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How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed

Page 6

by Simon Davies

  Alt tag:

  The word ‘alt’ stands for alternative text and refers to the text displayed on a web page when you mouse over a picture.

  Although using these tags is not going to propel your web site to number one position in Google, it’s good practice to use them where appropriate. Again, don’t over do it by stuffing the tag full of irrelevant keywords.

  Body text:

  The body text consists of the actual words on your web pages, and each page should preferably cover one topic.

  There are no definitive rules for how much text a web page should contain or how many keywords it’s safe to add without being penalised. But one thing is for sure, don’t write with the aim of loading every keyword possible into your page.

  Search engines don’t hire male escorts only people do, so write with prospects in mind and not search engines.

  If you take another look at the home page of the Forbidden Fruit site you’ll be able to pick out a number of keywords and phrases. However, they’ve been blended in naturally so they don’t stand out like a sore thumb. This should be what you are aiming for.

  We’ll be coming back to words in the next chapter because it’s such an important factor to your success.

  Building Inbound links:

  One of the key factors in determining whether a site ranks highly on the first page of Google or in position number 27 or worse relates to the quality and number of inbound links.

  You have an inbound link when another web site, contained in the Google index, has chosen to link to your site. Here’s the deal. Google views incoming links as a positive vote for your site. In other words, it determines your site must be important and relevant to searchers because others are linking to you.

  However, it’s far more effective if the link is a quality one. In other words one that already has a good PageRank™. Moreover, the link needs to be from a site that offers similar or related content. Ideally you need to swap with other escort web sites or adult themed ones, rather than your local plumber.

  Link building is a huge topic, so what I’m about to share is one easy (but not the best) method of gaining links. For further information about link building head over to

  If you use the Internet Explorer 6+, then consider downloading Google Toolbar. This is because you can spy on your competitors PageRank™ and also view their incoming links.

  “Why do I need to spy on my competitors?” I hear you say. It’s because you can see what inbound links they have so you can contact the site owners and ask to swap links.

  NOTE: Google Toolbar stores lots of information within the browser, which is fed back to Google. Therefore, if you’re very conscious about privacy or your computer is used by others then think twice before using the service.

  Google Toolbar can be found here: (or from the home page follow the ‘About Google’ link).

  Okay, so you’ve downloaded the Toolbar or at least identified a site you’d like to swap links with because it’s featured on pages one to four of Google. What do you do now?

  Well, first of all check that the site is open to swapping links by checking out the blurb on the sites’ links page. If it seems the owner is looking to swap links, then follow the instructions posted.

  My own links page states:

  “If you would like to swap links, then please add this site to your links page by copying the link text or banner below, prior to emailing me with your own site details.”

  If there are no such instructions then you should send a short and polite email asking if they’d be interested in swapping links. You could say something like this:

  Subject: exchanging links for mutual benefit

  Dear sir/madam,

  As I’m sure you’re aware links from similar sites lead to higher search engine rankings…

  So, I was hoping you’d be up for swapping links?

  If yes, then please email your link text or banner.

  I’ll let you know when it’s been added, so you can reciprocate.

  Best regards,

  Simon – UK Male Escort

  You’ll find that some male escorts in your own country may not wish to swap links. Even though this is short sighted because clients may find your fellow male escorts anyway.

  Don’t let this put you off from sending a quick email: he who dares wins.

  If you do encounter too much resistance from your home market then approach guys in other countries. For example, if you’re in the USA swap links with guys in the UK, New Zealand or South Africa.

  It can be hard work generating links, but the effort will pay off. Remember, most people don’t search beyond the first three or four pages, so you need to be visible.

  Before moving on, a word of caution. Don’t be tempted to participate in so-called link farms or any scheme that promises dozens of inbound links. If you do then don’t be surprised if Google bans your site. I did just that in early days and couldn’t get back into Google for months.

  The final task having built your web site, optimized it and generated some inbound links is to submit it to the search engines.

  Now, you might be thinking that the search engines will find your site because you’ve swapped links with others that are already listed, and that’s maybe true.

  However, it’s prudent to submit your site to the major search engines. Don’t leave this to your web designer or use an auto submitting service. It’s a ten minute job to do it yourself, so roll up your sleeves and crack on. from the home page click the link ‘About Google’. You will then spot a link ‘Submit your content to Google’, click this and on the next page click the link ‘Add Your URL’. All you do then is simply add your full web address (For example,, and fill in a few details.

  There is no need to submit all your pages as Googlebot will find them. is now powered by (see below) either perform a search using the words “submit site to bing” or use the following link: " On the bottom of this page click the link labelled ‘submit’. Then simply add your URL. at the time of writing this ebook AOL uses Google’s technology to provide search results. Therefore, when you get listed in Google you’ll be listed in AOL.

  There are lots of other lesser search engines, but many of their results are provided by the major search engines. You should focus your time, money and energy on the major search engines.

  A few final thoughts regarding online marketing…

  If you fancy yourself as a budding author then add a blog to your site and update it regularly. Search engines love web sites that are updated regularly, so a blog is the perfect answer.

  There’s lots of evidence that fresh, constantly changing sites are viewed as more important and therefore rank higher than a similar site that hasn’t been updated for months or even years!

  It can take many weeks for your site to appear in the search results, so you’ll need to exercise patience: it’s a virtue.

  You will also come across sites that rank well but aren’t that great in terms of content or freshness of content, yet they still rank well.

  This is because they have been around for a long time. And the conclusion I’ve drawn is that the longer a site has been active, the better it’s chances of attaining high rankings.


  The words you use will determine the number and quality of bookings you’ll receive, more than any other factor. I urge you to re-read the previous sentence until you can say it out loud without pausing.

  Yes, a smart web site and quality photographs will definitely help create desire.

  However, it’s the words that ultimately matter because ladies are emotionally driven, as I’m sure you’ll agree. Therefore, you need to tap into their emotions and this
is achieved by crafting the right words.

  Before you jump in and hire a web designer I’d recommend that you have your copy (the text for the website) ready. Why? It’ll make the whole process much faster. Please don’t be under the illusion that you can quickly write the perfect words for your web site whilst the designer is, well, designing.

  Professional web designers will want the content (text and pictures) before they actually start work. It’s easy to create a design around your content rather than trying to do it the other way around.

  So, what words do you need to use? Well, first of all make sure they’re your own – don’t steal other peoples as you’ll get found out. This may result in a legal action for copyright infringement. Or at the very least you’ll create a bad vibe with your fellow escort. And it’s probable a potential client will notice two sites using the same or similar copy. Result, both of you will look like amateurs.

  The easiest way to approach the writing task is to sit down with a pencil and pad, scratch your head… and then write two headings at the top of the page – Features and Benefits.

  You now have to be honest with yourself and write down all of your own features. To get the creative juices flowing here’s a list of features some of which might apply to you:

  Six foot tall

  Former Navy/Army/Air force

  Privately educated

  Blue, green, brown eyes

  College degree

  Play musical instrument

  Good listener

  Travelled extensively

  Dry sense of humour

  Speak second language

  Salsa dancer

  Trained masseur

  Age (mature or young)

  Play football/rugby/other game

  Blonde, grey, ginger, brown or black hair




  Rugged looking

  Black, dark or olive skinned

  Listen to classical music


  Perfect teeth/smile


  Celebrity look-a-like

  Yoga practitioner

  Large penis (thickness, length or both!)

  Marathon runner or triathlete

  Look like… movie/television start or other celebrity

  The above list is by no means exhaustive, it’s about jotting down who you are and what you do. And if only a few of the above apply to you then no worries. It’s not meant to be a list of what women want.

  Next, you need to associate an overt (obvious) or subliminal (not obvious to conscious perception, but able to evoke a response) benefit to each feature.

  A benefit is something that your prospect would perceive as being of value to them. So, for example, if you’re six foot tall (a feature) the benefit could be that you’ll make her look like a little princess. Or in the case of taller clients, she won’t have to bend down to engage in conversation. Remember, people buy benefits, not features.

  Moreover, you should apply the ‘so what’ test to each feature/benefit.

  The ‘so what’ test works by reading each feature/benefit out loud, and if you think someone would say “so what” to what you’ve written then you need to re-write or think of something else to say.

  Let’s say one of your features is that you are good salsa dancer. You tag on a benefit by saying “… if you’ve always fancied trying salsa dancing, then I might be your perfect choice.

  I know more than a few moves and won’t step on toes, promise!” This also communicates on a subliminal level that you are confident, fun loving, and probably good between the sheets because ladies associate great dancing with great…

  When the ‘so what’ test is applied it passes with flying colours. That’s because even if your prospect doesn’t wish to go salsa dancing then the other benefit - great sex - hits home on an unconscious level.

  It’s not absolutely necessary to write thousands of words either. If you check out the Forbidden Fruit site you’ll see the main pages only contain around 120 words each.

  However, there’s plenty of research to suggest that longer copy does a better job of selling. Put it this way, if you were a salesman stood in front of a prospect you’d probably use lots of persuasive words to get her to buy, wouldn’t you?

  Therefore, if you have lots to say about your service and why it would be beneficial to hire you then write longer copy. Obviously, you must try to do so without sounding boring, arrogant or pushy.

  Having taken time to write your features and benefits you next need to put them in order of importance. And, at this point you should ditch the ones that don’t convey a strong enough benefit, sound too sickly or fail the ‘so what’ test.


  Now you have the content it has to be structured in a logical sequence. The best method was developed by American advertising men in the 1950s, and the formula can be remembered by the acronym AIDA. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

  It can be used whether you’re writing a web page or an advert in the local newspaper.

  Basically, it states that in order to get a sale you must first grab attention, then get them interested, then generate some desire for what you’re offering and, finally, get them to take action.

  Firstly, A is for attention… before you can start to convince your prospect choosing you is a ‘no brainer’ you must get them to notice you. But how?

  In a newspaper ad you’d use the headline (more on these in the next chapter), and for web copy your page title and description tags would act as headlines.

  Headlines should ideally convey a benefit, provide news or arouse curiosity.

  In Google, only the first 50 or so characters from the title tag are displayed in the results. The description tag gives you around 120 characters to play with. So, there’s a careful balancing act to be struck between creating compelling headlines and ensuring your top keywords are visible.

  EXERCISE: from the list of optimised title tags below, decide which convey (i) news, (ii) a benefit, (iii) curiosity. Moreover, which one would be best in terms of search engine results?

  Title 1: ‘Salsa dancing male escort Manchester for discerning ladies’

  Title 2: ‘Male escort London… smouldering good looks and green eyes’

  Title: 3: ‘Discover why this male escort Malibu creates waves’

  Title 4: ‘Mature male escort Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds for ladies’

  Title 5: ‘New bodybuilder male escort Denver, Colorado’

  Title 6: ‘Male escort Melbourne… 10% discounted rate for new clients’

  I think it’s fair to say that the first three arouse curiosity, especially the Malibu headline. Number five is announcement, therefore, it’s news! The last one, number six, offers a benefit in the form of a discount for new clients.

  The best one in relation to search engine results is number four because it includes six combinations of keywords people actually use: male escort, mature male escort, male escort Manchester/Sheffield/Leeds, male escort for ladies.

  To create a great headline you should use the title tag for keywords, as per example number four. And the description tag should be used to repeat keywords and to convey your most important benefit.

  If you really want your headline to sizzle like a frying pan full of sausages, then add an element of curiosity and news within the description. Example sizzler:

  Title: Mature male escort Manchester, Sheffield, Leeds for ladies

  Description: New thirtysomething mature male escort Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield… smouldering good looks with green eyes… 10% discount for new clients.

  Okay, so you’ve got your potential client to visit your web page, you now need to develop INTEREST in what you’re selling. Yes, that’s you!

  People are essentially interested in what’s in it for them, so it’s necessary to think in terms of their needs. Put another way, your potential client is consid
ering hiring a male escort and she’ll have her reasons for doing so. You must anticipate these reasons and position yourself in the best light so she takes the plunge and contacts you.

  “How do you do that?” I hear you say.

  Well, you’re going to have to take a little stab in the dark because you can’t ask her what she wants. However, below are the main reasons I’ve come across during my career as to why male escorts are hired – in no particular order:

  She’s visiting your city on business and desires male companionship

  Female escort wants to ‘try’ the male version or needs a male partner for a special assignment

  She’d like to be accompanied to a wedding or other function

  Couple wishes to spice-up their sex life

  She wants to get revenge on her cheating partner

  Divorcee has been out of the dating scene for many years and wants to hire a professional to help regain confidence

  Busy career girl wants male company without the complications of a relationship

  Fulfilment of fantasy as she’s always wanted to have sex with a black/Italian/muscular/model/academic/army… guy

  Married woman wants excitement without the risk of an affair

  This is about putting a metaphorical arm around her shoulder by talking about what you can do to solve her problem without mentioning the problem.

  Essentially, you tie in your features and benefits to some of the reasons why the potential client has for searching out a male escort.

  Here’s an example…

  Lets say you offer a service to couples. In other words, you are happy for a guy to be present when you’re having ‘fun’ with his partner. You could say “… I’m experienced in working with couples, so I’d be an ideal choice, especially if it’s your first time.”


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