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by Benjamin Moser

  Eliot, T. S., 83, 99, 123, 209, 213, 225, 696

  Ellis, Perry, 466

  El Tiempo (newspaper), 676

  Empire (film), 293

  Empire State Building, 293

  End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyama), 552

  Eoff, Karla

  Annie and Susan, 512–13, 524, 527, 528–29, 627–28, 651

  in Berlin, 523

  Lucinda and Susan, 445

  Susan and friendship, 534, 596

  Susan’s cancer, 687, 690–93

  Susan’s hygiene and personal care, 341, 525

  Susan’s smoking, 615

  Ephron, Nora, 239

  epicene, 232

  Epstein, Barbara, 217

  Epstein, Jason, 217

  Equal Rights Amendment, 396, 423

  Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 142–43, 323

  “erotic civilization,” 142, 201, 266

  estrangement, 138–39, 411, 449

  “ethnic cleansing,” 555, 558, 585, 617–18, 645–46

  Eustachio, Marilù, 318, 319, 322, 528, 596

  existentialism, 141, 207

  “fake death,” 9, 28, 189, 313, 329–30, 608

  Falwell, Jerry, 396

  Family, The, 205–9, 213, 225, 424

  Fančović, Ines, 577

  Farber, Joyce, 97, 103, 110, 112, 122, 129, 130, 168

  Farewell Symphony, The (White), 519

  Farkas, Alessandra, 629

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG), 212–16, 408, 411, 448–49, 468, 509, 510–11

  David as editor at, 408, 411, 448–49, 509

  fiftieth anniversary, 544–45

  “Fascinating Fascism,” 393–97, 399–401

  fascism, 197, 433–34

  Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 649

  Faulkner, William, 206

  Feitler, Bea, 501–2, 504

  Feldman, Morton, 269

  Feldmann, Sándor, 137–38

  Feldmann, Mózes, 137

  Fellow Teachers (Rieff), 120

  feminism, 346, 394–99, 425, 460, 484–85

  Ferenczi, Sándor, 137

  Fermi, Enrico, 94

  Field, Edward, 204

  Fireworks (film), 89

  Flag (Johns), 260–61

  Flaming Creatures (film), 234–36, 267

  Flamingo Club (Los Angeles), 88–89

  Flavin, Dan, 442

  Flegenheimer, Walter, 39, 41

  Fleischer, Ari, 661

  Foer, Jonathan Safran, 42

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 395

  Foot, The (Chester), 249–52

  Forbes, Malcolm, 515

  Forest Hills, Queens, 30, 38–39, 41

  form and content, 11–12, 271, 351–52, 361, 391–92, 425–26

  Fornés, María Irene, 173–79, 183–84, 531

  background of, 173–75

  Harriet’s relationship with, 157–58, 161

  Susan’s relationship with, 174–79, 181, 185–86, 199–200, 210, 217–20, 221–22, 256, 284, 447, 631

  Foucault, Michel, 425, 466

  Four Saints in Three Acts (opera), 441

  Frank, Hardy, 133, 135–36

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 563–64, 655

  freaks, 353–56

  Frechtman, Bernard, 159–60, 161

  Frederick’s of Hollywood, 174

  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 689

  “freedom fries,” 670, 678

  Fremont-Smith, Eliot, 240–41, 334–35

  French Resistance, 196–97

  French Theory, 424–29, 438

  Freud, Sigmund (Freudianism), 119–28, 137, 138, 266, 270, 291, 373, 615, 704

  in The Benefactor (Sontag), 188, 191

  Civilization and Its Discontents, 63–64, 108

  in Death Kit (Freud), 279

  modern art and, 184, 185

  Moses and Monotheism, 108

  sexuality and, 127–28, 142–43, 163, 185, 201, 532–33

  syncretism and, 141–42

  Freud: The Mind of the Moralist (Rieff), 113, 120–29

  authorship of, 120–23, 129, 130, 724–25n

  publishing rights, 171–72

  summary and themes, 123–28, 191, 350–51, 373, 532–33

  Freudian slip, 143

  “Freud’s Contribution to Political Philosophy” (Rieff), 113, 129

  “fuck buddies,” 531–32

  Fuentes, Carlos, 370

  Fukuyama, Francis, 552

  Fuller, Buckminster, 268, 269

  Fuller, Margaret, 570

  Funny Face (film), 692

  Galassi, Jonathan, 215–16

  Galen, 372–73

  Garbo, Greta, 321–21, 569, 600, 620

  “Garbo cult,” 321

  Garcia, Jerry, 496

  García Márquez, Gabriel, 483, 675–76

  Gare Saint-Lazare (Paris), 111

  Gates, Bill, 701

  Gay, John, 147

  Gellhorn, Martha, 625

  Genet, Jean, 159–60, 161, 188, 196–97, 267, 454, 457, 728n

  German American Hospital (Tientsin), 26

  German Romantics, 127

  Germany. See Berlin; Nazi Germany

  Gerth, Hans, 112–13, 153

  Gide, André, 83, 90, 232, 374

  Giedion, Sigfried, 269

  Ginsberg, Allen, 164, 193, 234, 275, 433, 455, 472

  Giovanni, Janine di, 564–65

  Girodias, Maurice, 163

  Giroux, Robert, 213

  Glamočak, Admir, 574, 577, 579–80, 584

  Glamour, 232

  Glass, Philip, 96, 441, 442

  Gluhić, Hasan, 586

  gnosticism, 139–41, 200

  Gobi Desert, 3, 20

  Godard, Jean-Luc, 161, 202, 267, 301–2, 308, 311–12

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 48, 637

  Going to Miami (Rieff), 509

  Golan Heights, 344

  Göncz, Árpád, 619

  Goodman, Linda, 655

  Goodman, Paul, 301, 336–37, 385

  Goodwin, Richard, 284, 285, 286–87

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 435

  Gordimer, Nadine, 213, 484, 644–45, 680–81

  Gorska, Kasia, 534, 587–88, 613, 699

  Goya, Francisco, 672, 674, 686–87

  graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), 693–95

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 59

  Grass, Günter, 560

  Grateful Dead, 499

  Graves, Helen, 451, 457

  Graves, John, 451

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 20

  Great Neck, 20, 22, 106

  Great Society, 284, 300

  Greenberg, Martin, 193

  Greenwald, Glenn, 661

  Greer, Germaine, 395–96, 547

  Greif, Mark, 198, 207

  Grenier, Richard, 433

  Groopman, Jerome, 689

  Grossinger’s Resort, 19, 21

  Grossman, David, 544–45

  Growing Up Absurd (Goodman), 336

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 301, 325–26

  Guggenheim, Gladys, 211

  Guggenheim, Solomon, 212

  Guggenheim Fellowship, 646–47

  Guggenheim Museum, 212, 213

  gulag, 386, 389

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 146

  Haidu, Peter, 76

  Haig, Alexander, 432

  Hald, Peter, 309, 313, 328

  Halliburton, Richard, 48–49, 57, 649

  Halston, 466

  Hammett, Dashiell, 59

  happenings, 183–84, 198, 392, 572

  Happy Days (play), 567

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 217

  Hardy, Thomas, 83

  Haring, Keith, 466

  Harper’s (magazine), 217

  Harper’s Bazaar (magazine), 501

  Harry, Debbie, 597

  Hart, H. L. A., 156

  Harvard Crimson, 335

  Harvard University, 93, 95

  English Department, 134–35
  Philosophy Department, 135, 145–46, 253–54

  Susan and Philip’s friendships at, 135–36, 139

  Hawaii International Film Festival, 475–76

  health insurance, 369–70, 408, 524, 612

  Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 175

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 119, 142, 288, 356

  Heidegger, Martin, 197

  Heilbrun, Carolyn, 40, 234, 396

  Heller, Zoë, 544, 548, 626–27

  Hellman, Lillian, 215, 273, 546, 625

  Hemingway, Ernest, 561

  Hemley, Cecil, 216

  Hendrix, Jimi, 498

  hermeneutics, 123, 266–67

  heroin, 319, 498, 503

  Hesse, Hermann, 83, 213

  high/low culture debate, 229, 232–33, 259–61, 266–68, 425–26

  Highsmith, Patricia, The Price of Salt, 170, 210, 515–16

  hippies, 266–67

  Hitchens, Christopher, 432

  Hitler, Adolf, 205–6, 271, 394

  Hỏa Lò Prison (“Hanoi Hilton”), 305

  Hodgkin, Howard, 470, 593, 621, 649

  Holleran, Andrew, 519

  Hollinghurst, Alan, 519

  Hollywood, 18–19, 55–56, 173, 225

  Hollywood Reporter, 404, 630

  Holocaust, 3–4, 41, 42–44, 137, 206, 558–59

  Holt, Sid, 504

  Holy Living and Holy Dying (Taylor), 367

  Homer, 146, 147, 256

  Homintern, 317

  Homo legens, 388, 390, 542

  homosexuality, 75–76, 83–84, 513–22. See also lesbianism

  AIDS/HIV and, 459–73

  The Benefactor, 195–97, 628–29

  the closet, 398–99, 472, 513–17, 632–35

  “coming out,” 398–99, 632–35

  “Fascinating Fascism,” 399–401

  The Flaming Creatures (film), 234–36

  Freud on, 128

  “Homosexuals Proud of Deviancy,” 233–34

  Los Angeles subculture, 88–91

  “Notes on ‘Camp,’” 228–34, 236–38, 239–40

  “Notes on Homosexuality,” 230–31

  “outing,” 514–16, 520–21

  of Susan, 627–35

  Rieff on, 129, 628

  San Francisco subculture, 84–86

  “Homosexuals Proud of Deviancy,” 233–34

  Honolulu, 403–4, 475–76

  Hotel Adlon (Berlin), 656, 657

  Hôtel des Etrangers (Paris), 111

  Hôtel Feydeau de Montholon (Paris), 651

  Howard, Richard, 211, 527, 642

  Howe, Irving, 107, 207, 267, 289, 571

  Howl (Ginsberg), 164, 275, 455

  Hudson, Rock, 463, 466

  Hugo, Victor, 41, 58, 559

  Hujar, Peter, 202, 277–78, 350, 352, 361, 367, 466, 700, 744n

  “Hunger Artist, The” (Acocella), 527–28, 613, 630–32, 635–36

  Huntington, Long Island, 20

  Hussein, Saddam, 659

  Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 93–97, 114–15, 136, 206, 217

  Huxley, Aldous, 67, 184–85

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 83

  I, etcetera, 408, 418–21, 422, 439

  Idlewild Golf Course, 38

  “I dream therefore I am,” 7–8, 13

  Illich, Ivan, 365

  Illness as Metaphor, 43, 371–78, 411

  context for, 514, 517, 521, 612

  summary and themes, 27, 33, 371–78, 404, 464–65, 514, 687

  “Imagination of Disaster, The,” 59–60, 354

  Imber, Jonathan, 733n

  Immensee (Storm), 48

  immunotherapy, 369–70, 377, 405–7

  In America, 52–53, 588, 599–609, 612–13, 659

  National Book Award, 638–39, 644

  plagiarism charges, 636–38, 769n

  publication and reception, 630, 635–36, 638–39

  summary and themes, 599–609, 660, 674

  Indiana, Gary, 243, 410, 457, 604

  Interior with Sudden Joy (Shaughnessy), 642–43

  International Herald Tribune, 159

  International PEN Congress, 483–89

  International Theater Festival, 566

  Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud), 191

  Iraq War, 661–62, 669–71, 678–79

  Abu Ghraib torture, 685–87

  Isherwood, Christopher, 67

  Israel, 344–47, 492, 644–46, 650

  Promised Lands (film), 344–47

  Yom Kippur War, 344, 349, 704

  Israël, Lucien, 369–70, 690

  Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 344–45, 551, 644–46, 680

  Jacobson, Aaron, 30

  Jacobson, Charles, 18–19, 24

  Jacobson, Sara Leah, 18–19, 25–26

  in Auction of Souls, 2–3, 18

  Jacobsson, Ulla, 308

  Jagger, Mick, 496, 531, 597

  James, Alice, 570–71

  James, Henry, 83, 101, 209, 531, 570, 697

  James, William, 570, 616

  Japan, 21, 26, 444, 492, 651–53

  Jarrell, Randall, 204, 225

  Jarry, Alfred, 566–67

  Jefferson, Thomas, 209

  Jerusalem Book Fair, 646

  Jerusalem Post, 346

  Jerusalem Prize for the Freedom of the Individual in Society, 644–46

  Jewish immigration, 18, 19, 107, 212

  Jewish Theological Seminary, 137

  Jews and Judaism, 41–42, 116–17, 137, 138, 139, 205–8

  anti-Semitism, 94, 116–17, 203–4, 390

  Joan of Arc, 591, 606

  John F. Kennedy International Airport, 38

  John Paul II, Pope, 431

  John Reed Clubs, 205

  Johns, Jasper, 99, 259–64, 265, 370, 448

  Johnson, Lyndon, 283–84, 299–300, 309, 423

  Johnston, Jill, 398–99

  Jonsson, Bo, 309, 313

  Joplin, Janis, 498

  Joseph Dover, 602

  Jouvenel, Colette de, 319

  Joyce, James, 161

  Judd, Donald, 442

  Judson Dance Theater, 441–42

  Jump, Anne, 690

  Kael, Pauline, 268

  Kafka, Franz, 27, 386, 540, 644

  Kakutani, Michiko, 607

  Kaniuk, Yoram, 41, 42, 252, 345–46, 365

  Kant, Immanuel, 63, 127

  Kaplan, Mitchell, 509

  Kaprow, Allan, 183, 184, 198, 572

  Kaufman, Elaine, 238

  Kazin, Alfred, 217

  Keats, John, 91

  Kellogg-Briand Pact, 670–71

  Kellum, Dan, 665–66

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 430–31

  Kennedy, John F., 199, 223–24, 238, 271, 272, 275, 283, 422

  Kennedy, Robert, 283–84, 300

  Kenner, Hugh, 322

  Kennerly, Karen, 388, 484, 485, 486, 488

  Kenović, Ademir, 580, 584

  Kepes, Gyorgy, 269

  Kerouac, Jack, 455

  Khomeini, Ruhollah, 487–89

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 288, 387, 559

  Kincaid, Jamaica, 449–51, 481, 532, 644

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 300

  King Street apartment, 507–8, 511

  Kiš, Danilo, 392, 649

  Kissel, Jeff, 475–76, 479

  Kleist, Heinrich von, 255, 288–89, 292, 443

  Knox, Alison Douglas, 105

  Koch, Stephen, 246, 428

  Annie and Susan, 527

  background of, 202

  Beatty and Susan, 285

  Bosnian War and Susan, 589

  Brodsky and Susan, 389

  Carlotta and Susan, 320

  David and Susan, 259, 366, 449

  first meetings with Susan, 202–3, 255

  Fornés and Susan, 174, 179

  Goodwin and Susan, 284

  Hujar and Susan, 277–78

  Johns and Susan, 263

  Michelson and Susan, 160, 161, 162

  on “Notes on �
�Camp,’” 234

  on Strauss, 115

  Susan’s cancer, 367

  on Susan’s fame, 241, 242

  on Susan’s loneliness, 407, 643–44

  Taubes and Susan, 322

  Thek and Susan, 179, 277–78, 466–67

  on Warhol, 227, 228

  Koestler, Arthur, 482

  Kollisch, Eva, 253–55, 256, 258, 329, 434

  Konrád, György, 324

  Koolhaas, Rem, 689

  Korean War, 486–87

  Kramer, Hilton, 229, 232–33, 425

  Kreso, Senada, 576, 580, 595, 655–56

  Krueger, Kurt, 394

  Krüger, Michael, 252

  Kundera, Milan, 571

  Kung Chen Fur Corporation, 20, 30

  Kushner, Tony, 519

  “labels,” 33, 43, 513

  Lang, Fritz, 67

  language and reality, 299–300, 472, 704

  Lassie (dog), 45

  Last of the Nuba, The (Riefenstahl), 391, 393, 399

  Last Year at Marienbad (film), 198

  Lautréamont, 190

  Lawes, Lewis, 41

  Lawrence, D. H., 295

  Lawrence, Starling, 625–26

  Laxness, Halldór, 695

  Lazin, Sarah, 496, 497, 499

  Leary, Timothy, 184–85

  Leave It to Beaver (TV show), 56

  Lebowitz, Fran, 277

  Le Carré, John, 488

  Lee, Ellen, 636–37

  Lee, San-Ha, 486–87

  Leffler, Anne Charlotte, 321

  Left Bank, 159–60

  “legacy” admissions, 94

  Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 520

  Leibovitz, Annie

  background of, 491

  Bea Feitler and, 501–2, 504

  celebrity and fame of, 491

  character and personality of, 499–500, 529

  childhood of, 491–92, 494

  drug use of, 497–99, 503

  photography career of, 492–505, 620–22

  getting in people’s faces, 493–97

  A Photographer’s Life, 358–59, 701–2

  Rolling Stone, 492–501, 531–32

  Sarajevo photos, 361–62, 582–83, 586

  of Susan, 358–59, 511–12, 620–22, 649–50, 700, 701–2

  Vanity Fair, 503–5, 525–26, 530, 582–83, 622, 649–50

  Women, 620–21

  pregnancy and birth of Sarah, 651, 656, 662–63

  September 11 attacks and, 662–63

  surrogacy of, 677

  Susan’s relationship with, 525–33, 536, 537, 613, 620–23, 651, 666, 677–78, 691

  cancer of Susan, 358–59, 622–23, 688–89, 693–95, 697–98

  death of Susan, 699

  financial generosity of Annie, 525–27, 664–65, 677

  first meetings, 511–13

  funeral of Susan, 699–700

  memorial service for Susan, 700

  Nile River cruise, 593, 621, 623

  “outing” and relationship status, 520–21, 627–35

  personal denigration by Susan, 257, 527–29, 531–32

  Leibovitz, Sam, 491–92, 503, 697

  Leibovitz, Sarah Cameron, 651, 662–63, 665–66, 677

  Leigh, Vivien, 537

  Leiris, Michel, 561–62


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