A People’s History of the World
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Feudal Dues, French 286 , 287 ; titles to them burnt 280 ; abolished in French Revolution 284
Feudal payments England sixteenth century 204
Feudalism in India 53 ; ancient China 55 ; European 140 , 255 ; market 155–158 , 182 ; Scottish 257 ; abolition of in French Revolution 279 , 284 ; eliminated in Rhineland 327 ; in Prussia 328 ; ended in Germany and Austria 342–343
Feuerbach, Ludwig 327 , 328
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 303
Final Solution 511 (see also Holocaust )
Finland crushing by Whites of social democratic rising (1918) 428
First World War sequence of events leading to 403–404 ; fundamental causes 404 , 405–412 ; expectations of short duration 405 ; initial enthusiasm for 405 ; limits to enthusiasm 406 ; intellectuals urging support for 406–407 ; peace rallies on eve of 407 ; trade unions and social democratic leaders urging support for 407 ; course of 407–408 ; death toll in 408 ; hunger caused by 408 ; state control of economies 409 ; falling living standards 409 ; effects of 410 ; food protests 410 ; mutinies on Western Front 411
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward 303
Flagellants 152–154
Flanders medieval 146
Flat earth beliefs 118 , 162
Floods late eighteenth century China 225
Florence medieval 151 , 154 ; Renaissance 176 ; decline in sixteenth century
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley 402
Food shortages and French Revolution 280 , 281
Foraging societies 5–9 ; with permanent villages 10
Forced industrialisation under Stalin 476 ; social result 476–477 ; similarities to horrors of British primitive accumulation 477–478 ; and terror 476
Ford, Henry 463 ; first mass production car plant 399–400
Fordism 549
Forster, E M A Passage to India 358
Fort Sumter 345 , 349
Fourier, Charles 317
France and Lutheran Reformation 177 ; religious wars of sixteenth century 178 ; population in industry eighteenth century 236 (see Seven Years War ); monarchy and American Revolution 275 , 280 (see Revolution, French ); revolution of 1830 (see Revolutions of 1848 ); bourgeoisie put their faith in Louis Bonaparte 342 (see Commune of Paris ); conquers Algeria 355 , 362 , 393 ; conquers Indonesia 393 ; wars in Algeria and Senegal 394 ; imperialist nationalism 389 (see First World War ); fascist demonstration (6 February 1934) 494 ; workers’ demonstration (12 February 1934) 494–495 ; elections of 1936 495 ; Popular Front 495–500 ; defeat of 523 ; Resistance 535–536 ; post-war continuity of Vichy state machine 539 ; empire 539–540 ; defeated by Vietminh 571 ; war in Algeria 557 ; attempted military coups (1958–62) 557
France, Anatole support for war 405
Franchise Pennsylvania (1776) 273 ; in French Revolution 280 , 284 ; limited 342 ; extended in Britain 386 , 390 ; Germany (1848) 336
Franciscans 148
Franco, General Francisco 500 , 507 , 508 ; ‘fascism’ of 509 ; consequences of victory 509
Franco-Prussian War of 1870 369
Frankfurt Parliament of 1848 336 , 338 , 340–341 ; class composition of 336
Franklin, Benjamin, 243 ; support of British king 265 , 266 ; on Boston Tea Party 269 ; enthusiast for independence 275
Franks 85 , 104
Fratelli 148
Frederick of Saxony and Luther 184
Frederick of the Palatinate 198 , 200
Frederick the Great king of Prussia 243
Free labour in Northern US 346
Free soil and American Civil War 347
Free trade 259 ; imposed by Britain on Ottoman territories 363 ; and US policy (1944–45) 536 ; and US hegemony in 1990s 600
Freikorps 434 , 483
French Revolutionary Army landing in Ireland 308
French Workers’ Party 391
Freud, Sigmund 385 , 467
Friedl, Ernestine 6 , 7
Friedman, Milton sudden influence 587
Fryer, Peter on workers’ councils in Hungary in 1956 564
Fugger family 181
Fukuyama, Francis 577
Futurism 467
Gadd, C J quoted 23
Gagarin, Yuri 560
Gage, Governor Thomas 269
Galilee 88–89 , 177 , 239–240
Games in Byzantium 121
Gandhi, Indira and astrology 241
Gandhi, Mahatma 450 ; support for First World War 450 , 455–456 ; and Indian capitalists 552 , 553
Gang of Four 576
Ganges plain clearing of 48
Gapon, Georgy 401
Gardes Mobiles 339
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 343
Garvey, Marcus 464
Gas lighting and heating 380
Gatling gun 394
Gaul Roman conquest of 78 ; peasant revolts in 84 (see also Franks )
Gay Liberation Front 583
General Motors sit-in 480 , 515
General Strike Spain (1917) 436 ; Belfast (1919) 436 ; Winnipeg (1919) 437 ; Germany (1919) 433 ; Shanghai (1919) 456 ; Italy (1919) 438 ; Germany against Kapp Putsch (1920) 437–438 ; Hong Kong (1922) 457 ; Germany (1923) 442–443 ; Shanghai and Hong Kong (1925) 458 ; Britain (1926) 465 ; France February (1934) 495 ; Madrid (1934) 501 ; France (1938) 499 ; East Germany (1953); Hungary (1956) 365 ; France (1968) 578
Genetic inheritance of humans 4–5
Gentry Chinese 114 ; English 204–205 ; in English Civil War 206–207 , 209 , 211
George III 316
German annexation of Austria 521–522
German capitalism changing attitudes to Nazis (1929–34) 486–488 ; goals in 1930s 520 ; and state economic direction 520–521 ; and Nazi ideology 521 ; and Holocaust 530–532 ; rise after 1950s 580
German Centre Party forced to dissolve after helping Hitler to power 490
German Communists handed to Gestapo 524
German High Command backs Hitler as chancellor 488
German National People’s Party 486 ; forced to dissolve after helping Hitler to power 490
German occupation of Italy 534–545
German trade union leaders try to collaborate with Hitler 490
Germany cities of at time of Reformation 177 ; after Thirty Years War 202 ; after 1848 Revolution 341–342 , unification of 342 ; search for colonies at beginning of twentieth century 397 (see also First World War ); revolution of 1918–19 431–434 , 441 ; elections of 1919 and 1920 433 ; 1923 442–443 ; 1925–29 465 ; elections of 1928–33 465 , 483 , 486 ; effects of slump 481 ; roots of expansionism in late 1930s 521 (see Second World War, Nazis, Holocaust ); anti-Nazi committees (1945) 539 ; Allied occupation and division of 545 (see East Germany )
Gernet, Jacques on industry in pre-imperial China 55 ; on culture of medieval China 107 ; on scientific advance and intellectual life of Ming China 221
Gestapo 529
Ghettos, Jewish in Second World War 529
Ghettos, US black 464 ; uprisings of 1960s 579
Gibbon, Edward quoted on glory of Roman Empire 71 , 82 ; and Enlightenment defends superstitions for masses 316
Gide, André 471
Gierek, Edward 590
Gil-Robles, José María 501
Gilgamesh, epic of 23
Gillespie, Dizzy 518
Ginsborg, Paul on ‘impossibility’ of revolution in Italy (1944–45) 538
Giolitti, Giovanni 438–439 , 443–445
Giral, José 508
Girondins 282 , 291 ; deputies arrested 292 ; and slavery 311
Giza 32 , 37
Gladio 545
Gladstone, William 387 ; support from many skilled workers 391
Glasgow growth 234 ; and industrial revolution 318–319 , 410 rent strike of 1915 410 ; engineering strike of 1919 436
Glasnost 591
Globalisation picture of in The Communist Manifesto 330
Glorious Revolution England (1688) 218
Gnosticism 96–97
Goa seized by Portuguese 219
Goebbels, Joseph 486r />
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von on Battle of Valmy 277 , 284
Gold from Americas, impact 195
‘Golden Age’ of capitalism 548
Gomulka, Wladyslaw 545 , 564–565 , 590
Gorbachev, Mikhail 591–592
Gordon, Charles George in China 361 ; killed in Khartoum 394
Gordon Childe, Vere 16 , 19 , 20 , 23 , 29 , 33–34 , 40–41 , 167
Goths 85 , 104
Gracchus, Gaius 76–77 , 79
Gracchus, Tiberius 76 , 79
Gramophone spread of 463
Gramsci, Antonio 438 ; on Renaissance 176 ; on ‘passive revolution’ 593
Granada conquest of 174
Granaries as origin of temples 19 , 20
Grant, Ulysses S 351 , 352
Grassic Gibbon, Lewis 471
Great Depression 396 , 398
‘Great fear’ 280
Great Leap Forward 573–575
Great Patriotic War 524
Great Society programme 580
Great Wall of China 54 , 59 , 107
Greece, ancient 47 ; after collapse of Mycenaean civilisation 63 ; rise of city states 64 ; slavery in 64–66 ; reasons for dynamism 69
Greece, modern independence 362 ; involvment in Balkan Wars (1912–13) 403 ; war with Turkey in early 1920s 435 ; in run up to Second World War 533 (see also EAM-ELAS ); monarchy reimposed by Britain (1944–45) 537–538 ; civil war (1946–49) 539 ; US role in 544 ; military coup of 1967 539
Greek art influence in China 107
Grenada, invasion of 600
Grisettes 322
Groener, General Wilhelm 431
Grossman, Vasily Life and Fate (1959) 524
Gruet, Jacques 194
Guatemala, ancient 13 (see also Meso-America, Mayas )
Guatemala, modern 566 , 567 , 571
Guerin, Daniel on lower classes in French Revolution 301
Guesde, Jules 391 ; support for war (1914) 407
Guevara, Che 567 , 569 , 570
Guilds ancient India 52 ; in Byzantium 120–121 ; medieval 151 ; late medieval 157 ; 218 , 287
Guises 192
Gulag horror different to that of death camps 512
Gulf War (1991) 600
Gunpowder invention of 111 ; reaches Europe 146
Gunpowder Plot 205
Gupta Empire 52
Guru Nanak 228
Guthrie, Woody 518
Haase, Hugo 407
Habib, Irfan on state as exploiter in Mogul India 226 ; on conditions of peasantry 227 ; on collapse of Mogul Empire 228–229
Hadiths 130 , 134
Haeger, John W on rural impoverishment in late Sung China 114
Hagendorp, Gijsbert Karel van on polarisation of Europe with French Revolution 277
Haiti Columbus lands 162 ; slave revolt 309–312 ; US domination 567
Hammett, Dashiell 471 , 517 , 546
Hang-chou 110
Hansen, Alvin H on end of capitalist crises 464 ; on division of world into economic blocs 520
Hapsburgs 196–198 , 200–201 , 233 (see also Charles V, Philip II )
Harappa 17 , 32 , 38
Hardie, Keir rejects open opposition to war (1914) 407
Hardy, Thomas shoemaker 306
Hargreaves, James 234
Harlem Renaissance 464
Harmsworth, Alfred 381 , 389
Harpers Ferry 348
Harzburg conference 487
Hastings, Warren 357
Hayek, Friedrich von quoted 7–8 ; sudden popularity of ideas 587
Haywood, Big Bill 402
Healey, Denis on depravity of European ruling classes 532
Heath, Edward 583
Hébert, Jacques 281 , 291–292
Hegel, G W F 317 ; on French Revolution 303 , 327
Heimwehr 491
Heisenberg, Werner 467
Heller, Henry on social class and French Calvinism 191
Helots 65 , 68
Helvetius, Claude Adrien 258 ; influence of 327
Hemingway, Ernest 412
Hemming, John on role of horse in Spanish conquest 170 ; on Inca upper classes 170–171
Henry of Navarre 193
Henry VII of England 173 , 175 ; break with Rome 177 ; 203–204
Heracleides 238
Herding role of women 29
Heretic burning 167 , 177
Herod, King 87 , 89
Herodotus on Kushite civilisation 136
Hidalgo, Miguel 303 , 313 , 314
Hilferding, Rudolf 433 , 441 , 466 , 482 ; on inability of Nazis to win in Germany 484–485
Hill, Christopher quoted 216
Hilton, Rodney on crisis of fourteenth century 149
Hindenburg, Paul von near-dictator in First World War 409 , 431 , 485
Hindu chauvinism 450 , 552–554
Hinduism 48 ; development of 50 , 52–53 ; consolidation of 103
Hindu-Muslim Unity 454 , 553
Hiroshima and Nagasaki 527 ; reasons for 543
Hispaniola Spanish settlement of 163 (see also Haiti )
Hitler 442 , 446 , 482–490 , 493 ; and run up to Second World War 522 , 523 ; on Turin strike of 1943 533
Hittites 40 , 45
Ho Chi Minh 576
Hobbes, Thomas quoted 6 ; 240–241 ; impact of ideas 272
Hobsbawm, Eric on German Revolution 432 ; argument for Popular Front 499–500 ; on ‘fascism’ of Franco 509 ; on Second World War 524 ; on ‘impossibility’ of revolution in West (1944–45) 538
Hobson, John A 393
Hoe agriculture based on 29
Hogg, Quintin on threat of revolution 526
Hölderlin, Friedrich bettering the world as source of evil 316
Holidays, workers’ won in France (1936) 496 ; in long boom 548–549
Holland and Reformation 177 ; revolt against Spain 194–195 ; displaces Portugal in much of its empire 233 ; ‘Golden Age’ 233
Holles, Denzil 214
Holocaust (see Nazi extermination of Jews, Death camps )
Holub, Miroslav on results of 1989 595
Holy Communion 183
Holy Roman Empire 196–198 ; in sixteenth century 173 , 177
Home Rule, Irish 387 , 451
Homer 69
Homestead lockout 398
Homosexuality made illegal in Britain 382
Honduras 566
Hong Kong 360 ; in early 1920s 457 ; 554 ; returned to China 599
Hooke, Robert 240
Hoover, J Edgar 464
Hopkins, Matthew, witch-finder 241
Hoplites 68
Horne, Alistair quoted on impact of repression of Commune on Parisian working class 374
Horse domestication of 4 ; methods of harnessing 106 , 107 , 118 , 142 , 144 , 146 ; role in Spanish conquest of Incas 170
Horthy, Miklós 435
Horticulture 11 ; societies based on it 12–16
House, Edward on spread of Bolshevism 434–435
House of Commons, seventeenth century 205 , 207 ; purged in English Revolution 215 ; composition in eighteenth century 235
House of Lords early seventeenth century 205 ; 387
House Un-American Activities Committee 546
Housework 548 , 550–551
Hu Shih 457
Huana-Cupac 168
Huáscar 168
Hudson Valley 266
Huerta, Victoriano 461
Hugenburg, Alfred 486
Huizilopochtli 166
Human nature myths about 5 ; 8 , 24 , 29 ; under capitalism 384
Human sacrifice 166–167
Hume, David 243–244 , 257 , 316
Hundred Years’ War 150
Hung Hsiu-ch’uan 360–361
Hungary occupied by Ottomans 220 ; in 1848–49 337 , 340–341 ; soviet republic of (1919) 434 ; show trials in 545 (see also Revolution, Hungarian )
Hung Ch’ao 108–109
Huns 104
Hunters and gatherers 13 ; persistence in many parts of w
orld 14 , 219 (see Foraging societies )
Hus, Jan 153
Husák, Gustáv 592
Husein 127
Hussites 153–154 , 178 , 198
Huxley, Thomas 385
Huygens, Christiaan 240
Hydraulic works 26 (see also Irrigation )
Hyksos 40
Hyparcus 70
I G Farben and death camps 532
Ibn Battua on Kilwa in Mozambique 136
Ibn Khaldun 134
Ibn Sina 131
Iconoclasm 195 (see also Image-breaking )
Ideologies of Cold War 546 , 547
Ideology of progress 384–386
Iglesias, Pablo 391 , 436
Image-breaking 185
Immigration and long boom 550
Imperialism and capitalist growth 393 , 396 , 397 , 398 ; did not benefit skilled workers 399 ; and war 404 ; as total system by 1916 409 ; at the end of the twentieth century 599
Inca Empire Spanish conquest of 161–162 , 168–171 ; size of 161 ; resistance to Spanish 170
Indentured servants in Americas 250–251
Independent Labour candidates 388
Independent Labour Party 442
Independent Social Democrats 425 ; in 1918–19 433 ; 441–442 ; splits 442
Independents in English Revolution 214
India ancient 27 ; civilisation of first millennium BC 46–47 , 48–52 ; Mogul 225–229 ; social difference with China 225 ; after Mogul collapse 355–356 ; British (see East India Company ); deindustrialisation under British rule 357–358 ; mutiny 449 ; troops in First World War 450 , 453–454 ; Congress 455–456 ; Indian capitalists 455 ; workers after First World War 454 ; national movement in 1930s 551 ; elections of 1937 552 ; and Second World War 527 ; in Second World War 552 ; after Second World War 553 ; independent 551 ; main character of politics 554 ; economy 562 ; embraces market 594
Indian anti-colonial agitation 1900–14 450 ; 1918–21 449
Indian Army (British) 356 ; mutiny of 1857 357
Indian National Army 527
Indochina 107 ; anti-colonial movement 556 ; achieves independence 557 (see also Vietnam )
Indus Civilisation 17 , 32 , 33 ; tools 33 ; collapse 45 , 46
Indus Valley 14
Industrial crops 180
Industrial decline China after Opium Wars 360 ; Egypt after Mehmet Ali 363
Industrial enterprises pre-imperial China 55 , 57–58
Industrial growth seventeenth-century Holland 233 ; Mogul India 226 ; seventeenth-century England 234 ; France in 1850s and 1860s 368
Industrial production Germany (1920s) 465 ; US (1933–37) 514
Industrial revolution 318–323 ; effect on living and working conditions 319–322 ; Germany 342
Industrial workers Britain (1790s) 305