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Natalia (Hades Riders MC Book 3)

Page 11

by Belle Winters

  Chapter 9

  The past two months with Bull have been amazing. We weren’t officially into a relationship or anything but it sure as fuck seems like it. I’ve been trying to play it steady for all of this time but he’s damn sure making it hard. I’m trying not to fall but hell if he’s making it easy. He’s not partying at the club anymore, at all. He cuddles me, holds me, kisses me, drags me to bed with him every night and doesn’t even try to sleep with me every day. He’s always home with me or when I’m in my office he’s popping up and hanging out for a bit. Sometimes bringing me lunch. I know it’s weird since I really have no clients, but I’ve been taking my classes and stuff there and working on Abee and James’ stuff from there just trying to get accustomed to the place. I’ve been doing some research at potential clients and how to find them and how to help my damn self-get my own business up and going.

  I was sitting in the office at my desk when my cell phone rang. Lucifer.

  “Hello?” answered.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  I frowned. “At my uh, business?” it still felt weird saying that especially since I didn’t have any business.

  “I’m on my way.” He said before hanging up.

  A couple of weeks ago, he had popped up down here with Bull and when Bull ran out for food he slipped me a hefty check. He didn’t utter a word, but I understood. In all reality, I’d thought he forgot about the whole thing because he hadn’t uttered a peep about it since that one night. Now he slips me a check and is coming by, well alright.

  It only took him twenty minutes to arrive and he greeted me with a head nod before grabbing a seat and getting comfortable while he tapped away playing on his phone. I kept looking up stealing glances at him totally confused on why the hell he was here.

  “Did Bull send you?” I finally asked.

  He looked at me confused. “Bull? Why would he send me?”

  I shrugged. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I was wondering why you were here…”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you saying that you don’t enjoy my company?”

  Yea, I wasn’t walking into that one. “I was just curious is all… we don’t normally hang out.” I pointed out.

  His lips tipped into a smirk, his eyes dancing with laughter. “Maybe we should.”

  Both of my eyebrows flew up. “Yea, now I know you’re fucking with me.”

  He laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I laughed. “The only person you want to be around is Abee and sometimes the club peeps. You tolerate me because of Bull and Abee.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t tolerate you, I actually like you. I’m just not the social butterfly Bull is. I don’t like to talk to people or be around them in general, doesn’t mean I don’t like you. Only bitch in the club I can fucking stand.”

  I placed a hand over my heart and fluttered my lashes. “Aww, you’re so sweet doll, I might have diabetes.”

  He picked up a piece of paper and tossed it at my head. “Shit face.”

  The bell on the door jingled indicating that someone had arrived. I turned fully expecting to see Bull or even Carlos but instead there was a man. He looked fucking creepy and shady as all fuck and if I’d been alone I would’ve been scared to death. As it was, Lucifer stood and made his way over to the stranger. They didn’t extend hands in offering but instead gave each other a nod before turning their attention on me.

  “This is Russo, he’s starting up a business that I’m investing in. He needs some help getting shit up and running but his idea is solid and should be a breeze. He mainly needs help with promotion and budgeting, but you can do whatever the fuck it is you do.” Lucifer said before turning his attention to the Russo guy. “This is Nettie, she’s going to help you with everything you need. She knows what the fuck she’s doing.”

  Russo eyed me up and down and I shuddered, gross. “Hello.” I said to try to mask my discomfort.

  “500 grand work for you?” Russo asked.

  I blinked, then blinked again. “Is that the total for your budget?” I asked confused.

  He shook his head and waved a hand like what I said was stupid. “No, no. For service.”

  I was ready to jump up and down on the desk and scream YES as I did a happy dance but Mr. Buzz kill cut in. “We will give you a price after she sees the extent of the work needed. She can’t very well agree to an amount until she knows how much of her labor – time and energy – are going to be required. Setup a time to meet with her in a couple of days with the information you showed me and then she can work up a price.” Lucifer said.

  Shit. What was I thinking? I saw dollar signs and went bananas without even thinking anything through. Shameful is what I am, I’m the one with the degree and Lucifer is essentially showing my inexperience flawlessly. I need to get it together if I really want this thing to work. “That works.”

  Russo eye fucked me again. “How bout over dinner, my place?” he offered.

  Cue the gag reflex. If I ever heard an invite to sex before that was it. “No.” Lucifer spun on him so fast, his wider and more muscular frame crowding Russo body strung tight. “She’s family, and she belongs to Bull so I would suggest you fix your thoughts.” Lucifer warned.

  It was really a threat or at least didn’t sound like one, more like he was just giving him a random fun fact. But it absolutely did something because Russo looked extremely nervous and pale. I couldn’t see Lucifer’s face so I didn’t know whether it was his words or however Lucifer was looking at the man that had him ready to shit himself. Apparently the message was received.

  “Yes, yes. Sorry, I didn’t know.” Russo stammered out.

  Lucifer put an inch of space between them but didn’t relax. “I will coordinate the next time – be ready. I will let you know when and where.” That was clearly a dismissal that Russo understood clearly. He gave a final nod before leaving.

  I waited until I heard the click of the door closing before I freaked out. I was up and out of my seat in seconds. I began doing the shuffle while Lucifer just watched on amused until I launched myself at him. “Holy fuck!” I exclaimed and he laughed trying to regain his balance since I took him by surprise. “I can’t fucking believe it, my first client. I am so pumped!”

  He laughed and released me. “Technically, he’s your second client. Your first was Abee and James, you guys together made a whopping what, 10 grand in proceeds? That was mostly thanks to you and Abee is still highly pissed you won’t let them pay you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I told her when they’re more stable and have a good cash flow then I’ll let them pay me. They’re my friends… I can’t accept cash from them.” I argued.

  He shook his head. “You’re right, your friends, and family. You’re doing this together and the same way you feel, they do. They want it to be even, they don’t want to feel as though they’re taking advantage of you.”

  I sighed. “That’s just it. Them including me in it at all led me to do this…” I said gesturing to the open space of my office. “That was enough of a payment for me.”

  He ruffled my hair. “I’ll see you later Net. We’ll catch up in a day or so with plans.”

  I waved him goodbye as he left. Shit, this was fucking amazing.

  The next day I found myself at Abee’s house and I have an odd sense of déjà vu. I’m pacing the floor rambling about who the hell knows, while Abee is just watching me trying to comfort me and talk sense to me but she could be speaking Chinese for all I know. Who knew two minutes could take years?

  Ok, so let me bring you up to speed. A week after he dragged me to the clinic, he came back with both of our results and proceeded to pounce on me – less a condom. And I continued to lecture and remind him that no, I was not on birth control and I wasn’t going to because it was pointless as I’d never be able to keep up with them… remembering to take them at the same time, every day. His argument was, but we’re clean so we’re fine.

  Then on
e lovely night I decided to help him – because apparently his brain shuts down completely when he’s horny – and get a couple of condoms out for him so they were on hand. He catches the nastiest attitude I ever saw, called me a condom nagging bitch, whatever that means, and proceeded to grab a pair of scissors and mutilate every single condom and their wrapper that he could get his hands on. When there were no more in sight, he used that same pair of scissors to cut his t-shirt off of me and pound into me making sure that when he came he was as deep inside of me as he could get. I felt pregnant instantly, and that has been scaring me since.

  That was five weeks ago. My period is late and I’m about to piss myself. I really don’t know what I’m so scared for, he’s the cause of this. I guess somewhere inside I feel like if I tell him it’s real he will realize he didn’t actually want any of this and regret his choice. Abee’s voice broke through.

  “Honey, it’s been five minutes. I’m fairly certain the results are there.” She said.

  I groaned. “Do I have to?”

  She crossed her arms stubbornly. “Yes, the hell you do, now go look at that goddamn test.”

  I went back to the bathroom and picked the test up from the counter. I got one of the digital ones so there would be no mistake and the words on the test were clear as day, Not Pregnant. I blew out a long breath and walked back into the living room. I looked up at Abee and burst into tears.

  She ran over and hugged me into her arms. “It’ll be ok. It’s going to be fine, Bull will take it well. I’ve seen him lately; he’s going to be ecstatic I bet.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not pregnant.”

  She backed up holding me at arm’s length giving me a quizzical look. “Then why are you crying?”

  I choked on a sob. “I don’t know!”

  Her face transformed to one of pure sympathy and I didn’t know what to think of it. I was crying because I wasn’t pregnant when I was worried about getting a positive test. Truth is, I do want a family and things with Bull I’m just a bit afraid of the unknown. I’d been so fucking sure that I was pregnant that I let the worry overcloud the happiness I’d been feeling about it. Dreaming of nurseries, Bull being the father we never had… they’d have a mother like we never did. Deep down I just thought of how fantastic we could be as parents and it was all thoughts for nothing. Wasted time and energy all of it.

  When my face wasn’t red anymore, and I resembled a normal human being I took my drained behind home. Bull had beaten me there and one look at me and he knew something was wrong. “Babe?”

  “Hey Bull, just had a long day.” I told him which was true.

  He walked over to me and wrapped an arm around me dropping a kiss to my forehead. “You think I’m fucking stupid or something?”

  I groaned. “I had a pregnancy scare – but don’t worry I checked, it was just a scare.”

  He rubbed my back. “And now you’re sad cause you’re not carrying a mini me?” he asked.

  I attempted to step back, but he tightened his hold. “Don’t tease me.”

  “I’m not teasing you sugar, I’m sad too. I’d like to see you waddling around cause I done knocked you up with triplets.” He said.

  I leaned my head back to look into his face. He couldn’t be serious, was he just trying to placate me? His expression looked more thoughtful than anything and I was unable to determine the seriousness behind his words. “Come on let’s go to the room.” He suggested tugging me along, so I didn’t really have a choice.

  When we got to the room he had me sit down. “Were you serious?” I asked him. “About wanting kids… with me?”

  He didn’t answer me right away, just went about his business going through his drawer. After a couple of minutes of digging he came back and sat down on the bed next to me. “Nat, I love you baby I keep telling you that. I know I might not be fully ready for the whole white picket fence shit, but I can see it with you. All these years I just thought it wasn’t for me but every day I get these tastes of what I could have with you. The first few days were strange to me, but I liked it so fucking much. Holding you, spending time with you, having you. I’ve always loved your company, being around you… it’s addictive. Now, it’s all I want to fucking do and unfortunately for you I don’t give a fuck how annoying or desperate I may seem to you. We’ll get there cause I’m not giving you a choice, it’s just got to fucking happen. Now, first things first…”

  Yes people, I am human, and I was absolutely and positively crying after what he said. That was just… everything I’ve ever wanted to hear come from the man’s mouth. Before I could say anything in response, he grabbed my hands and gave me a subtle shake of the head clearly stating – shut up.

  “You’re going to put this ring on your finger and keep it there. Then, one day when we’re ready and you’ve had enough time to get the girls together and spend about three or four million dollars on a wedding I’ll meet you at the altar. Do you have any more questions or concerns on the matter?”

  I kind of wanted to deck him for the last comment. But fuck I was puddle of goo on the floor. Bull just proposed to me… for marriage. Well propose might be a stretch, he told me we were engaged and will be getting married is more like it. What else was there to say? “Yes marriage, No questions.”

  He gave a nod and slid the ring onto my finger. “You’re my bitch forever now babe.”

  What a way with words this man has sometimes; he could be such a romantic. “You know… we need to work on your finesse. How to talk to a woman sweet.”

  He scoffed. “Fuck that shit, I can give you something sweet if that’s what you’re looking for.” He waggled his eyebrows.


  He laughed and the look he gave me said mischief all over it. “I’ll show you freak…” he said before he pounced.


  It’s three weeks after Bull’s proposal and I’m ready to commit murder. Of course, after word got out about the engagement the first thing they wanted to do was throw us a shindig to celebrate. From Abee it was payback of course since I insisted we throw them a party for everything we could think of.

  I’m not sure who was in charge of the catering but there was a horrible bout of food poisoning… that was three days ago, and I was the only ass-hat still fucking sick. Mother Hen Jackson is driving me out of my ever-loving mind acting like I’m on my death bed and he’s never going to get the chance to marry me. He can be such a fucking drama queen I swear to you.

  “Would you listen to me already bitch? Cause I’m letting you know if you off yourself in that damn bed because you don’t listen then Ima bring your ass back to life to kill you myself.” Bull threatened.

  “What do you want from my life?” I whined.

  “What I want is for you to get your lazy ass up and dressed so I can take you to the goddamn doctor already. I’m honestly getting sick of having this conversation with you. I’m about ready to hogtie your ass and drag you there by your hair. Would that make you fucking happy?” he asked.

  I grunted. “You stupid son of a bitch… I’m getting up asshole.” I relented.

  He was so annoying, I kid you not. He was not only exaggerating but he was driving me so goddamn crazy I was ready to do whatever the hell he asked just to get him to go away. I threw on a sweat suit forgoing the hair brush completely – which earned me a very dirty and disgusted look from Bull – and allowed him to take me to the doctor.

  I was seen by the doctor within ten minutes which is a record for a walk-in. How was that accomplished? Apparently, I wasn’t the only person on planet earth he could annoy to fucking death and get his way to shut him up.

  Now, don’t judge me a bit. I don’t take back anything I said about him, but I must say that he was maybe a little bit onto something. The doctor said that it didn’t appear to be a stomach bug and was going to run some tests, so we were just waiting now. They were minor so should only take a few minutes or so for the results.

  “I hope it’s not strep…�
� I commented absently.

  “That doesn’t make you vomit you ass.” Was Bull’s snarky reply.

  “You’re about one smart ass comment away from being dick-less.” I warned.

  He grunted. “You wouldn’t because you can’t survive without my dick.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I thought you said I was dying…?”

  He cut his eyes to me and narrowed them and muttered under his breath – smart man – but I still heard him when he said, ‘stupid bitch’. That fucking mouth I swea –

  “I ran a few tests and it was as I expected, you have a mild case of pneumonia. I’m going to print out some paperwork for you to take home that explains what you need to do. And I’m going to write you some prescriptions. I will warn you they will suck and be very mild because we don’t want to harm the baby. We have to be careful of that…” the doctor explained but his words ran on.



  A baby!

  “I’m... am I pregnant?” I asked hesitantly not sure I heard him right.

  “Yes, I’m showing here that you are… did you not know?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I had no fucking clue.

  “Well alright then, let’s get an ultrasound running and we can figure out exactly what’s going on in there and how far along you are.”

  I was moving in autopilot, undressing, putting on a gown, laying down, getting goo on my stomach… and then.

  Thwomp, thwomp, thwomp.

  My eyes blurred with tears and I looked up at Bull who looked lost in his mind and the screen. Our babies’ heart beat filling the room. “It’s real, we’re having a baby!” I exclaimed.

  Bull smiled, and his eyes filled with tears. “Yes, that’s my baby.”

  The doctor began moving the thing around and we watched until a small baby came up on the screen. “And there he or she is…” the doctor said.

  Bull bent down and kissed me. “I’d say you’re about eight weeks, two months along. From what I see everything looks fine, but you need to schedule a prenatal appointment to have the works. I can refer – “


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