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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 35

by L M Lacee

  “Ocean calm, not forever and that was because of the Goddess.” Conor told her, Ocean looked at him as though he was speaking in a foreign language. “Explain please?”

  “Of course.” Reighn explained in a few sentences, what had taken place, once he was through Ocean took a deep breath in and said. “Okay let’s see if I can?”

  “Just see if you can partially shift your arm and hand.” Reighn asked her.

  With her nod she placed her arm on the table and Reighn said quietly. “Now visualize your arm having scales and a claw, like this.” His arm and hand morphed into a scaled limb with claws. Ocean eyes widened all over again. “Oh wow that is amazing, you are red?”

  “I am a fire dragon, so red.”

  “Okay, what color was Ciana?”

  “Silver.” Reighn told her. Ocean nodded then concentrated and realized she did not have to put that much effort into it, her dragon said. You do it like this? Instantly her arm to her elbow was covered in golden scales, and her hand became golden claws.

  Oh thank you.

  “That is great, gold a beautiful color” Reighn and Conor told her.

  “My dragon helped.” She told them.

  “You are talking to her?” Reighn asked.

  “Sort of, mostly she comes and goes, sometimes she is here for a little while then not for a while.”

  “Ahh I see, she is still emerging, she will remain with you longer as she grows stronger. When she helps you as she has today, she will need time to recover. It is a great time when our dragon reaches out for us, she and you will grow closer as time goes on.”

  “Oh okay. So we are alright then?”

  “Yes.” Reighn smiled. “It truly is, so you are the golden dragon and Ciana the silver dragon that we have always been told about but have never seen.”

  “What does it mean?” Conor asked as he ran his fingers over her scales and claws, fascinated as much as Ocean was with her transformed arm.

  “It means as Keeper and Olinda predicted Ciana and Ocean are the key and lock. That will release the hold over our females, and they will fly.”

  Ocean sucked in a worried breath, but she did not let either male know she was concerned. That she could not get past her anger and resentment to make the prophecy happen. She asked Reighn. “How do I make it go back to human?”

  “Do in reverse what you did to transform it!”

  “Oh yeah, that makes sense.” She thought about what she and her dragon did and smiled when she felt her dragon take over. It felt sluggish like she was trying to make it happen without the power she had before. When her arm was human again, she told her dragon Sleep now. We will talk later. She felt a mumbled reply, but it was so soft she could not make out the words. Then she knew her dragon was no longer there.

  Reighn’s, “Good.” Seemed relieved when her arm returned and made her smile. “I think Ocean. You are more powerful than an average dragon. In fact I would place you on a par with my abilities and if you wanted you could become a Dragon Lord!”

  Ocean smiled and assured him. “No thank you, I think you do a fine job. You cannot get rid of the mantle that easy!”

  Reighn feigned sorrow. “I was so close.”

  They laughed as Ocean took hold of Conor’s hand. “Sorry cousin, you are it. I am who I want to be a dragon, a mate, mother and photographer. Believe me when I tell you I have never ever been so happy.”

  He believed her. She shone with happiness. “You will need training, specialized training.”

  “Alright, from you?”

  “Yes from me.” He looked at the silent Conor as he asked. “Are we going to have a problem with that? Because other than Andre` and myself there are none other to help her.”

  Conor closed his eyes as he said. “I hope not, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Ocean smoothed her hand over his. “We will be okay things like this make relationships stronger if both people in it want that. We will work to make it so.” He gave a sharp nod, hoping she was right, but she did not know his beast as he did.

  Reighn changed the topic again. “Now as I am here, I will tell you, Conor, which Paige and you need to meet and work with Patrycc Maythom.”

  “Who?” Ocean asked as she looked at Reighn then Conor. Reighn answered. “He is my mother’s brother. “Why would we need to do that?” Conor asked as he looked at a worried Ocean.

  “Because Patrycc Maythom is a Redeemer.” Reighn then went on to explain what and who that was.

  “So why do Paige and Conor need him?” Ocean asked as Reighn looked out the window on the bright day. Amused to see several lionesses stalking through the long grass as he dragged a memory that was passed down to all Dragon Lords to the forefront of his mind. Saying. “In the beginning when there were many differing types of, ‘Firsts’. I should be able to tell you whose memory this is, unfortunately, it is not known. All Dragon Lords are born with this knowledge.” He looked at Ocean “I am sure your dragon will know of this as well.”

  “Oh like an imprinted memory?”

  Reighn smiled at her simplistic explanation. “Maybe something like that. Yes. I am sure all ‘Firsts’ have similar memories if not the same.”

  Conor shrugged. “It is possible none come to mind.”

  Reighn realized Conor would not speak of it, maybe he did not have this one or did not want to know of it.

  “In the beginning the, ‘Firsts’ of many species were created and unfortunately they were not ethical or well loved, they ruled with an iron hand. The ‘Firsts’ created life without regard to the care of their young. They indiscriminately killed ones they should have been sworn to care and protect. Nothing was saved from their attention, the land, the animals, everything was for their pleasure and nothing else. It was a sad time of fear and inhumanity, for use of a better word. Atrocities were the norm, not the abnormal.

  Eventually, it was finally noticed by the Divine or Creators of the worlds, whoever that may be. It is said they took one look at what the ‘Firsts’ had accomplished, which was nothing good and wiped them and the world from existence.” He sighed and shook his head as he stared at the wide-eyed Ocean and the somber Conor. “Because of the horror of what the ‘Firsts’ had done. They, the divine or whoever were unwilling to create another world. It took many millions upon millions of years before they would try again. And when they did, they created Earth and placed here, dragons, fae, and many differing species, and of course the Redeemers. Who were created to be the moral compasses of the, ‘Firsts’. They were imbued with the powers of the creators or Divine to guide ethical behaviour of the ‘Firsts’ and place ethics into the memories of all beings.”

  Ocean and Conor stared at Reighn, Ocean said. “That is amazing, history at school was never like that?”

  Reighn smiled, “No, this is magical history.”

  Conor asked. “Your uncle is a Redeemer?”

  “Yes and willing to work with you and Paige.”

  “I knew one was in the world but have been unable to find him.”

  Reighn shrugged. “A gift, to hide among others.”

  Ocean frowned and asked, “Don’t you find that strange, that he is here now. Unless he has been around forever?”

  Reighn shook his head. “No, he has not been around forever. Like all dragons he is long lived and yes. We always wondered why he was here now and there was never a Redeemer before. I suppose we have our answer now!”

  “Did you request him to come home?” Conor asked him, Reighn nodded. “Yes and not because I thought you were unethical. You are the most moral person I know. It is because there was always the possibility there would be more ‘Firsts’ and I worried they may not all be like you.”

  Ocean nodded and said. “Seriously, why would he not be here, you are, and now Paige. Seems smart to me, guess that is why you are the Dragon Lord?” She smiled at Reighn who dryly agreed. “I think so.”


  F rankie stared at her friend Ciana un
til she wiggled in discomfort and then demanded. “What do you mean you are not going to talk to her?”

  Ciana stared straight back, and said. “She said I was not welcomed in her house.”

  Frankie threw her hands up in the air. “Of course she did, she is hurt and angry.”

  “Frankie, maybe we should not interfere. This is about family.” Johner tried to tell her as he sat with Andre` who held a baby and drank his tea as he watched his daughter fidget under Frankie’s look. Johner and Frankie had arrived at Andre’s apartment where Thorn and Ciana were staying until their estate was renovated to accommodate their family. As well as the other elves who had arrived the night before.

  Frankie had insisted early this morning that they needed to go to Andre`s after they learned the previous night that Ciana had contacted Ocean who had shot Ciana down. Which had made Frankie annoyed which meant he was here under protest to fix this family, apparently. He listened now as his shadow said in her annoyed, do not piss me off voice. “Of course it is family, my family, and we have a fracture that needs fixing.”

  “But maybe neither Ciana nor this sister is interested in meeting or are not wanting to have this fixed?” Thorn asked as he too held a baby.

  Frankie gave him a sweet smile that in no way did he think was nice and he just stopped himself from wiggling in his chair as Ciana had. “I see, so we should just let it all lie idle and it will fix itself, is that what you are saying?” Not giving him a chance to answer which he decided he would not have as her voice lost some of the sweet tones when she said. “In the meantime two sisters who are hurting remain estranged, and a father is without both his daughters and his granddaughters. Who, I should tell you, those same granddaughters plan to sneak around to meet him without their mom knowing. Which is in essence lying and so not healthy for a happy family.”

  Andre` just stopped himself from smiling at the thought of his granddaughters who he had not met yet sneaking to meet him. It warmed his dragon’s heart.

  Thorn agreed. “Ahh, I see your point.”

  “I thought you might.” She looked seriously at Johner was not sure. All he knew was it was happening more and more lately she enthused her voice with power as she told Ciana and her father. “I have called an intervention for this morning.”

  Ciana frowned and crossed her arms, anger spiking as she pursed her lips. Frankie said before she could say anything. “This is so much bigger than you and Ocean, this involves every dragon female here and their ability to know their other half. Unless you forgot, you and your sister as well as your daughters are dragons too. Maybe for you being righteous is more important than dragon females ever knowing the sensation of flight but I hope not.”

  She looked at the shamed faced Ciana. “I will say the same thing I said to Ocean before I came here. How dear you both be so very selfish as to withhold that from dragon females!”

  Softly Ciana said. “I am sorry, if it seems like that. Where is it to be?”

  Frankie relented a little still obviously annoyed she told them.” Olinda has offered a conference room at the library at ten o’clock. I thought neutral ground may be warranted.”

  “We will be there.” Andre` assured her, then he smiled at Frankie and winked at Johner. “Frankie?”

  “Yes?” She looked up at him as he came to her and took her hand in his, kissing the back of it. “Thank you sweet lady.”

  “Oh...oh okay.” She shimmered with happiness as Johner swept her from the apartment. As the door closed behind the couple Ciana said. “Well…

  Thorn cut her off. “No my Radiance, you must go!”

  “I know but why?” She whined, “She hates me!”

  “No.” Andre` said, “She does not, she is frightened and a little jealous of you.”


  “My dear, look at your life and how you were raised and tell me you would not be jealous if you were her. Apparently from what I gleaned from Rene` she was raised by an uncaring, neglectful female. One that spent her life regretting having a child and whatever else was going on with her. I feel there was much more. She obviously did not want Ocean. Think about it. She made a deal with a Goddess and maybe she ended her days regretting that.”

  “We don’t know that she did make a deal, do we?”

  “Ciana!” Andre` said sternly, “You know she must have. I and my dragon have no knowledge of either of your mothers. The Goddess removed that from me.”

  Ciana thought about that for a moment then said quietly. “Oh…Okay, well, we better get ready then.” Still not happy about going and in truth she was nervous she had only spoken to Ocean on the phone and that had not gone well. To actually meet her sister in person was a little scary but for the sake of dragon kind and for Andre` and their young she would do it. And if needed she would beat her sister into making sense. She could do that too. Smiling to herself, she thought she sounded like a sister and wondered who was older.

  Ocean paced her suite as Conor lounged in the chair before the empty and cleaned fireplace watching her. She moved with grace and elegance not wasting a movement. She would make a great lion he thought. “What has you so upset my mate?” He grinned as she whirled around outrage on her face until she saw his smile. Her expression turned to a grimace. “Oh, you were being funny!”

  “I was trying.”

  “Do I really need to go to this…this intervention, which is really a stupid name? I am not sure I want to meet my father and sister.” Ocean groused as she crossed her arms looking like Ciana at that moment.

  “You know you do and you also know we must go.”

  “We?” She asked with raised eyebrows. Conor grinned as he told her. “Yes, your family as is our right. This concerns us all. Plus your daughters have a right to meet their grandfather and aunty unless you want them to follow through on their plans to sneak out and see him?”


  Conor’s voice hardened a little in warning. “Ocean!” Hearing the tone, she shrugged. “Yeah… yeah, I know still….”

  “Ocean, it is as Frankie said, this is far bigger than all of you, and it concerns dragon females. I told you how distraught Verity was.”

  “Yes, I know, and I am still not happy about that!”

  “As I was not but you do understand?” He rose from his seat and took her in his arms “You know she is beside herself with worry.”

  “I know and so am I.” She looked up into his face, which was quickly becoming dear to her and let him see her fear. “What if I am not able to do this? What if we are not the ones needed to unlock this wonderful gift?”

  “I have no doubt that when everything is resolved flight will be granted to all female dragons. Now my sweet that means you may take me for a flight above the clouds.”

  Ocean laughed. “Really flight, a lion atop a dragon?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her, “I will allow you to carry upon your back my magnificent body!”

  Ocean laughed again at his boastful tone and thought about his body because it was as he said a magnificent one, she could attest to that.

  “In fact… He whispered between kisses as he swooped her up in his arms. “Let me give you a refresher course in how magnificent it is!”

  Giggling she wound her arms around his neck and peppered his face with kisses as she said. “Okay let’s do that. I think I missed something last night.”

  “Shame on you. Pay better attention.” He growled softly as he kicked the door closed to their bedroom. Having established the rules with the girls, the first night in their new home, if their inner bedroom door was closed. They were not to be disturbed, unless it was an emergency.


  O cean walked into the library ahead of her family, she had Parker in her carrier. Olinda met her at the door. “Good morning Olinda.”

  “Oh…oh, good morning Ocean. Look umm!”

  “Yes Olinda?”

  Olinda rubbed her face. “This was not my idea, and I did try to persuade her to leave but we

  ‘Olinda is there someone here to see me?”

  “Yes the Moon Goddess, she just arrived.”

  Ocean’s eyebrows rose. “Really isn’t that a little presumptuous?”

  “That’s what I said… sort of.”

  “It’s okay Olinda. Where is she?”

  Olinda blew a breath out. “Third door on your left. Would you like me to come with you?”

  “Thank you no. If you could hold my family off, for a little while!”

  Olinda grimaced. “I will try, don’t break my library.”

  Ocean smiled. “I will try.” She then walked into the room Olinda had directed her too. As Olinda walked to where Ocean’s family was just entering the library saying. “There will just be a short delay.”

  “Olinda why?” Conor asked.

  “Umm…the Goddess has asked to talk to Ocean.”

  Frankie drew in a breath. “Well, that may not be wise.”

  “That’s an understatement.” Olinda murmured as Conor agreed. “Not wise at all!”

  Ocean pushed the door to the conference room open and came face to face with the Goddess and stopped. She was tall, beautiful and of undetermined age, with long silver hair that fell around her like a cloak. She wore a gown of moonlight, giving her an ethereal quality. The power that came from the Goddess was almost overwhelming. Ocean placed the baby carrier on the table and stood with her hand on the handle. “Good morning.”

  The Goddess’s silver eyes flashed as she gave a small nod. “Good morning Ocean.”

  She glided closer to the table and looked down at Parker. “A sweet baby girl with much potential.”

  “Yes. Why are you here?”

  The silver eyes of the Goddess stared at Ocean as she asked. “You are angry still?”

  Ocean laughed a bitter sound that grated against the beauty of the figure before her. “What gives you any idea I would be anything other than angry?”

  The Goddess’s face tightened. “I am here because you refused to speak to Ciana last night I wished to know?”


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