

  “Alone at last,” Jackson whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around me, closing and locking the door.

  “Yep, we have work to do…” I say laughing at his groan.

  “The sooner we get it done the sooner you can have me all to yourself.”

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that.”

  “Come on then,” I say pushing him into the hall, collecting the stockings from the closet.

  “Don’t I have to dress as Santa for this?” He asks cheekily.


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