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Twelve Lords

Page 10

by Max Jager

  Tickling her son making him cackle, Kintare nodded in total agreement. "I can agree with that one. Look at their father's and us. I mean you and Kurosai and Shone and I didn't exactly meet in the typical way that you meet mates in the demon world."

  "This is true." Sorae then pulled a growl from her own mate as she looked up at him. "Mama told me that unless there is an offer, or one is just more passive, a typical dog demon mating is started when two fight for dominance."

  "Wolves too." Kintare shook her head up and down with a vengeance. "Oh yea. Shone and I had a few really big fights where what he said, and what he did was totally different and that lead to a few huge fights for control."

  When Koraen said nothing but instead just growled with a half glare for his mate, it pulled laughter from everyone. Sorae once again looked at her son and thought about him being mated. 'I bet she is beautiful and strong. And just perfect for you.'


  With his son on his shoulders, Torakus pointed toward the tiny dot in the distance on the horizon. "Do you see that Sanzo?"

  His large eyes squinting, Sanzo blinked as he made out what his father pointed at. "I see it. But Papa why does it look so far away?"

  Laughing he looked up at his son and winked at him. "That is the Southern Palace and it looks so far away yet cause we are still many hours of walking away from it. We just see it better cause of our eyes."

  Watching the moment between her mate and her son Sarigi couldn't help but smile. Hearing a giggle she looked down at her daughter as she watched them too. Then turned back to her son. "Sanzo you just remember to mind your manners while we are here. Understand me son?"

  Giving his mother the same bright smile he got from his father, four year old Sanzo gave her a sharp nod as he giggled. "I will Mama! I promise I will be good."

  She couldn't help but laugh as she nodded back to him. "That's my good boy."

  With a laugh, Torakus lifted Sanzo off his shoulders and gave him a toss high in the air. "You will show them how grown up you are huh Sanzo."

  Giggling as he fell fast through the air to be caught by his father, Sanzo smiled. "That's right Papa!"

  Joining in with her mate Sarigi watched as Sanzo jumped to the ground and ran around them in circles with his arms held out like he was flying. Looking up at her mate she smiled. "So I wonder who the pup looks like more? Kurosai or Sorae?"

  Though he still felt pride for his son as he watched him, Torakus threw his head back in a fit of laughter. "Oh man. Knowing that poor pups luck he is the spitting image of his father."

  A half glare on her face, Sarigi shook her head with a sigh. "And tell me just how is that a bad thing?"

  Giving her his big toothy grin Torakus was still laughing. "Oh come on Sarigi. You remember his ugly mug don't you?"

  Smiling as she looked up at him sideways she kept her half glare. "Well I know that I loved it that Sanzo looked just like you when he was born. And yes I remember his 'mug' as you put it. I remember very well the very handsome demon Lord of the South coming to see our son when he was born four years ago."

  His smile gone with crossed arms, Torakus hissed at his mate. "Not amused."

  Giggling Sarigi closed her eyes. "Nor am I my love."

  The sound of his daughter pulled his eyes to her as he softened totally. That little girl melted his heart and soul just as much as her mother did. Pulling her gently from her mother's arms he cradled her as she giggled and reached for his hair. "What is it Ayame? Don't worry it won't be long before Papa can through you like I do your brother now."

  Watching as Torakus and his daughter had a moment, Sarigi felt her heart melt all over again. When she met him. He was the most handsome and strongest in the East by far. He was tall and had a thick build. Yet, when he was with her, or his chicks, that tuff guy exterior he had melted away and she saw the true gentleness that he had inside him. A trait that she prayed that her son and her daughter would inherit.

  Looking over at his mate, Torakus smiled. She was rare as it was with the same dark blue feathers he had, but pure white hair and when she transformed she was white. That alone drew his attention to her. But it was her personality that sealed it. He couldn't see himself with anyone other than her. A beauty to look at, smart, and would lay her life on the line for her family.

  Laughing Torakus handed his daughter back to her. "You were spacing out on me again Sarigi."

  With her daughter back in her arms, Sarigi looked at her then up to him. "I am sorry dear. I just can't help it though. Seeing you with her like that."

  With a soft smile as he looked at her sideways, Torakus closed one eye. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

  "Very good." Laughing as she blushed when he picked her up into his arms, Sarigi sighed. "Yes, a very good thing indeed."

  Dipping his head he seared her mouth with his own for a moment. Smiling Torakus looked into her gold eyes for a moment then looked down when he felt his son run into his leg and latch onto it. "What do you think Sanzo do you wanna fly with Papa?"

  His eyes lighting up Sanzo rapidly started to shake his head up and down as he jerked on his father's pants. "I do! I do wanna fly Papa!"

  Turning his eyes back to Sarigi, he stopped walking. "Love?"

  With a giggle Sarigi nodded. "Well don't think you are leaving me behind." Then she stepped back with her son as she watched for the millionth time in amazement as a blaze of fire engulfed her mate, and then grew larger. Once it was gone in its place stood a two hundred foot tall black falcon with the most beautiful blue sheen to him.

  Bending down she lifted her son around the waist and then jumped and landed right in the middle of his wings by his neck. Sitting comfortably with her son before her as he grabbed a hand full of feathers she smiled. "We are ready to fly dear."

  Clucking his beak together, Torakus then gave his wings a few mighty flaps and they were in the sky, soaring just below the clouds toward the palace. Soon as he leveled out he laughed, though it sounded more like hissing when he noticed the gate keepers scrambling to tell Kurosai they would be there sooner than he thought.

  Turning his head to the side, he looked behind him as he felt an inner peace that he couldn't compare to anything at the sound of his son's giggle. His ponytail flying in the wind as he stood next to his mother with his arms straight tout like he was the one flying. 'My son. I know it. You are going to do great things as you grow. I know it.'

  As he got closer to the palace though, he noticed movement in the woods just to the right of the palace. His eyes focused he saw several figures duck and dodge behind trees. Leopards were there. The closer he got, and the direction of the wind he could get the scents of them. 'Horani. I will have to inform Kurosai the second we land. I have a feeling you are up to no good.'


  With Sorae at his side, Kurosai walked into the dining hall with a smile as he went to greet his friend. "As fast as ever I see Torakus."

  His hair still fluffed and glaring, Torakus turned his gold eyes to Kurosai with a hiss. "He sent her?"

  Growling low through his chest, Kurosai knew exactly who he was talking about. "He did. And the sooner that Chirio gets here the sooner I can get that bi…" But then his ice blue eyes darted down to the wide gold ones standing next to Torakus as he stopped himself. Turning them back to Torakus he crossed his arms. "The sooner I get that thing out of my palace."

  "I agree with that." Taking a deep breath he sighed it out as he tried to calm down. "Chirio shouldn't be too far behind me. Koraen actually got here ahead of me this time I see."

  Nodding Kurosai turned a smile down to his mate as he sighed. "Yes. Someone told her about Kiyoshi before the announcement."

  Turning to the beauty at his side, Torakus smiled. "I see."

  Looking around, and sensing the amount of hostility in the room, Sarigi let out a sigh as she smiled and stepped up to stand in front of her mate. "Sorae. It is nice to finally meet you and put a face with the letters I get."

  Giving this
other lady a small bow, Sorae smiled herself. "The honor is all mine Sarigi." Then her eyes settled on the chick with auburn hair in her arms. "And this must be Ayame. She is adorable."

  "That's right. She isn't much older than your son either. She had seen three full moons before you told me about your boy." Then she turned blinking eyes up when she heard a hiss from her mate. "What?"

  His eyes wide as he crossed his arms and looked down at his mate. "Wait just a second. You knew before the announcement came too?"

  Laughing with a smile, Usgai nodded. "I did."

  Annoyed he hissed again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  With a giggle, Sarigi closed her eyes. "I did know before you. I got the message form Sorae just a few days after he was born in fact." Then she giggled as his glare turned more into an annoyed pout. "What? I didn't tell you about it, because you would not have waited for the presentation and would have rushed here just a few days later. Sorae needed time to rest and for her and Kurosai to bond with their son. Not have you squawking through the Southern Palace."

  Keeping his half glare Torakus hissed again at his mate. "Again. Not amusing."

  With a giggle as she watched the two before her, Sarigi clearing winning the issue that they had at hand she smiled. Clearing her throat she drew their attention to her. "If you would come with me Sarigi. I will show you and your chicks to the room we have made for you."

  Turning her smile to the young Lady, Sarigi nodded. "That sounds wonderful lead the way."

  With stern eyes as Umarus fell into step behind them, Torakus had his arms crossed still. "So how long do you think it will be before Chirio gets here?"

  Growling as he kept his eyes on the now close door, Kurosai felt his anger rise. "Soon I hope. We got his response just the day after yours. The sooner the better. I want that bitch gone or dead. One or the other. I would prefer dead that way she can't come bite us in the ass later."

  Nodding as he turned to Kurosai, Torakus was all work mode right now. "Come on and walk with me. I have something you need to know as well."

  As they left the dining hall, Kurosai growled as he glared over at him. It was odd to see this bird so serious about anything. When he was serious, he as well as Koraen and Chirio knew to take him just as serious. "What is it?"

  His eyes narrowing as he looked over at Kurosai he sighed. "Horani. It has to be him. I have never seen him myself, but by smell it has to be him. He is clearly related to your mate. He is stalking the inside of the woods over the western palace wall. There are if I would guess three dozen leopards with him as well."

  His eyes hard and glaring, Kurosai flinched. "You are sure?"

  Nodding as he crossed his arms, Torakus kept eye contact with him. "Very."

  Growling as he fisted his hands at his sides, Kurosai was once again seeing red. "Horani. That bastard. I should have pulled his head from his body that day that I kept Sorae from him."

  Stopping just a few doors down from where the women were, Torakus looked at him as he turned to fully face him. He knew that this was going to be different from what Sarigi had told him that Sorae told her about her father. And from what Sanosuke and his mate told him when they got back a couple years ago. "Kurosai I did not bring my full court and some of my army today like I would have normally. My most trusted will stay with Sarigi and the chicks at all times. Everyone else I brought are loyal to me and wouldn't dare try to harm your mate or pup."

  With a half-smile Kurosai nodded. "That is good to know. I know if you say that they wouldn't do it then they wouldn't. But knowing for sure that Horani is in the woods changes things."

  Giving him an odd look Torakus was a little confused. "How does it change and what does it change?"

  Looking up at the giggle he heard from his mate he sighed. "I won't be confined with Horani out there and Shinra in here. If Sorae agrees to it, I think it is time to change where we do the presentation at in the South. We are the current Lord's and can change anything damn thing we went too. Right."

  Smiling for the first time since he smelled Shinra there, Torakus gave a sharp nod as he fully relaxed. "Exactly."

  Making of a Lord Chapter 15

  Sorae could sense the rage that rolled off of her mate as he got closer and closer. Turning to Sarigi she handed her Ayame and gave her a small bow. "Our mates are not that far behind us. And judging from the rage I feel from mine, he is not in the best of moods anymore."

  A bright smile Sarigi nodded. She knew what that meant. Torakus told her what he saw before they got there. She thought she smelled someone related to her, but wasn't for sure until Torakus told her. Giving her a small bow and a knowing smile, Sarigi laughed. "Well then. I guess we will see each other again this evening for the meal?"

  "Yes." Another bright smile as she turned and walked to the door to leave just as Kurosai got there. "Until then Sarigi."

  As she walked past Torakus as he nodded to her mate, Sorae's eyes were filling with tears as she looked up at him and her hands gripped his clothes tightly. "What happened?"

  Looking up as Torakus slid his door shut Kurosai let out a sigh. "Come with me." Leading her just down the hall a few doors, to their room. Once in he sat Sorae down as he turned and took his son from a worried Chiyo. "My thanks once again to you Lady Chiyo for watching him. We will see you for the evening meal. Please."

  She knew that something was wrong and wanted to know what it was. But she knew her place. Giving him a bow with a smile. "I understand My Lord. Sorae." Then she left.

  Taking her son as her mate sat down next to her, Sorae turned pleading tears to look into his eyes. She could still feel his rage. But also concern and worry and it was driving her insane. "What is it? What happened? What's wrong now?"

  Crossing his arms he went to the one large window that overlooked the Western Palace wall. Just on the other side was her father. Hunting and cowering in the shadows like a coward. "Your father is hunting in the woods."

  "He is what?!"

  Hearing the panic in her voice he turned to see her standing and shaking as she held their son tightly. Going to her rubbed up and down on her arms. "Torakus has eyes that are more keen and sharp than any dog demon out there. It is questionable if he is better than a leopard. He saw him and smelled him. I have no doubt that he plans to attack during Kiyoshi's presentation. With what was at least a couple dozen leopards."

  Dropping her head as tears streamed out of her eyes, Sorae looked at her now wide awake and staring son. She finally has love and a perfect life. Why does her father insist on trying to destroy it! "What are we going to do then? We have to do the presentation right?"

  Making her look up at him, Kurosai had a serious face. "Well. I have an idea if you will agree to it."

  "What do you mean?"

  Keeping her eyes locked with his, Kurosai took a deep breath. "I want to change the way things for the presentations are done. If he wants to keep it when he is doing it, then fine. If not that is fine too."

  Blinking Sorae just stood there. "What do you want to change?"

  Letting go of her chin he looked down as he laid a hand on his son's head with a smile. "The presentation of the heir of the Land is typically done in the reception hall. But with Shinra already here. And now your father just in the woods. And what he has with him at that. I want to do our son's outside. I will be better able to protect the two of you that way."

  Turning away from him, Sorae began to quickly pace around the rom. All the possible things that could happen were zooming throughout her mind. But if he was going to change where the presentation was done for their son. Then why not change everything about how this one is done. That way not only would he be able to better protect them, but she could keep the other Ladies and kids out of it too.

  Going to her son's cradle she laid him down then turned to her mate and took his hands. "My Love. We already know who is and isn't going to try and hurt him." A roll of her eyes she actually smiled a true smile. "I think Yori would want to, but she wouldn't risk
her position to do it."

  Pulling free of her hands, Kurosai framed her face on either side with a curious look. "Sorae what are you getting at?"

  With a bright smile she sat down and pulled him down with him, once again taking his hands in hers on the bed. "If we are changing where it is done, then lets also change how it is done. When Chirio and Yori get there in a couple of days, show them, Torakus and Sarigi Kiyoshi. And the kids. That way when it is time to present him to the dragon, Kintare, Sarigi, Yori and all the kids can be with their guards in the safe room. That way Torakus, Koraen and Chirio won't have to worry about them."

  His eyes going wide as he kept them in her dark blue eyes, Kurosai was caught off guard but she did have a point! And it would work. "With their kids and mates not there the others would be able to fight without worry and looking over their shoudlers."


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