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Natalia (Hades Riders MC Book 3)

Page 12

by Belle Winters

  He cut off and we both turned to him instantly. “Well congratulations again, looks like you’re having twins.”

  My heart felt so full. “Twins?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Twins.” He confirmed.

  Bull bent down and kissed me again this time passionately, audience be damned. “I fucking love you baby.”

  “I love you too Jackson.”


  Two Years Later

  “Quit your job or sell the company… something.” Bull fussed.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because all of your damn clients are taking up all of my time, they’re fucking annoying the shit out of me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Quit it.”

  “But Kayla and Kyle are asleep, you can run home real quick – “he started.

  “No, I’m not doing that so forget it. I’ll see you when I get home.” I told him.

  “Isn’t Lucifer your partner? Call his ass to come take over for a bit, his lazy ass don’t do shit. If I was your partner then we’d share the responsibilities.” He whined.

  Oh what a baby. He had found out accidentally that I had agreed – or was forced – to take on Lucifer as a partner. Bull got jealous and said he wanted in too and I politely declined. The thing was, Lucifer gave me a big ass check to help with and I was under the impression he’d want a cut. Anytime I brought up the subject he deflected until one day he threatened to slit my throat if I asked him about it again so I dropped it. In the beginning, he was bringing me all my clients. People he knew who he worked with that were starting up and could use my help. What I found out later was that all of them businesses he was heavily involved in and were guaranteed to be highly successful. I’d had a conversation with him one night when he was in a good as fuck mood and he explained it to me. He knew I didn’t want to ask Bull and I wanted independence and wouldn’t take help, so he offered to be my partner and did what he could to help bring me enough business to get myself up and running. He didn’t have any intention on actually being a part of running anything, but he wanted me to have an option for help without destroying my pride. I’d also learned that over the years from when he’d met me, I’d become like a baby sister to him. He was protective of me and it wasn’t because of Bull, it was because of me.

  “You really need to get over that already.” I scolded him.

  He growled at me, too bad I wasn’t changing my mind. “Nat…” he began in warning.

  “Goodbye and if you call me again I won’t answer.” I told him right before disconnecting.

  “Your husband again?” Helen, my newest client asked.

  I gave her a blinding smile. That was the second time within the last thirty minutes he’s called during our meeting trying to get me to go home for a quickie. He was such a horn ball. The last two years have been the best of my life. The same day he found out about the twins, he went to my place and like any old caveman packed up all my shit and began moving me to his place. I ended up giving my place to James, and didn’t fight the bastard on it. Honestly, he wasn’t having it either way.

  “That’s just so sweet…” she said with a sigh as she gazed at the picture I had of my family on my desk.

  I touched the locket that I had on; the one he’d given me all those Christmas’s ago. On one side, there was a picture of me and him from when we were kids that he’d snagged and took with him when he left. He’d kept it, still has it. On the other side was an engraving, ‘Your Jacky & My Nat Cat’, We’d had it blown up and is now hanging up in the living room amongst dozens of other photos from over the years. He also changed his mind about the wedding and I ended up marrying him three months later. He wanted it official before the children were born and of course the annoying ass got his way.

  He ended up planning the wedding for the most part. We got married on the beach, the one place I’ve always wanted to go but never been. We got married under the most beautiful sunset and right at the end as we were walking up the aisle it had begun to rain. It was a very light drizzle that did nothing to dampen the night and then turned into a full blown downpour during the reception. When the rain had stopped, Bull had come to find me to drag me outside onto one of the balconies and he pointed out past the beach but there it was clear as day… a rainbow.

  I remember tearing up and him turning to me and giving me a soft slow kiss. Then he’d said, “I promised you the beach and a sunset… now, I’ve given you your rainbow.” I was too caught up in my emotions to speak. He bent down and kissed the tears off my cheeks before saying, “I want to give you hundreds more, every time I possibly can.” I swooned.

  I knew he’d be pissed I just blew him off. My phone was going off with text messages from him no doubt cursing me out and calling me a bad wife for not running over to screw him. He’ll survive because I’d be making it up to him later. Besides, I had news for him and I wanted time to really celebrate when I told him and an afternoon quickie wouldn’t do.

  You wanna know don’t you? Well I went to the doctor yesterday for my physical and I left full of congratulations. We have another baby on the way to help fill up the house like he wants; I think he’s planning on his own football team. He absolutely adores our kids and treats them like they walk on water and he’s been harassing me since I practically gave birth for more. It’s all more than anything I could’ve ever asked for.

  My friends… my family, they’re everything to me and my life finally seems to have a purpose. It’s so much more than everything I’d ever hoped it would be.





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