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by Benjamin Moser

  dedication to Thek, 179, 265–66, 466

  publication and reception, 122–23, 229, 240

  summary and themes, 266–71, 561–62

  “Against Interpretation,” 11–12, 266–67, 425

  “Age of Criticism,” 204, 225

  aggression and photography, 6–7, 350

  Agnelli, Marella, 239

  Aguilera-Hellweg, Max, 495

  Aida (film), 692

  AIDS and Its Metaphors, 374, 422, 466, 511–12, 516–21

  AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), 514

  AIDS/HIV, 459–73, 513–14

  causes of, 462–64

  gay activism and language, 459–60, 462

  New York Times article, 460–61

  terminology, 461–62

  Thek’s death, 466–70

  “The Way We Live Now,” 464–65, 467–73, 475, 519

  Akhmatova, Anna, 386

  À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 333

  Alcoholics Anonymous, 448, 647–48


  of Annie’s mother, 491–92

  of Mildred, 9, 31, 33–34, 35–36, 45, 447–48, 476, 755n

  in The Volcano Lover, 543

  “X, The Scourge,” 194–95, 447–48

  Alfred, Chester, 324

  Algerian Civil War, 165, 199

  Alice in Bed (play), 570–71, 769–70n

  alimony, 171

  All About Eve (film), 108–9, 123, 343–44, 546

  Allen, Woody, 169, 482, 649

  Altman, Dennis, 417

  American Academy of Arts and Letters, 485

  American Association of University Women, 144–45, 254

  American Foundation for AIDS Research, 462

  American Jewish Committee, 173

  American Repertory Theater, 571

  Amherst College, 363

  Amiran, Minda Rae, 109–10, 121, 135, 146, 186, 369, 411, 666–67

  amphetamines (speed), 242–44, 246, 409, 455–58

  analytical philosophy, 153

  Anders, Günther, 188

  Anders, Jarosław, 41–42, 388–89, 431–32, 434

  And the Band Played On (Shilts), 519

  Angels in America (play), 519

  Anger, Kenneth, 89, 355

  anti-Americanism, 306–7

  anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia, 212

  antinomianism, 140, 323

  Antioch Review, 202

  anti-Semitism, 94, 116–17, 203–4, 390

  anti-Vietnam movement, 273–74, 276, 283, 286, 300, 309–10, 492

  aphorisms, 127, 290, 381, 538

  Aquinas, Thomas, 80, 387

  Arab-Israeli conflict, 344–45, 644–46

  Arafat, Yasser, 683

  Arbus, Diane, 352–59, 497, 501, 650

  Arcade, The (newspaper), 62, 63

  Arenas, Reinaldo, 326

  Arendt, Hannah, 41, 188, 198, 207, 223, 320, 398, 424

  Aristotle, 80, 83, 94, 95, 704–5

  Arizona Inn, 45

  Arizona Sunshine School, 45, 48

  Armenian Genocide, 1–4, 13–14

  Armstrong, Lance, 376–77

  Arnold, Fritz, 679

  Arnold, Matthew, 268

  Artaud, Antonin, 137, 267, 269, 297

  Antonin Artaud: Selected Writings (Sontag, ed.), 140–41, 202

  theater and spectacle, 140–41, 184, 293, 572–73, 578, 702

  “the unthinkable,” 141, 342, 418

  Art Directors Club Medal, 226

  Art in America, 508

  Ashbery, John, 42, 431

  Asti, Adriana, 569–70

  As You Desire Me (film), 569

  Athill, Diana, 249

  Atlantic, The (magazine), 338

  Atlas, James, 229

  Auction of Souls (film), 1–3, 18

  Auden, W. H., 217, 243

  Augustine of Hippo, 94

  Auschwitz concentration camp, 42, 207, 292, 559

  Avedon, Richard, 5, 238, 700

  Aviary, The (film), 440

  Babbitt, Milton, 269

  Bachmann, Ingeborg, 136

  Baez, Joan, 562

  Bajrović, Izudin, 565, 574–78, 581

  Balfour Declaration, 344

  Balzac, Honoré de, 7, 257, 438, 531

  Bancroft, Anne, 547

  Bari, Italy, 608–9, 617, 618

  Barnes, Djuna, Nightwood, 83–84, 89, 99–100, 101–2, 196, 317

  Barthelme, Donald, 417, 483, 484

  Barthes, Roland, 203, 267, 269, 385, 394, 425

  Bataille, Georges, 163, 296–98, 401

  Baudrillard, Jean, 425

  Baykal, Sheyla, 468

  Beardsley, Aubrey, 215

  Beatles, the, 266

  Beato, Felice, 671

  Beatrix (Balzac), 438

  Beatty, Warren, 284–85

  “Beauty: How Will It Change Next?,” 395

  Beauty of Men, The (Holleran), 519

  Beauvoir, Simone de, 159–60, 161, 335–36

  Beckett, Samuel, 14, 161, 260, 567

  Waiting for Godot, 14, 573–84

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, 695–96, 700

  Behold Goliath (Chester), 250

  “Being-as-Playing-a-Role,” 237, 383, 605

  Bellow, Saul, 208–9, 483, 524

  Belushi, John, 503

  Benefactor, The, 187–98, 200, 220, 312, 597

  Cornell and, 247, 248

  dedication to Irene, 217, 221

  homosexuality and, 195–97, 628

  influences on, 312

  publication and reception, 221, 223, 224, 276

  publishing contract for, 214

  summary and themes, 7–8, 188–94, 195–98, 420, 518, 637

  Benjamin, Walter, 113, 139, 142, 381–85, 388, 405, 425, 536

  “Under the Sign of Saturn,” 381–84

  Bennington College, 342–43

  Bergé, Pierre, 581–82

  Bergman, Ingmar, 292–94, 308, 310, 321, 566

  Berlin, 523–24, 568, 626, 656, 657

  Berlin, Isaiah, 115, 156, 178, 317, 433

  Berlin Olympics (1936), 391

  Berlin Wall, 523, 551, 704

  Bernstein, Leonard, 5, 238, 376

  Bethune, Norman, 41

  “Biennale on Dissent,” 389–90

  Biesenbach, Klaus, 648

  Bin Laden, Osama, 659

  birth control pill, 395

  bisexuality, 83, 90, 128, 129–30, 628

  “Bi’s Progress, The,” 90–91

  Black, Roger, 492, 498, 499, 500, 502

  Black Mountain College, 84–85

  blankness, 321–22, 331, 606

  Bleecker Street Cinema (New York City), 243

  Blin, Roger, 577

  Blomberg, Sven, 157

  Blondie, 597

  Bobst Library (New York City), 370

  body and mind, 9–11, 119–20, 124–25, 216, 328–29, 342, 517–20

  Boetticher, Budd, 262

  Bogotá International Book Fair, 675–76

  Bolaño, Roberto, 392

  Bold, Alf, 523

  bone-marrow transplant, 688–95

  Bonnie and Clyde (film), 284–85

  Borland, Polly, 650–51

  “Borland’s Babies,” 650–51

  Borrowed Time (Monette), 519

  Bosch, Hieronymus, 161

  Bosnian War, 13, 552–67, 573–95, 617–20. See also Siege of Sarajevo

  “Why Are We in Kosovo?,” 618–19

  Bourgois, Dominique, 678

  Bowles, Jane, 250

  Bowles, Paul, 250

  Boyers, Peg, 545

  Boyers, Robert, 97–98, 451–52, 545

  Boyle Heights, 18, 25

  Brady Bunch, The (TV show), 56

  Brandeis University, 116–17

  Brecht, Bertolt, 67, 637

  Brel, Jacques, 249

  Brentano, Margherita von, 136

  Bresson, Robert, 161, 267

  Breton, André, 269

  British Concession,

  Broch, Hermann, 384

  Brodsky, Joseph, 385–90, 441, 482

  death of, 596

  Nobel Prize of, 213

  Susan and, 255, 387–90, 429–30, 536, 596, 649, 697

  Town Hall 1982 meeting, 429–30, 432–33

  Brooks, Peter, 267–68

  Brooks, Van Wyck, 206

  Brother Carl (film), 327–30, 332, 335

  Brown, Norman O., 201, 269

  Brown, Paul, 19, 21–22, 35, 50–51, 404, 475, 476

  Brown, Tina, 504–5, 622

  Browning, Robert, 83

  Browning, Tod, 355

  Bryant, Anita, 396

  Buckley, William F., 546

  Buñuel, Luis, 189

  Burch, Noël, 161, 162–63, 241, 335–36

  Burke, Kenneth, 98–99

  Burns, John, 560, 561, 563–64, 581, 587, 614–15

  Burroughs, William, 277

  Burrows, Larry, 671–72

  Burton, Richmond, 508, 527, 528, 530, 590–91, 647, 648

  Burton, Sybil, 5, 238

  Bush, George H.W., 513–14, 515

  Bush, George W., 656, 657–58, 660–62, 669–70, 685–86

  Butor, Michel, 267

  Cactus Press, 49–50, 276, 302

  Café Bonaparte (Paris), 334

  Café de Flore (Paris), 160

  Cage, John, 84, 99, 261–62, 269, 290, 292, 442, 572

  Cahiers du Cinéma, 311–12

  Calisher, Hortense, 485

  Callas, Maria, 600, 606

  camp. See also “Notes on ‘Camp’”

  definition of, 6, 8, 11, 199

  Hippolyte’s dreams, 7–8

  Camp Arrowhead, 29–30

  Camus, Albert, 161, 190–91, 267

  cancer. See also Illness as Metaphor

  of Mildred, 476–77

  of Susan, 43, 358–59, 366–72, 375–78, 405–6, 611–15, 622, 681–84, 693–97

  Candide (Voltaire), 146, 190

  Canetti, Elias, 139, 213, 383–85, 392, 405, 540, 703

  Cannes Film Festival, 332–33

  Caputo, Philip, 272

  Caracole (White), 413, 434

  Caravaggio, 232

  Carnegie Hall (New York City), 700

  Caro, Robert, 489

  Carroll, Lewis, 356

  Cartagena de Indias, 676

  Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 700

  Cash, Rosanne, 665–66

  Cassinelli, Claudio, 440

  Castle, Terry, 236–37, 544, 589–90, 614, 648

  Castro, Fidel, 172, 200, 326, 430, 675–76

  Catalina Junior High, 45

  Cavalli, Patrizia, 318, 319, 320

  Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 197

  Center for Intercultural Documentation, 365

  Chaikin, Joseph, 253

  Chandler, Greg, 527, 530, 591–92, 614

  Chandler, Raymond, 59

  Château de la Muette, 332

  Chatwin, Bruce, 466

  chemotherapy, 358, 367–68, 404, 406, 688, 689–90

  Chester, Alfred, 192, 249–52, 285–86, 324, 467, 533

  Chicago. See also University of Chicago

  family trip to, 80

  Childs, Lucinda

  background of, 441–44

  Susan’s mother and, 445–46, 478

  Susan’s relationship with, 440–47, 450, 452, 613, 649

  Unguided Tour (film), 440–42

  China, 27–28, 41, 337–38

  Mildred in, 17–23, 337

  Nixon’s visit to, 309, 337

  “Project for a Trip to China,” 338–40, 404, 418, 419, 551–52

  Chinkhan, Sookhee, 684

  Christmas, 38, 42

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 212, 325, 430

  Cioran, E. M., 139, 286, 287–92, 303, 443, 597

  Citizens for Decent Literature, 234–35

  City College of New York, 200, 202

  Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 63–64, 108

  Civil Rights Act, 275, 284, 423

  civil rights movement, 224–25, 271

  Cixous, Hélène, 425

  Clark Air Base, 492

  Cleese, John, 153

  Cleveland Clinic, 366

  Clinton, Bill, 617–18, 619–20, 701

  Clinton, Hillary, 620, 669

  Cluster B personality disorders, 456

  Coats, Dan, 678

  cocaine, 451–52, 498, 503

  Cocteau, Jean, 232, 331, 336

  Coetzee, J. M., 678, 753n

  Cohen, Elliot, 172–73

  Cohen, Judith Sontag

  birth and childhood of, 20, 23–24, 43, 44, 46–49

  father’s death, 26–27

  marriage to Morrie, 403–4, 477

  mother’s relationship with, 22–27, 31–32, 51, 52–53, 75, 112, 476–77

  Susan’s relationship with, 46–48, 108, 170, 185–86, 364, 477–78, 531, 630, 690, 700

  in Tucson, 44, 46–47, 49, 700

  Cohen, Mickey, 18–19

  Cohen, Morrie, 403–4, 477

  Cold War, 212, 272

  Collier’s (magazine), 79–80

  Columbia Religion Collection, 201

  Columbia Spectator, 204

  Columbia University, 142, 200–204, 210, 246, 642

  Columbia University uprising of 1968, 572

  Come tu mi vuoi (play), 569–70

  Commentary, 121, 172–75, 425

  Common Core, 94–95

  communism, 207, 385, 388, 429–30, 453, 551, 552

  Town Hall meeting (February 1982), 429, 432–35, 437

  Comte, Auguste, 287

  Concorde, 370, 665

  Condé Nast, 504, 663

  Confessions of a Mask (Mishima), 196–97

  Confucius, 685

  conservatism, 423, 427

  Copeland, Roberta, 229

  Corcoran, W. W., 442

  Corcoran Gallery, 442

  Cornell, Joseph, 198, 246–49, 260, 265, 418, 440, 441, 700

  Coronet Theater (Los Angeles), 89

  Corriere della Sera, 629

  Cosmopolitan Club (New York City), 443–44

  counterculture of the 1960s, 224–25

  Cozarinsky, Edgardo, 328

  Crane, Hart, 98–99

  Crawford, Cindy, 701

  Crawford, Joan, 19, 236–37, 606

  “credibility gap,” 299, 303, 305

  Croatia, 553–54

  Cromwell, Oliver, 141

  Crosby, Bing, 57

  Crouse, Timothy, 493–94

  Cruz, Juan, 675, 676

  Cuba, 172, 199–200, 217, 272, 429–31

  “Some Thoughts on the Right Way (for Us) to Love the Cuban Revolution,” 324–26

  Cuban Revolution, 325–26, 430, 675–76, 704

  Cultural Event, 571–73

  Cultural Revolution, 338–39, 340

  Cultural Studies, 263

  Cunningham, Merce, 84, 261–62, 269, 442–43, 444

  Curie, Eve, 40–41

  Curie, Marie, 40–41, 342

  Curran, James, 461

  Czechoslovakia, 553

  Dachau concentration camp, 165

  Dahl, Roald, 488

  Dakota building (New York City), 503

  Dalí, Salvador, 189

  Dartmouth College, 342

  Davis, Bette, 232

  Davis-Monthan Army Air Field, 50

  Dayton Accords, 585, 617

  Dead Sea Scrolls, 140

  Death in Venice (Mann), 83

  Death Kit, 46, 202, 276–82, 293, 334–35, 637

  Death of Ivan Ilyich, The (Tolstoy), 695

  “death of the author,” 394

  “Debriefing,” 419–20

  “Decisions,” 115–16

  “Decline of Book Reviewing, The” (Hardwick), 217

  De Gaulle, Charles, 165

  De Kooning, Willem, 11, 425

  DeLano, Sharon, 508, 511–12, 657–58, 666, 677–78, 687, 689, 692, 697, 700

  Deleuze, Gilles, 425

  DeLillo, Don, 489

  Del Pezzo, Anna Carlotta, 317–22, 335, 537, 569

  background of, 318–19

  Susan’s relationship with, 317–22, 327, 334–35, 406, 440

  Democratic National Convention (1964), 283

  DeMott, Benjamin, 262

  Deren, Maya, 89

  Derrida, Jacques, 198, 425

  Desastres de la guerra (Goya), 672

  Descartes, René, 7

  Desclos, Anne, 163, 296–98

  Desert Sanatorium, 44

  De Swaan, Abram, 545

  Détruire, dit-elle (Duras), 333

  Deutsch, Roger, 407–10

  David and Susan, 364–65, 409–10, 414–15, 449

  Susan’s cancer, 366–67, 406–7, 408–9

  Diaghilev, Sergei, 441

  DiCaprio, Leonardo, 701

  Dickens, Charles, 388

  Dickinson, Emily, 570

  Didion, Joan, 424, 484, 489

  Dilonardo, Paolo, 594–95, 608–9, 690, 700

  Diva, the, 247–48, 599–609

  Divorcing (Taubes), 220, 322, 323, 327

  Dixie Chicks, 670

  Doctor Faustus (Mann), 72, 83

  “Doctor Jekyll,” 420–21

  Doctorow, E. L., 433, 483–84, 488, 489

  Donadio, Stephen, 370

  Donne, John, 247

  Donoughue, Bernard, 152–56, 164, 199, 242, 274–75, 325

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 387, 426, 595, 672, 674

  “Double Standard of Aging, The,” 394

  Douglas, Kirk, 319

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, 126

  dreams, 7–9, 12, 125–26, 185, 199, 216, 600, 617

  The Benefactor, 188, 189, 190–92, 247, 518

  Duchamp, Marcel, 259–60, 292, 615

  Dudley, David A., 204

  Duet for Cannibals (film), 308–9, 312–14, 327–29, 335, 408, 420, 569, 744n

  “Dummy, The,” 420

  Dupont, Claude, 332

  Duraković, Ferida, 563, 566–67, 576, 586, 587–88

  Duras, Marguerite, 333

  Dylan, Bob, 202, 266

  Eccles, Andrew, 493, 494, 495–96, 500

  Edelheit, Martha, 29–30

  Edelheit, Martie, 96, 97, 242, 533

  education of Susan

  Arizona Sunshine School, 45, 48

  Catalina Junior High, 45

  Forest Hills PS 144, 39–40

  Harvard University, 134–35, 145–46, 253–54

  Mansfeld Junior High, 45, 52

  North Hollywood High, 62–64, 73, 79, 81, 89

  Oxford University, 145, 152–56, 199

  University of California, Berkeley, 81–83, 86–87, 88, 95

  University of Chicago, 29, 87, 88, 93–103, 110–11

  University of Connecticut, 133–34

  Egypt, Yom Kippur War, 344, 349, 704

  Eighteen Happenings in Six Parts (Kaprow), 183, 184

  Ein Gev, 344

  Einstein, Albert, 87, 117

  Einstein on the Beach (opera), 441, 442, 752n

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 223–24, 422

  Ekman, Gösta, 309–10, 312–13

  Ekmanner, Agneta, 308–9, 310, 312–13, 329

  Elaine’s (New York City), 238

  Electra complex, 137, 331


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