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Ascension Page 17

by J R Davis

  He then withdrew the blood-soaked blade from the large feline, then flicking the blade to the side in a swift movement to clear the blade of blood. A grin then making its way onto his face as the red gem in the blade pulsated, one of the conditions had been met. With the threat taken care of Briggs quickly moved to crouch near Lethe.

  “You hanging in there man?” The paladin asked with a frown.

  “Yeah, Robin’s potions did the trick” Lethe replied with a weak grin. His hp was still a bit low, but stable. The wound on his should have, for the most part, sealed up. The surrounding area was still red, but what we had was more than manageable. With that, we helped him to his feet. “Get any good loot? The only thing it dropped me was a few claws”.

  “Well, I ended up with a claw and a manticore pelt. So not too shabby there” I said with a grin. The expression quickly turning to a grimace as I realized I fucked up. “Shit I forgot to test out my new spell!”

  “New spell?” Briggs asked with a confused expression. The paladin straightening up and crossing his arms.

  “Yeah, I got a spell called Spectral Shot from Herne in his dungeon. Simply put, It fires magic arrows that increase in number and damage with rank”. I replied with a facepalm. “How did I forget to use it, I am bad”.

  “There is a fix for that actually,” Briggs said with a grin. Bringing his shield up to chest level and assuming the catchers pose. “Let's have it right here, I want to see”.

  “Yes, let's do that, I didn’t even know bosses could drop skills or spells” Lethe added excitedly. The two of them now eyeing me with expectation. I didn’t want to damage his shield anymore than it already was after today's fight, but I also have been wanting to experiment with it. If they wanted to be target practice, well they got it.

  Lethe stood a good way to the left as Briggs took the center position. Shield raised and ready to take any beating I could dish out. The two of them both seeming quite amused without little sidetrack. “Here goes nothing,” I said as I cast Spectral Shot, the green-tinted arrow appearing above my head. It simply stayed there hovering though. When I had cast it, I had used the spell targeting the shield, but not actually intending for the arrow to shoot yet. This being good as it proved my guess right that there was a mental ignition that caused the arrow to actually fly. A sort of two-step spell if you will.

  Moving onto the next stage I willed the arrow to fly at the shield. It then shooting off at high speeds towards Briggs. The arrow crashed into his shield with a resounding thud and causing the paladins arm to slightly give in.

  “Packs a punch, I’ll tell you that much” Biggs said with a wide grin. “The shot did about 70 damage, my shield taking the brunt of it obviously”. Him then lowering his shield and walking over to me. Lethe also taking the cue and coming closer as well.

  “When I faced Herne, the guy had 5 of these out at once and they had loose homing,” I said matter of factly. Both of their expressions conveying a little surprise at the mention.

  “Must have been a mad scramble to get out of the way” Briggs replied with a chuckle. The paladin then putting his weapon and shield in their holsters. There was however one thing that still needed doing. Without a word, I reached my hand out to the red outlined figure of the manticore. Casting Raise Undead on the felled feline. Through the portal that was its carcass, a skeleton emerged. The boney figure resembling the cat in size and intimidation. This time sporting two glowing yellow orbs for eyes. I had not to net entirely understood why there were different colors, but I had a theory that it was related to alignment.

  As the skeletal manticore rose to its full height both Briggs and Lethe took a visible step back. The undead beast turning its eyes to regard them both in silence.

  “You didn’t really expect me to not reanimate it,” I said with a mischievous grin. The large cat then leaning down so I could mount it. Charon climbing on to mount as well. The two of us then looking down on our guildmates as I reached out a hand to assist them. “You coming or nah?” With some hesitation, Briggs took my hand. Then being pulled up behind me as Lethe stood there, still clearly on the ropes about this.

  “That is safe right?” The bard asked hesitantly. His hand was only partially outstretched. Without a word I had the manticore learn to the side. Giving me just enough reach to grab the bards hand and yanked him up as well. Lethe then landing stomach first taking the appearance of an elfen saddlebag. “Oof! You could have warned me first!”

  “Well, where's the fun in that?” I asked with a shit-eating grin. I then had the skeletal cat raise up so that it could be ready to run. “I figure this way we not only don’t have to lug the tail back, but also get there a lot faster”. The two of them then shrugging and I set the cat into motion. Raz jumping from his nearby rock onto the cat as we passed by with an audible grunt. The goblin shooting me a glare as he got to a proper riding position. I was definitely NOT going to tell him he had slipped my mind. Even with everyone on top of him, the manticore made immense progress getting back to the hob village. The large cat almost blurring the scenery as we traveled. Passing both forest and grassland alike in out expedited trek.

  When we finally reached the village the hobgoblin guard nearly fell out of their towers in alarm. The mad scramble to the front gate causing an uproar in the village. I suppose a large skeletal cat with glowing yellow eyes constituted them shitting their pants, a shame really. The guards had originally had their spears and swords pointed at us in panic, yet soon calmed down when they recognized our faces. The two guards from before clearly not amused with us just sprinting right up to the gates.

  “We have returned from Chief Fidro’s quest, this cat being part of it,” I said as I motioned to the manticore. Raz then dismounting the large cat in favor of using his own feet to go the rest of the way. “Heh. Sorry if the ride was a little rough there” I told him as he made his way to the guards. The little guy stopping momentarily to regard me.

  “Just don't forget me again and move a tad slower next time, I get a bit motion sick” the goblin replied in an understanding tone. Thank god he wasn’t pissed off at me. For one I didn’t want to fail the quest, but I also genuinely try to avoid messing with people who don’t already have it coming. Ignis, of course, did not fall into that category. He was a royal pain in all our sides and ohhhhh did I have a plan to convey our grievances.

  When we reached the Chief's hut I dismounted the manticore with the others. Our escort once again going into his large hut to announce our arrival. A few moments later Fidro came out to meet us. No doubt because the large cat could not fit inside.

  “Well this is surprising, when I had asked for the tail I didn’t think you’d bring the rest attached,” the chief said with a whistle. Clearly impressed by the skeletal beast.

  “In my defense, you said to bring it back, not in what form or that I needed to give it to you,” I said with a shrug. “If able, we could honestly use it for the upcoming battle, is that alright?” After a few moments of pondering Fidro gave me a nod. The hobgoblin scratching his beard as the gears in his mind winded.

  “I suppose that's alright, a deal is a deal,” he said, giving me a sort of “I’m not even mad” expression. My notifications then informing me the quest had been completed. The experience from it nearly pushing me to level 7.

  “So does this mean you will come to our aid for the coming battle?” Raz asked hopefully. Almost too eager to confirm for an answer.

  “Yes, when is it you require our aid?” Fidro asked as quickly retrieved a quill and paper from his room.

  “The battle is in about 12 days” Raz said. The small goblin taking on an air of seriousness.

  “Then consider us there in 10. I cannot say how many we can raise in your favor but rest assured you will not stand alone. Let Chief Ro know that I will be meeting with him then” Fidro replied. The hobgoblin then moving to shake Raz’s hand.

  “I will, thank you Chief Fidro, your aid is truly appreciated,” Raz said as he took Fidro’s h
and. The hobgoblin chief then giving him a curt nod and bidding us farewell. Announcing once more that he would see us in 10 days and hoped to see us all in good health. With our work here done, it was time to work on quest number 2. It was time to talk to some ogres.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Trials of Giants

  Once we reached the mountains near ogre village I dismissed the manticore. Placing its large skeleton back into my inventory for later use. It seemed wise since the last thing we needed to do was startle the giants into clubbing us down or something. Both Raz and Lethe being more than content to hoof it the remaining way. I’m not sure if they didn’t like the mount, or just my driving skills. I honestly couldn’t blame them for the latter.

  The mountain forest was vast. Its trees tall and thick with much wildlife and shrubbery. Judging by our maps, I knew we still had a decent walk ahead of us, which was good because it gave me a chance to plot out the land in case things went south. A little cut here and there on a tree to indicate the way we came in case we had to beat it in a panic. When in doubt, know your way out, just sayin.

  “You think they are going to have us go kill something for them too?” Lethe asked somewhat amused. The bard making mock shooting motions with his wrist crossbow.

  “Maybe, sounds like your pretty typical mmo questing” I replied, trying not to lose my balance on the incline.

  “I am very down for that though. Kick some ass, gain some levels, then kick some more ass!” Briggs commented with amusement. The prospect of grinding clearly not hindering the paladins motivation. Personally, I have always hated grinding. Let the story level me so I can kick back and enjoy the scenery you know?

  “I appreciate your zeal, but let's try to avoid a skirmish with the ogres,” Raz said looking up at the paladin with a pinch of nervousness. “We need then for the village and I’d not want to be caught in your guys crossfire”.

  “Fairpoint” Briggs replied with a shrug. “ I don’t plan on starting something with anyone, ending it however...” he added and trailed off.

  “Don’t worry Raz, we got this” Lethe added to the tiny goblin. His expression clearly giving away what his words did not. Lethes face reading a sort of “he probably won’t start a fight, maybe”. Needless to say, I wanted to avoid a fight if able, but I also wanted them big skeletons for my costs. The big battle was coming and I desperately needed ammunition. A few well-placed Graveknights would definitely make an impact on the battle.

  We continued our trek up the mountains for a good while. Passing a small stream and some deer as we hiked. According to our maps, the village was getting significantly closer. The issue being, we never quite reached it. Out of the nearby bushes and trees emerged five Ogre’s charging at us. All seemed to be melee types, wielding clubs and sword alike with wooden shields.

  “Finally!” Briggs cheered as he pumped his fist into the air. Then immediately readying his sword and shield for the incoming attack.

  “This is what I wanted to avoid damn it!” Ras yelled in complaint as he was pushed back into our formation. Charon and Briggs taking center as our shield wall as Lethe and I readied our ranged weapons.

  “Last chance! we come in peace, rather not leave you in pieces” Briggs added, the tiny goblin then facepalming. This was obviously not how you talk people down. That is if such was Briggs motive at all.

  Lethe quickly buffed our attack as I rooted the closest approaching Ogre. His melody giving me visions of a blood-drenched sword. As 3 of the 4 remaining Ogres slammed into Briggs and Charon, the last one chose to circle around. No doubt wanting to play whack-a-squishy with his large club. I quickly cast Spectral Shot and held the skill at the ready. Waiting to see the whites of the ogre's eyes before I blasted him down. Taking the few seconds or so I had to also reanimate a wolf skeleton I had from our prior battles.

  Once the ogre was but a few feet away I unleashed a Dark Orb with an accompanying Spectral Shot. The two spells interweaving as they streaked the short distance into their target's chest. The blow bypassing his shield and knocking the ogre clear off its feet. With the flanking ogre now prone, I sent the wolf after him. Its sharp fangs sinking into the demi-humans shoulder.

  The Ogre let out a shrill cry as the large canine tore proverbial chunks from his hp. I capitalized on this by quickly running over to the prone target and triggering Drain as I placed my hand on his forehead. The ogre's hp streaming into me like a glass of cold water, refreshing me and focusing my mind on the tasks at hand. When it seemed like enough I had my spectral wolf bite down on the Ogre. Ending my assailant's life and freeing my own attention up to aid my comrades.

  I then turned my attention to face Charon and the party. The sight that greeted me being far from pretty. Our formation had been broken. Briggs was holding the attention of two of the ogres as Charon was trading blows with another. The last one presently charging Lethe down as the bards buffed speed let him keep just out of reach. It looks like everyone could use a hand, I looked at the chaos before me and cracked my knuckles, it was time to go to work.

  The first order of business was Briggs. If the tank went down we were all done for. I sent my undead wolf to his aid. The large canine lunging at one of his opponents. With the cooldown expired I next rooted the ogre going after Lethe. The large humanoid crashing into the dirt as Lethe strategically bolted its legs with arrows. Lastly, I loosed a homing Spectral Shot into Charon’s attacker. Sending the ogre toppling over as it was about to strike his shield. Charon then sparing me a momentary glance and nod before plunging his spear into the prone target.

  My efforts were quickly noticed though as one of Briggs opponents disengaged the paladin to come pay me a visit. The expression on its face clearly noting that it was not happy with the wolf I had sent him. The issue being, he still left my wolf with Briggs which gave them a 2v1 advantage and I was already pretty sure the paladin could hold his own against 1 ogre. Still, I wasn’t about to explain to the guy the error of his ways. If big and stupid wanted to dance I wasn’t going to disappoint.

  The ogre charged with shield raised, his sword even higher to cleave. I loosed an orb at the approaching giant yet it only thudded against his shield in its approach. The black smoke trailing off the ogre as it closed the gap. If I didn’t think of something quickly I was about to get flattened. Now the giant was only about 7 feet away. Closing the distance swiftly, its face contorted into a cruel smile in anticipation. I readied an arrow and channeled my orb blast. The two of them hopefully together granting me some breathing room.

  I loosed the orb at the ogre's face, knowing full well that it would move the shield to block. At the same time, I targeted its right leg with my Spectral Shot. If brohan here wanted my ass he was gonna have to earn it. Maybe take me out on a date or two and leave his still corpse behind for my machinations. You know, your typical modern romance. Fortunately for me, while the demihuman did block my orb, the shot aimed true. The ghostly arrow thudding into the ogres leg causing him to topple over. His shield being knocked out of its hand as he slammed into the ground. Ohhh friend, you are all kinds of fucked right now.

  I cast Grasping Hands on the downed ogre. The ethereal limps breaking through and wrapping him up neatly for me. I then readied a spectral arrow and Dark Orb. Then the unexpected happened, the ogre spoke.

  “Do what you must! You have trespassed on holy ground and will be punished!” The ogre roared in its struggle. The spectral limbs still holding fast to the demihuman.

  “How were we supposed to know that?!” I yelled back at him. There were no signs, no warnings, nothing! Did they just run out screaming and brandishing weapons at everybody? Raz then taking this moment to cease his endless scrambling about to come forward and address the ogre.

  “The human has a point, we came here as allies from the goblin village and were attacked without warning,” the goblin said pointedly. “If we fight we are guilty, if we die, just the same. Where is the honor in this?” The ogre then breaking eye contact in embarrassmen
t at Raz’s words.

  “Hmph..maybe a sign not bad idea” he grumbled as he looked up to us both. The ogre then pausing before looking to the battle and taking in a deep breath. What came next broke through even those sounds of battle. The sounds of swords smashing shields, of bolts sinking into flesh, or the clanking of armor were rendered silent in comparison to the captured ogres bellowed orders.

  “Cease attack! They are allies!!” He yelled, the remaining ogre's attention snapping to him. Once the realization of his words sunk in they all disengaged and regrouped. Their expressions looking more of a disappointment than embarrassment or sorrow. Apparently, they had really wanted a fight. The groups of 3 then noticing the body of their 5th member laying on the ground. They made no move against us, but the largest of the three-eyed me vindictively as he tightened his grip on his sword. I couldn’t blame him for his rage, but nor would I apologize for not letting his comrade kill me.

  Once Raz had explained to the ogres the state of things they backed off. Offering instead to take us to their mountain home. Their fallen ally being left behind as we made out way out. After the last of the ogres had left, I took just a moment to recall my wolf and place it back into my inventory. I then greedily eyed the ogre's body in the distance. After a quick look to ensure no one would notice, I raised its corpse. Granting me a towering red-eyed titan. Naturally, I then dismissed the summon and placed my new minion into my inventory as well. After such, I sneakily rejoined the group. A guy’s gotta be prepared you know?

  Our trek up and through the village was far from pleasant. Guests or otherwise, the guards at their makeshift gate stared daggers into our group as we passed. Grips tightening on their spears as if they expected us or Raz to try and take on the entire village. Yeah, maybe if I were level 30 and had an army of Gravelnights I’d toy with the idea. With what few people we had thought it would have been asking for a whoopin, and I ain’t about that life.


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