Book Read Free

Only You

Page 22

by Bishop, K. M.

  “Yeah, baby,” he said. His fingers were pressing tightly against my ass now, his thumb lightly grazing and teasing my asshole. I loved it this way, my face away from him so that I couldn’t tell what he was actually doing or thinking. No, he was thinking up something naughty. Was he going to put it in there? I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but if he wanted to, I would have been ok with it.

  Suddenly, Jacob pushed me over a bit and was behind me in a doggy style position. He was now humping into me from behind. His long stalk spread into me, tearing my folds apart with a beautiful efficiency until I was headed towards a place of bliss that I could never have imagined a few months before. I was there… so close… I was about to come.

  “Are you going to come for me?” Jacob growled into my ear.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, baby. Make me come…oh, fuck… make me come.”

  And a second later I did come had all over his length. My body shook from inside out, branching from the bottom of my toes which were curled to the point of cramping all the way up to the top of my head with a tingling sensation so intense that I thought I was seeing stars for a moment.

  And then Jacob moaned loudly behind me as he released his own brutal climax. He shot his salty seed deeply into me and held on as he humped me with everything he had. His fist grabbed my hair and held on tightly. His thrust was pushed as far into me as he possibly could, his manhood sputtering and dripping his sweet, delicious man juice into my body.

  And then we were finished.

  We rolled over off each other and laid there in the bed together trying to catch our breaths. “Wow,” I said. “That was amazing.”

  “Right,” he said. “That was the best. Oh… wow…”

  I laughed. I loved knowing how much pleasure I gave him. He was the most fantastic lover I’d ever experienced. And he was mine for all the rest of my life and beyond.

  As I lie there I kept thinking about how silly the events of the day were compared to this love we had together. Our jobs, our careers, and public opinion meant absolutely nothing to either one of us. We were better than that. We were much better than that together. We would rise above this and move on to do other great things in our lives. We didn’t need any of this. We had each other and when everything else seemed lost, that was all that really mattered.

  I knew that Jacob felt the same way. He was so strong. I’d always thought of myself as strong, as a fighter, but being with Jacob had made me so much stronger. He was my rock, my anchor to this earth. I couldn’t have imagined my life without him in any capacity now. I was going to marry this man. It was a matter of time. I wondered if he thought about the future of us together as far as marriage or kids went. We hadn’t really discussed it at length, but it was something that we both really felt strongly about. I knew that we both wanted families and Jacob was going to be the best dad. He was so patient and kind and loving.

  “So, tomorrow is a new day,” I said. “I wonder what it holds.”

  Jacob smiled “Who cares? I’m ready to take things one day at a time. I don’t know what my next move is going to be, but I know that it will be awesome.”

  I loved Jacob’s response to the question. Who cared?

  I sure as hell didn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I let it go a few seconds as I tried to process whether I was awake or dreaming. What in the world was that infernal racket? As I rubbed my eyes, I realized that I had slept way past my normal alarm (which I had forgotten to set) and that the sun was shining brightly through the shades that brightened the room up. I needed to speak with Maria about getting some blackout curtains or something. This was too much light too soon in the morning for me if I was going to sleep in.

  I rolled out of the bed and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. It slipped out of my grip and hit the floor. Damn. That was when I noticed that Maria was not beside me in the bed. I wondered where she was? Jogging maybe? Shower? But I did not hear any shower going. Maybe she was up early working on some writing.

  I picked up the phone and answered without even looking to see who it might be. Odds were that it was one of my friends since I’d left them out of the loop about Maria, or it was a crank call from someone who just wanted to mess with me. I’d had several of those yesterday. It was time to look into getting a new unlisted number.

  “Hello?” I asked.

  “Yes, is this Jacob Wynn?”

  “Who’s asking?” I asked.

  “Yes, this is Barry Helms, a talent scout for the Miami Dolphins.”

  My head shot up as I was laying back down. I was now wide awake. What the hell did this man just say? This had to be a joke.

  “I’m sorry, but who are you again?”

  “Yes, I’m Barry Helms with the Miami Dolphins.”

  I thought about asking him something to clarify that this was not a joke, but I was afraid to. I just had to go with this for now. I tried to take deep, soothing breaths. I was now very nervous. This was a dream come true. A professional football scout was calling me.

  “Wow, it’s great to hear from you,” I said.

  “It’s nice to finally speak with you. Listen, Jacob we’ve had our eye on you for a while and we would like to extend the invitation for you to play ball with us this coming year, if you are interested. Let’s just say we are overwhelmed and impressed by the work you’ve done in your college career.”

  “Wow, that would be amazing. I’m very interested.”

  “Fantastic,” he said. “Ok, well we will be sending you a packet by email detailing everything that we are offering you and would you be available to come down to training camp in six months?”

  “Of course.”

  “That is great.”

  We finished the conversation and then I sat there for several minutes just staring at my phone, trying to piece together whether or not this had actually just happened or not. Wow… that was insane. But I’d just been offered a chance to play pro football for the Miami dolphins. I couldn’t believe it.

  I sat there for several minutes thinking about the way things were working out. Clearly Miami didn’t care about the scandal or that I’d just been removed from the team. No, this was something much bigger than all of that.

  I heard the front door open just then and Maria entered the house. I ran out into the hallway where I met her. She was sweaty and wearing a nice jogging outfit. She saw the look on my face and was instantly alarmed.

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.

  “Are you ok?” She asked.

  “Yes! I’m better than that,” I said. “I just got a call from the Miami Dolphins. They want me to play for them. They just invited me to training camp. I… I’m going to play pro ball.”

  “That’s amazing!” Maria exclaimed. She kissed me hard on the mouth and hugged me tightly. “I knew you would get a pro contract. I’m so proud of you baby.”

  “Thanks sweetie. I love you so much. Your support means the world to me.”

  It was then that I noticed exactly how hot she looked all sweaty in her tank top and tight workout pants. This combined with the best news I’d ever received in my entire life left me feeling very horny and ready to go. I grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. “I think you need a shower and I’m offering my services to help you.”

  She giggled as I led her into the bathroom. There I quickly helped her peel herself out of the clothes and the moment she was naked, I couldn’t help myself any longer. I spun her around, bent her over the sink, and entered her from behind, slipping my manhood through the fly hole in my boxer shorts.

  She felt phenomenal as I entered her. It was so good, so wet, and so tight. Maria began moaning in ecstasy right from the moment I entered her. She loved it when I really took charge and she was at the mercy of my animalistic lust.

  Her sweet ass was pressed tightly against me as I ent
ered her and then pulled out in long, stabbing motions with my thickness. I was so worked up that it did not take me long to come. I had never been as happy as I was at that moment. I had the woman I loved, and I was now on my way to complete the mission that had been my life’s journey. I couldn’t have asked for anything else in the world at that point.

  Maria bucked hard into me as I thrusted my hard member into her. She braced herself for my climax which came a split second after her own. Jogging sometimes worked her up to the point that she was horny beyond belief and usually afterwards she would jump my bones. But this time she was at the mercy of my lust. And she loved it that way.

  Afterwards we both realized that this was a beautiful beginning for both of us.

  Chapter Thirty


  Six Months Later

  The Florida sunshine was warm and sweet on my face as I ran along the beach. I loved it here. The sun, the people, the laid-back vibes. It wasn’t like the Midwest where everyone is cold and miserable. That sort of thing really stresses you out after a while, and it makes all of life’s stressors much harder to deal with.

  Jacob and I had moved to Florida a month before so he could get ready to start training camp. He was so happy and I was so happy for him. He woke up every day excited that he was part of this great organization and that he was now being paid to play football full time. He had finished up his last exams for school just in time to head out to camp. I of course went with him. I hadn’t really had much else keeping me in Indiana, that was for sure.

  In the aftermath of the scandal, I was tempted to become a shut in and just avoid people, but it turned out that beyond the world of the school, no one else really cared. I was busy with a new career anyway. Starting with that first day after being fired, I’d thrown myself into researching and writing full time. I loved it. I loved the work, I loved the flexibility and the freedom, and I loved being my own boss. I wasn’t sure I could go back to having another boss or a day job ever again. I was having too much fun doing this. And so far, I’d had an abundance of clients; in fact, I had to turn down work because I was too busy. There just weren’t enough hours in the day.

  I finished my jog that morning and after a hot shower, I fixed myself a nice, fruit smoothie and sat down at my desk to work on my latest assignment. Jacob had left early that morning for practice. The other guys had accepted him right off and he was getting along great with everyone, impressing them all with his talent I was sure. That was my man. He could do anything. I had no doubt.

  I was just getting into the writing when I got a phone call. It said the University of Miami. I stared at my phone for a moment. I was not expecting a phone call from anyone at the university. What could this be about?

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Yes, is this Doctor Maria Charles?”

  “It is.”

  “Hi, Dr. Charles, this is Marcia Williams, head chairwoman of the University of Miami school of Medicine. How are you?”

  “Um, I’m fine. How can I help you?”

  “Well, we are reaching out because we are familiar with some of the incredibly insightful articles you’ve written in the past few months. We have a job opening for a professor of sports medicine. We’d love to meet with you to discuss it if you are interested.”

  They were interested in me for a teaching position? A full-time one? Wow, this in addition to my writing would be a great boost to my income, plus my credibility. Wow, this was fantastic. I was almost speechless.

  “Um, yeah,” I said. “I would absolutely be interested.”

  “That’s fantastic,” she said. “We can meet with you tomorrow afternoon at three if that works for you.”

  “Sure, that would be fine. Thank you so much.”

  “You are welcome,” she said.

  I ended the call and sat there in my desk for several minutes before I stood up and began jumping around with excitement. Wow, I loved teaching. That was part of the fun of writing, and now I would be able to teach and interact with students on a full-time basis face to face. That was fantastic. I was over the moon with emotion.

  Later that night when Jacob came home, I filled him in on the news and we shared bottle of wine to celebrate. “I’m so proud of you,” Jacob said. “All of our dreams are coming true. That just goes to show that you really can’t keep a good person down. The good will interact with the universe and all of those positive vibes will come right back to you. Right?”

  “I could not have said it better myself. So, how was practice?”

  “Great. I’m getting a great rapport built up with Kevin, our quarterback. We are on the same page, getting to that point where we can read each other’s minds and body language. It’s going great. I’m fast becoming the number one guy to go to with the pass.”


  “Yeah, speaking of which. Kevin and some of the guys are putting together a party this weekend and we are invited. It’s supposed to be a bit of a formal thing, so let’s get all dressed up and have a ball. OK?”

  “Ok,” I said. “That sounds great.”

  “Yeah. You will finally meet the other wives and girlfriends.”

  “I’m looking forward to that,” I said.

  We finished our wine and a big salad for dinner that I’d whipped up. Kevin was on a pretty strict diet nowadays, and I had to say I was having fun with it too. I felt fantastic and I woke up feeling even more refreshed than I could ever remember.

  As we finished up dinner, my thoughts kept returning to Irene and the hate that filled that woman. I wondered what she was doing now. I never did get a chance to confront her face to face and rub it in her mug about how successful Jacob and I were becoming. But I was sure that she was following all of it and growing even more miserable. That was a victory in and of itself. It filled me with such glee to think what a horrible life that woman was leading filled with that much hatred.

  I wanted her to know how much she had screwed up and how much better we were than her. She was evil and evil never really triumphed, no matter how much it thought it might have.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The day of practice was fantastic. I woke up early and went for my usual jog, after which I headed to the stadium and hit the weight room. “Hey, new blood!” “Jacob!” “Flying Lightning!”

  I was getting used to the hoots and calls from my new friends and teammates as I entered the facility. I was becoming very close with several of these guys. They had accepted me well with open arms almost from the moment that I arrived. My old teammates and friends from Indiana seemed so long ago and far away. I felt like I had forsaken them in some way, although I still kept in touch with Bobby, Jake, and Chance. A few of them were off on their own journeys with their own pro teams. I was happy for them. They all deserved the happiness they sought. We were all moving forward in our lives living our dreams.

  During the field scrimmage game with the A team and the B team, I caught a few great passes and did a fantastic job reading the signals that Kevin was giving me. We worked together just as well as Chase and I used to. Maybe even better. Kevin was a five-year veteran pro and his knowledge and experience was invaluable to me. I was learning so much from him and no doubt this great chemistry and connection that we had really fast tracked my progress from the B team to moving up to the A team. I was becoming the top receiver on the team. I was going to be a starter. A rookie starter…this blew my mind. I felt so incredibly blessed. It was like I just couldn’t lose now. All the pain and struggle that I had endured was behind me. And that made me so happy. It filled me with a sense of inner peace that nothing else really had.

  And of course, I had Maria. She was so important to me. I loved her more than anything, more than words could possibly express. Which made the idea of proposing to her that much more special.

  I’d decided that this was the time a few weeks ago. I just wanted everything to be perfect and right now, I couldn’t think of a more perfect time than rig
ht now to do this. We’d come above all the murk, the pain, and the forces of evil that were conspiring against us to hold us back. That was all over now.

  Irene could burn in hell for all I cared.

  After practice I stopped by the jewelry store and picked out the right ring. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for exactly, but the saleswoman there was able to help me out and help me to find the right one. It was a great ring. With the money I was making now during training camp, I was in a better place financially than I had ever been before in my life. And this was the right time.

  I clutched the ring in my pocket and let it sit there comfortably as I drove home in the best of possible moods. And the moment I came through the door of our new house, I saw my beloved sitting at the table with a bottle of wine and a big smile on her face.

  I kissed her softly and sat down at the table to see what was going on. She told me about the job offer. It sounded like a perfect dream for her. I was so happy and excited. This was something she’d always dreamt of. I knew that she loved teaching and one day she wanted to go back to it on a more permanent basis.

  This couldn’t have come a more perfect time.

  We finished our celebration with wine and a great dinner. After dinner, I decided I would pop the question.

  “Babe, this couldn’t have been planned out any better,” I said. “I have something very important to ask you.”

  “What is that?” She asked curiously.

  I knelt in front of her and pulled the ring out of my pocket. The look on her face at that moment was priceless. She was instantly in tears of joy, a huge smile spreading across her face. She was so beautiful, so sweet.

  “Oh, my…” She said, her voice barely above a whisper.


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