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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

Page 36

by L M Lacee

  “I also refused to speak to Andre`!”

  “Oh yes.”

  Ocean smirked. “But that does not concern you does it?”

  She seemed to ignore Oceans words. “I have looked after Ciana her entire life. It is a very hard responsibility to let go of. She has pined for you since she became aware that you existed, it has hurt my heart.”

  Ocean snorted in disbelief and looked out the glass door to see Andre` walking towards the room and Olinda stepping in front of him. The Goddess asked. “You find that amusing?”

  “No, I find it amazing, that you think you have a heart.”

  “Take care little dragon. I am not to be trifled with!”

  Ocean growled low in her throat as golden scales covered her face and arms, her eyes elongated and her voice deepened. “You dare to reprimand me. You left me alone, unguarded at the mercy of a narcissistic woman who hated me.”

  The Goddess threw her head back. “Why is this my fault? I made it, so you could have a life. I do not believe your life was so different from Ciana’s.”

  Ocean hissed. “You believe? You know nothing! Did Ciana have a mother that ignored her daughter for days on end because she needed to paint? To create because it was her divine right.” Ocean’s voice deepened even more as she said. “My earliest memory is being locked in my room for days until she finished creating her latest masterpiece. Then she had to sleep, finally coming to see to me only when she was forced too. Time and time again, until I was old enough to feed myself and when she was not ignoring me she was berating me for stifling her life, her creativity. How she was unloved, abandoned… all my fault. Tell me Goddess, was that Ciana’s life?”

  The shocked look on the perfect face of the Goddess said it all. “No... No, it was not.”

  “So I ask, why did you allow it?”

  “I…I cannot answer that. It was not my intention.”

  Ocean crossed her arms as the scales and the appearance of her dragon subsided. She leaned back against the table, her tone hard and as unyielding as her face which was set in a hard, unforgiving expression as she stared at the Goddess.

  “Oh really? Let us talk about that. You stole us from our father. A grieving male that would have found comfort from two daughters. You made him betray the memory of his wife, and you made it so he and his dragon never knew he had impregnated anyone. Then you… you took us from him, so we never knew we had a father who would have loved us, cared for us, kept us safe. Tell me Goddess what does that make you?” Ocean scorned her, as she felt the door open behind her, then heard Andre` ask. “Yes Goddess what does that make you?”

  The Goddess drew a cloak that appeared around herself as though it was armor as she stated.

  “I am a Goddess.”

  Ocean scoffed. ‘This does not excuse your behaviour you had no regard for me Ciana or Andre`, your whole focus was on what you wanted. You screwed with our lives for your own agenda. Tell me Goddess how has that worked out for you. I am the lock, Ciana the key and yet the females do not change or fly! Why is that your holiness?”

  “You mock me. I told you to take care. You have no idea what my sister and I gave up for you?”

  “I DON’T CARE!” Growled Ocean deeply, making the building rock from side to side and the Goddess gasp in fright as Andre` stumbled back against the wall.

  Ocean drew in a breath and let it out slowly settling her temper at the same time her body and eyes returned to normal. Her voice was once more the reasonable tones that was her. “Because you and your sister were disappointed in the dragons, you had a petty temper tantrum that condemned all of the females to a horrendous existence while you sat in your Ivory tower or on your moon thinking righteous thoughts. You were wrong to do so then and you are wrong now. No matter what you two Goddesses tell yourselves, you cannot right a wrong by willing it to happen. All the pieces of the whole are here and yet the females do not fly. Why is that Goddess? You are the great creator of events, explain why?”

  “I cannot!”

  Andre` asked. “Or... will not?”

  “No, I cannot!” With those words she disappeared. Ocean turned to Andre` and looked up at the beautiful dragon and said. “She answered nothing and yet I feel like it is finished.”

  Andre` shook his head as he stared down into eyes so much like his own and let his eyes rove over her lovely face. “They played so many games to correct something they should have been above, in the first place.”

  “Yes well, as that was the first and only time I wish to be in the presence of a Goddess. I think it went well!”

  Andre` just stopped himself from telling her how proud of her he was. She had stood up to an entity that most people revered and feared. But he knew it was too early for him to say as such he felt she would be suspicious of his praise. Instead, he nodded and said. “Yes let us put this behind us, we have family matters to talk about.”

  His dragon told him. She is much like we were in our youth.

  Andre` agreed. Before we learnt discretion.

  Maybe or we became old!

  I am not old. I am discerning.

  Or a chicken.

  See this again, is why I end up in trouble!

  His dragon’s response was to laugh.

  Ocean turned fully to look at Andre`. “I suppose I should tell them it is all clear in here?”

  Andre moved farther into the room. “I asked for some time alone before the others join us.”

  “Oh well okay. This is Parker.” She turned the carrier, so he could see the tiny baby. Andre`s face softened as he looked at the sweet baby with soft, silky blonde hair, “How old is she?”

  “Less than a week old.” Ocean sat as he placed a hand on the baby. “So very little, a whole lifetime to grow and seek the pleasure and sorrows of the world around her.” He looked at Ocean. “I saw the photo of your mother. “I am sorry but like with Ciana’s mother I do not recognize her and before you ask as Ciana did. I remember or more precisely my dragon and I remember every female we have laid with.”

  At her raised eyebrows he growled. “You and your sister have the same cynicism. As I told her, there have not been that many.”

  “Well okay.” Ocean hid her grin. It seemed like Ciana and she had a lot more in common than she thought possible, mainly annoying their father. She told him. “But you know, we know, you had no choice in that. So let that rest, we cannot go back and change it. I am sorry the Goddess left you alone, it was cruel for you and us.”

  Andre` eyes teared as he heard the sincerity behind her words, he knew she believed what she said. “Thankfully we have time now to become a family. I will do everything in my power to make that happen.”

  With that short sentence something wonderful happened. Ocean’s eyes lingered on Andre`s face and she smiled and right then and there Ocean realized her anger at him and Ciana was gone.

  “Oh, that is amazing!”

  Andre` quickly went to assure her. “What …What I swear I will do whatever…”

  Ocean waved her hand in apology. “I am sorry, I believe you. I have been so angry at you and Ciana, since I got here and I just realized it is all gone, all the anger and the jealousy just gone.” She looked at him, really looked and saw a well preserved male around fifty and knew he was much older. He had long blonde hair with purple streaks and lavender eyes with silver specks in their depths. This was her father, deep in her heart and soul it was as though her dragon called to his. Her dragon whispered. I do he is our Sire. Why would you doubt it?

  I think I did not want to be disappointed again.

  Ocean shrugged as she blurted out. “My life with my mother was difficult, she barely tolerated me and I never knew what I had done wrong as I grew up. I don’t know why she despised me, but she did.”

  Andre` nodded not daring to speak in case he said the wrong thing, causing her to stop confiding in him. Ocean sighed and looked at her baby girl. “I grew up alone and angry, for many years it was my default emotion and I really thought I h
ad conquered the feeling until I got here. It was like I was back there living in that house with her. I am sorry if I have caused you upset. I should not have done that. Sadly anger, for me, is an easy emotion to cope with. I find other emotions complicated but I am willing to learn.”

  When she stopped talking and stood looking at him, he smiled softly. “I understand as you know I lost my wife. We were together for many years. She was not my shadow, but I loved her with everything I had in me. When she was gone, my grief turned to anger. I was banished from my home for many years.” He laughed at her astonished look. “Mainly you understand to keep people from killing me as much as stopping me killing them.”

  “Oh wow! So I come by it naturally?” Ocean asked, startling a laugh from Andre` “Probably! So why has your anger gone? Please don’t get me wrong. I am grateful, but why now?”

  Ocean looked at him then the sleeping Parker and then let her gaze travel over the people waiting to come in, her family. “I think confronting the Goddess is one reason. That, for me, was cathartic.” She smiled with a glint in her eyes that Andre` read as pride.

  “But really it is this place. Conor, my children and truthfully you and Ciana. All the people I have met so far, Dragon’s Gap makes me feel secure. So why hold onto the past. I have so much here today and in the future to look forward too. Can I ask you a question? I know you don’t lie, Frankie told me that!”

  Andre` bowed his head a little in acknowledgment.

  “I do not, what is the point. We live so long we would forget a lie spoken. It is better to tell the truth or say nothing.”

  “Yeah, I get that.”

  “Ask your question.”

  “Do you think one day we will know each other well enough for you to love me? I have to tell you I am a hard nut to crack or at least that is what Conor told me.”

  Andre` drew her into his arms slowly, allowing her time to pull away if she so desired too. It appeared to his relief she did not, as she came easily to him.

  “My dear daughter, they never told me you existed and then they kept you from me. It will take me a very long time come to terms with their audacity. There is nothing in this world and beyond that will keep me from loving you, not you or any Goddess. For the rest of my life, you are mine as is your sister. Together we will forge a new relationship in a new time and place. Let us make that here and now.”

  “I would really like that.” Ocean sucked back the sob trying to work its way up from her chest and asked. “Andre what if I can’t do what they assume I can?”

  He shrugged. “They can go to hell. You are not here to fulfill some prophesy. You are here for your sister and me and these delightful girls of yours.”

  “Conor too!”

  Andre` grimace. “We will see.”

  “Oh Andre` he is a lion. A very big lion!”

  “I am a dragon.”

  “Well yeah but he is mine, I sort of promised to stay with him.”

  Andre` sighed magnanimously, causing Ocean to grin as she said. “Alright.”

  Andre sighed again. “Seriously I just find you and your sister and these males come and snatch you both from me.”

  Ocean agreed with a mock frown. “I understand but in our defense we brought you granddaughters. I imagine you will have fun scaring the males that come sniffing around them.”

  Andre`s face went from woebegone to predatory “Now that is truly poetic.” He pulled her to him and hugged her tight. “My dragon and I welcome you home my daughter.”

  “Thank you, now may I call you dad?”

  “I would enjoy that although I think I am more a papa.”

  “Oh, you are probably right. What does Ciana call you?”

  “Andre`.” He told her without inflection, and she knew he was hurt by it. She sort of understood Ciana’s decision. “Well that needs to change. So is it okay then?”

  “Yes...yes most definitely.”

  “My girls told me that to belong, we have to be a family, they call us mom and dad.” She looked up at him as she heard the door start to open. “Regardless of how we got into this, you are my father for now and always.”

  “As you are my daughter forever.” He kissed her forehead and held on tight as he closed his eyes on the relief he felt. Conor had been right in his advice to approach her first, before she put her defenses up, he owed his new son in-law.

  Ciana walked in and around the table until she stood directly behind Ocean, who turned with tears in her eyes as she looked at her mirror image. “Holy shit, we are alike, no wonder people kept calling me Ciana.”

  Wide eyed Ciana nodded. “Yep, wow it is freaky, right?”

  “So right!” Ocean agreed. They circled each other checking each other out. Ocean made a face, “Although, got to say you are not as chunky as me!”

  Ciana snorted. “Huh, that is only because I have not stayed home long enough to eat like I normally do. Hope you like the gym?”

  “I box against a bag.” At her and Andre`s confused look she explained. “The girls told me I have to tell people that, otherwise they may think I beat people up.”

  “Ohh! I might like that, will you teach me and do you lose weight doing that?”

  Ocean grinned. “If you do it right and often. Whenever you are ready, I will show you.”

  “Cool!” Ciana held her arms open. “Sis, why the hell did you shoot me down last night? Ciana growled as Ocean walked into the waiting arms and instantly felt at home. “Ciana I am sorry, nerves, I swear just plain nerves.” She whispered.

  “Me too.” Ciana held as tightly as Ocean did to her. Ciana pulled away and said as she stared at her father and sister. “I am so angry for what they did, they had no right!”

  “They thought they did.” Frankie told them as she entered. “Are we good here?”

  “Yes.” Ciana and Ocean said together.

  “Why?” Andre` asked.

  “We are moving to your place for snacks and baby cuddles, plus the girls want to get to know their grandfather and aunt and uncle and cousins.”

  “Well, that is enough of a reason.” He scooped the carrier with Parker off the table and walked out with Frankie. Ciana asked Ocean. “You okay?”

  “Yep, you know I really am, now I have you in my life.”

  “Okay, me too.” Ciana smiled as she felt her life balance. Ocean said. “It is like all the pieces came together huh?”


  “Now why do you not call Andre` papa. It hurts him that you don’t?”

  Ciana stood with her mouth opened. Ocean nodded.

  “I see, you did not realize. Well let’s go, and you can think about it?”

  Ciana snapped her mouth closed then said. “I did not know it did?”

  Ocean grinned as she pushed the door open. “I thought so. This is why you have me, the older sister to explain these things!”

  Ciana retorted as she followed behind her. “You are so not the older sister!”

  Andre` smiled all the way to his place even more so when Joy ran up puffing. “Hey guys.”

  Kadee squealed when she saw her, which caused Joy to squeal in return, as the males all groaned. Paige groused to Ocean. “Seriously they only just saw each other.” To which Ocean agreed with a sigh. Frankie asked. “Joy sweetie is your mom home yet?”

  “Yep just now.”

  Frankie turned to Johner. “I have to go see Harper.”

  He smoothed her hair. “About what my bond?”

  She whispered. “This stuff, that keeps happening, plus I told you what Ocean said, right?”

  He nodded and whispered back. “You did, would you like me to go with you?”

  “No thank you.” She hugged him. “I will be okay.” “Well then, if I am not wanted. I will return to work.”

  Ocean murmured to Conor. “About the Goddess?”

  He looked down at her and smiled as he brushed a hand down her hair. “Let’s talk about that when we are alone. You do not look unhappy, so why spoil this great day w
ith your father and sister. We have plenty of time to discuss all this later.”

  She smiled as she hugged him he lent down and whispered in her ear. “Although I assume you will not be unhappy, I do not stay?”

  She shook her head and laughingly replied. “Escape while you can!”

  Conor gave her a quick kiss then said. “Sorry I have to leave, work commitments.” Andre` did not think the male sounded sorry at all and when Thorn on hearing this also hurriedly made excuses to return to work, Andre` scowled and snarled. “Of course you do!” As he watched the disappearing backs of his son-in-law’s. Then smiled as he said to his daughters and granddaughters. “My Ladies let us go have tea and coffee.” As they all moved into his apartment, he quickly messaged Claire, Edith, Sage and Ella as well as Grace and Verity, hoping they would come and help him.


  F rankie opened the door to Harper and Ace’s apartment slowly, getting an eyeful of her friends bare bums once was enough in a lifetime. Although Ace naked was something to behold. Seeing it was clear she strode in and yelled. “Harper why did you not call to say you were home?”

  “In the kitchen and who needs too, when we have a Joy!”

  Frankie pushed the door open grinning. “True, that girl sure can gossip.”

  Harper scowled as she asked. “I wonder where she gets that from.”

  Frankie shrugged innocently “No idea. I need to talk to you.”

  Harper was sitting at the table a cup of coffee in front of her. She nodded. “Take a seat and do it.”

  “Harper, it is about my parents!”

  Harper her cup halfway to her mouth, lowered it gently to the surface, this was the last thing she expected. “What brought this on?”

  “Stuff!” Frankie did not mention Ocean. She knew Harper had a problem with her, so she said looking uncomfortable. “Stuff keeps happening. Johner is getting worried.”

  Harper drummed her fingers on the table as she sipped her coffee, placing the cup down she asked. “Frankie. Have you ever wondered why I cannot find out who or what you are?”

  “Sure Harper but we decided that it was not meant to be.”


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