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How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed

Page 9

by Simon Davies

  Don’t put her on a pedestal:

  On occasion (many hopefully) you’re going to get hired by a client who is rich. You’ll be able to smell the money. The temptation is to start acting all wimpy and agree with everything she says; well don’t. Doing this will communicate she has a higher value than you. What I mean by that is she’s probably used to people treating her like the queen of Sheba, so do the opposite. But beware being arrogant or obnoxious.

  Have the mindset that you’re the prize and not her.

  Build rapport:

  This about building trust and confidence between you and your client. When people are in rapport conversation flows and the bonds between them grow stronger.

  So how do you build rapport?

  Firstly, aim to mirror posture, gestures and eye contact. For example, if she crosses her legs you could also cross your feet or legs, but not immediately.

  Where she’s quite animated in terms of hand movements when explaining something then you could use your hands in a similar fashion.

  Secondly, you could try to match her voice tonality, speed, volume and rhythm of speech. You must use these tools subtly because otherwise your client may feel you’re mimicking her.

  The two methods of building rapport I’ve mentioned are Neuro-linguistic programming techniques (NLP). I definitely recommend you study this branch of psychology further because being able to effortlessly move into rapport will give you an edge in all areas of your life.

  Do more listening then talking.

  God gave us two ears and one mouth yet people have a tendency to speak more than they listen. Here’s a question for you:

  What’s the number one thing that we’re ALL interested in?

  That’s right, it’s our little old self. Knowing this fact works in your favour because it’ll enable you to suppress that natural tendency to talk about your achievements and to concentrate on listening to your client.

  We all appreciate a great listener. In fact, you associate someone who’s good at listening with being a great conversationalist: bizarre but true.

  I bet you’ve been in a situation where a female has been pouring her heart out and you’ve been thinking about… next thing there’s an interruption. The person talking has forgotten what was being said, and you’re staring blankly at her, like some dumb idiot, saying you can’t remember either. Yep, it doesn’t look good.

  So, here’s a tip to ensure you stay alert and listen to every word your client utters. As she’s speaking repeat back every word in your head, not out loud of course. Doing this will stop your mind from wandering and ensure you don’t miss an important piece of information.

  Go deep into conversation:

  I used to hate going to a barber for the first time because as soon as you sit in the chair he starts talking fluff. You know the kind of stuff: the weather, crime, holidays or the latest football results. It’s only when you’ve been a few times that you get into deeper conversation.

  Well, in the world of escorting fluff don’t cut the mustard. You must dive below the surface to really connect with your client.

  Every first time client I’ve ever met has been fascinated by the world of escorting and they have all kinds of questions, so be prepared. And please don’t make out that you’ve been escorting for years if you’ve only just started. You’re far better off telling the truth because you’ll eventually trip up and make yourself come across as a lying toad. Once you’ve answered all of her questions she’ll feel obligated to give you something back in terms of revealing more about herself.

  Right, so you’ve answered lots of her questions and you want to change the subject. Start by making a statement and then asking her question, like this:

  You - “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to going on holiday… where’s your favourite holiday destination?”

  Her – “Oh I really love Mexico because…”

  See what happened? Your statement roots the question so it doesn’t sound like a job interview and the second part gets her talking about herself.

  Don’t move on from this subject explore it further. You could even play a game by asking if she could wake up tomorrow anywhere in the world where would it be. Get her to describe what it would feel, smell and sound like.

  The aim of the game is to build some deep connections between you both by going deeper. And to move things on from the realms of a business transaction to a couple of young lovers enjoying each others company.

  Be a gentleman at all times:

  It’s surprising how easy it is to become complacent, especially when you’ve been paid or the appointment is nearly over. However, if you want to create stronger feelings in her then stay switched on till the very end.

  Respect her money:

  You’ll gain more respect and funnily enough more money if you don’t take liberties with her hard-earned cash. Just to ram the point home, don’t order the most expensive food, even if she says it’s fine to order what you want. Treat her money like it was your own.

  Remain slightly mysterious:

  I don’t think it’s necessary or wise to tell your client everything about you. If you’re asked a question and would rather not answer then smile and change the subject, she’ll get the message. Or politely refuse and give a reason why you would rather not answer.

  It’s best not to tell blatant lies because you’re likely to trip yourself up and this will make you look like a fool or worse untrustworthy. However, you should try to balance this by maintaining an air of mysteriousness as I believe it adds to your overall appeal.

  Don’t tell her your problems:

  Your client has hired you because she wants to escape the rat race and the stresses of life, at least for the evening or whatever. So, it would be very wrong of you to start telling her your problems.

  She ain’t interested that you can’t afford to pay your rent or that the ex-wife is suing for child care maintenance: keep it to yourself.

  If you do go down this slippery slope she’ll quickly conclude you’re a waster who can’t control his life and will not contact you again.

  You must present an image that you have your life together and escorting is part of your master plan to ‘retire young, retire rich’.

  I can’t guarantee that every client will fall in love or lust with you, but by following the steps I’ve outlined you’ll have the best chance of maximising the revenue from each client.


  Even if your web site has wow factor and you’ve done a great job of setting out your features and benefits don’t think you’re home and dry, yet. I say this because prospective clients generally want a little more reassurance before taking the plunge.

  Let’s imagine for a moment that booking a male escort is like parachuting out of a plane for the first time. Obviously, the mere thought of doing it fills your prospect with excitement and a certain amount of anxiety because she’s stepping into the unknown.

  Having checked out your web site she’s convinced you are the ideal date and so she hastily boards the aircraft…

  However, as she reaches jump height of 800 feet her survival instinct kicks in and she starts having second thoughts. And it’s these reservations that will cause her to send an email or maybe telephone you.

  She’s stood at the aircraft door being buffeted by the wind of doubt, and just needs some gentle encouragement to take the leap of faith. Therefore, it is your job as the Parachute Jump Instructor to help her exit the aircraft.

  Your response to these last minute questions will determine whether she jumps with you, someone else or not at all.

  So what can you do to ensure she’s knocked over the edge?

  Reply promptly to emails – 24 hours max – this demonstrates you’re a professional.

  Always say, “Thank you for getting in touch” when starting your response. It shows you value her time.

  Answer all of her questions/concerns. I like to write down each poin
t that needs answering, so I don’t miss anything.

  Take your time composing the email. If there are many points to cover and you can’t do it justice in the time you’ve got, then send a short email to acknowledge receipt and give a timescale when you’ll reply fully.

  Keep your reply informal and upbeat – you’re not a banker responding to a loan application.

  Triple check your spelling and grammar.

  Suggest a couple of dates for meeting where possible. In other words, get some commitment.

  I find it helps to read the email out loud to ensure it sounds perfect, before pressing the send button.


  In 99.9% of cases your email heroics will pay dividends and it will just be a case of agreeing the finer details. However, please be aware that some ladies like to hear the sound of a voice. Therefore, she may request to speak with you or in some cases you’ll just receive a call.

  Don’t be alarmed by this just try to act calm, confident and friendly. Treat it as an arm around the shoulder exercise. Here are few tips you should follow:

  Always answer the call in a confident, business-like, but friendly manner.

  Use your name e.g. “Hello, Simon speaking.”

  Don’t speak too quickly. And sound enthusiastic!

  Control the conversation.

  Be the person you described on your web site.

  Avoid talking yourself out of the booking by staying on the call too long.

  Ask if she has any further questions before ending the conversation.

  Try to make sure you’re the one to end the call: “I’ve got to dash because…”

  Thank the prospect for calling.


  A ‘time waster’ (TW) is exactly what is says on the tin. He or she will call or email with the promise of a booking but has no real intention of meeting. In addition, the Lesser Spotted Time Waster comes in many guises, so it pays to be alert to the tell tale signs.

  In terms of the female TW they tend to call when drunk, usually late at night. If I sense drunkenness the call is ended politely and quickly. I have spoken with lots of ladies who’ve clearly been drinking heavily. They have one thing in common - they never call back when sober and make an appointment.

  If you offer your service to couples then you can expect enquiries from either the male or female partner.

  A typical male time waster, if telephoning, may be cool and very confident. Or he may give the impression that he’s really shy and the whole situation is a little awkward and embarrassing.

  He will ask questions about you and your service with the aim of getting the conversation around to sex. Basically, he’s a pervert who gets cheap thrills from engaging in explicit talk.

  Getting a feel for who’s the real deal and who’s trying to waste your time is not something that will happen overnight. Trust your instinct. The bells in your head should definitely start ringing if any of the following are mentioned:

  Asks for a picture of your penis

  Offers to send you pictures of his wife/partner

  Wants to discuss what you’d do to her

  One of the other things to watch out for is the emailer or texter who purports to be female, but is in actual fact a male. What drives these lunatics is the subject of a whole book, and in all honesty I don’t care. You simply need to be aware that this type of person exists and they get a real kick out of seeing how far you’ll go.

  Typically they’ll email or text about making a booking. After a few polite exchanges the conversation will turn to sex. If the subject of pictures is brought up or details of your sexual prowess is requested then it’s highly likely you’ve got a rampant male on the hook.

  Whether it’s a phone call or an email you should be firm but polite with such requests. I advise you not to go along with any of the TWs demands or offers because it will encourage them and you’ll have a hard time stopping them pestering you all the time.

  Finally, on the subject of time wasters. If you receive a telephone call and the number is withheld reject the call. Why? It’s far more likely that the person is a time waster. I state on my own web site that withheld numbers will NOT be answered. These days everyone has a mobile phone so there’s no valid excuse for a withheld number.

  In contrast, a genuine guy will generally want to check a few details and your availability.

  Whilst on the subject of genuine guys I should mention the ‘surprise giver’. This husband or boyfriend will be turned on by the thought of you performing with his partner. But rather than discussing it with her he’ll make the appointment and hope she agrees to it on the night.

  When I first started I used to advise the guy to always fully discuss his ideas, but I soon realised that I was leaving money on the table. Therefore, now if a guy wants to arrange a surprise I’ll go along with it. In fact, I’ll ensure I get a deposit (via just in case he fesses up before the fateful day and she says no.

  You might think this naughty, but look at it this way. If the guy is so dumb and insensitive to how his wife or partner will react then he needs a BIG wake up call. Besides you never know, his hunch may just pay off.

  Funnily enough one of my very first appointments was made by a guy who did just that. I was to enter a bar at the pre-arranged time, get myself a drink and eventually ask if I could join them on the pretence that my date had cancelled on me. It took the lady all of ten minutes to suss out the scam.

  Fortunately for him she found the whole thing exciting and we had a great time.


  Cancellations are part and parcel of commercial reality. And escorting is no different so you can expect around one in five new prospects to cancel, usually at the last minute.

  I’ve found that existing clients very rarely let you down, and if they do have to change plans they’ll give you plenty of notice.

  So, what’s the answer?

  Ask for a deposit! There’s something about handing over cash that makes a person feel committed to their desired outcome. It has a powerful psychological effect on the prospect.

  If your prospect still decides to cancel then at least you’ll have some money as compensation.

  I normally don’t mention a deposit until I’ve either spoken on the telephone and built some rapport or exchanged a couple of emails.

  It’s important that your prospect understands that your time is valuable without actually stating, “My time is money so I want money up front…” So, frame your request in terms of you being a busy bee and that to guarantee a specific date you’ll require a small deposit.

  If the appointment is within a one hour drive then I’ll usually ask for £50. For ones that are further away or necessitate an overnight stay I usually ask for a third up front.

  Sometimes a prospect will ask why you want a deposit. Tell them that you’re not like some escorts who accept an appointment and then later cancel if something more lucrative comes along.

  In truth, if you have a professional web site with lots of information then most genuine prospects will be okay with paying a deposit.

  You can give them the option of paying via or bank transfer. I generally use for small deposits and bank transfer for larger ones.


  Going out on your first male escort appointment is a daunting experience, even if you’ve dated bucket loads of women. It’s just, well, different.

  The majority of your appointments will be made days or weeks in advance. So, once everything has been agreed I usually send an email requesting the following:

  Details of the bar/restaurant/hotel where we’re to meet

  Booking reference and name

  48 hrs before appointment - confirmation that meeting still on (only where there’s a week or so between booking an appointment)

  On morning of appointment - text message confirming a

  Once booked into hotel - text message room number (if meeting at hotel room)

  Also, state in bold letters that payment is required upon first meeting. I usually ask for cash to be placed in an envelope or half empty sweet packet (I prefer a tube of Smarties™). The sweet packet thing is great because it doesn’t make the passing of money seem so sordid.

  I prefer to use email when the appointment is days or weeks away because I’m less likely to delete an email, whereas text messages get deleted all the time.

  You’re well advised to plan the journey days before the actual appointment, especially if it’s outside your local area. It’s also a good idea to re-check timings on the day of the appointment where public transport is being used.

  Having received the final go ahead I choose my entire outfit ensuring it is clean, pressed and that my shoes are nicely polished. Do this well ahead of time.

  Even if there’s been no mention of getting intimate you should act like a boy scout and ‘be prepared’. Therefore, ensure your personal grooming is perfection personified. The only excuse for not doing this is if you advertise as a purely non-sexual escort. If this is the case she ain’t gonna see your long toenails or hairy back so it’s not important.

  Aim to get to the meeting place twenty to thirty minutes before your client is due to arrive. This will give you time to relax and settle into the environment. If it’s a hotel then make sure you’re in the hotel lobby at least five minutes before.

  Sometimes the inevitable happens and you get stuck in traffic or the train breaks down. If such mishaps should occur then inform the client as soon as possible.

  And finally, whether it’s a dinner date or sexual marathon enjoy the experience…


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