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How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed

Page 5

by Simon Davies

  If a potential client asks about your penis size (yes, it happens), then there’s nothing wrong with a little exaggeration. But don’t over do it.


  Using the web to promote yourself is an absolute must if you are an independent escort because it can give you exposure at a fraction of the cost of say a magazine. Moreover, prospective clients are actually searching for the type of services you are offering. Therefore, having a well designed, informative, and search-engine-friendly web site should be at the top of your to-do-list.

  There are four constituent elements to a web site:

  Domain name


  Site design



  A domain name is the unique address that people use to find your web site. It’s what you type into your browser’s address bar to access a specific web site.

  For example, the domain name of my old male escort site was:

  Anyone can register a domain name and it’s a straightforward process. However, there are a number of points to bear in mind when choosing one.

  Firstly, it should be easy to spell and remember – keep it as simple as possible.

  Secondly, register the .com and your country specific ending, if possible. In other words, if you live in Australia then register .au and .com.

  There is no need to register every derivation, and stay clear of other endings such as .org, which denote charitable organisations and industry bodies.

  In my humble opinion your country specific ending, for example, or .au is more important than the .com version because the majority of your work will be in your home country, but if both are available then grab them.

  Thirdly, try to ensure the domain name you choose includes important keywords. “What are keywords?” you say. Well, they are the words and phrases that people type in to the search engines to find information, products and services that are of interest to them.

  Why have them as part of your domain name? Simple, my research has shown that keywords in the domain name can give a slight ranking boost, which equals more chance of prospective clients finding your web site. And searched keywords are highlighted in bold, so your relevant domain name will stand out like a lighthouse beacon.

  However a word of caution, don’t go overboard and risk your site being banned from the major search engines. For example, would be great (for those operating around Denver, Colorado), but repetitive use of keywords e.g. could fall foul of many search engines’ guidelines. If you get banned from Google it WILL have a massive impact on your web site visitors numbers, take my word for it I’ve been there. In September 2012 Google rolled out the EMD update, which was meant to prevent sites from ranking well just because they’re using and Exact Match Domain.

  Lastly, it’s advisable that you register the domain name yourself. Put another way, think carefully before allowing your web designer - if you decide to use one - to register the name for you.

  Why? Generally speaking a domain name is registered for a period of twelve months. And prior to renewal an email is sent to the administrator, this is normally the person who registered the name.

  If you allow your web designers to take care of everything they will most likely register the domain in their name. Not necessarily because they’re being sneaky, but because of the way the registration system works. Consequently, if the relationship with your web designers sours or they just disappear off the face of the earth, you will have a real uphill battle trying to wrestle back control of your domain name.

  This may not become an issue until the domain name expires and your beautiful, cash-generating web site is no longer visible because the name’s not been renewed by your designers.

  In a nutshell, keep control by registering your own domain name. If you’d rather have your designer do it then insist that you are named as the ‘registrant’ and ‘billing’ contact.

  However, there’s one BIG caveat in relation to having a domain registered in your name. It is possible that someone can identify you as being the owner because the information is often in the public domain. So, anyone with a little knowledge of the domain registration system could find out your name and address.

  If you register a .com it is possible to use a ‘WHOIS privacy service’ which will ensure your personal details are kept hidden. You’ll be charged around £20 per year.

  In the UK it is possible to hide your identity if registering a domain. This is a free service provided by the company you register your domain name with. But you have to ask or check the appropriate box for your details to be kept hidden.

  To summarise, you have three choices: (1) let your designer register the domain name – great if you wish to keep everything secret, but you give away control (2) use a WHOIS privacy service and or data protection offered by domain registration company (3) use the address of someone you know and trust, which will at least prevent people from knowing your own address (this is often what I do).

  In terms of domain name registration I’ve personally used: 123-reg, which is UK-based and Godaddy, from the USA. If you choose another provider then ensure it’s reputable company and has been in business at least five years before you part with your money.


  A web site consists of a number of data files, usually text and images. These files have to be stored on a machine called a server. Any computer can act as a server providing it’s configured correctly and has appropriate software installed. So, if you’re technically minded you could host your own web site.

  However, most small businesses choose to use a hosting company because their services are cheap at around £25 - £50 per year. They provide secure storage of your web site files, so they can’t get hacked. And they have the technical expertise to fix any problems that may occur.

  My advice on hosting somewhat mirrors that of registering a domain name. Where possible set up the hosting account yourself – don’t let your web designer or anyone else for matter have control.

  If you don’t heed this advice the consequences can be catastrophic. Why? Because if your designer goes out of business owing the hosting company money you may have to say goodbye to your web site.

  Alternatively, if you are in dispute with your designers they could take the site down. Obviously, this may constitute a breach of contract, but are you really going to sue them in the courts? The newspapers would think Christmas had come early. I can just see the headline: “Male Hooker Caught In Court Battle With Web Hosting Company…”

  Best practice is to allow your web designer to have access to the web space to upload files, but to then change the log in and password details.

  In terms of choosing a hosting company you should stay clear of free services because they tend to display ads on your site, which doesn’t look professional. They place restrictions on bandwidth (i.e. the number of times your site can be viewed). Moreover, the technical support is usually second rate or non existent. In addition, there is evidence that search engines don’t like free web space as it’s not commercial in nature and is often used by spammers.

  Before you press the ‘Buy it Now!’ button also ensure a business address is posted on their web site. And, check their technical support telephone number is NOT a premium rate number. You don’t want to be put on hold and paying a premium for the privilege, do you?

  Nearly all domain name registration companies offer hosting, including the ones I’ve personally used.


  Today, there are a huge number of web design packages to choose from, including the industry standard Adobe Dreamweaver at around £230. So, should you build your own or hire a professional?

  Well, the short answer is hire a designer because doing so will get you to you
r goal of becoming a male escort much faster! Moreover, the finished web site will look polished and professional. This will give your prospective clients a feeling that you’re not just some random guy who fancies himself as a gigolo: perception is everything.

  You see, although you can download good design software for as little as £35, you’ll face a steep learning curve. This is fine if you’re a technical wizard who can get to grips with things fairly quickly. Or you have the time and desire to build your own web site.

  Having said that there are some definite benefits to building and maintaining your own site. Firstly, there’s the cost saving, designers don’t work for free. Secondly, if you decide to alter some text or to add a new picture you can do so immediately. Thirdly, you have total control over your virtual shop front.

  If it’s the case that you have very little money or you’d just prefer to build your own site, then head over to resources section at for a list of good options.

  You shouldn’t need to invest more than £300 - £500 to have a multiple-page web site designed by a good web designer.

  Choosing a designer is like choosing a house builder. It’s all about credentials and feeling comfortable you can work with them.

  Therefore, you should check he or she has plenty of satisfied clients. And that your emails or phone calls are answered promptly, before you sign the contract.

  I would advise you not pay more than 50% of the agreed total upfront. In fact, if you can negotiate less then do so.

  Prior to paying a deposit set out everything you have agreed in writing. Break the project down by itemising each element. For example: 1 x logo design; 5 x custom web pages; 6 x thumbnail images (which enlarge when clicked); search engine preparation and submission; mock-up online by 10th of July; web site completion by 15th July; total cost £400 including minor revisions.

  Although this is no substitute to having a lawyer draw up a contract it is a least better than trying to rely on memory. And it provides some evidence of what was agreed between the parties.

  One final thought on the subject of web design. If the thought of getting to grips with web design software gives you Goose bumps. Or you don’t have the time to seek out a competent web designer, then give me a shout. And I’ll put you in touch with the guys who designed my own web sites.


  The job of a all search engines is to find, index and retrieve web content, so they can be thought of as being a kind of automated library.

  In order to provide users with the most relevant content search engines use algorithms, which are step-by-step instructions for solving a problem using complex mathematics – Google’s algorithm is called PageRank™.

  So, when a searcher types in say ‘male escort’ (the problem to be solved) the engine will return results based upon what it deems to be the most to the least appropriate to the search query.

  How are the algorithms determined? Unfortunately, these are a closely guarded secret, however, some search engines, notably Google, do provide some guidelines, see

  In addition, I have conducted my own research over the last ten years and have found what works and what doesn’t.

  It’s all a question of making small adjustments to your web site and it’s promotion in order to gain those coveted top rankings.

  Why focus on Google? Simply put, it has the major share of the search market. In other words, the vast majority of Internet users rely on Google to find relevant content.

  Yes, it’s important not to forget other search engines, but Google is the benchmark, so if your site ranks highly there then you’ll see this replicated across other major search engines: Yahoo, Bing (formally MSN/Windows Live Search), and AOL.

  Therefore, your web site must be optimised to attract potential clients…

  As I’m sure you’re aware people use keywords and phrases to find web sites that may be of interest to them.

  A keyword is a single word like ‘escort’ and a key phrase is a group of keywords, for example, ‘male escort’ or ‘male escort london’. However, many people, me included, use the terms keyword and key phrase interchangeably.

  What does optimised mean? Well, in this context it refers to the process of preparing a web site so it will rank highly for the types of keywords and phrases your potential clients will be typing into their favourite search engine.

  There are two types of search engine results. The ‘organic’ results are natural rankings and individual positions (whether it’s page one, four, ten…) can’t be bought. On the other hand Sponsored Results - usually positioned on the right hand side - are largely determined by what an advertiser is prepared to pay to occupy a certain position.

  It’s better if your web site is featured in both sets of results. However, at the time of writing Google and Yahoo don’t allow paid listings by escorts. In any case organic positions are the Holy Grail for every savvy web site owner because they attract far more clicks than sponsored results.

  So, how do you achieve those elusive top rankings?

  In order to illustrate the exact steps to take I’ll use my old male escort web site

  As mentioned earlier the domain name you choose can be important because including keywords in your domain name has been proven to provide a slight ranking boost.

  As you can see I have not taken my own medicine because the domain I chose doesn’t include any keywords. In fact, my very first male escort web site launched in 2001, was better because it included the words ‘male escort’.

  Although Forbidden Fruit is a memorable name, it would have been more effective to use:

  Alternatively, I could’ve used because London is where I was once based.

  Obviously, if you include a geographical location for example London and then later decide to move hundreds of miles away then this may cause you a problem. So, think ahead where possible.

  It’s also worth pointing out you can use hyphens, so would be perfectly acceptable. However, don’t go overboard by stuffing repetitive keywords and or hyphens into your domain. It’ll have a detrimental effect on your rankings - you may even get banned from the search engine - and it will make it much harder for people to remember.

  Next, we’re going to cover specific elements on the actual web page that can affect your search engine positions.

  Title tag:

  The web page title is like the title of a book, but unlike some books it should ALWAYS accurately describe what the page is about.

  What you should do is ensure that keywords people will use to find your site are included, whilst keeping it accurate.

  Don’t waste peoples’ time by including irrelevant keywords e.g. ‘bodybuilder male escort’ when you’re actually built like a beanpole!

  If you head over to my web site again you’ll see my page title includes very specific keywords: black male escort, and male escort manchester. You will also note that I’ve added a few extra geographical locations - where I’m prepared to travel.

  Moreover, the page title doesn’t just look like a string of unrelated keywords because it’s also important to catch the attention of and appeal to a prospective client. And try to make each page title different.

  You can view the title tag of most web pages by right-clicking (if using a PC) with your mouse on an area of blank space (try the purple coloured areas of the Forbidden Fruit home page). Once you’ve right-clicked a menu will appear. From there choose ‘View source’ or ‘View source code’. You will then see the HTML code for the web page including the title tag:

  Black Male Escort Manchester, London, Leeds and Sheffield

  If you decide to have a designer create your site, then ensure you provide the title for each page so they can be incorporated during the build.

  When building your own site most software packages will a
llow individual page titles to be altered, if not, don’t buy it.

  The page title is still one of the most important elements to optimise, so even if you don’t do anything else in terms of optimisation you really should take care of the page titles.

  Description tag:

  A page’s description tag provides the search engines with a brief summary of what a page is about. They’re important because search engines often use what’s in the description tag to provide searchers with a ‘snippet’ of your pages. Here’s what Google has to say about descriptions:

  “Description meta tags are important because Google might use them as snippets for your pages. Note that we say “might” because Google may choose to use a relevant section of your page’s visible text if it does a good job of matching up with a user’s query…

  Adding description meta tags to each of your pages is always a good practice in case Google cannot find a good selection of text to use in the snippet.”

  You can view the description tag of a page by following the same procedures as outlined for checking the title tag (see section on title tags). Mine looks like this:

  Black male escort in Manchester, London, Leeds, Sheffield UK, providing discreet straight male escort service for women and couples...”

  On reflection, my description tag could be improved by changing the order of words so it doesn’t appear like I’m in Manchester, London… at the same time!

  Keyword tag:

  The keyword tag isn’t given much if ANY weighting these days by the search engines, but they should be mentioned for completeness. You can find the tag by viewing the source code. It’s worth putting a few keywords within the tag, but don’t over do it.


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