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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

Page 31

by Caroline Peckham

  “You're Nazari's guard aren't you?” Rapunzel addressed me and I stiffened, nodding once.

  “Excuse me, your highness.” I bowed, trying to make a move away but she stepped into my way with an almost playful expression.

  “Are all the men of Carubai so cryptic?”

  “Cryptic, my lady?” I asked as I trained my sights on the exit.

  I need to walk away.

  She released a laugh that rivalled the sun with the amount of heat it sent into my veins. “Come join us a while, what's your name?”

  A name? Shit, what was my name? She didn't know my old name...and it was common enough. “Cassian,” I said, my voice gruff. That was probably a mistake.

  “Cassian?” she questioned and I nodded, unsure why that seemed to mean something to her. She shared a look with her attendants and my heart doubled its pace.

  “There was a man who worked at the palace with that name,” Rapunzel said, her eyes clouding with regret for a moment.

  Holy shit, does she actually remember me?

  “Oh?” I asked, trying to seem polite and not yelling for more information like I was internally.

  “Yes, a traitor,” Jacinda piped up and Rapunzel threw her a scowl.

  “It was a stupid rule and you know it, Jacinda.”

  Jacinda turned pink and bowed her head in apology while Zira fought a grin with all her might.

  A laugh tumbled from my throat and Rapunzel looked to me with wide eyes.

  I forced it away, raising a hand. “Forgive me, your highness.”

  Rapunzel cracked a bright smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “No need to apologise. Come, sit with us.”

  Walk away. Make your excuses and go.

  My body wasn't listening to my brain. I followed Rapunzel and her attendants to the shaded seating area, sensing her four guards following. Rapunzel sat on a cushioned bench and Zira and Jacinda dropped down to kneel on two cushions either side of her. I stood awkwardly, unsure what was appropriate of a guard who'd been invited to speak with a royal. I'd never witnessed such a thing before.

  “Sit,” Rapunzel urged, gesturing to the bench along from her.

  I swallowed hard before sitting down and resting my hands on my knees. She eyed me curiously a moment, pulling her long braid over one shoulder. “Is your liege attending the royal lunch today, Cassian?”

  An angry beast clawed at my insides. “Of course, my lady.”

  She knew he was, she was just circling the real subject here. Him. She wanted to know about him and I wanted to return to his room and break his pretty face again because of it.

  She bit into her lower lip, sharing a look with the girls who started giggling alongside her.

  I pressed my lips into a firm line, my heart thumping a funeral march in my head for its impending burial.

  “Is he a good master to you?” Rapunzel asked.

  I could have lied. Could have thrown him to the vultures to peck clean, but I didn't. I might not have liked Aladdin much right then, but I wasn't going to sell him out. I still had my honour. Even if it was under threat these days. Besides, once news of Gothel's death spread maybe this whole pageant thing would be disbanded. The Princess might get her wish and be free.

  She could still choose Aladdin as a free woman.

  “He is, ma'am,” I said with a solid nod. That was enough. He didn't deserve more than that right now.

  Rapunzel smiled keenly. “So tell me, Cassian, has he spoken of me? Does he confide in you?” A blush lined her cheeks and my heart hardened into a cold, lifeless thing.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “He tells me you are the keeper of his heart.” More like the wayward wanderings of his dick. Can't tell her that though.

  “Go on,” Rapunzel urged, barely concealing her excitement.

  If I told her what he'd really said about her this morning, she'd probably have cheered me on with the pounding his face had received. I wasn't sure why I was even playing this game anymore, but we had to keep up appearances. At least until Gothel showed up dead downriver and the announcements were made.

  “He says if he were to have one wish granted in his lifetime, he'd set you free.” I held her eyes for what was for longer than appropriate. Her smile grew, then a frown creased her forehead as she remained locked in my gaze.

  I cleared my throat and stood up. “It's been a pleasure, your highness, but I really must return to my lord.”

  “Of course,” she sighed, rising too. “But would you maybe...give him this.” She reached into her pocket and took out a sealed letter. “I was going to have a maid bring it to him but then I had second thoughts. Take it now before I back down on the idea again.” She laughed softly and I reached out to grasp it.

  My fingers brushed hers and the most forbidden kind of electricity darted into my blood. My heart came back to life like a phoenix rising from the ashes and every muscle in my body constricted.

  Her eyes widened for a moment, then she pulled away, her gaze trailing curiously over my face. “Good day to you, Cassian,” she said, her voice thick.

  I bowed low. “Good day, my lady.”

  By the time I made it out of the sprawling gardens and reached the huge private bathhouse at the far end of the palace grounds, my anger had abandoned me and I was left with a swirling feeling in my gut which I refused to admit was guilt.

  Kyra had told me in no uncertain terms that her world basically revolved around me and I knew how much our so-called friendship meant to her and yet I’d behaved like a total jackass. To make it worse I’d left her shut up in her room, alone. And I knew how she hated to be alone.

  I’d have to think of some way to make it up to her. But in the meantime I needed to have a bath and get my head straight before the feast.

  I pushed my tongue into my cheek, inspecting the tender patch of flesh that Cassian had given me.

  Why the face? If I have a bruise I’m going to kill him. Although I suppose I could ask Kyra to fix it if she forgives me...

  I sighed heavily, moving into the shade of the bathhouse and pushing my black hair out of my eyes. I was angry enough with Cassian that I was half tempted to seek him out and finish our fight. But I shoved the idea of it away from me in agitation. I was sure I could beat him if it came down to it but the way he’d pinned me to that table had left a bitter taste in my mouth. Of course I’d been a few seconds away from using that bread knife to get him off of me so perhaps I didn’t have to see it as a failure anyway...

  A serving girl moved forward, bowing her head to me and I was in a bad enough mood that I couldn’t even be bothered to flirt with her. “Would you like a bathing robe, sire?” she asked, offering me a thin, pale blue robe.

  “No thank you, love,” I replied. “I prefer bathing nude.” I threw her a wink as blood heated her cheeks and I stepped around her.

  Okay, maybe I was up to flirting a bit.

  “I’m afraid you won’t be able to bathe too long,” she called after me. “In half an hour we will have to close the bathhouse for the Princess to use it.”

  “I’ll be sure to be gone before then,” I agreed, strolling into the bathhouse as I began to unbutton my shirt.

  I moved into a tiled room lined with hooks and hung my shirt over one as I kicked off my shoes and pants.

  I yawned as I headed through to the wide space containing the sprawling bath, inhaling the thick steam which filled the air. The faintest scent of lavender and eucalyptus danced across my skin from the oils they laced the hot water with and I inhaled deeply to appreciate it.

  The huge bathhouse was painted white with columns sprouting from the water which supported the ceiling. The base of the pool was lined with bright blue tiles which glimmered in the light cast by flickering flames held within sconces around the walls.

  I’d been able to afford trips to the bathhouses in the slums for years but they couldn’t compare to the extravagance of this. Sharing murky water with a bunch of thieves and whores had seemed like luxury then but now I re
alised how foolish that presumption had been. This place was like heaven on Earth. I wouldn’t even have to rub elbows with another soul while I bathed. The thought alone brought a smile to my lips.

  The water filled a space so large I could scarcely take it all in and wide steps before me led down into the warm depths, tempting me inside.

  Several men and women were already in the water and I noticed that they had all opted to cover themselves with the blue robes. I smirked as their eyes fell on me and a couple of the women gasped in surprise. But I was perfectly content to flaunt my body at them and they could look away if they were offended by it. Which none of them did.

  Of course they didn’t, why would they turn their gaze from perfection?

  The water was deliciously warm as I descended the wide steps into it and I kept going until it lapped around my waist. I crossed the space, heading for the back of the room where no other people would be close enough to bother me.

  A bench sat along the wall and I lowered myself onto it, devouring the feeling of the hot water against my skin. I tilted my head back and leaned against the edge of the pool, letting my eyes fall shut as I threw my arms out on either side of me.

  Silence. How I’ve missed you.

  “Ah, Count Nazari, it seems we’ve had the same idea,” a gruff voice came to disturb me and I ground my teeth as my peace and quiet was interrupted.

  I cracked an eye and looked at Captain Hariot in his blue robe as he took a seat beside me. As in right beside me, practically on my lap, his hairy leg pressing against mine as he leaned back into the space beneath my arm.

  “If you’re hoping for a kiss you’ll have to buy me dinner first,” I commented, hiding my irritation at his blatant attempt to intimidate me.

  “Oh I don’t know about that,” he replied with a chuckle. “You seem kind of easy to me.”

  “Well I’m a sucker for a pretty face,” I admitted. “But as you can’t claim such a thing, I doubt you’ll capture my heart. Or the Princess’s for that matter,” I added, cutting to the point of this dick measuring contest.

  “I imagine the Princess is much more impressed by a man of the world, well travelled, versed in more arts and customs than you could even name. Just last night I stole her heart with a song.” He smirked like he’d won some point against me. Little did he know that I’d stolen her first kiss myself and I very much doubted the song he’d delivered had been more impressive than that.

  “Well perhaps I should just withdraw from the contest now if you sung her a song,” I said dryly.

  “Perhaps you should,” he agreed, his hand landing on my thigh beneath the water as he squeezed.

  Another inch higher and he’d be cupping my balls. I released a snarl of anger. All I’d wanted was a few minutes of peace and this asshole had decided to come and ruin it. So he wanted to push me did he? Well he was about to find out just who he was baiting.

  I shifted forward suddenly, moving towards him and grabbing hold of his manhood through the fabric of his robe. I squeezed hard enough to hurt and shoved my forearm against his chest to stop him from moving me off of him. If he wanted to fight me off he’d be forced to make a big ass scene and I was willing to bet that his concern for his reputation wouldn’t allow him to attack me openly with this many witnesses.

  “Listen, mate,” I growled low enough that my voice would only be heard by him. “I’m in no mood for your bullshit so why don’t we just save all of this for the ring? Nothing you say to me now is going to make the blindest bit of difference to the outcome of our bout so how about you leave me to my bath in peace and I won’t rip your balls off in front of all these nice people?”

  Hariot’s jaw ticked and his eyes swivelled to the other men and women in the bath house, some of whom were already starting to look our way curiously.

  He gave me a sharp nod and I released him, flashing a winning smile.

  “Good boy,” I said, slapping his cheek a few times just so he knew where he stood with me. “Now piss off.”

  “I hope to see you in the ring, Count Nazari,” the Captain snarled as he shoved himself away from me and started wading back out of the water.

  “I look forward to it,” I called tauntingly, returning to my relaxed position against the wall with a sigh of relief.

  Silence again. And this time it had better last.

  If I was going to calm my bad mood enough to give Kyra a decent apology then I needed to clear my head.

  I breathed in deeply a few times, enjoying that glorious, clean scent as my eyes fell closed and I focused on the gentle lapping of the water around me. It was wonderfully relaxing and I couldn’t help but give in to the urge to sleep for just a little while. Hopefully when I woke, I’d have come up with a way to apologise to the genie.


  “Am I to wait all day, Count Nazari?” the Princess’s voice roused me and I shook my head, almost slipping beneath the water as I remembered where I was.

  The bathhouse had emptied out, leaving me alone in the water. Rapunzel stood at the top of the steps on the other side of the pool, fully dressed in a pale green gown.

  Shame she didn’t just decide to join me in the nude.

  My gaze slid over her appreciatively despite the fact that I would have welcomed her to remove her clothes for this meeting and I didn’t bother to hide my interest in what lay beneath her dress. Her arms were folded but I was sure I could detect a smile which she was trying to hide. Her handmaids stood on either side of her, both of them seeming a little embarrassed to have interrupted my bath.

  “Apologies, love, I must have dozed off,” I said, giving her a bright smile that forced hers to break free of her restraint in return.

  “The servants seemed a little afraid to come and retrieve you but as I was forced to wait on you, I began to wonder if this was your plan all along,” Rapunzel said.

  “And why would I plan for you to find me like this, wife? I’m utterly mortified that you would see me so exposed,” I said, though the tone of my voice told a different story.

  “You don’t seem very upset about it,” she replied mockingly.

  The water was cloudy with the oils that had been added to it and I knew she couldn’t see anything below my neck but as she’d come in here, I was willing to bet she wouldn’t object to seeing any more of me.

  I pushed myself to my feet and the water lapped around my waist as her maids both gasped.

  Water raced down my chest and I was pleased to see Rapunzel’s eyes following the course it took across my flesh.

  “Lady, we should withdraw,” one of the maids muttered, shielding her own eyes quickly. “This isn’t proper.”

  “Yes Jacinda, by all means withdraw,” Rapunzel said, making it clear she had no intention to retreat herself. Her gaze stayed fixed on me as I drew closer to her across the wide pool and I smirked at her. It was fairly dim in the bathhouse and I hoped the poor light would cover up the evidence of Cassian’s attack on my face. If she spotted any bruises now I’d be stuck with them marring my flesh until they healed, without being able to ask Kyra to remove them for me. Hopefully she’d be distracted enough by my exposed body not to notice any damage to my face.

  “I’ll be out of your way momentarily, love,” I assured her, daring her to stay put as I closed in on the steps.

  “Most people bathe robed in Osaria, Count Nazari,” Rapunzel commented and I didn’t fail to notice that she was using my full name and title as a means of defence against me.

  “Well I think we’re a little less refined where I come from,” I replied dismissively.

  I made it to the first step and moved onto it slowly. She fought against the urge to drop her gaze from my face as the water ran down my body and more of it was exposed.

  I grinned at her knowingly, daring her to look as I stepped up again. One more step and she’d be able to look at anything she wanted.

  The maid she’d called Jacinda had covered her face with her hands and was murmuring a prayer beneath her
breath but the Princess ignored her.

  I took another step and my smile widened as curiosity got the better of her and her gaze dropped to take every inch of me in.

  I didn’t change course, heading straight towards her and she inhaled sharply as I came to halt before her, completely exposed and soaking wet.

  Her eyes glimmered with amusement and more than a little interest. I dipped my head to her, capturing her hand in mine so that I could press a kiss to her knuckles.

  “All yours, love,” I breathed, talking about the bath but meaning much more than that.

  She seemed lost for words and I winked at her before releasing her hand and strolling out of the room.

  “I think my heart just stopped beating,” Jacinda muttered in horror as I withdrew.

  “So did mine,” the other maid replied with a much more excitable tone to her voice and I smirked as the Princess’s laughter followed me from the room.

  I grabbed a towel from a stack beside the door and quickly dried myself before pulling on my clothes and heading out into the sunshine.

  I crossed the gardens at a fast pace, wanting to get back to Kyra and make things right between us. I wondered if she’d stayed locked up in her room the whole time I’d been gone and my gut squirmed uncomfortably.

  I passed beneath an arch filled with the most stunning roses I’d ever seen. Their petals were a mixture of hues ranging from palest pink to purples and even blues. I picked the biggest one of all, earning myself an outraged look from one of the royal gardeners which I ignored. I’d never seen such a colourful flower and it seemed to fit with the genie who I owed everything to.

  I made my way back to our chambers and headed inside. I wondered whether Cassian might have returned yet but there was no sign of him in the silent space and I was glad. I didn’t need a witness to my apology. Kyra may have been owed it but that was between us and had nothing to do with the royal guard who seemed so inclined to hate me.

  I released a breath of frustration and drove Cassian from my mind; this wasn’t about him and I needed to make things right with Kyra.


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