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Wish for Love

Page 10

by Daria White

  He made a spot to sit beside her. When a puppy climbed onto his lap, Tyler patted its back. “I know that look. It’s been a while since someone has turned me down.” His smile gave him away.

  Leah gave half a smile. “I’m sorry. I should have said something before.”

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Leah. I know we’ve been friends for years, but you seem happier. There’s a new light in your eyes.”

  The compliment warmed her from within. “I didn’t think you saw me like that.”

  Tyler shrugged his shoulders. “People change.” He faced her. A smile tugged at his lips. “I’ll be more than happy to be your friend.”

  Leah’s eyes gleamed. “Me too.”

  He pointed among the puppies. “So, are you going to take one of these guys home? I think that puppy is in love with you.”

  The puppy wagged its tail in her lap. His pink tongue hung from its mouth as it panted happily.

  Leah folded her hands in her lap. “Why do you have to be so cute?”

  The puppy barked. Tyler laughed aloud.


  Leah plopped on her couch. Her hands numb from toting shopping bags from the pet store. She stretched out on her sofa, longing for a hot bath in her claw-foot tub, ready to close her eyes. A bark jerked her eyes back open, and already by instinct, she reached her hand over the edge of the couch. She looked at her new addition to her household. How did I fall for this puppy?

  She leaned forward and rested her elbows on her thighs. Her new dog wagged its tail.

  “You like the name, Chip?”

  He barked again in response.

  She picked him up and cuddled him to her side.

  “This won’t be easy. I have a business to run.” She patted his head. “I can take you back.”

  Chip’s pink tongue licked her fingers. Leah laughed.

  “I guess you like it here already, huh?”

  Her phone caught her attention when it buzzed. Leah placed Chip on the rug and read a text from Seth.

  7:33 PM… Seth: Had fun last night

  Her lips curled into a smile.

  7:35 PM… Leah: Me too

  She waited for another reply, but received none. Leah strolled to her tub, leaving Chip in the living room with his new bone chew toy. Though he followed her to the bathroom, she nudged him outside for her privacy. Engulfed by hot water, her body relaxed. Jazz played faintly in the background, and she enjoyed the sweat on her forehead from the steam.

  Her lavender wash tickled her nostrils, but upon hearing the whimpers of Chip and his little paws at the door, Leah ended her personal spa session. After stepping out the tub, she tied her plush cotton robe around her waist, and walked only to stop spotting Chip reclining in front of the door. She scratched behind his ears and then stood upright to walk to her bed. Where was her copy of Wuthering Heights again?

  Leah pivoted at the sound of her phone ringing. Perhaps Seth had called wanting to talk. Worry snaked through her. When she spotted Cole’s name, her heart leaped.

  “It’s not a bad time is it?” he asked.

  “Not at all. What’s up?”

  “Your photos are done.”

  Her body froze in place. “They are?”


  She sat on her bed. “Yes?”

  “They’re great. I wouldn’t tell you that if it wasn’t true. Besides, you get to pick the ones you like best to send to your designer.”

  Leah blew out her cheeks. “Okay. I trust you.”

  “There you go. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”

  She crossed her legs. “I don’t think that’s an accurate statement since last time—”

  “High school doesn’t count. In my professional opinion, you look amazing, and it will make a huge difference on your site.”

  Leah’s mood lifted. “Okay, I can’t wait. When can I see them?”

  “Monday is good for me. Late afternoon?”

  “That’ll work. I can stop by your studio.”

  “I won’t have any chocolate muffins, so don’t ask.”

  She smirked. “I won’t. I’m going to have to skip a few days with the sweets.” She glanced at the ceiling. “It’s not fair. Why does the bad stuff taste so good?”

  “Conspiracy I think.”

  She covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. “Sounds about right.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I’m cutting back too. My mom’s cooking will catch up with me if I’m not careful.”

  “I think moderation is best for both of us.”

  “Are you offering to be my accountability partner or something?”

  Her mouth twisted into a grin. “No, but if you need some encouragement now and then, I’m here.”

  “I’ll take that too. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?”

  Leah kneaded her shoulder as Chip pawed her foot through her slipper. She reached down and picked him up. “No, I was thinking of watching a movie.” Chip barked.

  “Was that a bark?” he asked sounding intrigued.

  Chip crawled over her lap. “Maybe.”


  “I may have gotten a puppy?”

  He choked. “What?”

  “Before you say anything else, I’ve never had a problem with dogs. Growing up without them, I never thought much about having one.”

  “And now you are?”

  Happiness coursed through her as Chip reclined in her lap. “This puppy was too cute, Cole. I only stopped by the animal shelter since I haven’t been in a while, and they had these golden retriever puppies and I—”

  “You fell for those big puppy eyes. Didn’t you?”

  She pulled her lips in. “Maybe.”

  “Oh, Leah. Don’t you see that’s how they get you? One look and it’s over.”

  She scratched behind Chip’s ears. “You’re right.”

  “You own a dog? That’s definitely interesting.”

  “Make fun of me all you want.”

  “Not if you were serious.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  Cole cleared his throat. “If it was important to you, Leah, I’d never make fun of you. I know I joke around, but I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

  Leah’s hand stilled. Her breath hitched. Butterflies filled her stomach. “I know you wouldn’t, Cole. Thank you.”

  “Good. Well… I won’t keep you any longer. Five-thirty works for you, right?”

  She avoided the heat curling down her spine. “That’s fine. I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay cool. Goodnight, Leah.”

  “Goodnight, Cole.” She sat her phone on her nightstand and held Chip.

  It made little sense. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. Yet, Leah’s heart skittered. Liking Cole replayed in her mind like a melody. She couldn’t even choose a movie to watch for the evening, so she settled into bed after placing Chip in his doggy bed. She clasped the surrounding covers. Even if her feelings were real, did he feel the same way? Leah’s eyes drooped. She could resume her thoughts tomorrow.


  Cole laced his fingers together behind his head on his brother’s couch. He jolted upright at the sound of the backdoor opening. Seth was back.

  “You look tired,” Seth pointed out. “Long night at the studio again?”

  Cole rubbed at his eyes. “Yeah, I finally finished Leah’s photos.”

  Seth said, “You missed it at Mack’s tonight, little brother. The guys asked about you.”

  “I’ll go next time.”

  “Can’t be all work all the time.”

  Cole chuckled. “Says the guy who used to do three-a-day practices back in the day.”

  “That was when I was training. I don’t need to do that anymore.” Seth’s shoulders sagged.

  “Do you still think about what would have happened if you didn’t get hurt?”

  His brother stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I would even get through
physical therapy. That was the worst pain ever.”

  “But you got through it. We’re Parsons men, remember?”

  “Right.” Seth crossed the floor to the kitchen. Cole rose to his feet, massaging the back of his neck. “Want something to drink?”

  “I’m okay. I need to go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow. Did I tell you I was booked for a wedding here in town?”

  His brother raised an eyebrow. “Cool, but the only person I know getting married in town is—”

  “Holly from the animal shelter. She and her fiancé Josh hired me. They want engagement photos and pictures for the day.”

  His brother high-fived him. “You’re cleaning up, little brother.”

  He frowned. “Trying to.”

  Seth gave him a knowing look. “Just because Dad doesn’t say it, doesn’t mean he doesn’t care.”

  Cole shrugged half-heartedly.

  “Mom says that’s his way.”

  “He was happy to say you made him proud though.” Cole scratched his head. His nostrils flared. “They drafted you in the NFL. You put this town on the map. He was proud to be the father of Seth Parsons.”

  Seth glared at him. “It wasn’t easy convincing him though. He didn’t want me to go, but once he got used to the idea, he came around.” His expression softened. “Give him time.”

  Shame washed over Cole. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go off like that. This is between me and Dad.”

  Seth walked over and patted his shoulder. “He’s a character.”

  “You got that right.”

  “So, do you have a plus one?”

  Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “A plus one? For what?”

  “The wedding.”

  “I’m not an actual guest, Seth. I’m photographing the wedding.”

  “First, it’s Holly. I’m sure she’s invited everyone in town. Did you check the mail today?”

  Cole’s eyes diverted to the mail pile on the kitchen island. He thumbed through the letters until he spotted an ivory-colored envelope. He and his brother’s name showed in scripted text. He sighed and held up the envelope. “We got an invitation.”

  “I rest my case.” His brother smiled. “If I know Holly, it will be over the top.”

  “Who will you bring as a date?

  “I can’t go that weekend. I have some things to take care of. If not, I would ask Leah.”

  Sure, he would. “Well, no one comes to mind, so I’ll probably fly solo.”

  “Suit yourself.” Seth covered his mouth to stifle a yawn. “I’m going to turn in. Goodnight.”

  Cole clasped the invitation in his hand. “Yeah, goodnight.” His brow furrowed, and his eyes glanced at the ceiling as if to seek answers from above. He returned the letter to the counter and walked to his room. He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. His attempts to leave things uncomplicated were failing.

  Chapter 15

  Cole figured out where everything was in Seth’s modern-day kitchen, so it was easy to find the cookware he needed to eat breakfast and cleaned up. He then loaded his camera into his bag, preparing for his next photo shoot on the books. His phone chimed, and he looked at the screen, seeing his new assistant, Bree, had sent him a reminder text.

  10:16 AM… Cole: On my way

  “You can tell your brother I fixed the leak in the kitchen sink,” his father said, while repacking his toolbox.

  “Sure. I’ll catch you later. I have another photo shoot.”

  His father cleared his throat. “I’m guessing a career change is out of the question for you.”

  Cole forced a smile. “I can’t do what I love?”

  “That can only take you so far. Creativity is fine but—”

  “It’s not a doctor or lawyer. Right?”

  “It’s more practical. I worked hard so you could have the opportunities I didn’t.”

  Cole breathed through his nose and clasped his camera bag. Regardless if his father approved or not, he couldn’t show up late. “I’ll take my chances. I’ll see you later.” He didn’t stick around to listen to his father’s response. He didn’t care to hear it, anyway.


  Leah drew in a long breath as she exited her car. The reflection of the nearing sunset glowed on the glass windows of Cole’s studio. She inched closer to the door. Her heart thudded though she willed herself to relax. She entered the shop and caught Cole with his camera in hand. Recognition dawned on her face at the sight of Miss. Adele and her husband, Victor, standing in front of the backdrop.

  A smile tugged at Leah’s lips as the older couple embraced one another, staring into each other’s eyes. Cole captured the romantic moment on camera, pivoting to photograph all the angles. She recalled him doing the same for her own photo shoot, his precision impeccable. Cole left nothing unturned. He had a keen eye and could see the natural beauty in the world.

  Leah’s eyes followed him as he snapped photos of the beloved couple. Then his eyes met hers. For a moment, she froze. Cole’s eyes glowed with affection, and then he resumed his work.

  She swallowed as she moved to the corner of the room, rubbing her forearms as she waited. Like her parents, Miss. Adele and her husband had a forever love. Leah’s lower lip quivered. She touched her hand to her heart as Mr. Victor kissed his wife’s forehead.

  “And we are done,” Cole said.

  Miss. Adele clapped her hands. Her husband extended a hand to Cole, who returned the gesture.

  “Thank you so much,” Miss. Adele said. She spread her arms wide and embraced Cole.

  “You’re welcome. I appreciate the business,” Cole replied. “I’ll let you know when the photos are ready.”

  Victor loosened his tie. “Now I can get out of this getup.”

  His wife giggled. “You looked very handsome.”

  “Thank you, honey,” her husband replied. He extended his arm, and she looped hers through his.

  Leah placed her purse on the chaise lounge.

  “Leah?” Miss. Adele greeted.

  She embraced her favorite baker. “Nice to see you both.” She gave Victor a once over. “You look very suave in your tie.”

  He stroked his white goatee. “Thank you, Leah.” His glacial blue eyes gleamed.

  Miss. Adele cocked her head toward her husband. “So, I had to nag you to wear a tie, but someone else mentions it and your chest puffs out?”

  Victor cleared his throat. “We’ll see you around the bakery, Leah.” He turned his head to Cole. “Have a good one, Cole.” He took his wife’s hand and escorted her outside.

  Leah giggled, still hearing their bantering in the background. She wrapped her arms around herself and turned around. Cole stood a few feet away from her.

  She gestured her thumb toward the door. “They’re cute together. What were their photos for?”

  “Fortieth anniversary.”

  She inched closer. “That’s sweet. It’s nice to see love like that.”

  “Yeah it is. So… you ready to see the pictures?”

  Leah took a calming breath. “Yes.”

  He extended his hand and winked at her. Her heart skittered, and she clasped it. His strong fingers laced between hers, fitting perfectly.

  “So, all the photos are on this USB drive,” Cole said as he released his grip. He opened his laptop and loaded the images.

  Leah settled in the chair next to him. Her lips parted as she glanced at the screen. Who was the confident woman staring back at her? Her smile was fearless. Her poise graceful. She pressed her lips together. When was the last time she looked in the mirror and loved what she saw? Joy overwhelmed her as her eyes welled up with tears.

  “Leah? What’s wrong?” Cole put an arm over her shoulder.

  She pressed both hands to her cheeks. “I’m not supposed to cry. It’s not you. They’re so… beautiful.”

  “It’s you, Leah.”

  His compliment washed over her, soft as the south wind. She turned her head to face him. His eyes glowed with tend
erness. They shared the same look at the movies. She froze, biting the inside of her cheek. If only they didn’t sit so close. If only his fingers didn’t stroke her arm. Was it hot suddenly? Every cell in her body came alive, and her chest rose and fell with deep breaths.

  “Thank you,” she choked. Then she brought a hand to dab her eyes dry.

  “You’re welcome. Are you okay now?” He smiled.

  No, because I like you and I’m not ready to have feelings for anyone. Still, she forced a smile. “I’m okay.”

  Cole released his embrace and scrolled through the pictures. Leah threaded her fingers through her hair and crossed her legs. She focused her eyes on the screen.

  “What do you think?” he asked, sounding hopeful.

  “They’re incredible.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Cole’s shoulders sagged. Was that a touch of annoyance in his voice? He then pinched the bridge of his nose.

  Leah raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  Cole leaned back in his chair and rested his hands on his thighs. “Sometimes I still hear my dad in the back of my head. I still don’t think he’s on board with my career choice.”

  Leah’s eyes roamed his studio. “He knows that you own this place, right? You’ve traveled all over the world.”

  He gave a half-smile. He folded his arms across his chest. “I know. Still, I wish he understood.”

  She touched his forearm. “He loves you. He may never understand, but you’re doing something you love. All parents want their children to be happy.”

  Cole met her gaze. “That’s what I’ve missed.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  “About being home. I’ve missed talking to you. I haven’t had that in a long time.”

  He straightened in his seat. The distance between them decreased, and Leah’s lips parted. He would not kiss her, was he?

  “Thank you for making me feel at home again.”

  She cleared her throat. “You’re welcome.”

  He kneaded his shoulder. “So, um… which ones do you like best?”

  Leah pointed to the photo of her in the sundress leaning against the tree. “This is one of my favorites.”


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