Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance
Page 19
Bidding Kelley remain with Guy Fawkes, Doctor Dee signified to Vivianathat he had a few words to say to her in private before his departure,and leading the way to an adjoining room, informed her that he was awareof her desire to have her father's remains interred in the CollegiateChurch, and that, so far from opposing her inclinations, he wouldwillingly accede to them, only recommending as a measure of prudencethat the ceremonial should be performed at night, and with as muchsecrecy as possible. Viviana thanked him in a voice of much emotion forhis kindness, and entirely acquiesced in his suggestion of caution. Atthe same time, she could not help expressing her surprise that herthoughts should be known to him. "Though, indeed," she added, "after thewonderful exhibition I have just witnessed of your power, I can scarcelysuppose that any limits are to be placed to it."
"Few things are hidden from me," replied Dee, with a gratified smile;"even the lighter matters of the heart, in which I might be supposed totake little interest, do not altogether elude my observation. Inreference to this, you will not, I am sure be offended with me, Viviana,if I tell you I have noticed with some concern the attachment that hasarisen between you and Humphrey Chetham."
Viviana uttered an exclamation of surprise, and a deep blush suffusedher pallid cheeks.
"I am assuming the privilege of an old man with you, Viviana," continuedDee, in a graver tone, "and I may add, of an old friend,--for yourlamented mother was one of my dearest and best friends, as you perchancecalled to mind, when you sent me to-day, by Mr. Catesby, the token Igave her years ago. You have done unwisely in inviting Humphrey Chethamto come hither to-night."
"How so?" she faltered.
"Because, if he keeps his appointment, fatal consequences may ensue,"answered Dee. "Your message has reached the ears of one from whom,--mostof all,--you should have concealed it."
"Mr. Catesby has heard of it, I know," replied Viviana. "But you do notapprehend any danger from him?"
"He is Chetham's mortal foe," rejoined Dee, "and will slay him, if hefinds an opportunity."
"You alarm me," she cried. "I will speak to Mr. Catesby on the subject,and entreat him, as he values my regard, to offer no molestation to hisfancied rival."
"_Fancied_ rival!" echoed Dee, raising his brows contemptuously. "Do youseek to persuade me that you do not love Humphrey Chetham?"
"Assuredly not," replied Viviana. "I freely acknowledge my attachment tohim. It is as strong as my aversion to Mr. Catesby. But the latter isaware that the suit of his rival is as hopeless as his own."
"Explain yourself, I pray you?" said Dee.
"My destiny is the cloister,--and this he well knows," she rejoined. "Assoon as my worldly affairs can be arranged, I shall retire to theEnglish nunnery at Brussels, where I shall vow myself to Heaven."
"Such is your present intention," replied Dee. "But you will never quityour own country."
"What shall hinder me?" asked Viviana, uneasily.
"Many things," returned Dee. "Amongst others, this meeting with yourlover."
"Call him not by that name, I beseech you, reverend sir," she rejoined."Humphrey Chetham will never be other to me than a friend."
"It may be," answered Dee. "But your destiny is _not_ the cloister."
"For what am I reserved, then?" demanded Viviana, trembling.
"All I dare tell you," he returned, "all it is needful for you to know,is, that your future career is mixed up with that of Guy Fawkes. But donot concern yourself about what is to come. The present is sufficient toclaim your attention."
"True," replied Viviana; "and my first object shall be to despatch amessenger to Humphrey Chetham to prevent him from coming hither."
"Trouble yourself no further on that score," returned Dee. "I willconvey the message to him. As regards the funeral, it must take placewithout delay. I will be at the south porch of the church with the keysat midnight, and Robert Burnell, the sexton, and another assistant onwhom I can depend, shall be in attendance. Though it is contrary to myreligious opinions and feelings to allow a Romish priest to perform theservice, I will not interfere with Father Garnet. I owe your mother adeep debt of gratitude, and will pay it to her husband and her child."
"Thanks!--in _her_ name, thanks!" cried Viviana, in a voice suffocatedby emotion.
"And now," continued Dee, "I would ask you one further question. My arthas made me acquainted that a plot is hatching against the King and hisGovernment by certain of the Catholic party. Are you favourable to thedesign?"
"I am not," replied Viviana, firmly. "Nor can you regard it with morehorror than myself."
"I was sure of it," returned Dee. "Nevertheless, I am glad to have mysupposition confirmed from your own mouth."
With this, he moved towards the door, but Viviana arrested hisdeparture.
"Stay, reverend sir," she cried, with a look of great uneasiness; "ifyou are in possession of this dread secret, the lives of my companionsare in your power. You will not betray them. Or, if you deem it yourduty to reveal the plot to those endangered by it, you will give itscontrivers timely warning."
"Fear nothing," rejoined Dee. "I cannot, were I so disposed, interferewith the fixed purposes of fate. The things revealed by my familiarspirits never pass my lips. They are more sacred than the disclosuresmade to a priest of your faith at the confessional. The bloodyenterprise on which these zealots are bent will fail. I have warnedFawkes; but my warning, though conveyed by the lips of the dead, and byother means equally terrible, was unavailing. I would warn Catesby andGarnet, but they would heed me not. Viviana Radcliffe," he continued, ina solemn voice, "you questioned me just now about the future. Have youcourage to make the same demand from your dead father? If so, I willcompel his corpse to answer you."
"Oh! no--no," cried Viviana, horror-stricken; "not for worlds would Icommit so impious an act. Gladly as I would know what fate has in storefor me, nothing should induce me to purchase the knowledge at sodreadful a price."
"Farewell, then," rejoined Dee. "At midnight, at the south porch of theCollegiate Church, I shall expect you."
So saying, he took his departure; and, on entering the gallery, heperceived Catesby hastily retreating.
"Aha!" he muttered. "We have had a listener here. Well, no matter. Whathe has heard may prove serviceable to him."
He then returned to the chamber occupied by Guy Fawkes, and finding hehad dropped into a deep and tranquil sleep, motioned Kelley, who wasstanding by the bedside watching his slumbers with folded arms, tofollow him, and bowing gravely to Garnet quitted the hall.
As he crossed the court, on his way to the drawbridge, Catesby suddenlythrew himself in his path, and laying his hand upon his sword, cried ina menacing voice,--"Doctor Dee, neither you nor your companion shallquit the hall till you have solemnly sworn not to divulge aughtpertaining to the plot, of which you have so mysteriously obtainedinformation."
"Is this my recompence for rescuing your comrade from the jaws of death,sir?" replied Dee, sternly.
"The necessity of the case must plead its excuse," rejoined Catesby. "Myown safety, and the safety of those leagued with me, require that Ishould be peremptory in my demand. Did I not owe you a large debt ofgratitude for your resuscitation of Guy Fawkes, I would have insuredyour secrecy with your life. As it is, I will be content with youroath."
"Fool!" exclaimed Dee, "stand aside, or I will compel you to do so."
"Think not to terrify me by idle threats," returned Catesby. "Iwillingly acknowledge your superior skill,--as, indeed, I have goodreason to do,--in the science of medicine; but I have no faith in yourmagical tricks. A little reflection has shown me how the knowledge I atfirst thought so wonderful was acquired. You obtained it by means ofMartin Heydocke, who, mounted on a swift steed, reached the Collegebefore me. He told you of the object of my visit,--of Viviana's wish tohave her father interred in the Collegiate Church,--of her message toHumphrey Chetham. You were, therefore, fully prepared for my arri
val,and at first, I must confess, completely imposed upon me. Nay, had I notoverheard your conversation just now with Viviana, I might have remainedyour dupe still. But your allusion to Chetham's visit awakened mysuspicions, and, on re-considering the matter, the whole trick flashedupon me."
"What more?" demanded Dee, his brow lowering, and his eyes sparklingwith rage.
"Thus much," returned Catesby. "I have your secret, and you have mine.And though the latter is the more important, inasmuch as several liveshang upon it, whereas a conjuror's worthless reputation is alonedependent on the other, yet both must be kept. Swear, then, not toreveal the plot, and in my turn I will take any oath you choose todictate not to disclose the jugglery I have detected."
"I will make no terms with you," returned Dee; "and if I do not revealyour damnable plot, it is not from consideration of you or yourassociates, but because the hour for its disclosure is not yet arrived.When full proof of your guilt can be obtained, then rest assured it willbe made known,--though not by me. Not one of your number shallescape--not one."
Catesby again laid his hand upon his sword, and seemed from his looks tobe meditating the destruction of the Doctor and his assistant. But theyappeared wholly unconcerned at his glances.
"What you have said concerning Martin Heydocke is false--as false asyour own foul and bloody scheme," pursued Dee. "I have neither seen, norspoken with him."
"But your assistant, Edward Kelley, has," retorted Catesby, "and thatamounts to the same thing."
"For the third and last time I command you to stand aside," cried Dee,in a tone of concentrated anger.
Catesby laughed aloud.
"What if I refuse?" he said, in a jeering voice.
Doctor Dee made no answer; but, suddenly drawing a small phial frombeneath his robe, cast its contents in his opponent's face. Blinded bythe spirit, Catesby raised his hand to his eyes, and while in thiscondition a thick cloth was thrown over his head from behind, and,despite his resistance, he was borne off, and bound with a strong cordto an adjoining tree.
Half an hour elapsed, during which he exhausted his fury in vainoutcries for assistance, and execrations and menaces against Dee and hiscompanion. At the expiration of that time, hearing steps approaching, hecalled loudly to be released, and was answered by the voice of MartinHeydocke.
"What! is it your worship I behold?" cried Martin, in a tone of affectedcommiseration. "Mercy on us! what has happened? Have the rascallysearchers been here again?"
"Hold your peace, knave, and unbind me," rejoined Catesby, angrily. "Ishrewdly suspect," he added, as his commands were obeyed, and the cordtwined around his arms unfastened, and the cloth removed,--"I shrewdlysuspect," he said, fixing a stern glance upon Martin, which effectuallybanished the smile from his demure countenance, "that you have had someshare in this business."
"What I, your worship?" exclaimed Martin. "Not the slightest, I assureyou. It was by mere chance I came this way, and, perceiving some onetied to a tree, was about to take to my heels, when, fancying Irecognised your worship's well-formed legs, I ventured forward."
"You shall become more intimately acquainted with my worship's boots,rascal, if I find my suspicions correct," rejoined Catesby. "Have youthe effrontery to tell me you have never seen this rope and this clothbefore?"
"Certes, I have, your worship," replied Martin. "May the first hang me,and the last serve as my winding-sheet, if I speak not the truth! Ah,now I look again," he added, pretending to examine them, "it must be ahorse-cloth and halter from the stable. Peradventure, I _have_ seenthem."
"That I will be sworn you have, and used them too," rejoined Catesby. "Iam half inclined to tie you to the tree in my place. But where is youremployer?--where is Doctor Dee?"
"Doctor Dee is _not_ my employer," answered Martin, "neither do I servehim. Mr. Humphrey Chetham, as I have already told your worship, is mymaster. As to the Doctor, he left the hall some time since. FatherGarnet thought you had accompanied him on the road. I have seen nothingof him. Of a truth I have not."
Catesby reflected a moment, and then strode towards the hall, whileMartin, with a secret smile, picked up the halter and cloth, andwithdrew to the stable.
Repairing to the chamber of the wounded man, Catesby found Garnetseated by his couch, and related what had occurred. The Jesuit listenedwith profound attention to the recital, and on its conclusionobserved,--
"I am sorry you have offended Doctor Dee, my son. He might have proved agood friend. As it is, you have made him a dangerous enemy."
"He was not to be trusted, father," returned Catesby. "But if you haveany fears of him, or Kelley, I will speedily set them at rest."
"No violence, my son," rejoined Garnet. "You will only increase themischief you have already occasioned. I do not think Dee will betray us.But additional circumspection will be requisite. Tarry here while Iconfer with Viviana on this subject. She has apparently some secretinfluence with the Doctor, and may be prevailed upon to exert it in ourbehalf."
It was long before Garnet returned. When he reappeared, his looksconvinced Catesby that the interview had not proved satisfactory.
"Your imprudence has placed us in a perilous position, my son," heobserved. "Viviana refuses to speak to Doctor Dee on the subject, andstrongly reprobates your conduct."
Catesby's brow lowered.
"There is but one course to pursue," he muttered, rising; "our lives orhis must be sacrificed. I will act at once."
"Hold!" exclaimed Garnet authoritatively. "Wait till to-morrow and, ifaught occurs in the interim to confirm your suspicions, do as you thinkproper. I will not oppose you."
"If I forbear so long," returned Catesby, "it will not be safe to remainhere."
"I will risk it," said Garnet, "and I counsel you to do the same. Youwill not leave Viviana at this strait."
"I have no such thoughts," replied Catesby. "If I go, she goes too."
"Then it will be in vain, I am sure, to endeavour to induce her toaccompany you till her father is interred," observed Garnet.
"True," replied Catesby; "I had forgotten that. We shall meet the hoaryjuggler at the church, and an opportunity may occur for executing mypurpose there. Unless he will swear at the altar not to betray us, heshall die by my hand."
"An oath in such a case would be no security, my son," returned Garnet;"and his slaughter and that of his companion would be equallyinefficacious, and greatly prejudicial to our cause. If he means tobetray us, he has done so already. But I have little apprehension. I donot think him well affected towards the government, and I cannot butthink, if you had not thus grossly insulted him, he would have favouredrather than opposed our design. If he was aware of the plot, andadverse to it, what need was there to exert his skill in behalf of ourdying friend, who, but for him, would have been, ere this, a lump oflifeless clay? No, no, my son. You are far too hasty in your judgment.Nor am I less surprised at your injustice. Overlooking the great benefitconferred upon us, because some trifling scheme has been thwarted, youwould requite our benefactor by cutting his throat."
"Your rebuke is just, father," returned Catesby. "I have actedheedlessly. But I will endeavour to repair my error."
"Enough, my son," replied Garnet. "It will be advisable to go well armedto the church to-night, for fear of a surprise. But I shall not absentmyself on that account."
"Nor I," rejoined Catesby.
The conversation was then carried on, on other topics, when they wereinterrupted by the entrance of Viviana, who came to consult them aboutthe funeral. It was arranged--since better could not be found--that thevehicle used to bring thither the body of the unfortunate knight shouldtransport it to its last home. No persuasions of Garnet could induceViviana to relinquish the idea of attending the ceremony; and Catesby,though he affected the contrary, secretly rejoiced at her determination.
Night came, and all was in readiness. Viviana to the last indulged ahope that Humphrey Chetham would arrive in time to attend the funeralwith her; but, as he did not appear, she concluded he
had receivedDoctor Dee's warning. Martin Heydocke was left in charge of Guy Fawkes,who still continued to slumber deeply, and, when within half an hour ofthe appointed time, the train set out.
They were all well mounted, and proceeded at a slow pace along the laneskirting the west bank of the Irwell. The night was profoundly dark;and, as it was not deemed prudent to carry torches, some care wasrequisite to keep in the right road. Catesby rode first, and wasfollowed by Garnet and Viviana, after whom came the little vehiclecontaining the body. The rear was brought up by three of the servantssent by Sir Everard Digby; a fourth acting as driver of the sorrysubstitute for a hearse. Not a word was uttered by any of the party. Inthis stealthy manner was the once-powerful and wealthy Sir WilliamRadcliffe, the owner of the whole district through which they werepassing, conveyed to the burial-place of his ancestors!
In shorter time than they had allowed themselves for the journey, themelancholy cavalcade reached Salford Bridge, and crossing it at a quickpace, as had been previously arranged by Catesby, arrived withoutmolestation or notice (for no one was abroad in the town at that hour)at the southern gate of the Collegiate Church, where, it may beremembered, Guy Fawkes had witnessed the execution of the two seminarypriests, and on the spikes of which their heads and dismembered bodieswere now fixed. An old man here presented himself, and, unlocking thegate, informed them he was Robert Burnell, the sexton. The shell wasthen taken out, and borne on the shoulders of the servants towards thechurch, Burnell leading the way. Garnet followed; and as soon as Catesbyhad committed the horses to the care of the driver of the carriage, hetendered his arm to Viviana, who could scarcely have reached the sacredstructure unsupported.
Doctor Dee met them at the church porch, as he had appointed, and, assoon as they had passed through it, the door was locked. Addressing afew words in an under tone to Viviana, but not deigning to notice eitherof her companions, Dee directed the bearers of the body to follow him,and proceeded towards the choir.
The interior of the reverend and beautiful fane was buried in profoundgloom, and the feeble light diffused by the sexton's lantern only madethe darkness more palpable. On entering the broad and noble nave nothingcould be seen of its clustered pillars, or of the exquisite pointedarches, enriched with cinquefoil and quatrefoil, inclosing blankshields, which they supported. Neither could its sculptured cornice; itsclerestory windows; its upper range of columns, supporting demi-angelsplaying on musical instruments; its moulded roof crossed by transversebeams, enriched in the interstices with sculptured ornaments, bedistinguished. Most of these architectural glories were invisible; butthe very gloom in which they were shrouded was imposing. As the dimlight fell upon pillar after pillar as they passed, revealing theirmouldings, piercing a few feet into the side aisles, and falling uponthe grotesque heads, the embattled ornaments and grotesque tracery ofthe arches, the effect was inexpressibly striking.
Nor were the personages inappropriate to the sombre scene. The reverendfigure of Dee, with his loose flowing robe and long white beard; thepriestly garb and grave aspect of Garnet; the soldier-like bearing ofCatesby, his armed heel and rapier-point clanking upon the pavement; thedrooping figure of Viviana, whose features were buried in her kerchief,and whose sobs were distinctly audible; the strangely-fashioned coffin,and the attendants by whom it was borne;--all constituted a singular,and, at the same time, deeply-interesting picture.
Approaching the magnificent screen terminating the nave, they passedthrough an arched gateway within it, and entered the choir. The west-endof this part of the church was assigned as the burial-place of theancient and honourable family, the head of which was about to bedeposited within it, and was designated from the circumstance, the"Radcliffe chancel." A long slab of grey marble, in which a brass plate,displaying the armorial bearings of the Radcliffes, was inserted, hadbeen removed, and the earth thrown out of the cavity beneath it.Kelley, who had assisted in making the excavation, was standing besideit, leaning on a spade, with a lantern at his feet. He drew aside as thefuneral train approached, and the shell was deposited at the edge of thegrave.
Picturesque and striking as was the scene in the nave, it fell far shortof that now exhibited. The choir of the Collegiate Church at Manchestermay challenge comparison with any similar structure. Its thirtyelaborately-carved stalls, covered with canopies of the richesttabernacle work, surmounted by niches, mouldings, pinnacles, andperforated tracery, and crowned with a richly-sculptured cornice; itsside aisles, with their pillars and arches; its moulded ceiling rich inthe most delicate and fairy tracery; its gorgeous altar-screen of carvedoak; and its magnificent eastern window, then filled with stained glass,form a _coup-d'oeil_ of almost unequalled splendour and beauty. Few ofthese marvels could now be seen. But such points of the pinnacles andhanging canopies of the stalls, of the facades of the side-aisles, andof the fretted roof, as received any portion of the light, came in withadmirable effect.
"All is prepared, you perceive," observed Dee to Viviana. "I will retirewhile the ceremony is performed." And gravely inclining his head, hepassed through an arched door in the south aisle, and entered thechapter-house.
Garnet was about to proceed with the service appointed by the RomishChurch for the burial of the dead, when Viviana, uttering a loud cry,would have fallen, if Catesby had not flown to her assistance, and borneher to one of the stalls. Recovering her self-possession the nextmoment, she entreated him to leave her; and while the service proceeded,she knelt down and prayed fervently for the soul of the departed.
Placing himself at the foot of the body, Garnet sprinkled it with holywater, which he had brought with him in a small silver consecratedvessel. He then recited the _De Profundis_, the _Miserere_, and otherantiphons and prayers; placed incense in a burner, which he had likewisebrought with him, and having lighted it, bowed reverently towards thealtar, sprinkled the body thrice with holy water, at the sides, at thehead, and the feet; and then walking round it with the incense-burner,dispersed its fragrant odour over it. This done, he recited anotherprayer, pronounced a solemn benediction over the place of sepulture, andthe body was lowered into it.
The noise of the earth falling upon the shell aroused Viviana from herdevotions. She looked towards the grave, but could see nothing but thegloomy group around it, prominent among which appeared the tall figureof Catesby. The sight was too much for her, and, unable to control hergrief, she fainted. Meanwhile, the grave was rapidly filled, all lendingtheir aid to the task; and nothing was wanting but to restore the slabto its original position. By the united efforts of Catesby, Kelley, andthe sexton, this was soon accomplished, and the former, unaware of whathad happened, was about to proceed to Viviana, to tell her all was over,when he was arrested by a loud knocking at the church door, accompaniedby a clamorous demand for admittance.
"We are betrayed!" exclaimed Catesby. "It is as I suspected. Take careof Viviana, father. I will after the hoary impostor, and cleave hisskull! Extinguish the lights--quick! quick!"
Garnet hastily complied with these injunctions, and the choir wasplunged in total darkness. He then rushed to the stalls, but couldnowhere find Viviana. He called her by name, but received no answer, andwas continuing his fruitless search, when he heard footstepsapproaching, and the voice of Catesby exclaimed,
"Follow me with your charge, father."
"Alas! my son, she is not here," replied Garnet. "I have searched eachstall as carefully as I could in the dark. I fear she has been spiritedaway."
"Impossible!" cried Catesby. And he ran his hand along the row ofsculptured seats, but without success. "She is indeed gone!" heexclaimed distractedly. "It was here I left her--nay, here I beheld herat the very moment the lights were extinguished. Viviana!--Viviana!"
But all was silent.
"It is that cursed magician's handiwork!" he continued, striking hisforehead in despair.
"Did you find him?" demanded Garnet.
"No," replied Catesby. "The door of the chapter-house was locked inside.The treacherous villain did well to g
uard against my fury."
"You provoked his resentment, my son," rejoined Garnet. "But this is nota season for reproaches. Something must be done. Where is Kelley?"
At the suggestion, Catesby instantly darted to the spot where the seerhad stood. He was not there. He then questioned the servants, whoseteeth were chattering with fright, but they had neither heard himdepart, nor could tell anything about him; and perceiving plainly fromtheir trepidation that these men would lend no aid, even if they did notjoin the assailants, he returned to communicate his apprehensions toGarnet.
During all this time the knocking and vociferations at the door hadcontinued with increased violence, and reverberated in hollow pealsalong the roof and aisles of the church.
The emergency was a fearful one. Catesby, however, had been too oftenplaced in situations of peril, and was too constitutionally brave, toexperience much uneasiness for himself; but his apprehensions lestGarnet should be captured, and the sudden and mysterious disappearanceof Viviana almost distracted him. Persuading himself she might havefallen to the ground, or that he had overlooked the precise spot wherehe had left her, he renewed his search, but with no better success thanbefore; and he was almost beginning to believe that some magic mighthave been practised to cause her disappearance, when it occurred to himthat she had been carried off by Kelley.
"Fool that I was, not to think of that before!" he exclaimed. "I haveunintentionally aided their project by extinguishing the lights. But nowthat I am satisfied she is gone, I can devote my whole energies to thepreservation of Garnet. They shall not capture us so easily as theyanticipate."
With this, he approached the priest, and grasping his hand drew himnoislessly along. They had scarcely passed through the arched doorway inthe screen, and set foot within the nave, when the clamour withoutceased. The next moment a thundering crash was heard; the door burstopen, and a number of armed figures bearing torches, with drawn swordsin their hands, rushed with loud vociferations into the church.
"We must surrender, my son," cried Garnet. "It will be useless tocontend against that force."
"But we may yet escape them," rejoined Catesby. And glancing hastilyround he perceived a small open door in the wall at the right, andpointing it out to the priest, hurried towards it.
On reaching it, they found it communicated with a flight of stone steps,evidently leading to the roof.
"Saved! saved!" cried Catesby, triumphantly. "Mount first, father. Iwill defend the passage."
The pursuers, who saw the course taken by the fugitives, set up a loudshout, and ran as swiftly as they could in the same direction, and bythe time the latter had gained the door they were within a few yards ofit. Garnet darted up the steps; but Catesby lingered to make fast thedoor, and thus oppose some obstacle to the hostile party. His efforts,however, were unexpectedly checked, and, on examination, he found it washooked to the wall at the back. Undoing the fastening, the door swungto, and he instantly bolted it. Overjoyed at his success, and leavinghis pursuers, who at this moment arrived, to vent their disappointmentin loud menaces, he hastened after Garnet. Calling loudly to him, he wasanswered from a small dark chamber on the right, into which the priesthad retreated.
"We have but prolonged our torture," groaned Garnet. "I can find nooutlet. Our foes will speedily force an entrance, and we must then fallinto their hands."
"There must be some door opening upon the roof, father," rejoinedCatesby. "Mount as high as you can, and search carefully. I will defendthe stairs, and will undertake to maintain my post against the wholerout."
Thus urged, Garnet ascended the steps. After the lapse of a few minutes,during which the thundering at the door below increased, and the heavyblows of some weighty implement directed against it, were distinctlyheard, he cried,
"I have found a door, but the bolts are rusty--I cannot move them."
"Use all your strength, father," shouted Catesby, who having plantedhimself with his drawn sword at an advantageous point, was listeningwith intense anxiety to the exertions of the assailing party. "Do notrelax your efforts for a moment."
"It is in vain, my son," rejoined Garnet, in accents of despair. "Myhands are bruised and bleeding, but the bolts stir not."
"Distraction!" cried Catesby, gnashing his teeth with rage. "Let metry."
And he was about to hasten to the priest's assistance, when the doorbelow was burst open with a loud crash, and the assailants rushed up thesteps. The passage was so narrow that they were compelled to mountsingly, and Catesby's was scarcely a vain boast when he said he couldmaintain his ground against the whole host. Shouting to Garnet to renewhis efforts, he prepared for the assault. Reserving his petronels to thelast, he trusted solely to his rapier, and leaning against the newel, orcircular column round which the stairs twined, he was in a great measuredefended from the weapons of his adversaries, while they were completelyexposed to his attack. The darkness, moreover, in which he was envelopedoffered an additional protection, whereas the torches they carried madehis mark certain. As soon as the foremost of the band came within reach,Catesby plunged his sword into his breast, and pushed him back with allhis force upon his comrades. The man fell heavily backwards, dislodgingthe next in advance, who in his turn upset his successor, and so on,till the whole band was thrown into confusion. A discharge of fire-armsfollowed; but, sheltered by the newel, Catesby sustained no injury. Atthis moment, he was cheered by a cry from Garnet that he had succeededin forcing back the bolts, terror having supplied him with a strengthnot his own; and, making another sally upon his assailants, amid thedisorder that ensued, Catesby retreated, and rapidly tracking the steps,reached the door, through which the priest had already passed. Whenwithin a short distance of the outlet, Catesby felt, from the current offresh air that saluted him, that it opened upon the roof of the church.Nor was he deceived. A few steps placed him upon the leads, where hefound Garnet.
"It is you, my son," cried the latter, on beholding him; "I thoughtfrom the shouts you had fallen into the hands of the enemy."
"No, Heaven be praised! I am as yet safe, and trust to deliver you outof their hands. Come with me to the battlements."
"The battlements!" exclaimed Garnet. "A leap from such a height as thatwere certain destruction."
"It were so," replied Catesby, dragging him along. "But trust to me, andyou shall yet reach the ground uninjured."
Arrived at the battlements, Catesby leaned over them, and endeavoured toascertain what was beneath. It was still so dark that he could scarcelydiscern any objects but those close to him, but as far as he could trusthis vision, he thought he perceived a projecting building some twelve orfourteen feet below; and calling to mind the form of the church, whichhe had frequently seen and admired, he remembered its chantries, and hadno doubt but it was the roof of one of them that he beheld. If he couldreach it, the descent from thence would be easy, and he immediatelycommunicated the idea to Garnet, who shrank aghast from it. Little time,however, was allowed for consideration. Their pursuers had alreadyscaled the stairs, and were springing one after another upon the leads,uttering the most terrible threats against the destroyer of theircomrade. Hastily divesting himself of his cloak, Catesby clambered overthe battlements, and, impelled by fear, Garnet threw off his robe, andfollowed his example. Clinging to the grotesque stone waterspouts whichprojected below the battlements, and placing the points of his feet uponthe arches of the clerestory windows, and thence upon the mullions andtransom bars, Catesby descended in safety, and then turned to assist hiscompanion, who was quickly by his side.
The most difficult and dangerous part of the descent had yet to beaccomplished. They were now nearly thirty feet from the ground, and thesame irregularities in the walls which had favoured them in the upperstructure did not exist in the lower. But their present position,exposed as it was to their pursuers, who, having reached the pointimmediately overhead, were preparing to fire upon them, was toodangerous to allow of its occupation for a moment, and Garnet requiredno urging to make him clamber over th
e low embattled parapet. Descendinga flying buttress that defended an angle of the building, Catesby, whowas possessed of great strength and activity, was almost instantly uponthe ground. Garnet was not so fortunate. Missing his footing, he fellfrom a considerable height, and his groans proclaimed that he hadreceived some serious injury. Catesby instantly flew to him, anddemanded, in a tone of the greatest anxiety, whether he was much hurt.
"My right arm is broken," gasped the sufferer, raising himself withdifficulty. "What other injuries I have sustained I know not; but everyjoint seems dislocated, and my face is covered with blood. Heaven havepity on me!"
As he spoke, a shout of exultation arose from the hostile party, who,having heard Garnet's fall, and the groans that succeeded it, at oncedivined the cause, and made sure of a capture. A deep silence followed,proving that they had quitted the roof, and were hastening to securetheir prey.
Aware that it would take them some little time to descend the windingstaircase, and traverse the long aisle of the church, Catesby feltcertain of distancing them. But he could not abandon Garnet, who hadbecome insensible from the agony of his fractured limb, and, lifting himcarefully in his arms, he placed him upon his shoulder, and started at aswift pace towards the further extremity of the churchyard.
At the period of this history, the western boundary of the CollegiateChurch was formed by a precipitous sandstone rock of great height, thebase of which was washed by the waters of the Irwell, while its summitwas guarded by a low stone wall. In after years, a range of smallhabitations was built upon this spot, but they have been recentlyremoved, and the rock having been lowered, a road now occupies theirsite. Nerved by desperation, Catesby, who was sufficiently wellacquainted with the locality to know whither he was shaping his course,determined to hazard a descent, which, under calmer circumstances, hewould have deemed wholly impracticable. His pursuers, who issued fromthe church porch a few seconds after he had passed it, saw him hurrytowards the low wall edging the precipice, and, encumbered as he waswith the priest, vault over it. Not deeming it possible he would dare tospring from such a height, they darted after him. But they weredeceived, and could scarcely credit their senses when they found himgone. By the light of their torches they perceived him shooting down thealmost perpendicular side of the rock, and the next moment a hollowplunge told that he had reached the water. They stared at each other inmute astonishment.
"Will you follow him, Dick Haughton?" observed one, as soon as he hadrecovered his speech.
"Not I," replied the fellow addressed. "I have no fancy for a brokenneck. Follow him thyself if thou hast a mind to try the soundness of thypate. I warrant that rock will put it to the proof."
"Yet the feat has just been done, and by one burthened with a woundedcomrade into the bargain," remarked the first speaker.
"He must be the devil, that's certain," rejoined Haughton; "and DoctorDee himself is no match for him."
"He has the Devil's luck, that's certain," cried a third soldier. "But,hark! he is swimming across the river. We may yet catch him on theopposite bank. Come along, comrades."
With this, they rushed out of the churchyard; made the best of their wayto the bridge; and crossing it, flew to the bank of the river, wherethey dispersed in every direction, in search for the fugitive. But theycould not discover a trace of him or his wounded companion.