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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

Page 33

by Caroline Peckham

  I stared at her in abject shock. We were so screwed.

  “Oh my baby boy.” She made a beeline for Kahn, placing a kiss on top of his head. “How handsome you look.”

  “Thank you, Mother,” he said with a smug grin, looking to Rapunzel for approval. She was inspecting her nails, pretending to be entirely unaware of Gothel's arrival.

  “Late again,” she commented at last, glancing up at her step-mother.

  “I had duties to attend to, Rapunzel,” Gothel said airily. She fanned herself with her hand, glaring at the nearest servant who rushed forward and began wafting her vigorously with the giant leaf in her grip.

  Gothel moved to her seat and dropped into it while the servants hurried to keep her cool.

  My hands curled up into tight fists.

  Fear snaked into my chest. What the hell were we going to do? Gothel knew Aladdin had the lamp. She wasn't going to stop until she got her hands on it. And no doubt our bodies would be left cold and lifeless in her wake.

  I sat in my favourite windowsill while the others enjoyed the feast and I ran my fingers across my flesh with interest. I couldn’t stop doing it. Ever since Aladdin had wished for my body to be mine again I’d become enraptured with it.

  Every sensation. Every urge. Each chill or flash of heat fascinated me.

  I spun my fingers through my hair, shivers of pleasure racing across my scalp in response and on down my spine.

  I looked at the clock. They’d only been gone five minutes but it felt like so much longer already.

  That’s because it’s been nearly two hours dumbass.

  “Oh,” I breathed. “Well that would explain it.”

  You should go and explore the castle.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Aladdin wants me to stay here.” And I didn’t want to disappoint my master. I glanced at the colourful rose he’d given me where it sat in a glass of water in the centre of the table and I couldn’t help but smile. I liked it even more than the ring he’d stolen for me. The flower was special, like he’d actually looked for something I would like and he’d been right in his choice. The thought of him caring about me enough to do such a thing left my heart feeling light with joy.

  He didn’t say that. He said you couldn’t come to the feast. And he also gave you your body back, which means you can use your legs to walk anywhere you please.

  I wasn’t sure if that was true but it was mightily tempting all the same. And I was right. He hadn’t said I couldn’t leave the room. And I’d been in the lamp for so long that the idea of exploring the palace was more than a little tempting. I was free and the idea was so alluring that I turned my gaze to the door I knew was unlocked with a hint of longing.

  I wondered if it was possible to be a bad influence on myself or if I was just bad without needing influence.

  Nothing wrong with being bad sometimes. Maybe you’ll like how it feels.

  I bit my lip as a tremor of excitement built in me at that thought. Perhaps I wasn’t forbidden from leaving. Or perhaps I was. Either way, stepping outside of these chambers lit an excitement in my chest that was just too tempting to ignore.

  They’re off eating now anyway, they won’t miss you.

  The idea that I had people who were capable of missing me filled me with happiness too and I decided I may as well go for it.

  I slipped off of the windowsill and ran to the door. The brush of my dress against my ankles drew a gasp of pleasure from my lips as I enjoyed the sensations delivered to me by my body all over again. I gripped the door handle and my heart started pounding. This felt naughty. Forbidden. And it made it all the more enticing.

  Your master never lets anything stop him. He set you free, it’s time you tasted what that freedom feels like without supervision.

  I was right about that and the knowledge gave me the confidence to push the door wide.

  I stepped out into the corridor and a laugh escaped my throat.

  I started running, leaving my feet bare so that I could appreciate the feeling of the smooth, cold tiles against my soles. It was glorious, thrilling, I wanted more of it and I stopped suddenly, willing my dress away so that I could lay my naked flesh against the tiles.

  I moaned in pleasure and the cold, cold, cold enveloped the front of my body before I rolled so that I could feel it on my back too.

  Super subtle. What if someone finds you like this?

  I released a sigh of disappointment and leapt to my feet, redressing myself. Although this time I opted for a different fashion, leaving my stomach exposed in the matching orange top and pants so that I could enjoy keeping more of my skin open to the sensations of the world.

  A servant stepped out of a door ahead of me carrying a basket of washing and I decided to follow her, wondering what real servants did with their days. I just created new clothes for Aladdin and Cassian when they required them and I hadn’t given much thought to what a proper servant did with the dirty items.

  The girl glanced back, noticing me shadowing her and I quickly looked up at the ceiling, whistling to myself.

  Great. Now she thinks you’re a weirdo as well as a stalker.

  I pursed my lips, wondering if I should have just talked to the girl instead of acting like a stalker.

  Bad idea. If you start asking her how to be a maid then she’s going to be suspicious about you. Best to keep to yourself.

  I sighed, accepting the fact that I was most likely right about that.

  I trailed my fingers along the walls as I walked, delighting in the sensation of the rough brickwork that danced beneath my fingertips, giving way to woven tapestries and artworks which were bobbly with paint.

  It was so enjoyable I almost closed my eyes to further appreciate it.

  Best not or you’ll end up walking into a wall.

  Why did I always have to be right all the time? I just wanted to experience the fullness of the pleasure my newly claimed flesh had to offer and I was ruining it with practicalities.

  I followed the serving girl down a flight of steps and into a much larger corridor filled with paintings of the royal family. A new one had just been put up of the Princess and her beauty shone brightly against the older, faded works which hung beyond it.

  The sound of heavy footfalls reached us and I looked up as the Emperor himself rounded a corner ahead of me flanked by six guards.

  For a moment I could only stare, his face was drawn with pain and my magic revealed the source of it to me. Beneath his flesh I could see a huge beetle sitting atop his brain, its spindly legs dug deep, pulling and twisting, guiding his actions and manipulating his tongue.

  One of its long legs had slid even deeper than the rest and I knew it was the source of the pain which lined his features. The thing was draining him of his life force, slowly but surely sucking him dry and driving him towards his death.

  Bow! For the love of all that’s holy BOW!

  I blinked a few times, realising that the Emperor was scowling at me while I stood in his way. The serving girl had dropped to her knees, her head low as she bowed to her ruler and I realised with a jolt that I should have been doing the same.

  I quickly stumbled back, dipping into the same posture as the other girl as his cold eyes raked over me.

  “Forgive me,” I breathed, praying that he’d turn away and forget about me.

  The last time I’d seen an Emperor looking like that at a woman it had been when he saw my sister and I knew too well how that tale ended.

  “You’re Nazari’s maid?” he asked, his boots staying right where they were.

  “I’m no one,” I murmured, fear slipping into my limbs as his attention remained fixed on me.

  Run. You should run. He’s looking at you in the same way. He’s going to take you, force you to be his and break you even more than you already are. It’s happening again. It’s all happening again!

  “My Queen has a theory that you’re his whore as well as his maid. She thinks your liege isn’t fit to wed my daught
er and that I should consider withdrawing him from the pageant. Is it true?”

  I dared to glance up at him and I trembled beneath his penetratingly dark gaze. I could see that this question was his own; the beetle poked and prodded him in various directions but it didn’t entirely guide his actions. Its main objective seemed to be maintaining loyalty to his Queen and as he’d mentioned her, the beetle had thrummed with dark energy. I guessed that she only had to whisper a suggestion into his ear and the beetle then got to work guiding him to do as she bid but he still maintained enough control to question some things.

  “No,” I breathed, unable to form more words than that.

  “So he’s never had his way with you? Never taken you to his bed? Or any of his other maids?” the Emperor demanded.

  I shook my head. “No. My master has been clear that my body is my own. He would never force me to do anything like that,” I replied honestly.

  “Good.” The Emperor nodded in a satisfied way, his gaze slipping away from me as if I was irrelevant and I released a heavy breath.

  I remained on my knees until he disappeared around the corner and I could be sure that he had no more interest in me than that simple question.

  Maybe coming out here was a bad idea. We should go back.

  I got to my feet, frowning as I realised that my other self was actually afraid. She was usually berating me for feeling fear but beneath the gaze of an Emperor she had lost every ounce of courage she had.

  I turned back the way I'd come and scampered away, summoning a small blade into my grip just in case the Emperor changed his mind about taking me. If he did I’d be ready. My body was mine and he couldn’t have it. If he tried to take it then I knew what to do. I’d done it before anyway. And if I was willing to kill one Emperor then I was certainly willing to kill another.

  Neither Aladdin or I said a word to each other until we stepped back into our chambers after the feast. But the second I shut the door, I lost it.

  “Shit!” I scraped a hand over my hair, spotting Kyra jumping to her feet from the couch in alarm.

  “What is it?” she gasped.

  “Gothel's alive,” Aladdin growled, his shoulders tensing.

  “We have to alert the guards about her dungeon – those potions,” I said.

  Aladdin shook his head. “She'll have covered her tracks. She's not a fool.”

  “Then what do we do? She's going to come for that lamp, Aladdin. It's only a matter of time.”

  Kyra sucked in a breath. “Don't let her take me.”

  “I won't,” Aladdin snarled, running his thumb over the necklace at his throat. “We just need some leverage on her. Something we can use to hold her off.”

  “You're right.” I called on my training to keep my heart still and my thoughts steady.

  I am made of steel.

  “But what...?” Aladdin pressed his lips together, beginning to pace.

  I watched him walk as I struggled to come up with an answer. We knew Gothel was a witch...but then again, did we know that? The face I'd seen beneath her exterior had been so horrifying. I'd read about sorcerers and nothing in those scriptures had ever mentioned such a thing.

  An idea struck me. “I'll go to the library.”

  Aladdin stalled, looking to me with an eye roll. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Let's go hang out with a bunch of dusty books.”

  “We can research her,” I said through my teeth.

  “Fine, mate. You do the reading, I'll do the listening.” Aladdin walked toward me with a grin.

  “I can do the dancing?” Kyra offered and Aladdin nodded keenly.

  “Yeah you do that,” he laughed.

  “Maybe it would be easier if I went alone-” I started.

  “Nah, you can just read out loud.” Aladdin went to slap my cheek but I caught his wrist with a triumphant grin.

  “Not this time, mate,” I echoed the way he spoke.

  “By Osaria, I'll get you next time,” he mimicked me as I knocked his hand away from me.

  I led the way out of the room, glancing down the hall and listening out for anyone who might be coming our way.

  “What's he doing?” Kyra whispered to Aladdin.

  “We must be prepared for an attack,” I muttered in answer.

  Kyra clicked her fingers and heavy armour appeared on her body. “Ready!” she announced.

  “Oh er, I’m not sure we need the armour just yet, Kyra,” I said while Aladdin laughed.

  Kyra blushed and willed it out of existence.

  “We don’t need it at all. Gothel can't do shit to us unless she forces a potion down our throats,” Aladdin said under his breath.

  “Kahn helped her before,” I said as we set off at a fast pace in the direction of the east wing. “We mustn't underestimate her.”

  Aladdin nodded, seeming to genuinely agree on the threat Gothel posed. Which, considering his usual cocky bullshit towards his opponents, meant a damn lot.

  We soon arrived at the royal library and I led the way through a set of frosted glass doors into the beautiful interior. Rows of shelves stretched out endlessly before us beneath a stained glass dome that glittered high above. Three levels stretched up towards it with spiralling iron staircases leading the way to each of them. Every bookcase was hand carved with intricate patterns and the corners of the wood were dipped in gold.

  The space was deathly quiet as we made our way forward, our footsteps echoing off of the navy tiles which were painted with silver moons and suns.

  “So many books,” Kyra sighed. “It's beautiful.”

  Aladdin didn't seem particularly impressed as I guided him through one of the finest libraries in the twelve kingdoms. But I supposed for a guy who couldn't read, this place didn't mean much to him. I pitied him for that, denied the stories of the written word and the knowledge kept hidden between leather bindings. Not that this place was privy to anyone lowborn. Another fault in our system. If you keep the poor ignorant, the rich stay rich. That was how Osaria had conducted itself for centuries. Something Gothel was hell-bent on continuing.

  Not on my watch.

  We rose to the second level and slipped between two bookshelves, the shadows thicker here as we approached the magical section of the library. A place I'd spent many moons reading up on sorcery. But what if I'd been looking in the wrong place..?

  I moved past the long row of books on sorcerers; I'd read every damn one of them and none had helped me come any closer to catching Gothel.

  I paused beside a row of dusty volumes, plucking out the first one while Aladdin picked another randomly.

  He flicked through the pages then thrust it at me. I chose a few more with promising titles and we moved to sit around a circular table. I pushed an encyclopaedia of magical beings toward Aladdin and he frowned.

  “It has art depicting each creature,” I said.

  “I didn't see what she looked like,” he said with a shrug.

  “Here,” Kyra said, tearing out a page from the book. I released a groan as she slammed the precious page down on the table and waved her hand over it. The words on the parchment dissolved and were replaced with a sketch of Gothel's true form.

  “Holy shit,” Aladdin breathed, snatching up the picture. “She's hideous!”

  “Like you,” Kyra agreed and I burst out laughing.

  Aladdin pursed his lips, placing the picture down and violently opening the book, making the spine crack.

  “Can you be careful with that?” I snapped.

  “No,” he said simply, wetting his thumb on his tongue before stamping it to each of the pages to flip through them.

  I clenched my jaw, forcing my attention to the task at hand as I opened the first book entitled, Enchanted Souls and Corporeal Magic.

  Time ticked by and I was overly aware of the ball tonight. We had less than three hours before we had to attend and with the books stacking up beside me, I was concerned we weren't going to find anything useful before then.

  Kyra had
moved away into the aisles and I spotted her sitting on top of one of the tall bookshelves, her legs crossed and a book open in her lap. She giggled to herself and Aladdin glanced her way with a hungry grin. Could he ever focus on the woman he was supposed to be trying to marry?

  I kicked him under the table and he looked back at me with a scowl. I shrugged, fighting a smile as I returned to the page I'd been reading.

  “This kinda looks like her,” Aladdin said eventually, pushing his book toward me and I took in the image of a shadowy creature with a face of black bone.

  I read the passage beneath it out loud and my blood chilled.

  “The Shaitan is an evil spirit born of darkness and fire. It is a creature of trickery and deceit, its words designed to manipulate the minds of men. Some stronger forms are known to possess the knowledge of alchemy through which its powers can be enhanced. With the right concoction, the creature can produce a beetle instilled with its own manipulative power. If such a creature enters the mind of a man, the Shaitan will acquire a strong influence over his nature.

  “The evil spirit must feast on a youthful heart once every lunar cycle to keep its influence strong. Though little is known of their origin, the scholar Jul-Quedus named them as 'creatures of purest evil embodied' and warned humankind against their influence. Another scholar, Tamir Farar, stated that once a Shaitan has claimed a mind to feed its influence to, it will grow stronger and crave more power. Magic to a Shaitan, is its greatest desire.

  Legend tells that a Shaitan at its most powerful can whisper into the minds of even the dead and raise them from their eternal sleep. In doing so it could bring about the Yawm ad-Dīn i.e. the day of judgment and the annihilation of all life on earth.”

  My gut knotted as I looked up, finding Kyra had moved to stand behind Aladdin, her mouth hanging open. “That's not good.”

  Aladdin sat back in his seat with a taut expression. “So basically, we're screwed.”

  “There's more,” I breathed, glancing back down at the book.

  “Break it to me gently, mate,” Aladdin said, taking a silver knife from his sleeve which he'd obviously stolen from the feast. He twisted it between his fingers as I went on.


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