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Sutcliffe Cove

Page 15

by Ariel Tachna

  “It might be by the time we’re done,” Brett retorted with a grin. “Seeing as how I intend to fuck you while we’re out there. And then you’ll have to ride back.”

  Gerald twitched in surprise and looked at Brett sideways as he laughed. “That sounds like a hell of a fuck!”

  “Oh, it will be,” Brett promised. “It will be.”

  FULL from the delicious hibachi dinner and pleasantly tired after the long day, Gerald walked alongside Brett with his hands in his pockets as they made their way back to the car. It was dark outside, but the lights from the large mall lot and signs kept it lit well. Gerald enjoyed the dinner; it had been funny watching Brett react to the chef’s entertainment at the grill, and seeing his lover try to catch in his mouth a piece of shrimp that was lobbed at him still had him chuckling.

  “How about a nightcap?” he asked.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Brett agreed. “I’ve got drinks at the house.”

  “How about my house?” Gerald suggested, wondering if Brett would be interested in seeing it. They were on the right side of town, and it wouldn’t take long to get there.

  “I’d love to, Gerry,” Brett agreed with a huge smile. “We’ve never gone there.”

  Gerald smiled, glad he’d pleased him. “Good. It won’t take long. And I’ve got beer.” He frowned a little. “I think.”

  Brett laughed. “Even more importantly, do you have lube?”

  Gerald glanced up, his face even more pinched. “We better stop at the Walgreens.”

  Brett threw his head back and laughed. “I’ll run in. Anything else you need while we’re there?”

  “Probably a razor. And a toothbrush.” Gerald paused. “And deodorant. Damn.” He laughed a little. “I guess I keep everything at your place now.”

  “We can go back to the farm,” Brett offered, though he really wanted to see Gerald’s place.

  Now that Gerald had the idea in his head, he wanted Brett to see his house. He wouldn’t call it home anymore, but it was the idea behind it. It was the one part of his life he hadn’t shared with Brett, such as it was. “No, let’s go. It will take longer to go back to the farm, and I have plans.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Brett replied with a grin.

  “Good,” Gerald said with a wink as they got in the car.

  IT took a half-hour shopping trip at Walgreens, but soon enough Gerald pulled into the drive that led to his house in a newer subdivision. It was a ranch-style building with a vaulted roof, big windows, and nice landscaping, built in the past ten years.

  Gerald shut off the car around the back where there was a porch off sliding glass doors and an access entrance next to the garage. “Here we are.”

  “Nice,” Brett commented with a low whistle, looking around at the spacious house. It wasn’t huge, but it was definitely more than a simple bachelor’s pad. He’d known Gerald was comfortable given the money he was willing to spend on riding, but he’d have guessed—if he’d thought about it—that his lover lived in a small condo or townhouse somewhere.

  “Come on in,” Gerald invited as he unlocked the side door. They entered a wide open sitting area with two big overstuffed couches and a decent-sized TV on a wide shelf. The room was separated from the kitchen by a bar. The walls were painted a rich wine red with white trim; the floor was a warm maple hardwood that matched the kitchen cabinets. A hallway led toward the front of the house, and a set of stairs ran up the left side wall. “Do you want the nickel tour?”

  “As long as it ends in the bedroom,” Brett joked.

  Gerald grinned. “The master suite is upstairs. We can start there, if you like.” He toed out of his shoes and kicked them to the side of the couch.

  “I think I can wait the ten minutes it’ll take for you to show me the rest,” Brett deadpanned, “although you might want to talk fast.”

  “This is the great room.” Gerald waved his hand around. “The kitchen, of course,” he beckoned for Brett to follow. There was a formal living room and dining room, one on each side of the front door, and two bedrooms on that floor as well. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “The upstairs is really a loft setup in the garret.”

  “Skylight?” Brett asked hopefully. “I’d love to make love to you by moonlight.”

  Gerald smiled. “Come on,” he said, curling his fingers through Brett’s and leading him up the stairs. At the top was a small sitting area with a computer desk, but the rest of the space was totally open under the slanted ceiling, besides a queen-size bed with its headboard against the side wall. The tall windows on the back of the house opened next to it, and the bed was indeed bathed in light from outside. “Not a skylight, but—”

  “Close enough,” Brett said softly, his eyes taking in the airy room and gentle light. “Definitely close enough.” Taking Gerald’s hand in his, he turned his lover into a tender embrace, resting their foreheads together so that their breaths mingled between them, each exhalation caressing the other’s lips.

  Gerald let his eyes flutter shut as he raised one hand to lightly touch Brett’s cheek. They’d had sex many times, often energetically. They’d taken their time over slow pleasures. But this, this felt different, gentle and loving, and Gerald just wanted to sink into it and never climb out.

  Lifting his hand to Gerald’s cheek, Brett spread his fingers along the ridged cheekbone, his palm resting against his jaw. Words backed up on his lips, declarations he wanted to make, but he wasn’t quite confident enough yet. Soon, he hoped. Gerald said he’d be willing to consider a long-term commitment. Brett would just have to find a way to persuade him, and making love to him—truly loving him with every ounce of his being—would be the first step. To that end, he waltzed Gerald backward toward the bed, lowering him onto it fully clothed, and stretched out beside the other man.

  Gerald let himself be moved, and when he felt Brett settle beside him he shifted to watch his lover’s graceful movements. He immediately reached out to touch, just to make that connection, to know they were both there together. The quiet around them in the loft was a tangible force as it cradled them.

  For a long moment, Brett simply lay there, palm cupping Gerald’s face, head tilted into Gerald’s hand. Time stretched, and the moonlight settled around them until nothing existed outside this room, this bed. To stop the words he dared not say, Brett leaned forward and connected their lips tenderly.

  Sighing into the kiss, Gerald felt himself so totally in the moment that the world seemed to recede, leaving nothing but his lover there to hold him. There was nothing for him to do but express everything he felt in those kisses.

  Slowly, Brett unbuttoned Gerald’s shirt, pressing open-mouthed kisses over the skin as he revealed it. He inhaled deeply, letting Gerald’s spicy scent wash over him. Gerald hummed softly in approval, sliding his hands over Brett’s shoulders and back, caressing, trying to gently pull him closer. Brett scooted at Gerald’s encouragement, aligning their bodies completely, just resting together as he kissed and stroked Gerald’s skin.

  Gerald wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what. His fingers slid into Brett’s hair, and he rubbed lightly as he slid his hand slowly down his lover’s leg and met Brett’s mouth for a longer, deeper kiss, one meant more to enflame than calm.

  The kiss had the desired reaction. Brett’s fingers dug lightly into Gerald’s arms as desire sparked along with the love and tenderness swamping him. He lifted his leg along Gerald’s, encouraging his lover to touch as he pleased.

  Gerald did, dragging out the caresses, but hitting all the right places. He knew just where to touch Brett to turn him on and just what to do to make him harder. But tonight, he wanted to extend it until they were both crying and begging for release.

  Brett sensed Gerald holding back, just as he was, and so he started the happy task of driving his lover wild with desire. He kept his touch light, but began seeking the sensitive spots: the inside of Gerald’s elbow, the line of his ribs, the furrow above his hip where his w
ell-defined abs began to narrow.

  The soft gasp was a tell-tale sign of Gerald’s arousal. He stretched a little under Brett’s hands and let out a shuddering breath as his face flushed with warmth. He breathed his lover’s name and returned the attention, half-distracted.

  “Lie back and let me love you,” Brett suggested softly, feeling Gerald’s caresses stumble. “You can return the favor when I’m done.”

  “As much as you want,” Gerald murmured, settling his shoulders back onto the bedspread.

  Pushing up onto his knees, Brett pulled off Gerald’s shoes, letting them thunk softly to the ground, then stripped away his lover’s pants and boxers, leaving him delightfully naked. He was tempted to go straight for the beautiful, ruddy cock saluting him, but that would be rushing, and he didn’t want to do that tonight. Instead, he lowered his head to Gerald’s feet, lifting one into his hand and brushing his lips across the sensitive arch.

  Gerald moaned and lifted his head to watch. The care put into just that little gesture was enthralling. He took a moment to thank God that he’d found Brett, who felt as strongly about him as he did in return. It filled him with joy, just as he soon hoped to be filled with passion.

  Slowly, carefully, Brett worked his way up Gerald’s foot to his ankle, his fingers massaging firmly, wanting to please him in every way possible. He nipped gently at the tendon between heel and ankle, enjoying the way Gerald shivered.

  Gerald was starting to wonder what the hell he’d done to deserve Brett, because he sure needed to know to keep doing it. He wanted Brett around as long as he could keep him.

  Working his way higher, Brett urged Gerald to spread his legs so he could kneel between them as he licked his way up his lover’s toned calf to the back of his knee, nipping and sucking at the hairless flesh.

  Laughing breathlessly, Gerald clasped Brett’s shoulders as he wiggled under the attention. “Oh God,” he finally whispered.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Brett purred, not letting up in the least.

  “No. Never.” Gerald sighed as he shivered.

  Brett chuckled. “That might make the horses a little testy.” He kissed his way slowly up Gerald’s inner thigh, stopping when the top of his head brushed against his lover’s balls. Gently setting down the leg he held, he reached for the other, beginning the process all over again on the other side.

  Gerald whined softly, unable to keep still under the light kisses and warm tongue. “Right now I couldn’t care less about horses. God, please don’t stop.”

  Brett grinned. “Don’t let Misfit hear you say that.” Not waiting for Gerald’s reply, he sank his teeth carefully into the sensitive tendon on the back of his lover’s knee. Gerald wailed softly, and one hand strayed to grasp his thickened cock and hold it tight. He didn’t want to come yet. Not for a long while, if he could manage it.

  “Did you need something, baby?” Brett teased, lifting his head to wink at Gerald before soothing the bite with tender kisses.

  “Need you,” Gerald breathed. “Always need you.” He moaned as Brett’s hands coasted over his sensitized skin.

  “You have me,” Brett promised, kissing his way up Gerald’s thigh to his groin. “Any way you want me, you have me. Tell me what you want, baby. What’ll make you feel good tonight? Do you want me to suck you? Or maybe rim you? I could keep licking all over. What do you want?”

  “You drive me fucking wild with that tongue,” Gerald rasped, the desire overwhelming his normal reserve. “I want to feel it all over, inside and out.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Brett teased, running his tongue from the base of Gerald’s cock to the tip, then moving farther up to lick one peaked nipple, then the other. Gerald whimpered with every swipe and shivered as the wet trail left behind was exposed to air. One hand grasped desperately at the bedspread, the other at Brett’s arm.

  “Easy, baby,” Brett soothed. “We’re just getting started.” To prove his point, he rubbed his still-clothed cock against Gerald’s hip. “See. I’m still wearing clothes. Now, turn over for me so I can get at your luscious ass.”

  Gerald’s eyes closed as heat tore through him, and he moaned as he turned over and pulled a pillow under his chest. There was no way he’d be able to stay on his knees for this. “Please.”

  Brett grinned and started at the nape of Gerald’s neck, working his way down his spine, lingering over each vertebra before finally making his way to the upper curve of his lover’s ass. The way Gerald spread his legs made it obvious what he wanted, but Brett didn’t give it to him right away. Instead, he took his time licking the cheeks, paying attention to every millimeter. With every touch of Brett’s tongue Gerald’s hips moved slightly against the bed, pushing his cock teasingly into the fluffy spread, and Gerald gasped out a sound of disappointment. He couldn’t get enough pressure to help relieve the building ache in his groin.

  Grabbing Gerald’s hips to hold them still and keep him from getting himself off too soon, Brett parted the muscular cheeks and licked along the sweaty crease. “Talk to me, baby,” he urged. “Tell me how it feels.”

  “You’re teasing me,” Gerald moaned, pushing his ass up toward Brett. “Please… I need it! I’m empty without you.”

  Brett had been teasing, but the desperation in Gerald’s voice caused a sudden spike in his own desire, and the slight contact no longer satisfied him. Hands spreading Gerald’s ass more, Brett buried his face, his tongue spearing as deep as he could get it, lips working on the outer pucker.

  “Oh God!” Gerald cried, rocking backward, trying to get more of that slick muscle in him so it fucked him and drove him wild. He chanted Brett’s name as the tension in him spiraled higher. Ever since the first time Brett had done this to him, he’d been unable to resist, and it turned him on faster and harder than anything else. But Gerald still craved Brett’s cock inside him.

  Brett tongue-fucked his lover until he couldn’t ignore the throbbing in his cock. Pulling away and ripping open his pants, he looked around for the Walgreens bag. Finding it on the floor next to the bed, he tore open the box of lube, grabbed the tube, and coated his fingers with the slippery gel. “Tell me you’re ready for me,” he pleaded.

  “Way ahead of you,” Gerald panted, clumsily climbing to his knees. “I’m hurting for it.”

  Determined not to hurt Gerald, Brett slid two fingers into the glistening hole.

  “Please!” Gerald cried out. “No more! I need you inside me, you! Now!”

  Brett’s reserve shattered. He swiped his hand across his cock, lined up the tip, and pushed home hard, not giving Gerald a chance even to catch his breath before picking up a pounding rhythm. Gerald’s thrilled scream echoed on the walls around them, and his cries were constant as he begged for more.

  Brett gave him all he had, pummeling the upturned ass with every ounce of his strength, straining to join them one centimeter more, one bit closer to the complete match he already felt in his heart.

  Absolutely sure he’d come apart at the seams if any more pleasure soaked through him, Gerald awkwardly reached for his bobbing cock. The barest touch set him off with a deep bellow of pained ecstasy. His hips jerked as he came; the come shot out to wet the bedspread below him.

  Gerald’s internal muscles massaged the full length of Brett’s cock and triggered his climax, his hips stuttering in their rhythm, pulse after pulse of hot come filling Gerald’s ass. The sudden laxity in the body beneath him startled Brett into pulling out. “Gerry?”

  All that answered him was soft breaths and a shudder.

  Rolling to the side, Brett stripped quickly and then did his best to juggle Gerald and the sheets so they could spoon together beneath the covers. With a sigh, he pressed a kiss to Gerald’s cheek and fell asleep.

  GERALD clucked a little to get Misfit’s attention as the mare looked across the corral to where a bunch of kids were making noise. He smiled at their antics and patted Misfit’s neck. “Good girl. Nothing to be excited about.”

�ll be gone in a few minutes,” Brett assured both horse and rider. “And then it’ll just be us.”

  “I don’t know. I think Misfit might rather be with them than with me,” Gerald said as the horse shied a little toward the kids.

  “I doubt that,” Brett replied. “She’s skittish from the noise. There’s a reason I don’t use her with beginners. Tighten the reins a little and give her a nudge. Get her attention and make her listen to you.”

  Gerald did as instructed, and Misfit seemed to calm down. “C’mon, girl, we’re doing fine,” he said as they made their way toward the corral exit as Brett walked alongside.

  Opening the gate, Brett stepped aside so Gerald and Misfit could go inside. He kept a close eye on the kids cleaning up from the last lesson of the day, making sure they didn’t get too close to the high-strung mare while Gerald was still in the saddle. “You did great today,” he praised as he shut the gate and followed Gerald into the barn. “Your first attempt at jumping an X. And you thought you wouldn’t be any good.”

  “I don’t think I’ve been that nervous in a long time,” Gerald admitted. “I was afraid I’d do something wrong and Misfit would get hurt.”

  Brett laughed. “Which is why she’s extra skittish tonight. You did fine. And I wouldn’t have suggested we try it if I didn’t think you were ready. Get her undressed, and we’ll finish up the last of the chores. Then we can relax a little before bed.”

  “Relaxing wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Gerald teased as he dismounted and landed a little wobbly.

  “I said before bed, not before going to sleep,” Brett retorted with a grin. He’d wait a little longer before kissing Gerald the way he wanted to. He could still hear the last of the kids talking as their parents picked them up, and he didn’t want anything to interrupt them.

  Gerald grinned and began unfastening Misfit’s tack, dodging her as she bobbed her head. “Misfit,” he chided gently. “Let me get this stuff off, and you can fuss all you want in your stall.”


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