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Ascension Page 16

by J R Davis

  A quest location marker accompanying the quests giving me a rough location of where to look as well. I was honestly surprised I had not seen more quests in the game, but I also had not exactly gone the normal route. I had always been the type to find my own bearings. Still, that was a sizable chunk of experience. Be a shame to not get the goods and miss out on the boost.

  Once everyone had their respective roles decided, we got to work. Ogma and the crew staying behind with their own village related quests while the 5 of us (including Charon) made our way out toward the village outskirts before heading to the hobgoblins village. I imagine the large cave would likely be easy to spot, but you never know what to expect. They could very well have the place hidden. My internal thoughts being then cut short as Lethe and Briggs spoke up.

  “Looks like you’re stuck with us” the paladin commented with a grin. Lethe dropping a mock salute behind the man in greeting.

  “You may be right, thanks for coming along on this one. We really needed the help” I replied sincerely. The village would be done for had the Wolfs Blood guild not joined the cause. That, and if we made it through this our leveling speed would likely spike with our combined efforts. If a level 6 necromancer handled like this, what about a level 30?

  “The help is much appreciated travelers, otherwise our village would likely be destroyed” Raz added as he looked to the three of us. I could tell by his tone he meant it too. Trust or no, he knew our end goals were the same. I imagine it gave the lil guy a bit of solace.

  “We aren’t going to let that happen,” I replied. Finishing the sentence in my mind with “If we can help it”. Course, Raz didn’t need to know that part. The big issue is that this was likely a bandage. We needed a means of also preventing future attacks as well.

  “Well we don’t really like Ignis either and the guild loves fighting so this wasn’t a hard sell” Lethe replied with a chuckle. The two of them then ushering Charon, Raz, and I onward down our designated route. Over the course of an hour, the tree line opened up into a mountain range. The ogre village was still a long way off, but we were making good time getting to the hobgoblins residence.

  As the marker on our map placed us incredibly close to the cave, we came across what looked to be a perimeter of sorts. A line of two story high branchwood towers were manned by hobgoblin watchers with bows and spears. Ready to signal the alarm and cut down any would be trespassers. Seeing it from a distance though gave us the opportunity to choose just how to approach. Personally, I voted for the method that didn’t result in us becoming outright pincushions.

  “We should enter at the main entrance there to avoid any potential misunderstandings,” Raz said as he pointed to a center point where there were two towers with a guard in each then another two below standing alert. The latter having a small crude wooden shield and a club. “Let me do the initial talking when we arrive unless of course, you’d like to be tonight's dinner.”

  “We would very much like to avoid that thank you” Lethe commented with a nervous smile.

  “Then if you will follow me” the goblin responded. The five of us then made our way slowly towards the villages main entrance. Making no quick movements either as the guards eyed us suspiciously. As we got about ten feet from the village's gate, one of the guards spoke up.

  “Halt, state your business!” The left club wielding hob said. Taking a threatening step forward as his compatriot did the same.

  “We are here to speak with your chief on behalf of the goblin village” Raz stated as he took up a non-threatening posture. Hands clearly exposed and seen to be empty.

  “Very well, but no weapons are allowed past this point” the hob guard responded matter of factly. “Turn what you have into my partner here.” He then gesturing with his head to the guard on the right who gave a “hand it over” gesture with his hands. The lot of us then handing over our equipment save for Charon who had his conveniently unequipped at the time. That could come in handy if things went to shit.

  Briggs sword though had caught my attention. The blade was definitely different from the one he wielded a few days prior. The blade seemed translucent as if glass with smoke or clouds in constant flux underneath. In the center of the blade was a small pulsating red gem.

  “Since when did you get that?” I asked the paladin with genuine curiosity. I’d not have forgotten seeing something like that.

  “Well, I traded it off of a friend of mine who got the sword from a guardian boss. It’s an evolving weapon and gave me a few prerequisites before is supposed awakening” Briggs responded with an amused expression. “Types of monsters I have to beat with it and a large amount of experience it will also drain from any kills until full. Word is though that these kinds of weapons will be useful even until endgame, though it's too soon to tell.” The center gem pulsating with a weak red light as he placed it in the pile.

  “Damn, if you ever see a staff one, let me know,” I said and nudged him with my elbow.

  “You would also need to name the weapon if you did, in my case I went with The FuckBringer” he added with a chuckle. “So when people see it, they will definitely give a fuck.”

  “That name is horrible, I love it!” Lethe chimed in excitedly. Our conversation, however, being cut short as the collecting hobgoblin made a pointed cough telling us to hurry up. With our weapons in hob storage, we were then escorted by another two hob soldiers to a large tent within the cave and told to wait outside. One of the guards then going inside for a few moments. Hushed murmurs could be heard coming from inside the tent. So far so good, let's just hope that these talks go well.

  Moments later that same hobgoblin exited the tent. After being told we could enter, the 5 of us headed on inside to meet the chief. This tent was significantly different from Chief Ro’s place. Rather than sitting on the floor the large tend had a large table with eight chairs. The chief sitting on the far end. He then gesturing us to sit down where we pleased.

  “My name is Chief Fidro, I was told you had some important business on behalf of Chief Ro?” The hob chieftain said formally. His tone polite but firm. Fidro was about my height and wore a long dark grey tunic. He had no hair but kept a short neatly trimmed grey beard. Giving the hobgoblin an air of experience and order. He was not at all like the brutal creatures I had often fought in older games growing up. I was honestly growing to love this game. Things were never quite what you'd expect.

  “The goblin village is going to be attacked by a large force of adventurers, we have some of our own but given we lack the scope of their own army, seemed wise to seek what reinforcements we could,” I said matter of factly. The chief nodding slowly in understanding. “I can’t say much, but this much I can confirm. More adventurers will be coming and not just for that village. There are adventurers who will stand with the goblins and with you all, but the demi races must also stand together for we will not always be here.”

  “What makes you think we can’t handle ourselves?” Fidro countered. The chieftain was not upset, but rather he seemed to be probing for information. He was definitely the crafty sort. All the better the have him on our side.

  “The answer there is pretty simple, we as adventurers are essentially immortal. If we are killed, even all of us here, we can come back as many times as we please. Does the same apply for your own forces?” I replied with my own counter. Fidro’s eyes widening slightly at the realization.

  “We have not yet run into any, but if what you say is true, this is a serious threat” The hob chief responded slowly. His interlocked hands tightening on the table.

  “Exactly, so we need a deterrent, joint forces, maybe even a standing alliance between your villages, the goblins, and the ogres” Lethe added. “If they see you as a big enough threat, and know you have our backing as well, they would be less likely to attack”.

  “You raise a good point, but we also must confirm for ourselves whether you are strong enough to warrant this alliance,” Chief Fidro said bluntly. “To that end, I may h
ave just the idea.”

  “What exactly do you have in mind?” Briggs asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

  “A manticore has been terrorizing the forest nearby here, kill it and return with the tip of its tail and we can further discuss our joint plans,” Fidro said with a glint in his eye. He knew we needed him to pull this off. He also knew that we would likely jump through a few hoops to make that happen. That being said, I guess it was time to hop to it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Trials Of The Forest

  With yet another quest in tow, we recovered our equipment and made our way towards the manticores supposed lair. The beast supposedly making its residence by a nearby stream. From what Fidro had said, the creature used the water source as a means of luring unsuspecting prey in search of a drink and then ambushing them. The village had already lost more than a few hobgoblins to the manticores efforts. The quest had read,

  Time For A Cat Nap: slay the manticore terrorizing the nearby village and return with its tail as proof.

  Bring the manticores tail to chief Fidro 0/1

  Reward 800 experience, further discussions on a potential alliance with the hobgoblins.

  So do you think it will give us stuff if we answer its riddles?” Lethe asked hopefully. Our group making good time towards the stream.

  “That’s a sphinx, Lethe” Briggs responded with a frustrated sigh. The paladin walking slightly ahead of our party as a forward guard while Charon covered the rear.

  “What if it identifies as a sphinx then?” The bard countered. His question notably insincere judging by his large shit-eating grin. “Do we get treasure then?”

  “Lethe I swear to god, I’ll use you as a shield if you keep this up” the paladin the growled. The gesture being slightly offset as he tried to hide a small quirk at the end of his mouth. Lethe then quieted down as I presume he got the reaction he was looking for.

  “Those two are weird” Charon bluntly passed on via our connection. His blazing orbs glancing over at me expectantly.

  “Makes for good entertainment right?” I responded nonchalantly. The skeleton then giving me a shrug in response. After about another 10 minutes of walking, we found ourselves approaching said stream. Briggs drawing out his sword and shield as the rest of us followed suit. It was then that in a low raspy tone something spoke.

  “Mmm seems my prey has brought along some toys” The voices location definitely near, but no large cat was in sight. If memory serves, manticores by nature were pretty big. About the size of a tiger with large wings, a lion’s face with horns, and a scorpion tail that could shoot poison spikes. The fact that we couldn’t see where it was made this a hell of a lot scarier.

  “What to do~” the feline voice purred. “Should I Impale you all and cook you on a rack? Perhaps just maw you to death and eat you raw? I would like to leave at least one alive to play with.”

  “You are free to try all of the above, but what sport is there in a blind ambush? Surely one who has caught so many via ambush is capable of taking our small group head-on” Lethe called out. The bard attempting to goad the large cat into appearing.

  “I could, but what proving needs to be shown to food?” The manticore purred, its tone clearly signaling it was enjoying the banter.

  “I just thought it might be more amusing for you, a little exercise to whet your appetite” the bard mused. His words being the last sounds heard in the area for what seemed like an eternity as the manticore pondered. Just as it felt like the silence had dragged on too long, the manticore emerged from the nearby treeline. Having kept its presence hidden in the trees thick foliage. Raz apparently taking note of the cat's size and scurrying to hide behind a nearby rock.

  “Here I am little ones, ready to play?” it asked in an amused tone. The large cat extending its claws with each note in the phrase. I was already expecting something big, just not this big. This kitty was twice the size of the tiger I had in mind. Its eyes then looking over each of us, deciding who to attack. After a moment of consideration, the manticore seemed to have marked me as the target and leveled its tail at me with a cruel grin.

  The manticores intentions came to me a moment too late as it fired a volley of sharp spines in my direction. Our entire group being too spaced out to come to my aid. Having no time to dodge I called out to Charon via out connection. “Get your shield up asap!”. His affirmation poured through our link as he took a defensive position with his shield. I then activated Arcane Shift and switched placed with the skeleton just as the spines were about to connect.

  They crashed down onto Charon’s shield. Some spines connecting with his underlying armor yet the damage was minimal. The sad part being, the Manticore was clearly not done. With an annoyed growl, the large cat lunged forward in an attempt to pin me down. Fortunately for me, Briggs had not been standing idly during the exchange. The paladin had charged forward towards where Charon once was. Given that I had once used that trick to avoid his own blade the guy had a pretty good guess at what my move was going to be. Just as the manticore pressed down upon me, it found its movements held in check by a large shield. The paladin thrusting his sword into the air as he blocked.

  Briggs blind thrust aimed true as his blade sunk into the large cat's shoulder. The manticore letting out a startled cry and pulling back. A moment later Lethe’s arrows sunk into its side. Driving home the point that we were not food to be toyed with. Again the cat retreated and eyed us all with new understanding. The hunter had indeed become the hunted.

  I cast Grasping Hands on manticores new position. The ethereal limbs quickly breaking through the ground towards the prone cat. It’s quick reflexes allowing it to take note of, and jump entirely out of their way. The distance between allowing our group to fall back into a decent position. Charon chose to stay close as Briggs took the center position. This effectively put me behind two walls of defense and granting Lethe one of his own as he continued his onslaught of arrows. The cat then taking off at a sprint as it tried to circle us.

  Whatever way the cat ran arrows and orbs soon followed. Our combined barrage keeping it constantly on the move. As the manticore lept back and forth in an attempt to break our line, Briggs and Charon moved to counter him. To put it simply, a whole lotta nothing was going on.

  “I thought I was your target, don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet now!” I taunted as the manticore darted about. The cat letting out an audible growl in frustration. I had shit to do, if kitty wants to run, do it after the respawn. We have a village on the line here. That, and I may or may not have a vested interest in the skeleton of a certain monster.

  With a roar, the manticore charged back in. No longer even trying to evade Lethes or my attacks. The large feline opting to go for Lethe this time instead. As it closed in the manticore shot spines at Briggs and Charon in an attempt to lock them down as he made a meal of the bard. The issue being, they were not the only ones who could halt his movements. Since the two tanks took the brunt of the spines for me, it gave just the opening to cast a spell. This time I used Grasping Hands at where he would be rather than where he was. The ghostly arms breaking through the ground as the manticore charged, catching the large cat off guard and bringing it crashing through the dirt towards our feet.

  “Let's take this moment to buff up a bit,” Lethe said as he pulled out a mandolin. Quickly strumming up a storm with a rustic tune that brought visions of winds passing over a meadow. As he finished with his final strum he let his arm swing down and a wind enveloped our entire party. A flashing icon in the corner of my vision with a foot with wings letting me know I had gotten a buff.

  “Why didn’t you just do that before the fight?” Briggs asked as he got to his feet. Then helping Charon up as well.

  “The duration is only a few minutes for one, and I doubt that cat would have waited patiently as I buffed us up” the bard reasoned matter of factly.

  “Why didn’t you just use verbal buffs like in the tournament?” I asked a bit perplexed
. They had worked quite well on Morrigan after all.

  “Ahhh see those are personal buffs, party buffs usually require an instrument” Lethe responded with a wide smile. Apparently happy that I had thought to ask. “Bards have a lot of odd mechanics like that, but they do actually help in the long run.” All the while the large cat struggled against its ethereal bonds.

  “So, we should probably do something about snuggles before it breaks free, my root doesn’t last forever”. I said to Briggs. Who in turn nodded and raised his sword above the cat's neck. The plan was to bring down the blade and finish off the monster in one fell swoop. That is exactly what didn’t happen though as when he brought his sword down the manticore struggled, breaking its bonds and moving its shoulder to intercept the blade instead. Its tail then whipping around and sinking deeply into Lethes shoulder. The bard letting out a startled yelp as it made contact.

  The wound itself was not too bad. The poison in that wound however quickly spread as seen through the tear in his clothing. The manticore finally rising to its feet albeit now limping due to its own wound. It let out a roar and spread out its wings in an attempt to escape. Taking note of it I yelled to Charon and Briggs to halt the creatures escape as I gave Lethe a few potions. Attempting to have them serve the dual actions of healing him and ensuring that the poison wouldn’t flat line his gauge.

  “Don’t let him escape, take down the wings!” I yelled, the manticore already lifting itself off the ground. The two of them frantically slashing and stabbing the beast. While Briggs sword lacked the ranged to connect with the large feline, Charon’s spear has no such difficulty. Tearing large holes in the cat's wings as it punched through repeatedly. The manticore was now unable to gain proper lift came crashing to the ground. Both Briggs and Charon dealing massive damage to it as they swarmed its exposed face. Briggs dealing the finishing blow as he plunged his sword into the cat's eye. Dealing a critical hit and finishing off the cat in one fell swoop.


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