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Only You

Page 21

by Bishop, K. M.

  It was all crashing down around me. I could handle it, or at least I was pretty sure I would somehow grind through it. But I couldn’t say the same about Maria. I wasn’t sure how she would put up with this vicious career shaming of her. She was strong, tough. In fact, she was one of the toughest people I’d ever met, but you never knew how something like this could affect someone and tear them down.

  When I got back to her place, I took a shower and let all of the tension out of my body, allowing all of it to fall away from me. When I stepped out and dried myself, I took a good look at myself in the mirror. I knew who I was. I knew what I was worth. And I had no reason to be ashamed of being in love with the woman of my dreams. Whatever people wanted to say or gossip about, they could. I couldn’t stop them and I just no longer cared what they thought.

  I stepped out of the bathroom and noticed that Maria was awake. She was looking at her phone, some tears falling down her face. I walked over to the closet and put my clothes on, unsure of if I should comfort her or let her just get it out.

  She looked up at me, the tears glistening in her beautiful eyes. I hated to see her in pain. She threw her phone across the bed so she wouldn’t have to look at it anymore. “Wow, she really did it.”

  I went to Maria and put my arms around her lovingly, pulling her near me. I breathed slightly into her ear and kissed her lobe, before gently nuzzling her neck and reminding her of how loved she was by me. I wanted her to know that no matter what, we had each other and nothing would ever come between us. “It’s ok,” I said. “Everything will be alright. I knew this would happen. You did, too.”

  “But it’s just so much harder,” she said. “When it is really happening. I feel like my heart has been ripped from my chest and thrown into a fire pit. I can actually feel it burning, consuming me from the inside out.”

  “I know,” I said. “But it will be ok. You are stronger than this. And you aren’t facing anything alone.”

  I held her close to me and kissed her on the forehead. She was trembling now; her mind and body were being wrecked by this situation. She was right; it was so much worse when things finally came to fruition. I wanted to throw Irene in a prison cell and throw away the key. She had no business being amongst human people.

  We finished our embrace and Maria dusted herself off, put her clothes on, and got ready for the day. We had a nice breakfast, which I prepared. We started with eggs, and then some pancakes with loads of butter and syrup. This was followed by a nice pot of piping hot coffee. After a few cups of caffeine and a load of sugary carbs, I began to feel better, more optimistic about the day. I think that Maria did, too.

  No matter what the coach or anyone else thought, or how they were going to try to make us feel, I didn’t care. I hated that coach so much anyway. What a sad excuse for a coach. A sad excuse for a man, actually.

  We were just finishing up breakfast when I got the phone call. It was from the coach. I smiled as if he’d read my mind. “I was just thinking about him.”

  “Yeah, I wonder what he wants,” Maria joked.

  “I can only imagine,” I said. I answered the phone call. “Hello?”

  “Jacob,” Coach said. “We need to talk in my office today at noon. Be there.”

  “I’ll see if I can make it,” I said.

  The coach was automatically taken aback. He stammered a little bit before finishing with, “See that you do.”

  Then the line went dead.

  People in power—no matter how little power they actually had—they thought they could lord it over you and control you. They acted like they were big shots, as if they were better than you because some moron or group of morons decided they should have a position or a title. What lunacy. I was tired of taking orders from anyone. No one could boss me around. I vowed right then and there that no matter where my path took me, I was not going to be pushed around by anyone, no matter what leverage they thought they had over me.

  “Well, I guess the coach wants to see me,” I said. “Probably you as well.”

  Maria bit her lip and flashed her eyes. “Wow, I can hardly wait.”

  * * *

  When we arrived at the field house, we arrived together. The moment we stepped out of the car everyone around was staring at us. My teammates coming into the place, some cheerleaders walking towards their practice, some band members, and just friends of theirs and other students who happened to be around—they were all checking us out. Some were snickering, others gasping, several were pointing, many of my teammates were giving me a thumbs up and congratulating me on having the hottie team doctor as my girlfriend. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them all, as did Maria. She was rather immune to it all at that point, and annoyed by it too. And I knew she was scared. Trying as hard as she could to ignore this, she was still showing her true feelings on her face. I knew her better than anyone, but she was going to have to develop a tougher poker face if she was going to survive this. She would get there.

  We walked into the club house and she went to her office. I sat my stuff down at my locker but I didn’t bother to change into my workout gear or my practice gear. I just joined Maria and walked to the coach’s office.

  “Come in,” he said when I knocked.

  I walked into the office behind Maria. Smith was there with a disgusted and angry look on his face.

  “Close the door,” he grumbled.

  I let it close behind me. We sat down across from him. I could see that Maria looked scared to death. She was not used to being in the hot seat like this. I was a bit more used to it. I had been chewed out by asshole coaches since pee-wee football. It was just another day as far as I could see.

  Smith shook his head and clicked his teeth. “I can’t believe this. Why did you do this? You know how much trouble you’ve cost the team?”

  I nodded. “It just happened. And I’m not apologizing for it. We love each other. End of story.”

  “That is hardly the end of the story. Do you know what I have to do now?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t much care. Do what you need to.”

  “You don’t care? Wow, what a team player you are. This is awful. I’m required now to kick the best player off this team. I’ve tried to beg and plead with them, but even though it’s going to cost us a championship, and possibly a bowl win, we have to do it. They are cracking down on this sort of thing. And they are going to make an example out of you two.”

  “Just punish me,” Maria said. “I’ll take the heat. Don’t ruin Jacob’s career.”

  “No,” I said. “You aren’t taking the fall for this.”

  “I wish it was that simple,” Smith said. “But because you two couldn’t keep it in your pants, I now have to kick Jacob off the team, and you Maria are officially no longer employed here. You need to clean out your office immediately. I tried to get them to listen to reason, but it was a no go. There is nothing else that can be done about it. I’m sorry.”

  I could see he was sorry that he was down his best player, but nothing else. Of course, I hated the man and didn’t need to get his approval or sympathy about anything, but I wasn’t about to grovel or seek to beg to stay on the team. No. It was over.

  “So, that is it? Wow, the school administrators are dumber than they look. I really hope they understand that.”

  I got up and gestured with Maria to leave the office. We were through there. As I started out the door, Smith stopped me. “Hey,” he said. “You should have thought about your future more. This is stupid.”

  “I agree, it is stupid, but not anything that I’ve done. And I’ve thought about my future plenty. That’s why I have no regrets.”

  I closed the door behind me. I touched Maria’s hand and held it for a moment. I could tell she was really shaken up, but she was a fighter. She would get through this and we would be just fine. I had no doubts about this whatsoever.

  I went with her to her office to help her clean out her stuff and put it in a few boxes. “It feels like just yesterday I a
rrived here and spent a few hours putting everything right the way I wanted it. And now I’m leaving it for good. I’m not sure why, but I feel like I’m going to miss the place for some reason.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. But I just think that people get used to things, even things they don’t necessarily enjoy all that much. It becomes familiar. But you will feel better being away from it. I think we both will. This place has started to stifle me.”

  I helped her with her boxes out to the car, ignoring most of the looks from the players and anyone else outside. I said a few words to a couple of my closest friends like Bobby, and Chance, but they knew I would talk to them in depth later on.

  We didn’t say much on the drive over to Maria’s place. There wasn’t much to say. I knew that Maria just needed to process things. It would take some time. I was just happy that I’d gotten her off the internet so that she didn’t have to keep reliving the images in her mind over and over again.

  When we got inside her house we both sat down and relaxed. It felt strange to be there at this time of the day when I was usually working out or practicing, but it was something that I thought I might get used to. For a week or so at least. Then I would be chomping at the bits for something physical to do. I hated being idle. That was something that I had never come to grips with being able to do. I could not just sit around. That was one of the reasons that I had such a problem with sitting still in class.

  “So, should we pay Irene a visit?” Maria asked.

  I looked at her a bit confused. “What the hell for?”

  “Well, I was thinking about punching her senseless.”

  I laughed. “As much as I would love to see that, I don’t think getting you thrown in jail would do much good here. The bitch has us over a barrel. But just imagine how much anger and pain she is dealing with now knowing that she can’t be with me. Not to toot my own horn, but the woman is obsessed with me. She did this as part of a baby tantrum. That is all it is.”

  “It might almost be worth risking it. I mean, she has to be punished some way for this. We have to figure out how we can prove that she is behind this. She invaded our privacy, possibly is guilty of breaking and entering my house, and she is guilty of slander and libel. We can’t let this go.”

  I looked at her a moment. She was dead serious. “Well, I admire your enthusiasm for putting this woman where she belongs and I’m all for it, but right now there isn’t much we can do. We can start checking on some things and see if anything turns up. But I wouldn’t hold my breath and wait for something to happen with it. She might have covered her tracks too well and there is no sense in us getting in trouble for trying to prove her guilt. That sounds counterproductive to me.”

  I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down at the table. “Want to play a game of cards?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “Might as well. What’s your favorite?”

  “Uno,” I replied with a smirk. She gave me a weird look.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep.” I grabbed the deck and started to shuffle.

  I had loved this game since I was a kid. There was something about just getting lost in an old game from your youth that has the magical ability to transplant you to another place and time and to render any real-world issues that you might be dealing with at the time completely unimportant. It’s a silly fun game that never got old. Even with two players it could be fun.

  “Ok, let’s do it,” she said.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Sometime during the third game of Uno (I had won all three) I started to get a bit worked up. I wasn’t sure why, but just out of the blue I decided that I would stand up from the table and remove my shirt. The day had been so stressful that it felt completely rational and logical to break into a nice stripping routine right in front of Jacob and see where things were going to lead the two of us. I had a pretty good idea.

  When I’d woke up that morning, I felt sick all over. My phone was blowing up with notifications and the moment I checked everything, I knew that it was coming down all around me. My short-lived career as a sports doctor was over. What was I going to do now?

  Sitting in that bastard coach’s office, I felt my whole body going numb. I felt like I was a kid in the principal’s office and I was in a massive amount of trouble. Jacob in his typical fashion was smirking and being a smart ass through the whole thing. It was actually very hot and looking back on it a while later, I began to turn some of that attraction into actual lust and desire.

  I wanted him badly. The situation was terrifying, but also very freeing. This was what I’d been so scared of? It was horrible to deal with but certainly not impossible and knowing that Jacob was there with me every single step of the way was comforting. And that comfort turned into desire as well.

  “Is it getting warm in here?” I asked Jacob as I removed my shirt and flung it from my body.

  Jacob licked his lips. “Oh, it is now,” he said. I could see the wheels cranking behind his eyes.

  “Good,” I replied. I walked out of the kitchen and gave him a “come hither” motion with my finger as I strode down the hallway. Jacob followed me. I closed the bedroom door behind us and motioned for him to take a seat on the edge of the bed. He did so watching me with baited breath.

  “Do you want this?” I asked as I peeled off my bra and tossed it to him. My large breasts were now free, my nipples hard as rocks and striking a pose in the cool air.

  “Very much,” He said.

  This felt very much like a celebration. I had been waiting for this for so long. And it was finally happening. The thing I’d feared most, that I’d been having actual nightmares about had happened and we were both standing strong on the other side.

  “Good,” I said. “Take off your shirt.”

  He did as I commanded. His smooth, cut muscles were glistening in the dimly lit room. Oh, he was so hot. His washboard abs were invented to be touched by me. I was getting so wet. Seeing his ripped physique never failed to get me wet as could be. He was the perfect specimen of a man.

  I unfastened my jeans and let them drop to the floor. Then I stepped out of them and turned around to bend over and remove my panties, slowly peeling them from my body until it they were on the ground and I was now completely nude.

  “Yeah, baby,” Jacob said. “Spread those cheeks.”

  I smiled and spread them as he had demanded. I was so wet now, and I was getting wetter just knowing that he was gleefully watching me spread my cheeks, rubbing my mound and getting those slippery folds ready to go. I wanted to get him buried up to his tight sack inside of my tightening mound of bliss. I was so horny, my whole body felt like it was on fire. Yes, this was going to be epic.

  I stood up and turned around. “Take off your pants and undies, now.”

  I watched as he gladly did so.

  “Wow,” I said. “That is so hot.”

  He removed his jeans and then this was followed by his silk boxer shorts. He then laid back and began stroking his long, hard cock. Oh, he was so well hung. That beautiful bulge was immaculate. It was almost like a thing of beauty, or even worship for me. His tool had been responsible for giving me the kind of pleasure I never in my life could have imagined having. The fulfilment that I received from it was beautiful.

  “That’s it,” I said. “Stroke that meat. Get it going good for me.”

  I watched as he began playing with himself, rubbing his member in long, slow strokes, pausing at the top to encircle the head and then pulling himself back down until he reached his tight marble bag. I licked my lips in anticipation of tasting that sweet rod in between my precious lips. Damn, he was perfect.

  “That’s it,” I said. “Stroke that dick for me.”

  I took the liberty to rub my own mound, getting the juices flowing at maximum capacity. I was more than ready for him. I was ready for his hardness to be inside of me, stretching me, pounding me, but I wanted to be in control this time. Yes, this time it wa
s all going to be about me. That’s the way it had to be.

  I watched him stroke himself a few minutes more and then when I felt like the time was right, I climbed onto the bed and slid myself down on his long, thick, girth. He pressed against my inner walls and stretched me as deeply as he could.

  “Shit, that is tight!” Jacob moaned.

  I bent over and kissed him aggressively on the lips as I began to rub my hips back and forth with his member inside of me, effectively moving him in and out in just the perfect manner. My large breasts were pressing against his chest, our nipples in sink rubbing against each other. Yes, this was everything I had ever wanted in my life. Nothing else mattered to me right then. As long as I had the man I loved with me at all times, then nothing would ever make me feel down on this earth.

  I leaned back to a sit up position, and then I leaned back even more to extend the full cowgirl position as I rocked back and forth on my knees and enjoyed the fulfilment of his girth inside my inner shaft. I closed my eyes feeling all of the tension of the day just rolling off me. I was going to come soon. I knew it. He was so good and I wanted him so badly that I could think of nothing else but achieving that epic orgasm, the type that could actually alter my reality. That was what I wanted. That was what I was after.

  His large hands came up and covered my fat breasts, putting a huge smile on his face. He loved to play with my fleshy globes. His thick fingers dug slightly into my flesh as he squeezed them and pulled them, moving them apart and then back together. The entire time he allowed the nipples to slip between his thumbs and forefingers. I loved the way his thickly calloused hands touched my large, breasts. My tits were for his enjoyment only. That was why I’d had the burden of carrying such a large chest, which occasionally made my back hurt. But it was all worth it now, just knowing how much he loved them and how much pleasure he gave me.

  Jacob grabbed my hips suddenly and turned me around on his fleshy rod until I was now facing away from him in a reverse cowgirl position.


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