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How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed

Page 8

by Simon Davies


  Even if you live a country that doesn’t criminalise escorting, for example the United Kingdom, you may still find it difficult to obtain a bank loan or mortgage if you state that you earn income from escorting. To most people the word escort is a euphemism for prostitution.

  One way to overcome this would be by setting up in business as a kiss-o-gram or stripper. In case you don’t know, these are people who take off their clothes for money, usually at parties.

  Other alternatives include setting up as male model or masseur. Blurring the truth would give you an air of respectability and allow you trade as a legitimate business.

  Many escorts I have spoken to don’t declare their earnings, and at the end of the day it’s your call. However, be warned that in most countries you have a legal obligation to inform the tax authorities.

  Before you register with the authorities check to see what the earning threshold is because you may not be required to contribute. For example, if you’re a student and are escorting on a part-time basis then you may not be earning enough to have to pay tax and therefore declare the payments you receive from clients.

  My advice is to do some research into your tax system and if money will allow consult with a professional accountant or tax advisor.


  The vast majority of your appointments will take place in restaurants, bars and other public places, so there is little cause for concern. However, if you decide to visit homes and hotel rooms then a little caution is advised.

  Ideally you should tell a friend where you are going and what time you are expected back. It’s not even necessary to tell them what you’re really doing. Just say it’s a blind date and you’re meeting in the bar of a ABC hotel.

  If you’ve agreed to meet at a hotel room then it’s wise to ask the client for the booking reference and name booked under. Just say you need the details for security reasons.

  Any genuine client will understand your concerns. And should the client refuse or come up with lame excuses then I would probably not agree to meet. This is not a rule set in concrete, you have you rely on your gut instinct.

  In any case, before setting off for your appointment call the hotel and check the reservation has been made. You do this by asking to be put through to room xyz and confirming your client is on the line.

  Work out all your travel arrangements well in advance and if you’re using public transport make a note of the last bus or train. There’s nothing worse than missing the last bus or train and having to pay for a taxi home. However, if getting a taxi is the safest method then don’t hesitate.

  I remember once having £3000, earned from spending a long weekend with a client, stuffed down my underwear. It was hidden because rather than getting a taxi home I’d decided to walk a mile to the bus stop. Not only that I took the quickest route which happened to be through a dangerous red light area. Looking back it was utter stupidity.

  Travelling by car is probably the safest option and this is something I would recommend where possible. In fact, if you haven’t passed your driving test then make it a priority. Why? Because you will get plenty of appointments that are either off the beaten track – think hotel/motel off highway junction – or require you to entertain until after public transport has stopped running.

  A car gives you more flexibility, and you won’t have to walk across town with stacks of the green stuff stuffed into your underwear.

  Whilst on the appointment it’s important to keep your wits about you so don’t drink too much alcohol. If you must drink then have glasses of water in between alcoholic drinks.

  If you’re offered drugs then politely decline. Taking them will neither enhance your reputation or performance.

  This may never happen, but if your client is very drunk or has taken drugs then don’t sleep with her. There are laws in every country concerning rape. And because she’s ‘not with it’ don’t risk putting yourself in a situation where the issue of consent to intercourse could be an issue.

  I think it’s fair to say that everything in this chapter is about using your common sense and being vigilant without acting like a paranoid android.


  This is the about the correct way to behave whilst conducting your male escort business.

  The quality of discretion:

  After personal safety the number one issue for clients is discretion. Being discreet means that you are very careful about what you say and do.

  You have to understand that your client will be uneasy and perhaps doesn’t want the world to know that she’s hired a male escort.

  You see there’ll always be a slight stigma attached to paying someone for a date. No matter how it’s dressed many people equate escorting with paying for sex: prostitution. Even though in many cases nothing could be further from the truth.

  Many of your clients will be professional people: doctors, lawyers, teachers, business owners… They have a vested interest in keeping their private lives out of the newspapers or hidden from their professional bodies.

  In fact many will have ordinary jobs, but perhaps because they’ve got kids they wish to keep their little secret hush hush.

  Reassure your client you respect her privacy and that discretion is of paramount importance to you by stating it clearly on your web site. Use the following words:

  “Total confidentiality and discretion is assured. Client information is closely guarded to prevent even inadvertent disclosure, your privacy and anonymity are absolutely guaranteed.”

  When you meet for the first time don’t jump right in and start asking questions about her job or where she lives. If you feel it’s appropriate to ask something then tag on to the end of the question “… I completely understand if you’d rather not answer.”

  If you’ve been booked to accompany your client to a function then be proactive and ask if she’s thought of a cover story.

  Finally, never discuss the identity of your client with anyone including your best friend. It’s just not professional.


  “I am always courteous” should be your mantra…

  There’s no need to go over the top like some toffee-nosed character in an Edwardian period drama. But you should demonstrate that the art of chivalry is not entirely dead.

  Being courteous includes: opening doors and allowing your client to enter or exit first; helping her on and off with her jacket or coat; offering her the first choice of chair sitting down in a restaurant or bar.

  In addition, bad manners have no place in the world of male escorting or anywhere else for that matter. As my mother used to say: “manners cost nothing son.” So, belching, burping, farting, scratching your balls and picking your nose are out of the question. Not that you’d ever consider such disgusting acts, would you?


  Much of your time as an escort will involve eating at restaurants with your clients. Therefore, if you’re unfamiliar with dining out then follow these simple tips and you’ll not go far wrong.

  Lets assume that you’ve never met the client before…

  If possible find out which restaurant you’ll be dining at. This will give you an opportunity to research the place on the web. Knowing in advance what the place looks like, the type of cuisine they serve and whether it’s formal or informal will help you feel more relaxed and comfortable on the date.

  Most ladies hate meeting in bars and restaurants, so make a point of saying you’ll arrive early and stick to your promise. That way your client will also feel less apprehensive at walking into the venue on her own. In fact, send her a text message when you get there and give her an indication of where you’re sat or stood.

  Choosing wine:

  In my experience it’s not a requirement to be an expert on wine. However, it will pay to be confident choosing wine as it demonstrates you have a little sophistication, and are used to dini
ng out. If your target market are the very affluent, then you should make an effort to extend your knowledge of wine. How? Either borrow some books from a library or join a local wine tasting group.

  Forget the convention that states white wine goes with fish, and red with beef…

  What’s more important is what the client prefers to drink. So, when presented with a wine menu ask: “what wine do you prefer?” Knowing her preference cuts the job of choosing right down.

  Where the client leaves the choice entirely to you, then be decisive and confident about choosing a wine that’s to your liking, but doesn’t cost the earth. Remember, it’s not your money that’s being spent so be respectful.

  I often silently count to ten, whilst staring at the menu and then I say: “Great choice, but lets try the house wine first.” This way I don’t have to wade through the wine menu. And in most restaurants the house variety is not expensive or cheap and it usually tastes perfectly fine.

  Even if you don’t normally drink wine then it’s a good idea to start trying a few different grape varieties (there are around 600 types) because you’ll feel more confident when faced with an extensive menu. In addition, you get to learn what your personal preference is.

  Personally I like a French Sauvignon Blanc (white), and Chianti (red), which is made from the Sangiovese grape.

  If you’re unsure then confidently ask the waiter for a recommendation.

  Wine tasting method:

  In all upmarket restaurants the waiter will show you the wine, so you can check it corresponds to what was ordered. The bottle will then be opened and a small amount will be poured into your glass for you to taste. The correct procedure is as follows:

  Firstly, lift the glass by the lower part of the stem, then check it’s clarity by looking at it, preferably against a white background. Secondly, swirl the glass a few times to release the aromas and smell the wine. Lastly, sip and swallow the wine to ensure that it’s not ‘corked’ (passed its best). During this final part real wine connoisseurs are checking that the flavour matches the smell rather than just confirming that it’s okay to drink.

  Unless you or the client have chosen an expensive wine then I would recommend that you don’t spend too much time on tasting. Otherwise you’ll look pretentious and downright silly.

  Ordering food:

  Hopefully you’ll have had chance to research the restaurant and will already have an idea of what you’d like to eat. Why is this a good idea? Simple, women can multi-task and we guys can’t.

  It’s fine in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship to take ages deliberating over what you’d like to eat, but not in this situation. This because your client, if it’s her first time, will already be nervous and you can help her chill out by chatting or at least being ready to chat whilst she’s still reading the menu. You’ll find it real hard to do this if you’re also trying to focus on what to order.

  You also display indecisiveness, not a manly trait, by taking ages to choose something.

  As soon as the menus are handed over and the waiter has left the table I ask, “are you having a starter?” Her answer will indicate whether it’s okay for you to order one. Again, this comes down to respect for her money.

  Avoid choosing a messy starter such as ribs, unless you’re in a rib shack. I often plump for something light and boring such as a salad.

  When picking a main course choose something that’s mid priced. If it’s going to be a ‘long night’ then stay away from heavy dishes such as great slabs of meat. It’s best to stick with carbohydrate packed foods like pasta or rice dishes.

  Take your time eating the food and pause often to engage in conversation. Even if you’re absolutely starving don’t devour your food like you’ve not been fed for a week.

  Finally, enjoy the experience.


  Although I love the excitement of meeting new clients there’s a lot to be said for having a harem of regular ones. For a start, a regular is more likely to take you on a luxury foreign holiday or hire you overnight. Also, you can relax and be yourself (a little) with someone you’re familiar with. In addition, you can get to know them much better and maybe even become good friends.

  The bottom line is: there’s more money on the table with a regular client. So, it pays to nurture them. Yes, it’s exploitative, but it’s also good business sense.

  What I’m about to say may not sit comfortably with you in terms of the mindset I suggest you should adopt to win repeat business. Therefore, you are free to reject my idea and take a different approach. But, hear me out first and keep an open mind.

  When I set out to pen this guide I wanted to spill the beans in full, and share with you everything I’ve learned on how to make the maximum amount of money from escorting, without advocating that you steal or do anything else that’s illegal.

  Let’s face it, you’re going to be sacrificing personal relationships for months or even years to enable you to generate extra income. So, it should stand to reason that you owe it to yourself to use every trick in the book to become successful.

  So here’s my mindset…

  In order to generate repeat business you must work at getting the client to fall in love with you or at the very least in lust with you.

  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that you should string her along by saying or implying that you love her.

  What I am stating is that by acting as if she’s the woman of your dreams she’ll become highly receptive and respond by filling your back pocket with the green stuff. Yes, I mean money.

  The best bit is that in logical part of her brain she knows that it’s a purely business arrangement. And that you’ll never be able to be together forever. So, you’ll never have to behave like a real boyfriend when you’re not together.

  Think about it for a moment. Normally when you’re in a relationship you’re expected to call or text her on a regular basis. However, with a client there’s an almost kind of professional respect and she won’t expect you to get in touch with her. That’s her job in this context, not yours.

  I will qualify that by saying there’s no harm in dropping a regular client a text message or email if you’ve not heard anything for a month or so.

  How do you get her to fall in love with you?

  Well, my advice is by no means scientific nor do I profess to be a behavioural psychologist, but it’s worked for me. Here are my secrets:

  The smile:

  Just before you meet the client you must get mentally prepared. In terms of appearance she may be your perfect woman, but on the other hand she could be your exact opposite of ideal. That’s the deal with escorting.

  When she walks around that corner or opens the hotel room door you must give her the most warm and sincere smile you can muster. She should under no circumstances feel that you’re anything but extremely happy to be meeting her.

  Trust me, she’ll be able to spot the slightest hint of disappointment on your face. Therefore, if you have to fake it do so (this is where acting skills are useful).

  Be attentive:

  When you’re out on a date do not stare or even glance at other females because your client will sense what you’re thinking. I can’t prove this but girls have better peripheral vision than guys, so she’ll see the hot babe and the fact you’re straining to check her out.

  Congratulations you’ve just blown your chances of repeat business. Remember, she’s paying you so it’s only polite to pay full attention.

  Also be mindful of your body language. I’m sure you’ve been out with your sister or a female colleague and some cute chick has caught your eye. Most guys will unconsciously start to telegraph that you’re NOT romantically attached to the person you are with. Well, guess what buddy you’ve just communicated this to everyone in the room – including your client.

  My advice is to pretend that your client is the only girl in the room.

  Act like an alpha male:

  These days women expect their
men to be more than just macho, but alpha maleness still flicks the attraction switch.

  Women are hard-wired to want to two basic things: survival and replication. And in the days of the caveman it was the strongest most masculine guy who had the pick of the bunch.

  Now I’m not suggesting that you start beating your chest or giving the thousand-yard-stare to every chump that enters the room. But you must project an image of being self-assured.

  In a bar or wherever stand with your legs just less than shoulder-width apart, shoulders back and chest out – make it look natural.

  This signals confidence because you are not trying to protect the dangly parts between your legs. Standing with legs apart like this signals: “I’m alpha and you can kick me in balls if you dare.”

  Think about how most guys hold their drinks… It’s usually up by their chest in a sort of closed and protective way. An alpha male holds his drink around waist height, like an old western gunslinger about to draw his pistols. The other option is for the arm holding the drink to be straight and down by the side of your leg, just like holding a bowling ball.

  Adopting a more open posture feels strange at first but after a while you’ll become more comfortable. As with anything, it’s a matter of practice.

  When you move your head or body do so using slow and controlled moves. This gives the impression that you are confident and not easily phased.

  If you walk into a venue with your client where there’s security on the door. Don’t bow your head, drop your shoulders and avoid eye contact with the heavies. Maintain eye contact and solid posture and say: “evening gents,” in a friendly tone. The guys on the door will respect that and your client will be impressed at your alpha maleness.


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