Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance
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Catesby himself could scarcely tell how he accomplished his hair-breadthescape. Reckless almost of the result, he slided down the rock, catchingat occasional irregularities as he descended. The river was of greatdepth at this point, and broke the force of his fall. On rising, hestruck out a few yards, and suffered himself to be carried down thestream. He had never for one moment relinquished his hold of Garnet, andbeing an admirable swimmer, found little difficulty in sustaining himwith one arm, while with the other he guided his course in the water. Inthis way he reached the shore in safety, about a hundred yards below thebridge, by which means he avoided his pursuers, who, as has just beenstated, searched for him above it.
After debating with himself for a short time as to what course he shouldpursue, he decided upon conveying Garnet to the Hall, where he couldprocure restoratives and assistance; and though he was fully sensible ofthe danger of this plan, not doubting the mansion would be visited andsearched by his pursuers before morning, yet the necessity of warningGuy Fawkes outweighed every other consideration. Accordingly, againshouldering the priest, who, though he had regained his sensibility, wasutterly unable to move, he commenced his toilsome march; and beingfrequently obliged to pause and rest himself, more than an hour elapsedbefore he reached his destination.
It was just growing light as he crossed the drawbridge, and seeing ahorse tied to a tree, and the gate open, he began to fear the enemy hadpreceded him. Full of misgiving, he laid Garnet upon a heap of straw inan outbuilding, and entered the house. He found no one below, though heglanced into each room. He then noiselessly ascended the stairs, withthe intention of proceeding to Guy Fawkes's chamber.
As he traversed the gallery, he heard voices in one of the chambers, thedoor of which was ajar, and pausing to listen, distinguished the tonesof Viviana. Filled with astonishment, he was about to enter the room toinquire by what means she had reached the Hall, when he was arrested bythe voice of her companion. It was that of Humphrey Chetham. Maddened byjealousy, Catesby's first impulse was to rush into the room, and stabhis rival in the presence of his mistress. But he restrained his passionby a powerful effort.
After listening for a few minutes intently to their conversation, hefound that Chetham was taking leave, and creeping softly down-stairs,stationed himself in the hall, through which he knew his rival mustnecessarily pass. Chetham presently appeared. His manner was dejected;his looks downcast; and he would have passed Catesby without observinghim, if the latter had not laid his hand upon his shoulder.
"Mr. Catesby!" exclaimed the young merchant, starting as he beheld thestern glance fixed upon him "I thought----"
"You thought I was a prisoner, no doubt," interrupted Catesby, bitterly."But you are mistaken. I am here to confound you and your juggling andtreacherous associate."
"I do not understand you," replied Chetham.
"I will soon make myself intelligible," retorted Catesby. "Follow me tothe garden."
"I perceive your purpose, Mr. Catesby," replied Chetham, calmly; "but itis no part of my principles to expose my life to ruffianly violence. Ifyou choose to lay aside this insolent demeanour, which is more befittingan Alsatian bully than a gentleman, I will readily give you suchexplanation of my conduct as will fully content you, and satisfy youthat any suspicions you may entertain of me are unfounded."
"Coward!" exclaimed Catesby, striking him. "I want no explanation.Defend yourself, or I will treat you with still greater indignity."
"Lead on, then," cried Chetham: "I would have avoided the quarrel if Icould. But this outrage shall not pass unpunished."
As they quitted the hall, Viviana entered it; and, though she wasgreatly surprised by the appearance of Catesby, his furious gesturesleft her in no doubt as to his purpose. She called to him to stop. Butno attention was paid by either party to her cries.
_Guy Fawkes protecting Humphrey Chetham from Catesby._]
On gaining a retired spot beneath the trees, Catesby, without giving hisantagonist time to divest himself of the heavy horseman's cloak withwhich he was encumbered, and scarcely to draw his sword, assaulted him.The combat was furious on both sides, but it was evident that the youngmerchant was no match for his adversary. He maintained his ground,however, for some time with great resolution; but, being hotly pressed,in retreating to avoid a thrust, his foot caught in the long grass, andhe fell. Catesby would have passed his sword through his body, if ithad not been turned aside by another weapon. It was that of GuyFawkes, who, followed by Martin Heydocke, had staggered towards thescene of strife, reaching it just in time to save the life of HumphreyChetham.
"Heaven be praised! I am not too late!" he exclaimed. "Put up yourblade, Catesby; or, turn it against me."