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Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel

Page 22

by Leaona Luxx

  “Is this a deal-breaker, I need to know the specifics.”

  “Pretty much, but I will sweeten the offer with five extra socks on the floor before I become livid.”

  He bites his lip, stoking the fire that’s burned for him all these years, as he considers my proposal. He sits upon his knees, facing me as he pulls a ring from his pocket.

  “Marry me, Scarlet. If for no other reason but to argue with me until forever and then we’ll start over. But please, marry me most of all because you love me, and you want to chase forever with me.”

  “As long as you promise to never forget me again.” I peek up at him, trying not to giggle. Doc lays by his side, throwing shade at me with the world’s best sad puppy eyes.

  “Never.” His arms wrap around me, dragging me to him. His lips press against mine, reclaiming what has always been his.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Three months later…

  “Would you stop fidgeting ya redheaded hooker! I have to get this zipped, or you’re going out there looking like a Saturday night special.” Reese yanks on the side of my dress.

  “I can’t suck in another inch, put some elbow grease into it.”

  Reese backs up, running her eyes from my head to my feet. “Wait a hot second…”

  “No.” I tap my lips with my finger, eyes wide. “Shhhh.”

  Amy staggers into the tent. “Holy hell! Where did all of the hot men come from?”

  “Are you talking about the Pennington’s or Hatcher’s” I grin, wiggling my brows.

  Reese peeks through the opening. “Naw, girl. She’s talkin’ about the hunky dunk, drop a dime on dem asses, hottie friends of Creed’s.”

  “Dear Lord, let me see who’s here.” I peer out, biting my lip as I drink in all the hotness. “Alright, follow along ladies… first and foremost, they’re all married.”

  “Son of a twat wench!” Amy grumbles as we giggle.

  “Hush! Emmie will be jabbering twat all the way down the aisle.” I elbow her. “Listen! Right to left, Quinn, Liam, Mark, and Jackson. Yummmm! My personal favorite.”

  “Yeah, he’s drop them panties and spread, yummy.” Reese’s lust is showing.

  “Ya might want to tuck that tongue back in before Walker gets here.” I shut her gaping mouth.

  “This must be the hottest wedding in the history of hotness.” Amy wets her lips again. “Oh, damn! Who are they?”

  “Hey, slut bag! That’s my husband and his brother.” Reese elbows her.

  “Sorry.” Amy shrugs. “Wow! Please tell me he’s single.”

  I glance, rolling my eyes. “Rush Hatcher. Be warned, you might end up in your own kind of CCC. He’s cooter control on high.”

  “I hear ya, but I’ll take my chances!” She slips from the tent, scurrying off in his direction.

  “We’re ready, ladies.” Kathryn sticks her head in and begins to cry. She meanders over to me, wrapping me in her arms. “Thank you for loving him, for our little Emmie, and for everything you’ve done to give us these gifts. Welcome to our family.”

  “Now, I’m gonna cry.”

  “Oh my, Scarlet. He’s going to lose his mind when he sees you.” Kathryn gazes at me lovingly.

  “Hasn’t he done that already? I feel like it’s a given since he’s marrying her that he’s lost his mind.” Reese snickers.

  I narrow my eyes. “Is it too late to find a new matron of honor?”

  “Come on, sweetheart. Make an honest man of my boy and give me a dozen more grandkids.” Kathryn air kisses me to keep from messing up my makeup.

  “That… I can.” I smile as the music starts to play.

  Kathryn offers me a little wave before slipping out to find her seat. Emmie reaches for me, as Reese grabs her bouquet and walks from the tent. I step closer to the door, waiting for our cue.

  Reese slides up next to me. “By the way, you still need to explain to me why you never told me about Creed. It was rude.”

  “It was our story, he deserved to know it first.”

  She pretends to gag, rolling her eyes. “Gross! It’s like you love him or something.”

  The tent opens wide, and everyone stands. I take an uneasy step onto the sand, and Crawford offers his arm. I slip the hand with the bouquet around it and carry our Emmie in my other arm. Creed’s gaze locks with mine, and I float toward him.

  “Da-da.” Emmie giggles to the delight of our guests. Her little hands are going crazy for him. Curling constantly until we’re standing in front of him.

  Emmie has always known her father, because every night before tucking her in, we would take out our photo from college and tell him good night. It gave me a sense of him being there with us.

  “C’mere girl.” Creed smiles, reaching for Emmie. I step toward him, and the crowd laughs.

  “Oh! You meant her. Okay.” I bite my lip, releasing Emmie to him.

  His hand slips around me, pulling me closer. His lips meet mine, and my knees go weak. “I’ll take you on any day.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re gathered here today to celebrate the union of Creed, Scarlet, and Emmie.” The minister begins. “As their family and friends, we all understand what it has taken for them to arrive at this day. Many trials, triumphant tears, and laughter have brought them to this moment of becoming a family. They will give their own vows. Scarlet…”

  “You asked me once if you scared me. I answered no, even though I knew it was a lie. You frighten the hell outta me, Creed Randal. You’re fearless and take things head-on. You see something, you go after it. But you also inspire me. I want to be a better person because of you. Your easy-going spirit, your love of country and fellow man blows me away.”

  “Even in your darkest hour, you thought of others before yourself. I love you. The man you are, the father you’re becoming, and the love I’ve always deserved but feared I’d never have. I thank God above for you, and we’re blessed to call you ours.”

  “Marry me Creed, and I promise you the best arguments, you’ll own the finest of water guns, animals for days, and the most beautiful children two people can create this side of heaven. Marry me because you’ll never find another person that will love you more than me.” Emmie pats his cheek as a tear runs wild over it. He leans in, pressing his lips to mine.

  Jackson nudges him. “It’s not time yet.”

  “This is why I should’ve been the best man; I’d cheer you on!” Mark shouts from the second row.

  The minister chuckles. “Creed.”

  “Redemption. Salvation. Love. Absolution.” His eyes glisten as he gazes into mine. “You once asked me what these words have in common. Although I knew, I didn’t comprehend their meaning. Now, I know. Redemption is to earn forgiveness. Salvation is to find it. Love is to have it unconditionally. Absolution is never having to ask for it.”

  “Your love is my salvation, redeeming me from myself, and giving me absolution for my mistakes and misgivings. Even in my worst nightmares, you were my saving grace. Your love called to me, helping me to find my truth and learning to trust it.”

  “I asked you to marry me, I said it was so you could fight with me and forgive me when I made mistakes or messed the house up. But I also asked you to marry me because you love me and want to chase forever with me. The thing is Scar, you and Emmie are my forever. I no longer need to chase it because I have it all with you.

  “Forever isn’t long enough for me to love you; I need more time than forever can afford. Thank you for Emmie. For keeping her safe, and giving her to me. You’ve given more with your love than any man will ever deserve. I love you, and pray you and Emmie will have me forever and beyond.” Creed touches my face, catching a stray tear. He kisses the others away as the minister breaks in again.

  “Creed, do you take Scarlet Mae Morgan to be your wife?”

  “I do.” Creed’s smile could drown out the sun today.

  The minister turns to me. “Scarlet, do you take Creed Randal Hatcher to be your h

  “I do.”

  “Mister Hatcher, you may kiss Mrs. Hatcher.” He smiles, backing away.

  Creed’s arm is around me, hauling me to him with Emmie in his arms. He takes my mouth, owning me as he has from the first time we met. Our guests begin to clap and cheer.

  “I think this love thing agrees with you, you’ve filled out,” Creed whispers in my ear, grinning mischievously as he glances at my breasts.

  “Yeah, I guess it does, but it could also be because I’m pregnant.” His eyes are as wide as his mouth. He holds me closer, taking my lips once again.

  Love is never the end. It offers redemption, salvation, and even absolution if you allow it to forgive and let love live. Never let anyone tell you how to love or forgive; it might just be your redemption story.

  The Beginning …


  The Salvation Society

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  Check out these books in the Salvation Society available now!

  Scorched by M.A. Lee

  Fractured by Dani René

  Trouble by Angela Nicole

  Absolution by Leaona Luxx

  Ruined by Annabelle Anders

  Want to see what else is coming from The Salvation Society?

  Click below for a complete list of titles:


  Jackson Cole – my lover, bad-ass SEAL, sex god on legs, and the amazing husband you are, I thank you for fueling my wet dreams and instant love loving self! You are the epitome of The Ultimate Alpha. Love, your one and only wifey.

  To my readers – thank you for taking the time to read my stories. Creating this world and having people choose to be part of it means more than words can ever express.

  The Bottom Turners: There’s not a group of people I love more than each of you. Thank you for being on this ride with me!

  Bloggers – Thank you for taking a chance on an unknown and for your hard work and dedication to this community.

  For the Love of Pimping, Calling All Books (Diane) – Thank you for all your hard work and time you give so freely.

  Book Addicts Review: Amy Silbernagel – my ride or die! Love you hard, lady!

  Wicked Women Book Blog: Michelle Henderson McMullen - Thank you for showing up for me and always being here.

  Jillybean’s Book Blog: Jill Badker – thank you for always reading my words and loving me just as I am.

  Janise’s Jivin’ Book Blog: Janise and Debra – thank you for all the hard work and dedication to give to me and others. I’ll forever be grateful for your love and support. Love you, ladies!

  PR: Candi Kane PR – thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the authors, readers, bloggers, and Indie community as a whole! You’re simply fantastic!

  Editor: Pixie Dust – thank you for your hard work and dedication.

  Proofing: Christina Gwin – without you, I would be nothing. Thank you.

  Cover Design: Moonstruck Cover Design and Photography - thank you from the bottom of my heart. You never fail me, and your friendship means everything to me. Love you!

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar – thank you for having a fantastic eye and making me look good!

  Cover Models: Evan Keys and Lucas Loyola – the epitome of Creed and Scarlet, thank you!

  SBR Media: Stephanie, Laura, Debra, Tara, and Tabatha – Thank you for believing in me, for your help and encouragement, and for being genuine.

  The Salvation Society:

  Author Corinne Michaels – there will never be a day I don’t think about the words you wrote that have inspired me to be the best I can and to know, I don’t have to be perfect to be enough. You may never truly realize what your words do for others, but I am proof of what you have done, and I’m forever grateful for you.

  TSS Assistant: Crystal Ann – what a ride you’ve been on this year! I’m thankful this experience has brought you into my life and the friendship you’ve given me.

  My FD Kickass Fan Club: Robin and Marla – Thank you for all the support and encouragement. Love ya. Hoochie Cats!

  Katie J., Cheryl J., and Nicole: Thank you for always having my back and being by my side. I appreciate y’all more than you’ll ever know. Love you!!

  Leaona’s Hot Tales & Beachy Readers: Lagena C., Terri H., Dawn Best, Ramona W., Missy Meyer, Jeanne Lee Marks, Donna O., Sharon L., Christina Rhodes, Nancy Gennes Metsch, Kelly Connell, Sandra Loeb, Sally Miller, Kathy Temple Mason, Stephanie R., Letti Mena, Jenny Wootton, Mary S., Sara W., Jodi P., Cindy G., Nikki W., Heather B., Jillian K., Missy N., Missy B, Eunice J., Karen K., and Mandi S., to name a few!

  My Alphas:

  Crystal Acker – do we have to tell Corinne how right she was for putting us together? Okay, good! You made me whole again! You chased the doubt away and lifted me up from the darkest place I have ever been. I will be eternally grateful. Thank you.

  Amy Cook – all because of Corinne, I have a friend such as you. The Heels still suck, but I love you even if you root for the wrong team.

  Robin Driver – my friend, you are a light unto my soul. Thank you for being here and for loving me.

  Lauren Dodson – thank you for always lifting me up, I love you.

  Jeanne Lee Marks – thank you for having my back from book one and loving me along the way.

  My tribe: Though we may be small, we are strong.

  Laura Rossi - my dear friend, my daughter from across the world, and my love. Thank you for being here. I love you.

  Christine Strongi – my dearest friend, thank you for always having my back. I love you.

  Sarah K.– my child, my friend, my longest supporter, and greatest love, thank you for never leaving me and encouraging me every step of the way. Love you… text me!

  Emma Rider – from the minute I met you, you’ve been kind and loving. Your talent and support lift me up, your love means more than I’ll ever be able to express. Thank you for being you. Love ya!

  Courtney Browning – God never told me that I would one day have a daughter that would also be my best friend, I’m so thankful for you. I love you, just as you are.

  To my mom, boys, and girls – On days I am less, you make me feel as though I am more. This year closely mirrored that of 2015, but we made it out… together. As we always do, having each other’s backs and loving harder than we fight. Thank you. I love you all.

  Daddy – Thank you for loving my babies, no matter how hard you were judged. Thank you for being my dad and loving me the way I needed to be loved. For showing me what love and forgiveness were really about.

  LU (Shan) – Life is never easy for us, and most days, we struggle at best. 2020 has been the most challenging year of our marriage; as depression drug me deeper, you would reach for me and drag me from its grips. I will never find another love like yours; I am honored to be your wife. The bad days be gone, and let's look forward to the days we get it right because damn do we get it right! You are my favorite person. I love you.

  You and me… against the world. Always.

  Books By Leaona Luxx

  Cherry Grove

  Hard to Love

  Southern Comfort

  Love, Riley

  Finding Redemption

  Wrecking Us Saving You

  Lies in Ink & Whiskey (Book 1)

  Whiskey Rebellion (Book 2)

  Luci’s Lullaby

  For One Night

  Rumor Has It

  Written in the Stars

  Drive Me Crazy


  Down Home

  Shilo’s Shores

  Finding Mrs. Claus


  About the Author

  Leaona, also known as Lea, is a wife and mother of
three young men and their spouses. A small business owner, she closed it after losing her father to stay at home with her mom.

  Inspired to write while raising her family, Lea never dreamed she would one day be a published author. While loving all genres, Lea writes contemporary romance. Her books are true to life and are not your average love stories. Lea writes what she knows, drawing from everyday life to create her characters and their worlds.

  She's your everyday lady who loves to connect with her fans via social media. You can find her on all platforms. Leaona also doesn't mind dishing about her favorite authors and their books.

  Leaona's debut book was released on June 22, 2016. Her books are filled with life affirmations and Redeeming Romances.

  Keep in the know and up to date on all things Leaona has in the works:




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