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Twelve Lords

Page 9

by Max Jager

  Blinking Sorae just looked at her. She knew that he was older than Kurosai and they had known each other a long time. But she didn't know all of that. "Really? I had no clue."

  Nodding Kintare turned her eyes back to Sorae. "He was. I never got to actually meet them. By the time that Koraen and I mated they were already gone. Though I never got to actually meet them I heard much about them from different ones I would meet."

  Her eyes wide, Sorae just looked at her. She would love to hear more about Kurosai's parents. "Really?"

  Laughing as she gave a sharp nod, Kintare sighed. "You have to remember. I was grown when they were killed. I can still remember people talking about them like it was yesterday." She then sat Shone down on the floor, she then moved and took Kiyoshi from Sorae and handed him to Chiyo, then pulled Sorae to her feet and over to the portrait of just Kento and Miyu. "Though I never actually got to meet them, I know. I just know that Miyu would have been proud to have you as her son's mate Sorae. And if she were here, it would be like you had two mothers. I am certain of it."

  Smiling as she turned and hugged Kintare, Sorae smiled. "Thanks Kintare. That means a lot."


  With Umarus watching over the women and children in the garden, Kurosai and Koraen now stood in his library looking down at the scale model that was made by his father of the palace and grounds. Finalizing their plans to keep everyone safe when the fight started. And he knew it would be a fight. Rubbing the back of his neck Kurosai let out an annoyed growl. "I wish I only had Horani to deal with and not possibly a dragon. Though it would be ideal if he were to send Tikae wouldn't it. He I wouldn't mind coming to see Kiyoshi in the least."

  "True. But we both know that Kenji is a thorn in everyone's side and he will try something. Sending his brother wouldn't help him get that done." Koraen then saw that look in his friends eyes as he stood tall and crossed his arms. "What are you thinking?"

  "Nothing in particular really. Just how much smoother this would go if he did send Tikae. I know I know that wouldn't help him with his twisted ambitions I get that. It would just be so much more welcoming to have Tikae and not deal with Kenji himself or his floozy of a sister."

  His eyes taking on a concerned look, Koraen knew that it wasn't so much about Kenji, Shinra or Tikae right now. "That's true. Like we said the other day, you are going to tighten security around the palace and grounds in the next day or so as more start to get here. And remember with the exception of five that will stay with Kintare and Shone at all times the men I brought with me are at your disposal."

  Nodding as he kept his eyes on the model Kurosai half smiled. "And that means a lot."

  When his mood didn't change Koraen then realized who he was thinking about and leaned against the wall. "You are actually thinking about Horani and what he may or may not be planning with this aren't you?"

  "I am." Growling low in his chest, Kurosai leaned over the table and gripped the sides of it. "I have men stationed at his home to keep watch on if he should return. Nothing yet though." Narrowing his eyes he tightened his grip. "But I know he is going to try something. I just know it."

  Laughing Koraen shook his head and closed his eyes. "He would be a fool to try something knowing what is going on now. It is a death sentence."

  Giving his friend a glare and a growl, Kurosai stood up and crossed his own arms. "It would be foolish huh?"

  Laughing, Koraen gave him a sharp nod. "Exactly."

  Still not amused Kurosai growled louder. "Just like he would have been a fool to tell me to my face three years ago that he was going to force Sorae to mate a dragon from the North? Knowing how my parents were killed at that? Come on Koraen."

  Dropping his head Koraen laughed as he sighed. "Yeah good point. I forgot about that."


  Standing on t a cliff that overlooked his home, Horani glared with a growl. That damned dog put guards watching his own home as well! "Damn that bastard! I can't even go in my own home without his guards seeing me and running to blab.

  Walking up behind him on the cliff, her blue hair hanging free at the moment, Shinra laughed at the dog before her. "What is the problem now Horani?"

  Pointing to the guards he growled. "I can't even get in my home without that bastard being told about every move I make! I can't wait till this is over and he has to suffer even more. I will relish in that."

  Laughing with a cruel smile, Shinra leaned up against a tree and smiled. "Well as far as that house, well that is your problem. I am going to go spend the next few days in a cushy bed in the Southern Palace."

  Giving her an odd look, Horani blinked. He knew Kurosai's views on all dragons. How was she going to do get in the palace and he not try and rip her head off. "How are you going to do that? He will rip your head off the second you walk in."

  Giving him a laugh as she opened her cold eyes, Shinra stood up and headed back down the mountain. "Simple actually. The heir to the South has been born. The Lords' from all the lands are coming. Some nobles from each that wish to see him. My brother is a noble of the North. I am sent to see this thing on his behalf."

  While he feared Kenji with his entire being, this woman he saw as nothing. Just like all women, his mate and daughter included. "He is only a noble of the north because he killed anyone who would have opposed him save your little…." Then just as quickly as he started talking he was cut off when he was slammed into a tree and claws pinching his throat! His eyes were wild when he looked into her even colder blue eyes. 'Oh damnit what did I do?'

  Not even trying to hide the venom in her voice, Shinra easily held Horani a foot off the ground by his throat. "Our parents were weak minded fools that denied my brother his birth right. We did what had to be done because we are stronger and smarter than they were. End of story. You however have no right to speak about anything that has to do with the dragons in such a manner. The next time I hear such things spill out of that disgusting mouth of yours is where I take your head off." She then dropped him and walked away.

  Watching with his eyes still wide, Horani reached up and rubbed his neck. Just a layer of skin away from bleeding. 'She is just as crazy as her brother is. But I will be the one to take out my daughter and her mutt. There is no way that she can take out Kurosai and I know that. But while she keeps his attention off of them. I will make my move.'


  The last rays of the sun were filtering into the dining hall as everyone sat down to have the evening meal. Sorae holding Kiyoshi in her arms sat in her spot to the right of Kurosai at the head of the table. Beside her was her mother. Across from her was Koraen, next to him Kintare who held their son in her lap. It was rare that she got true peace since the announcement went out about Kiyoshi's birth. But this was one of them and truly the highlight of her life spending it with those she cared most about.

  No sooner had she lifted her chop sticks to start to eat, than the dining hall doors flew open and there was a blue that rushed through the room. Turning to Kurosai, she tensed to see Umarus bending over whispering something in his ear. The rage and the way his heart raced made her freeze as her heart race. Then the smell of a dragon hit her nose. 'Oh no.'

  Feeling his aura start to rise, Kurosai stood as he fisted his hands. Shinra was here. That bitch came! "Take Sorae, her mother, Kintare and the pups to my bedroom and stay there with them. Koraen and I will greet our unwanted guest at the gate."

  "My Lord."

  Givng her mate a nod, Sorae stood and fled the room with her mother behind her, Kintare and Shone behind her mother, Umarus next to her and Kintare's guard behind them. Her grip on her son was tight as they next to ran through the halls to her room. 'I can't wait for this to be over!'


  Storming through the halls, out the door and toward the gate, both Kurosai and Koraen had their blood boiling. Kurosai was not happy about who was there to say the least. And as the gate opened, he couldn't stop the glare or the growl. He had heard rumors that Shinra was known to be a seductive beauty th
at could tempt even the most faithfully mated to her bed. However, it wouldn't work on him if she tried. He found the mere sight of her, dressed in the revealing way that she was nothing short of repulsive.

  With a bright smile, Shinra walked closer to Kurosai. "Well now. My my my my. I have heard that the Southern Lord was handsome. I thought it was just talk until now I get…."

  Not even trying to hide the glare in his voice, Kurosai held his hand up to stop her words. "Save it. Nothing you can say will make me lose sight of what and who you are. Your charms have no place in this palace."

  Crossing her arms, Shinra's blue eyes glared back. "Who said I was using my charms. I was just trying to be nice thank you very much."

  "Save it." Taking a deep breath, Kurosai closed his eyes then opened to find her eye still glaring back at him. "You are only being allowed into this palace because of the presentation of my son. You will have four guards with you at all times. And unless I give permission you and your guards are to stay in the room that has been assigned to you. Understand?"

  Growling herself Shinra glared harder. "Am I to be a guest in your palace or a prisoner?"

  Not flinching Kurosai narrowed his eyes at her as he growled louder. "Though I have asked for it, there has been no proof given to me that the dragons that had a part in the ambush and murder of my parents were not acting on your brother's orders. Or were not loyal to him. I have asked repeatedly. Nothing. So tell me Shinra? If your brother was murdered by dog demons and you wanted proof that I didn't have a thing to do with it, and I either couldn't or wouldn't show that proof. Would you welcome me with open arms into your home? I have every right to not trust you or your brother. Now agree to it or go home."

  Her own eyes narrowed, Shinra growled as she crossed her arms. He had a point and she couldn't argue with it. Seeing as it was some of her brother's men acting on his orders that did take out his parents. "Fine I agree. Whatever." Then she looked around as she was shown to her room that she was going to stay in until the presentation.

  Nodding to the four guards that Umarus picked out to assign to her he growled as he watched them flank her in a box style. "I can't wait to get this done and that bitch out of my house."

  A growl of his own, Koraen had his hand son his hips as he watched. "Agreed."

  Making of A Lord Chapter 14

  Sitting with his mate, son and everyone else in the library, Kurosai couldn't help but crossing his arms as he glared and growled out the window. Just the mere smell of that dragon in his palace was enough to make him want to retch. And he couldn't just rip her head off and be done with it and that just made matters worse. 'If only she would leave her room without permission. Then I could take her out and be done with it. Damnit all to hell.'

  Looking over at his son who lay peacefully and sound asleep in his mate's arms Kurosai couldn't help but smile. Even with Sorae and Kintare giggling and talking about him and Shone, he was content. Letting his eyes move to Umarus who was always in arms reach of Sorae and Kiyoshi. He was not only the most trusted and loyal member of his army, but his absolute best friend, and even like a father figure to him. He had nothing to worry about when he was near his mate and son.

  "Kurosai you in there?"

  The sound of Koraen's voice coming through caused Kurosai to shake his head and turned to his friend. "Sorry about that. I was just lost in thought that was all."

  Laughing Koraen crossed his arms and shook his head. "I saw that. Was it about her?"

  Dropping his head with a deep sigh and then a growl, Kurosai tensed as his eyes went back out the window. "Yes. I can't wait until I can kick that bitch the hell out of my…." Then he stopped as he turned to the door with blinking eyes. "Come in Retsuko."

  Opening the door with a warm smile, Retsuko gave her Lord a slight bow. "My Lord."

  Blinking as she bowed just in the room, Kurosai sighed. "What is it?"

  Standing and looking at Kurosai, Retsuko kept her smile. "My Lord. The gatekeeper has sent me to inform you. Lord Torakus and Lady Sarigi as well as their chicks have been seen on the horizon. They should be here in time for the evening meal."

  Dropping his head with a loud sigh, Kurosai then turned a smile to her. "Thank you Retsuko."

  Once she was out of the room, Kintare turned and winked at Sorae as she gave her a nod. "See. What did I tell you?"

  Hearing the comment, Kurosai looked at the women and blinked as he went back and forth between them. "What are you talking about Kintare? What did you tell her about?"

  Giggling, Kintare adjusted how Shone was sitting on her lap as she looked up at him. "She was asking just the other day who it was she would have to make rooms up for first. Torakus or Chirio. I told her that the impatient bird can't wait to save his life for anything. And that we honestly expected you to be the first to arrive when Shone was born. But it wasn't, it was the damn bird."

  Shaking his head with a half glare, Koraen gave his mate a look. "Kintare. Remember Shone."

  Rolling her eyes then dropping her head, Kintare let out an annoyed growl. "I can't help it sometimes Koraen you know that. Just look at how we met after all? By all rights had that not happened I would have never been in the palace as your mate."

  Curious now, having told her the whole story about her and Kurosai, Sorae gave Kintare a smile. "I would love to hear this story. We have talked about how Kurosai and I have met many times before. I would love to hear the story about how the two of you met."

  Smiling as she tickled her son pulling a giggle from him, Kintare sighed. "Well you see, Koraen and I met by chance just like you and Kurosai did. I am the daughter of the leader of a small pack in the West. I never wore these kinds of clothes before I mated Koraen. The day that I met him the first time I was in a rather short fur skirt and a very revealing fur top. Trying to make my first kill on a hunt on my own. That didn't turn out the way I was hoping that it would have though.

  Even more curious now, Sorae was in a near trance state wanting Kintare to keep going with it. "What happened?"

  Looking up with a loving smile as Koraen came and stood right next to her, then down to her son who smiled up at her, Kintare giggled. "Well I heard movement. But I was so focused on using my ears to follow it, I didn't use my nose. Lunged out with my katana ready to make my kill. And ended up clashing my blade against his."

  A fit of laughter escaping him as he walked toward them, Kurosai winked at his friend. "Well then. That is how you mated then? She tried to kill you?"

  "Don't you start." Koraen then looked down at his mate and son. They were in all ways his world. "I was rather shocked to say the least. I was on my rounds at the time. The attraction was instant on my part. But the second her feet touched the ground she was off and running. Fast too, I had to actually track her back to her den. I had a talk with her father, who had to convince her to come out and meet me a second time. She was convinced that she was in trouble for 'attacking' me."

  With a growl, Kintare glared up at her mate. "In my eyes Koraen, I just attacked the Demon Lord of the West. What in the hell did you expect me to do?"

  Giving her a half glare, Koraen nodded toward Shone. "Shone."

  Gasping as she dropped her head again and threw her hands over her son's ears, Kintare sighed. "Sorry pup."

  Laughing Sorae looked up at Koraen with questions in her eyes. "Well that tells us how you met each other. How did you end up mated with each other?"

  Reaching out and running his hand through his mate's ponytail, Shone smiled. "Again that was on my part I think. I had an instant attraction. I went back to her den several times. Each time she would force me to track her down and corner her before she would spend time. Finally on one visit she agreed to come and spend some time at the palace."

  Nodding she giggled as she winked at Sorae, Kintare smiled at the growl she pulled from her mate. "I even told him that the only reason why I was agreeing to do that was because I thought if I just gave him what he wanted then I wouldn't have to deal with him lookin
g for me all the time."

  Reaching out and resting a gentle hand on her shoulder, Koraen laughed again. "I know. But I didn't care. She came to spend a few weeks, and it wasn't long after that, it was clear she would never be leaving."

  Nodding as she reached up with one hand and placed it on her mate's hand, Kintare looked up at him with a bright smile. "Not even two weeks later everything was official."

  Laughing and pulling eyes to her, Sorae smiled. "I am just glad that the two of you did mate, and now you have this beautiful boy." She then looked down at her sleeping son and rocked back and forth. "You know what though. I bet that both Shone and Kiyoshi find someone really strong to mate with. And it throws not only the South and West for a loop, but the North and East too. The world even."


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