Bleed Me (Haunted Roads Book 3)

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Bleed Me (Haunted Roads Book 3) Page 11

by India R. Adams

  She gasped. “Spoken for?”

  Resting on one elbow, I tucked hair behind her ear. “Do you like him? I mean like, really like him?”

  She started nodding before I even finished the sentence. “So much, but I told myself not to even consider it. When I was first allowed to live here, they said not to ever expect to be an Old Lady.”

  Damn. That was cruel, but the club didn’t want the members to be used. If a girl believed it would never be, then they would stick to what they were brought here for. “Let me talk to him. See what can be done.”

  Elated, she started pecking me all over my face.

  I laughed. “Saph, ya need to stop. I’m getting hard again.”

  She playfully shoved at my chest, crawling out from underneath me. Rushing to my dresser, she opened a drawer that was reserved for her—in case I was to ever let her stay the night. After pulling out a shirt, she suddenly stopped. She pulled the folded shirt to her chest then faced me. “Do you think… I mean, is it possible he could—” She shook her head and continued getting dressed.

  “Love you?”

  As if scared to see whether or not I thought it could happen, Sapphire slowly looked at me.

  I nodded. “You are so worth being loved.”

  It was as if she stopped breathing and time stood still. She was in such disbelief that something so wonderful could ever happen to her.

  I had been sold to many, by those who were supposed to love me. I couldn’t help but wonder who sold her, too. Sold her a bunch of bullshit about not deserving love, a creation someone as sweet as her deserved more than most.


  Brat wasn’t in his room, so I headed down the hall to the Barn, but stopped when overhearing deep, familiar voices. Lynx was telling Diesel, “The kid is sharp. He’s like a sponge in the garage.” I smiled. It felt good to hear Prez, another father figure, speak of me with such pride. “He’s really learning his way around both bike and cage engines.”

  “He been on the road with ya yet?” asked Diesel.

  “Nah. He has enough going on before we introduce him to that world.”

  I was hearing more than I should and didn’t want to betray their trust. It didn’t take a scholar to guess there was illegal activity going on, and that I would someday be a part of it, but for now, this club wasn’t making me do more than a lot of cleaning and minion work, which was more degrading than dangerous.

  I was perfectly okay with that. My mind was in a spiral, and I could barely determine when that spiral was up or down.

  Walking into the Barn, I saw Diesel sitting with Lynx at the bar, along with Torque, our Sergeant-in-Arms, and Vice, our Enforcer.

  Torque was a very pulled-together individual. He liked things organized and running appropriately, almost military-like. His light brown hair, with a tint of brass, wasn’t quite military but was close-cut and always combed back. Even his short beard was super tight. Not a wild hair in sight. He wasn’t much of a talker—I guess men with loaded guns on their hips don’t need to be—but inquisitive eyes were constantly on the lookout. I dare say he was classically handsome, the way visiting club girls always flocked to him.

  Vice? Well, he carried his title well: Enforcer. He was large enough to ‘enforce’ whatever he goddamned felt like but was a very calm and collected man, in his late thirties. His road name? I had yet to feel it, but imagined it had something to do with the paws on the man. They looked like he could crush bone with a mere squeeze.

  Diesel set his cigarette in an ashtray on the bar. “Giver!” He got off his stool. “The fuck? What have they been feedin’ ya?”

  It was good to see him. I hugged him. “You look older.”

  “Fuck off.” Diesel bitch-slapped my short-bearded cheeks and gawked at me. “Damn. You look so different!” He yanked on my longer hair, then asked Lynx, “Seriously, what the el fuck-o do you have this kid on?”

  After an upper body stretch that screamed, I’m awake far too early after a rager, while sitting on a barstool, he patted his chest. “Love and ass kickin’. Works like a charm. Wait ‘til you see Saint. Another fucking inch. I’m replacing outgrown pants like I’m runnin’ a goddamn orphanage.”

  After a beast hug, Scorch set me back on my feet, saying, “Umm, how do ya explain two twenty-five-year olds getting taller?”

  Lynx snarled, “Tell me ‘bout it. Hence, that rocket scientist of an identity genius being fired.” Elle, Prez’s old lady—the bartender I met my first night with the Stallions—refilled his cup of coffee, then turned to walk back into the kitchen. “You forgettin’ something?”

  With sass, she lifted a brow. “No. You’ve had plenty of sugar.”

  “The hell I have.” He lifted his arms in a ‘really’ gesture. “Babe.”

  The tall blonde beauty’s face melted into a hungry smile as she leaned over the bar and kissed the President, who couldn’t seem to function without her.

  The place was rather quiet and empty. “Where is everyone?”

  “On a ride,” said Torque. “Bunnies at the store for tonight’s event.”

  I didn’t know what event and didn’t ask. I was a Prospect. If I was to know, they’d tell me. “Any of you seen Brat?” I asked.

  Taking a sip of coffee, Scorch thumbed over his shoulders and toward the stairs by the pool tables. “He might be gone. He was in a bit of a hurry.”

  I bet he was. “Thanks, man.” I started jogging toward the stairs until I realized something crucial. In shock, I stopped, then slowly faced Diesel.

  He was still standing there, in utter amazement. “H-How did you know?”

  I am James Gunn Dalton. My voice was flat. “Know what?”

  “That you don’t need to worry about her anymore?”

  “I didn’t.”

  That old coot eyed me. “El bullshit-o. You think I believe all them texts from Dagger were just him caring?”

  Just then, Dagger waltzed in. “What am I caring about?”

  Diesel pointed to me. “His ‘inquiries’.”

  Dagger rolled his one eye. “Jesus. Driving me nuts.” In thought, he sat next to his brother. “Hey, come to think about it, it’s been a bit since he asked.”

  Full of suspicion, Diesel shook his head at me. “You better come clean.”

  I jolted. “About what?”

  His shoulders hunched aggressively. “You been in my town?”

  I was baffled. “Holy shit. No.”

  The room went quiet. Then Meatball, club Treasurer, and Crow, club Secretary, walked in. It was odd the way they were already quiet as if knowing something I didn’t. Were my brothers not going to have my back? Jesus! Was I about to be put to ground?

  Diesel was getting angry. “How the fuck did you know she’s with someone now?”

  I recoiled. “What?” Then stared into the hallway and at Justice’s door. Is that why Art ran to her? “I didn’t—”

  “Bullshit!” Diesel roared.

  Fuck! My heart was pounding in fear. “Diesel, please calm down. I’m not a good enough rider. I could never have made it to Georgia and back without anyone noticing me missing. It would’ve taken days for that trip.”

  My eyes raced to Justice entering the room from the hallway by Prez’s office. She looked perplexed while Diesel yelled, “Maybe you fucking caught a plane!”

  “Diesel!” I begged, “I have no money! How would I even get a ticket?”

  “Maybe someone loaned it to you.” He scanned the room until his eyes locked on Justice. “You fucking help him?”

  She jerked back. “Me?”

  My eye twitched. “Leave her alone.”

  Diesel’s nostrils flared as if smelling my weakness. “Oh yeah, little fucker? Maybe I need to take her in the back room and get some answers out of her. See what she’s made of—”

  Next thing I know, I’m on the floor of the Barn, being forcefully held down by surrounding bikers, Justice touching my face. “I’m right here. I’m right here…”

p; That beautiful glass… My body sighed and relaxed into the floor.

  I don’t know when he arrived, but Saint was now hovering over us all, studying me. His head fell forward in relief. “She has him. You can let go.”

  I was so confused. “Did I seize again?”

  No one answered. Every other male Officer of the club, and Diesel and Scorch, stared at me as if I were the Devil himself, wearing a tiara.

  I had ‘switched’.

  Diesel, shaking his head while exhaling, told them, “Crazy shit.” He touched my chest. “Sorry, kid. They needed to see somethin’.”

  No. No. No… “Justice, I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh. That don’t mean shit to me.”

  All the men stared at her as if she was in desperate need of medication to help with her denial. Amazing. With all the mean biker guys in the room, it was the girl who wasn’t afraid.

  I grabbed my neck because my throat felt raw like I had been yelling with all my might. Not knowing what happened, I croaked out, “Diesel, please don’t mess with Justice. She has nothing to do with whatever you think I did.”

  Lynx covered his mouth, grey eyes like his sister’s, showing a deep fear, but Diesel smirked. “I know. I won’t try that shit again. She’s all good, kid.”

  As if suddenly weighing an extra hundred pounds, Lynx stood, rubbing the back of his neck. “To the Stalls. Now.” He walked away.

  Justice looked to Diesel. He nodded. “Go. I got him.”

  Scorch helped me off the floor as the Stall door shut behind all the Club Officers, who were about to discuss how nuts I was. This was it. I was about to be kicked out or killed. I didn’t blame them one bit.

  Art walked in, quickly assessing something was up. “What happened?” Diesel and Scorch helped me to a stool as Art came to me. “Is this because of Justice this morning?”

  Comically, Scorch warned, “I wouldn’t mention that name right now.”

  Diesel laughed at him. “Truth, brother. Wait,” he glared at Art, “what happened with you and Justice?”

  Scorch took a huge step back and mumbled, “Pokin’ a bear.”

  “Me?” I asked Scorch. “I tried to protect her?”

  Diesel adjusted his stance as if the ground under his feet was suddenly getting hot. “Yeah, kid.”

  “But… But… Then why did I hurt D—”

  Diesel raised his hand. “Don’t get in a tizzy until we know what’s going on.”

  “Tizzy?” I balked. “What I did to—” I peered around, then whispered, “Delilah is nothin’ to downplay.”

  His voice lowered. “Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid. You feel me?”

  Not interested in ‘feeling’ his powerful fist, I grumbled, “Yes, sir.”

  “Now, do you have any memories yet? Of what happened with her?”

  Rubbing my forehead that wanted to explode, I answered, “No. But… some of my childhood memories have returned.”

  All three men had a case of ‘Stiffening Spines’. I couldn’t look them in the eye. It was like they knew what I had been through. I felt like a neon sign shone above my head, with a red arrow pointing to me, “Took it in the ass! Right here!” So, I got up and headed for the stairs again. “I’m out.” I needed to crawl out of the cave that was suddenly feeling like a dungeon.

  “Giver, wait…” Diesel tried.

  I ignored them.

  Art is the one who got me to stop. “He’s good to her.”

  I still couldn’t face them—too ashamed—but waited for more information.

  Art chuckled, but it was drenched in pain. “A boxer. Can you believe it?”

  My eyes slid shut. She always complained about my temper and fighting at school. “She hates fighters.”

  “Ain’t that just how life works? You think you know what you need, but ya don’t know shit.”

  As if I could feel that girl slipping away, I grabbed my chest while opening my eyes to see the stairs I’d be climbing in seconds. “Is he good? To her?”

  I can’t be sure, but I swear I heard his voice crack. “I think he’d die for her.”

  That may sound Disney-like to some, but Art was trying to hit me deep. Only someone who truly saw Delilah’s magic would do such a thing like get all sappy and die for the girl.

  Just like I did.

  Entering the first floor, I darted out the front door, desperate for air. The sun was a welcomed sight. I stopped and basked, soaking in the Vitamin D, leaning my head back to inhale. I was full of mixed emotions. A part of me was so damn grateful Delilah had a good person to love her. I knew he was good because she had a grave-diggin’ team of illegal bikers watching her back. If this boxer had the slightest bit of a possibility of bringing her harm, he’d be gone.

  The other part of me was jealous. Mad jealous. Until I caught a member, Rattler, bitching at a brand-new Prospect. “Did you just touch that bike?”

  The young guy, who appeared as confused as I was months ago, just stood there as if not sure whether to piss himself or run for his life.

  Rattler scolded, “That’s your Road Captain’s bike, you dumb fuck! She will kill you. Then burn your body. Then sprinkle your goddamn ashes in her morning cereal, moaning that you taste delicious...”

  That hot-ass crazy bitch. I inhaled the sun again, thinking of how Art just told me we didn’t know shit about what we need. I was starting to figure out the truth in that statement. I realized I might be making a mistake by pushing Justice away all the time. Just maybe God knew better than me.

  Wham! Wham!

  Rattler and the other Prospect looked at me… Then we ran, following the noise. As soon as we made our way around the warehouse, I slowed. “I got this, Rattler. He’s who I was looking for.”

  Brat was swatting a baseball bat at the metal warehouse. His long, light brown hair was flying in the air with every angry strike. Brat was tall, but not skinny like Houston. This was a man who had already put on his weight after being a toothpick tall teenager.

  Not getting too close, I called, “Bro, can we talk?”

  He faced me, showing more pain. “Giver. I’m so sorry.”

  I approached with my hands in the air to show no threat. He was holding a weapon, after all. “Can ya set that down, buddy?”

  He did more than that. He flung it. The bat soared into the trees that had given me refuge the night before, and he screamed, “Goddamn it!”

  “Jesus. I didn’t know you liked her so much. I swear it. We can work this out. I won’t touch her again.”

  In dismay, he gripped his hair and pulled. “I know who you want. It’s not that. It’s—”

  Brat suddenly smacking his head, over and over, had me rushing in. “Dude, stop! Talk to me!” I grabbed his hands. “Stop!”

  His face was beet red as if he were fighting tears. “Did you wear a condom?”

  My face scrunched in confusion. He wasn’t making sense. “I was told bunnies are on the pill and checked by Doc regularly. That’s why only two of us per one. I’m clean—”

  “I tricked her.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?”

  “I’m in love with her.”

  Relieved, I sighed. “Now you’re making sense! She wants you, too!”

  Tears finally dripped from bloodshot eyes as he stumbled back into a tree that was the only thing now holding him up. “Giver, you sure?”

  “She told me herself. Said that there’d be no more sex between us.”

  He bent over, grabbing his stomach.

  “I, uh, thought this was good news—”

  “I tampered with her birth control.”

  Mother. Fucker. “You what?”

  Snot dripped toward his upper lip as he peered up at me, still hunched over in agony. “Oldest trick in the book. I was trapping her to me.”

  Anger rippled through my chest. “I’m startin’ to see how you got your road name, you prick. She doesn’t deserve that bullshit.”

  “I know.” He nodded vigorously, wiping his
hands down his wet face. “I know. Dick move. It’s just, she makes me crazy. Her heart is like a drug for me. Her voice… that sweet gasp she makes. That smile from the heavens above. I just want her to be mine so bad, but she’s—”

  “In love with you, you dumb fuck.”

  His jaw dropped. “What?”

  I started pacing, my temper rising. “She’s too good for you.”

  He went back to standing tall and yanking on his hair. “I know! I know! I don’t know what I was thinking!”

  “How’d you do it?”

  Light brown eyes looked to a sunbeam slipping through the branches above. “She takes a pill every night before bed. Once a week, I get her drunk. While she sleeps, I throw that night’s pill away. In the morning, I tell her she took it.”

  “You what?”

  We both jumped and looked behind me to see Justice. Ah, shit.


  She held up a hand. “Brat, have you purposely knocked up a bunny?”

  With a regret that was clearly tragic, he shook his head no. “It hasn’t worked so far, but yes, I tried.”

  I grabbed my chest! “Oh, thank God! Then you’re in the clear!” I chuckled. “Besides being an asshole and all. Huh. Maybe we don’t have to…” My words slowed “…even… tell… her…” to a stop as two sets of eyes stared at me, waiting for me to understand. I was missing a huge part of this travesty. I stumbled back. “Oh, no.”

  Justice rushed a prayer she hadn’t even had the chance to pray. “Did you use a condom?”

  My eyelids slid shut. “No… neither time.”

  When I opened my eyes again, Justice was holding her crystal, her lips moving in silence. Then she looked to Brat as if seeing a glimmer of hope. “Maybe the pill is still in her system. How long have you been a douchebag?” It took courage for him to finally lift his hand to hold up four fingers. She quietly squawked, “Months?”

  It was in slow motion, but he nodded.

  Hope disappeared from her eyes, replaced by rage. Her jaw ticked. “I should shoot you where you stand. That bunny is not solely yours. How the fuck am I to bring this to the table? You know what’s happening tonight.”


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