The Omega Became My Equal

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The Omega Became My Equal Page 6

by Breanna Mills

  "You were right about everything," I admitted.

  "I did want to protect you back there, but not just because you're omega." I said placing my hand on his cheek. "You mean the world to me and you don't even know it. I never meant to make you feel like you couldn't protect yourself or that you weren't strong enough. I certainly never wanted you to feel like had to prove yourself because you're more than strong, you always have been. I admit that I can't help but think of the danger you would be in by being with me. The truth is I don't know what I would do if I lost you. That scares me more than what people would say if we were together. I don't care about my rank and how it would look if I were with you. I care about the exposure that comes with being mated to an alpha. There would be people constantly after you just because of who you are and honestly I don't think I'm strong enough to take those risks."

  "You still don't get it do you?" he said with a sigh.

  "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I need you. You're like the air I breathe only more crucial. Without you existence is pointless. I've spent most of my life wanting to be with you. I rather have you for five seconds and die happy than live my life without you. You're miserable, we both are and the pack needs its leader.

  You have to be focused not sitting alone in a dark room falling apart piece by piece trying to pull yourself together. The Moon Goddess did not put us together not to be together and there is no one that can love you the way I do. I can be your rock, everything you need. It can be me and you we can make this work. Even if you aren't willing to take a chance with me I won't ever stop trying. I won't let you slip through my fingers. I won't stand by and watch you fall for some other guy that should be me. You had a chance to reject me and you didn't. That let me know that this is worth fighting for, we are worth fighting for and I intend to give this everything I have."

  Once again he was right. I knew what I had to do, I just prayed to the Moon Goddess I was doing the right thing. I kissed him with everything I had before I made the biggest decision of my life. I didn't know how he was going to react but it was the only way I knew to keep him safe.

  "Chasin I-"



  The next day

  "You mind sitting somewhere else? You’re in my seat," I told Chasin rolling my eyes. "Last time I checked this was a free country. This isn't elementary school Princess we don't have assigned seats so do me a favor and find another. It shouldn't be hard considering you got about ten more to choose from," he said mockingly.

  Everyone was watching and I was trying not to cause a scene. There were humans around but if he kept talking to me that way my wolf was going to forget that.

  "You know what you're an ass. I don't know who you think you are but I suggest you learn your place otherwise a seat will be the least of your worries." I walked passed him and found a seat making sure to knock his feet off the desk on the way. He just smirked and turned his attention to the front as the teacher walked in. Time passed by slowly and before I knew the bell rang.

  "What was that all about," asked Kasey.

  "Nothing Chasin's just being an ass lately," I said hoping she would drop it.

  "But you guys usually get along so well," she said with confused look on her face.

  "I guess things change," I said shrugging. I could tell she wanted to say more but thankfully let it go. After countless hours school was finally over. I walked to my locker to gather my things relieved to finally be able to head home.

  "Hey you want to hang out? Some of the girls and I are heading to the mall?" Kasey asked. "No that's okay I'll catch up with you later," I responded knowing I had other plans.

  She waved at me goodbye and I waved back. Suddenly I was pulled into an empty room. I heard the door lock. I knew who it was as soon as his skin made contact with mine. Our lips crashed together and I molded my body to his. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist so tight that I'm surprised I didn't cut off his circulation. We were both so filled with need that neither of us could let go. I was finally able to pull away when I felt my lungs about to collapse from lack of oxygen.

  "You couldn't wait until after school," I said grinning. "I nearly died seeing you earlier and not being able to touch you. You're lucky I made it this far. I wanted to get you alone the moment I saw you in class this morning," Chasin said smiling.

  "Is that why you were so rude? I almost had to use my command on you," I said teasingly knowing I would never do that to him.

  "You're cute when you're pissed. Besides this whole thing was your idea. If I had my way the world would know about us and you know it," he said going serious.


  "Chasin I accept you," I told him truthfully.

  "Wait what?" he said not bothering to hide his excitement.

  "I accept you," I said chuckling as he grabbed my waist bringing me closer.

  "Say it again," he demanded. Something about hearing his voice all deep and husky set me wolf and I on fire. Normally I hated when people told me what to do but for some reason it was sexy when he did it.

  "I accept you Chasin," I said again. He spun me around making me laugh. I could feel his emotions through the bond as the happiness rolled off him in waves, it was incredible. When he finally put me on my feet again I couldn't help but want his lips on mine. I wanted him to feel how much I loved him.

  "You have no idea what this means to me," he said softly, his forehead pressed against mine.

  Being with him in this moment felt so right, but I needed to tell him what was on my mind before I lost my nerve.

  "I love you Chasin. I really do. Looking back I think I always have. Which is why you have to promise me something before we go any further," I said seriously.

  "What?" he asked curiously. He had to cutest confused look on his face I had to fight the urge to awe. "That you won't tell a soul about us. We have to make people think we can't stand each other. At least that we aren't close so that they don't suspect a thing," I said afraid of his reaction.

  "What do you mean?" I could tell he was pissed by the way he tensed. The look in his eyes was almost scary and that's coming from an alpha. "Look I know what you're thinking and I swear it's not true. I told you I don't care about your status and I meant it. I just need to keep you safe until this thing with Michael blows over, that's it. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you and announcing you as my mate puts you in danger, I won't risk it."

  I prayed that he heard the sincerity in my voice and that he would understand.

  "I can take care of myself," he said through gritted teeth. "I don't doubt that. You don't have to prove anything to me. I know you are more than capable. I just don't see the point in putting you in danger if I don't have to. We can avoid all the drama at least for a little while. It will put my wolf at ease knowing that you are safe. Please just trust me," I begged. I didn't want to lose him.

  "I don't like this. I want to tell the world you are mine. Why can't you see that? Why can't you just take a leap of faith and just believe in me?"

  I could tell he was hurting, but it was nothing compared to the pain I would feel knowing that I was cause of him getting hurt or worse.

  "I do have faith in you and I promise when this is over we will both shout it from the roof tops. Just please do this for me." He laughed and nodded even though I knew he was still reluctant.

  "I'll be holding you to that," he said kissing my forehead. "Wouldn't have it any other way," I said melting into his embrace.

  I had my mate, now all I had to do was get rid of Michael and we could have our happily ever after.



  "Chasin where are we going?" I asked giggling. Tonight was our first date and he wanted to surprise me. I was starting to get sick of myself with all the giggling. I wasn’t the type but when I was with him I couldn't help it. He brought out this other side of me. The side of me that was girlish and carefree. I couldn't remember ever fee
ling this happy.

  "Just follow my lead and don't ask questions." I could tell he was smirking even if I couldn't see him. I was blindfolded from the moment we left our territory. I made sure everything was secure before I left and made sure to let Falcon know I would be gone for a while. I knew no one would suspect Chasin and I were together since we had pretended to despise one another so it seemed like perfect timing. Chasin had been planning this and I was excited to see what he had come up with.

  I waited patiently as he guided me to only the Moon Goddess knows where. It wasn't long before we came to a stop. I felt his breath on my neck and I knew he was standing right behind me. The tingles and shivers I felt just from him being that close was enough to set my wolf on edge, she was head over heels in love with him. He slowly untied the blindfold and I had no idea why it felt so sensual.

  "Open your eyes," he whispered and I felt the urge to jump him right then and there. The sound of his voice was enough to make any female damp between the legs and hiding my arousal was out of the question.

  "Calm yourself sweetheart. I have no problem taking you right here on the ground." I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face him. His voice was deeper and his eyes were darkening. Part of me desperately wanted to take him up on his offer, but it wasn't the time or place. I calmed down and pulled myself together.

  "This is amazing. Where are we?" I said in awe as I took in the scenery. We were in a part of the forest that I never knew existed. I had expected some restaurant or something but this had exceeded any of my expectations. There was a beautiful waterfall and a table for two decorated with a light blue cloth. Light blue was my favorite color and it seemed he had not forgotten. There were also two glasses and a bottle of wine sitting in between two gold trays, I hated anything silver.

  "You have your secret places, I have mine. Shall we?" he said extending his hand making me blush slightly. I never blush so it surprised even me. I took his hand and he pulled out my chair.

  "You know you didn't need to do all of this. I would have been happy just watching a movie," I told him truthfully.

  "I wanted to. This is our first date and I wanted it to be memorable," he said smiling.

  He took his seat and pulled a remote from his pocket. Soft music started to play and I noticed a radio hooked to an iPod that I didn't see before.

  "You really know how to make a girl feel special," I said giving him a smile of my own. For once I felt truly feminine. I always had to be strong being an alpha. No one really treated me like a girl except my parents and my best friend. My status was intimidating to most people, including guys I dated. They all seemed to think that I didn't like being wooed and never took the time to really plan dates, it was a nice change.

  "Anything for you," he said and I almost melted from his smile. He had the cutest dimples and the whitest teeth I had ever seen. He literally took my breath away. We ate and made small talk before he asked me to dance. I was pleasantly surprised when he glided with such grace and lifted me making me feel like I was floating on air.

  "I don't want the night to end," I said with a sigh. The music had stopped and I was catching my breath lying between his legs with his arms wrapped around me as we gazed at the stars. To say the night was perfect would be an understatement.

  "I know," he said kissing my cheek. As much as it hurt we had to go back to pretending we didn't care about one another. The more I thought about it the more I hated not being able to tell people about us. He was right, it was going to be harder than I thought.

  "Any chance of you changing your mind?" he asked as if he could read my thoughts.

  "I didn't think it would be this hard," I told him truthfully.

  "It doesn't have to be," he whispered. His lips dangerously close to my neck. I couldn't take it anymore. I faced him and put my legs on either side of him straddling his waist as I kissed him with everything I had. No matter how much I just wanted to give in I knew I couldn't. No one was going to get hurt because of me, especially not him. I was about to tell him so when I caught an unfamiliar scent, several unfamiliar scents. I felt Chasin tense beneath me and I knew he smelt them too.

  "What do we have here?" I knew that voice. It was him, Michael’s beta. Was he following me?

  Chasin moved so quickly I didn't have time to respond before his body covered mine.

  "What the hell do you want," he growled.

  "Nothing. I just want to have a friendly chat with an old friend," he said mockingly.

  "We were never friends you asshole," I said furiously as I freed myself from beneath Chasin and stood on my feet.

  "Awe come on now Linds you hurt my feelings. I thought you liked me."

  "Just tell me what the hell Michael wants from me," my wolf was surfacing, she wanted him dead.

  "You two had a deal. You didn't hold up your end of the bargain. He wants you," he said seriously.

  "The hell he does," Chasin said and I knew he was about to shift.

  I grabbed his wrist to keep him from going forward. I wasn't about to let him attack a beta, even if he could defend himself.

  "Well, well, well. A female alpha and a love struck omega with a death wish. Very interesting, very interesting indeed," he said intrigued.

  "Keep him out of this."

  "Is he your mate Lindsey? Or another one of your toys?"

  "None of your damn business. I said leave him out of it."

  "I'm afraid I can't do that. You see neither of you will be making it back."

  That was all I heard before Chasin let out a howl shifting as we were surrounded by rogues.


  Lindsey I rushed to help Chasin as he fought with one of the rogues. This was bad, really bad and I knew if I didn't do something we both would die. I mind-linked Falcon as quickly as I could giving him our location and telling him to get here as soon as possible. We were going to need help and lots of it. I ripped the throat of the wolf attacking Chasin and gave him a once over. I was both thankful and impressed that he wasn't hurt too badly.

  We began attacking standing back to back trying to protect one another. I knew Chasin was beginning to take a beating but his pride wouldn't let him quit. Both of our lives were at stake and if we died we would die together. I was holding my own as my alpha blood begin to kick in. I was fighting harder than I ever fought before running off adrenaline, thankfully I couldn't feel much of the pain that was being inflicted. I knew I was bleeding heavily but I was sure it was nothing compared to Chasin. It was almost as if I could feel him slipping away and it scared the hell out of me.

  Not a minute too soon I heard the pounding of paws and I knew my pack was approaching. In a blink of an eye they began attacking rogues and I was relieved that so many of them had shown up. Finally the rogues decided to retreat when there barely any of them left standing. However the beta felt the need to make one last statement, a statement that chilled my bones to the core.

  "Lucky for you Falcon was here to save the day, but he won't always be around. Michael will stop at nothing to have you and there is no way he's going to let that worthless omega live once he finds out he means something to you. We will be back and next time nothing will stop us."

  He gave me one last glare before he left and I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep that night. I knew Michael and every word his beta said was true. He would stop at nothing and he would make it his mission to kill Chasin as soon as he found out he was my mate. It was all over now, everyone was bound to figure it out sooner or later and there was nothing I could do to stop it. An alpha wanted him dead because of me, he was in danger, it was my worst nightmare. I was exhausted and out of breath. Someone handed me a set of clothes and I shifted and got dressed quickly. I immediately went to Chasin's side. He was pale and he looked broken. I knew he had lost a lot of blood, so had I, but seeing him lying there fragile and weak nearly made me crumble to the ground in a heap. He must have passed out as soon as the others showed up and he realized I was safe. He had fought so
hard and I couldn't help but admire his strength. In a perfect world he would be the strongest alpha that ever lived and I wouldn't have to be so afraid of someone taking him away from me. But this was reality and the Moon Goddess had chosen him for me. I loved him with all my heart but I couldn't change who he was. He was an omega and the truth was even with all his inner strength he could be over powered by the most average of wolves.

  "Get him to the pack doctor quickly. Tell her to put him in the largest room and make sure that he gets the best care," I told Falcon as I caressed his cheek and moved a piece of stray hair from his face.

  Even with all the blood and scars he was beautiful. I know it sounds strange to say that about a guy but he was, to me he was perfection. I placed a kiss on his forehead and watched as they carried him away. My wolf whimpered knowing that he was hurt and being taken away from us but she knew it was only to get him the help he needed. I ran as fast as I could leaving the rest of them behind. I needed to run, to go so fast that it became hard to breathe. I was still in pain but I welcomed it. I needed to take my mind off Chasin and the attack before I lost it. I don't know how long I ran, or how far but I my legs eventually gave out. After resting for a while I decided to head back to the pack house.

  "Oh my goodness Alpha. Why didn't you come back immediately? You need medical attention," Mary, the pack doctor, said worriedly as soon as I opened the door. She was short with black hair and light brown eyes. She was middle aged and gave off a motherly vibe. I had known her since forever, she delivered me and was like a second mom.

  "I'm fine. Just a few scratches," I said nonchalantly. I heard her muttering to herself about how I could get shot with silver and pretend it was no big deal. She returned with a small first aid kit and wiped the dried blood away so she could get a better look. I was pretty much healed but still a little sore, some of the wounds were still open but nothing to serious. The pack showed up in record time, I hate to think what would have happened if they hadn't. They really came through on short notice and I would have to remember to do something to thank them later. They risked their lives for us an even though I was their alpha I found it touching that they would go to such lengths. "Alright you're all done. But I do want you to get some rest so you can heal properly. Running like that after an attack was extremely foolish and dangerous. You could have injured yourself beyond repair and then what would any of us have done," she said going into lecture mode.


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