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by Benjamin Moser

  Le Mépris (film), 202

  Le Monde, 430

  Lennon, John, 493, 503

  Lerman, Leo, 504

  lesbianism (lesbian affairs), 10, 75–76, 86–88, 90, 154. See also Childs, Lucinda; Del Pezzo, Anna Carlotta; Fornés, María Irene; Leibovitz, Annie; Sohmers, Harriet; Stéphane, Nicole

  “The Bi’s Progress,” 90–91

  the closet and “coming out,” 398–99, 513–17, 632–35

  Eva Kollisch, 253–55, 256, 258, 329

  “four hundred lesbians,” 317–18

  Nightwood (Barnes), 83–84, 89, 99–100, 101–2, 196, 317

  “outing” of Susan, 627–35

  The Price of Salt (Highsmith), 170, 210, 515–16

  Les enfants terribles (film), 331, 332, 333

  Le silence de la mer (film), 331, 332, 333

  Les Misérables (Hugo), 41, 559

  Lessing, Doris, 484

  Les temps modernes (magazine), 334

  “Letter from Sweden, A,” 313–15

  “Letter Scene, The,” 167

  Levin, Harry, 135

  Levine, Don Eric, 201–2

  background of, 201–2

  David and Susan, 182, 258, 411

  Susan and Carlotta, 318, 319, 320–21

  Susan and her mother, 256

  Susan and Jewish identity, 41

  Susan and sister, Judith, 186

  Susan’s affairs, 193, 284, 285

  Susan’s amphetamine use, 243, 644

  Susan’s cancer and, 375, 381

  on Susan’s fame, 241–42

  Susan Taubes and, 220–21

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 267, 269

  Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 562

  LeWitt, Sol, 442

  Liberace, 466, 472

  “liberalism,” 207, 423

  Life (magazine), 225, 471, 473

  Lincoln, Abraham, 129–30, 427

  Lindgren, Göran, 310

  Line of Beauty, The (Hollinghurst), 519

  Linfield, Susie, 359

  L’invitée (Beauvoir), 335

  Lispector, Clarice, 501

  Little Lord Fauntleroy (Burnett), 23, 35

  Little Red School House (New York City), 586

  Little Women (Alcott), 175

  Locke, Richard, 504

  Loeb Classical Library, 596

  London, Jack, 57–59, 64

  Martin Eden, 57–59, 61–62, 85–86, 102, 242, 614

  London Terrace apartment, 524–25, 526, 528–29, 663, 666–67

  Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman), 98

  Lopate, Phillip, 204, 211, 310, 435

  Los Angeles, 55–57, 67, 88–90

  Los Angeles Times, 626

  Lotti, Mariella, 319

  Lowell, Robert, 217, 273

  LSD, 184–85, 498

  Lukács, György, 4

  Lynd, Helen, 193

  Lynn, Dick, 102

  Lyons, Irene, 83

  MacArthur Fellowship, 523–24, 527

  Macdonald, Dwight, 205, 206, 207–8

  Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria, 649

  MacLaine, Shirley, 285

  Magic Mountain, The (Mann), 68, 69, 679

  Magnus, Hans, 560

  Magritte, René, 189

  Maher, Bill, 661

  Mailer, Norman, 217, 301, 372, 625

  Adele and Susan, 174, 372

  feud with Vidal, 546

  PEN American Center, 482–85, 489

  sexual habits of, 193

  Town Hall meeting (April 1971), 395–96, 423

  Town Hall “Read-In” (February 1966), 273

  Making It (Podhoretz), 205

  Malamud, Bernard, 215, 273, 343

  Malibran, Maria, 247

  Maloff, Saul, 250

  Malraux, André, 58, 561

  Malraux, Clara, 58

  Malraux, Florence, 58, 327–28, 728n

  Mamoulian, Rouben, 620

  Mandela, Nelson, 551

  Manhood (Leiris), 561–62

  Manilow, Barry, 627

  Mann, Katia, 71–72

  Mann, Thomas, 74, 83, 90, 113, 151, 374, 536

  “Pilgrimage,” 56, 68–72, 76–77, 479, 602

  Susan’s visits with, 67–72, 101, 178, 248

  Mansfeld Junior High, 45, 52

  Mansfield, Jayne, 232, 277

  Mao Zedong, 41, 360

  Mapplethorpe, Robert, 466, 700

  Marcuse, Herbert, 142–43, 153, 200–201, 266, 273, 323

  Marlowe, Christopher, 83

  Martin, Steve, 638–39

  Martin Eden (London), 57–59, 61–62, 85–86, 102, 242, 614

  “martyr complex,” 590–91

  Marum, Gene, 90–91

  Marx, Karl (Marxism), 94, 119, 142, 209, 266, 287

  masks, 34, 126, 185–87

  mastectomy, 366, 367, 387, 449

  Matthiessen, F. O., 193

  Matthiessen, Peter, 449

  Matthiessen, Sara, 449–50

  McCarthy, Mary, 205, 207, 342, 484, 546

  McCourt, Jimmy, 647–48

  McLuhan, Marshall, 268, 269

  McMurtry, Larry, 53, 240, 262–63, 489, 591

  McNulty, Rose “Rosie,” 23, 31, 38, 48, 118, 169, 364

  Medea (play), 166, 261

  Medicare/Medicaid, 284

  Meir, Golda, 346

  Mekas, Jonas, 235, 294

  melancholy, 381–83

  Melville, Jean-Pierre, 332

  Memorial Sloan Kettering (New York City), 366–67, 449, 689, 695–96

  Memran, Michelle, 220, 221, 734n

  Menashe, Sam, 181–82, 218

  Menil, Dominique de, 370

  Metropolitan Museum (New York City), 212

  Metropolitan Opera (New York City), 442, 449

  Miami Beach, 30, 38

  Michelangelo, 117, 126

  Michelson, Annette, 159–62

  Middlemarch (Eliot), 116

  Miller, Arthur, 370, 488

  Miller, Henry, 111, 161

  Miller, James, 97, 638

  Miller, Jonathan, 153

  Miller, Laura, 638

  Miller, Peggy, 364, 408, 411, 510

  Milošević, Slobodan, 438, 553–54, 555, 617–18

  Miłosz, Czesław, 483

  “Mind as Passion,” 383–85, 453

  Minima Moralia (Rieff), 113

  Misfortunes of Virtue (de Sade), 163

  Mishima, Yukio, 196–97, 401

  misogyny, 127–28, 135, 484

  “Mr. Casaubon,” 116, 153, 599–600

  Modern Library, 48–49, 61

  Modjeska, Helena, 600–601, 602, 636–37

  Molotov cocktail, 273

  Monette, Paul, 519

  Monroe, Marilyn, 480, 625

  Monsieur Phot (Cornell), 247

  Montaigne, Michel de, 126

  Montale, Eugenio, 213

  Montblanc de la Culture Arts Patronage Award, 585

  Montealegre, Felicia, 376

  Montparnasse Cemetery, 699–700, 702–3

  Mooney, Ted, 369, 644, 728n

  Moore, Demi, 622

  Morales, Adele, 174

  “morbidity,” 354–55

  Morocco, 163–64, 250–51

  Morrison, Toni, 483

  Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 108

  Moss, Tom, 310

  Mount Fuji, 492

  Mowat, Farley, 483

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 586

  Mukherjee, Siddhartha, 377, 405–6

  Mullarkey, Karen, 494–98, 500–503

  Mulligan, Karen, 666

  Museum of Modern Art (New York City), Arbus exhibit, 352–53

  Musto, Michael, 463

  Must We Burn de Sade? (Beauvoir), 159–60

  Myers, Kevin, 580

  My Life Among the Deathworks (P. Rieff), 130

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 161

  narcissism, 230, 415

  narrative uncertainty, 417–18, 421

  Nation, The, 234

  National Book Award, 638–39

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, 619–20

  Nazi Germany, 41, 42–44, 137, 138, 165, 205–6, 213, 331–32, 391–94, 400–401, 555

  Nellie (cook), 23, 26–27, 31, 38

  neoconservatism, 425, 437

  Neruda, Pablo, 213

  New Bowery Theater, 235

  New Deal, 284

  Newhouse, Samuel Irving “Si,” 504

  “New Left,” 273–74, 325, 336

  “New Man,” 315–16, 325, 326, 388

  New Moon Inn (New York City), 203

  New Reformation (Goodman), 337

  New Republic, 223, 370, 433, 659, 695

  “new sensibility,” 262–63, 268–70, 287

  New York City Union Square, 214–15

  New York Daily News, 210

  New Yorker, The

  “The Hunger Artist,” 527–28, 613, 630–31, 635–36

  “The Way We Live Now,” 464–65, 467–73, 475, 519

  “Tuesday, and After,” 657–62

  New York Film Festival, 312, 332

  New York Fire Department, 662–63

  New York Institute for the Humanities, 417, 432

  New York Intellectuals, 204

  New York Post, 546–47, 659–60

  New York Review of Books, The, 94, 173, 217, 273, 384, 396, 397, 411, 432, 504, 617

  “Photography,” 349–50

  New York Times, 217, 229, 334–35, 430, 431, 448, 460–61, 515, 560, 571, 581, 607, 614, 625–26, 629, 636–37, 645–46

  “Homosexuals Proud of Deviancy,” 233–34

  “Why Are We in Kosovo?,” 618–19

  New York Times Book Review, The, 250, 262

  New York Times Magazine, The, 229, 493

  “Regarding the Torture of Others,” 685–87, 688

  “The Sir Isaac Newton of Camp,” 239–40

  New York University (NYU), 84

  Nichols, Mike, 96, 238

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 63, 128, 200, 288, 311, 319, 421

  Nightwood (Barnes), 83–84, 89, 99–100, 101–2, 196, 317

  Nile River cruise, 593, 621, 623

  Nimer, Stephen, 694, 696

  Nixon, Richard, 337, 388–89

  Nobel Prize, 40, 69, 213, 384, 392, 448, 678

  Norris, Frank, 59

  North Hollywood High, 62–64, 73, 79, 81, 89

  “Notes on ‘Camp,’” 6, 182, 228–34, 267

  reception, 228–29, 232–33, 236–37, 239–40, 425

  summary and themes, 86, 229–34, 236–38, 321, 383

  “Notes on Homosexuality,” 230–31

  “Notes Toward a Definition of Cultural Revolution,” 338

  “Notes Toward a Politics of Location” (Rich), 470–71, 472

  Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs (Genet), 197

  nouveau roman, 4, 187–88

  Nuba peoples, 391, 393, 399

  Nunez, Sigrid, 243–44, 389, 407–8, 409, 414–15, 450, 452, 455, 648

  Nunu (dog), 449

  Nymphlight (film), 440

  Oates, Joyce Carol, 431

  Obama, Barack, 669

  Obie Awards, 220

  Octopus, The (Norris), 59

  Oedipus complex, 123, 127

  “Old Complaints Revisited,” 420–21

  On Aesthetics (Aristotle), 94

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 5, 238–39, 283, 285, 408–9

  Ondine, 243

  “One Culture and the New Sensibility,” 262–63, 268–70

  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn), 385

  One Summer of Happiness (film), 308

  Ono, Yoko, 493, 503

  “On Paul Goodman,” 336–37, 385

  On Photography, 349–62, 502, 595–96, 672–73, 701

  appendix of quotes, 246, 359–61

  Arbus and origins, 324, 352–59, 497

  Levine and, 202, 381

  publication and reception, 350, 359

  summary and themes, 6, 165, 237–38, 280–81, 350–58, 361–62, 564, 583

  “On Style,” 184–85, 199, 391–92

  “On the Puppet Theater” (Kleist), 288–89

  On the Road (Kerouac), 455

  Open Theater, 253

  opera, 4, 61, 311, 339

  Opium Wars, 21

  orgasm, 177, 284

  Orwell, George, 561

  Oslo Accords, 551

  “outing,” 514–16, 520–21, 627–35

  OutWeek (magazine), 514–15

  Oxford University, 145, 152–56, 199, 656

  Ozick, Cynthia, 395

  Paddock, Lisa, 625–27, 630–31

  Padilla, Heberto, 430–31

  Paglia, Camille, 244, 342–44, 545–48

  Palermo, 277, 352

  Palestine, 344–45, 644–46, 683

  Paley, Grace, 484

  Pareigis, Christina, 138–39

  Paris, 111, 156–57, 159–61, 163–65, 334

  Parker, Dorothy, 342

  Parnassus, 9, 385–86

  Partisan Review, 64–65, 83, 173, 205–6, 213, 216, 225, 267, 272, 429

  “Notes on ‘Camp,’” 228–34, 236–38, 239–40

  Pašović, Haris, 558, 559–60, 566, 567, 581, 587, 593

  Payne Whitney Hospital (New York City), 450

  Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, 678–79

  Pearl Harbor attack, 656, 657–58

  Peattie, Antony, 593

  Peking, 17, 339

  PEN American Center, 482–89

  penicillin, 20, 21

  penis envy, 127

  Penn, Irving, 350, 700

  Peretz, Martin, 370

  Permanence and Change (Burke), 98

  Perrone, Peter, 508, 524–25, 528, 622, 664, 681, 684, 689, 693, 694–95

  Persona (film), 292–94, 321, 327, 566

  Pessoa, Fernando, 427

  Phillips, William, 205–6, 207, 216, 228–29

  Photographer’s Life, A (Leibovitz), 358–59, 701–2

  Photograph (Leibovitz), 504

  “Photography,” 349–50

  Picasso, Pablo, 625

  Pickwick Bookstore (Los Angeles), 69, 72

  “Pilgrimage,” 56, 68–72, 76–77, 79, 80–81, 207, 479–80

  Pinckney, Darryl, 33, 446

  Piñeiro, Manuel, 325

  Pirandello, Luigi, 569–70

  plagiarism, 636–38, 769–70n

  Plato, 7, 12, 79–80, 95, 185, 186, 238, 261, 299

  Pochoda, Philip, 433

  Podhoretz, Norman, 211, 423, 433, 437

  Commentary, 173, 425

  the Family and, 204–5, 208–9

  high/low culture debate, 229, 262, 425

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 306

  Poland, 431–32

  Police Building studio (New York City), 526

  politics, 272, 274–76, 313–14

  “Trip to Hanoi,” 300–305, 307

  “What’s Happening in America,” 306–7

  Pollock, Jackson, 183

  pornografia, 298

  “Pornographic Imagination, The,” 163, 295–96

  pornography, 162, 234–35, 294–98

  “Fascinating Fascism,” 399–401

  Portraits in Life and Death (Hujar), 277–78, 367

  poses (posing), 74

  positivism, 119–20

  postmodernism, 424–29

  Pound, Ezra, 390

  Prado Museum (Madrid), 161

  Presley, Elvis, 403

  Price of Salt, The (Highsmith), 170, 210, 515–16

  Princeton University, 366, 409–10, 411

  Private Potato Patch of Greta Garbo, The (play), 321

  Prohibition, 18–19

  “Project for a Trip to China,” 338–40, 404, 418, 419, 551–52

  Promised Lands (film), 344–47

  psychoanalysis, 137, 185, 188, 207, 373–74. See also Freud, Sigmund

  Public Theater (New York City), 243

  Puerto Rico, 246

  Pulitzer Prize, 5

  puritanism, 93, 326, 350, 613

  Purivatra, Miro, 556–57, 582r />
  Pynchon, Thomas, 202

  quantum mechanics, 351

  Quarti, Mimma, 333–34

  Queen Christina (film), 620

  racism, 224, 274, 275

  Rahv, Philip, 205–6, 207, 228–29

  Ramparts, 313

  Rand, Ayn, 241

  rattlesnakes, 45

  Rauschenberg, Robert, 261–62

  Reader’s Digest, 63, 207, 433

  Reagan, Ronald, 396, 422–24, 426–27, 432, 438, 463, 472, 513, 514, 515

  reality, 8–9, 12–13, 185, 279, 600

  The Benefactor, 190–92

  dreams and, 185, 191, 279, 518, 600

  language and, 299–300, 472, 704

  On Photography, 356–57, 361

  Redbook (magazine), 35

  Red Shoes, The (film), 110

  Reed, John, 205

  Regarding the Pain of Others, 594–95, 656, 670–75

  summary and themes, 563, 670–75, 680

  “Regarding the Torture of Others,” 685–87, 688

  Reich, Wilhelm, 357, 373–74

  Reid, Atka Kafedzić, 555–56, 562, 586

  “reminiscences,” 124–25

  representation, 6–7, 94, 356–57, 674

  repression, 33, 52, 127, 142–43, 373–74, 376

  Republic Indemnity Company of America, 88

  Resnais, Alain, 161, 267

  Rhinebeck house, 622, 662–63

  Rice, Condoleezza, 669–70

  Rich, Adrienne, 217, 396–97, 401, 562

  “Notes Toward a Politics of Location,” 470–71, 472

  Rich, Frank, 571

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 197, 390–97, 399–400

  The Last of the Nuba, 391, 393, 399

  Sontag’s “Fascinating Fascism,” 393–97, 399–400, 454

  Rieff, David

  Annie and, 358–59, 526–29, 667, 700

  birth of, 117–18, 133

  Carlotta and, 317–18, 320, 412

  childhood and adolescence of, 134, 142, 146–47, 155, 162, 168, 169–72, 179–82, 186, 248–48, 256–59

  custody fight, 186, 209–11

  cocaine addiction of, 451–52

  education of, 363, 365, 366, 409–10, 411

  at FSG, 408, 411, 448–49, 509

  mother in Vietnam, 307

  mother’s fame, 285

  mother’s fear of death, 10, 46

  mother’s outsider status, 398

  mother’s relationship with, 134, 146–47, 155, 162, 167–72, 179–82, 256–59, 363–67, 407, 409–15, 448–52, 457, 509, 592–95, 609, 614, 638–39, 655–56

  Annie’s Photograph, 358–59, 700, 701–2

  Arbus Photograph, 352–53

  cancer, 366–67, 370, 376, 377, 449, 683–84, 688, 690–97

  Cuba trip, 324–25

  death, 699–700

  funeral, 699–700

  Israel trip, 344–45

  reading habits, 146–47, 256–57

  September 11 attacks, 660–62

  name of, 117–18

  Sarajevo and Bosnian War, 553, 556, 557, 558, 564, 582, 583, 592–95, 655–56

  Sigrid and, 407–8, 409, 414–15, 450, 452

  Swimming in a Sea of Death, 10, 701–2


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