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Sutcliffe Cove

Page 16

by Ariel Tachna

  Brett shook his head at their antics and went to get his work gloves. He turned Shah out and grabbed the manure cart. The staff cleaned the other stalls earlier in the day, but he didn’t let his big brute out until all the kids were gone for the night, so Shah’s stall still needed mucking. “Turn her out for the night rather than leaving her in her stall,” Brett called out. “Let her stretch her legs.”

  Gerald got the saddle off, wiped Misfit down, and grabbed up her lead rope. He got to the field fence and led her inside. She kept bobbing her head, though, as he tried to unclip the lead. “Misfit,” he said firmly. “Hold still.”

  And just as he got the lead off, Misfit shifted without warning and bumped into Gerald hard. Flailing, Gerald fell sideways and backward—right into the manure pile.

  Misfit whinnied and galloped off, the sound drawing Brett’s attention. “Gerry?” he called. “You all right?”

  Gerald sat there on his ass in the mess, disgruntled, nose wrinkled. “Yeah,” he answered, the tone of his voice obviously unhappy. He turned his chin to glare after Misfit.

  Frowning, Brett tossed the pitchfork on the manure cart and went in search of his lover. He couldn’t bite back the bark of laughter that escaped at the sight of the other man sitting in the pile of manure. “Did she knock you over?”

  Gerald rolled his eyes. “You think?” He looked down at himself. “Great.”

  “Come on,” Brett urged, extending his hand. “Let’s get you hosed off.”

  With a sigh, Gerald took Brett’s hand and got to his feet, only sliding a little. “You know, I’ve never complained about mucking out stalls, but this is a little much,” he muttered.

  “Don’t worry; you’ll wash,” Brett teased. “Come on. There’s a hose around back where we can get the worst off, and then you can take a shower when we go inside.”

  Gerald followed Brett around and stood looking at the hose as Brett bent over to pick it up. “That water’s going to be cold,” he predicted.

  “Maybe a little, but I promise to warm you up afterward,” Brett replied, turning it on and adjusting the spray so it wouldn’t be too hard against Gerald’s body. When he was satisfied, he turned the jet on his lover, watching with hungry interest as the thin T-shirt turned translucent and his lover’s dark nipples peaked beneath the cloth.

  Gasping, Gerald turned his back on the water. “Geez, Brett! That’s cold! My balls are going to crawl up inside and not come out! Geez!”

  Brett kept spraying, soaking the back of Gerald’s T-shirt and the seat of his jeans. “I’ll warm them up, baby. I’m sure I can get them to come back out for me.”

  Gerald gurgled a little and made himself turn around, though his teeth were gritted. “Now I know why the horses don’t want a wash sometimes.” He closed his arms around himself, his fingers sinking into the soaked cloth and pulling it taut against his chest. His jeans were soaked as well, sticking to every single curve and crease.

  “God, you look good enough to eat.” Brett groaned, ignoring the fact that Gerald’s clothes still stank to high heaven. He didn’t care. Clothes could be removed, and the skin underneath was always sweet.

  Gerald shook himself, flinging water every which way. “I think the worst is off now. I’ll have to strip down before going in the house, though. These clothes reek.” He looked at Brett and waited for him to turn off the hose.

  “Strip now,” Brett suggested hoarsely, lowering the pressure on the water but not turning it off. “Let’s get you completely clean, and then we’ll warm you up.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Gerald tipped his head to one side and lowered his hands to his waist. He slowly unfastened his button fly, having to suck his belly in because the fabric clung so close.

  Brett let the spray water the grass for a moment while Gerald’s tawny skin came into view an inch at a time. When the jeans hit the ground along with the T-shirt, he raised the water again, dousing Gerald once more before dropping the hose and crossing to Gerald’s side. “We can run for the house, or there’s a nice, warm hayloft about ten steps from here. It’s your choice,” he offered, running his hands over Gerald’s chilly skin.

  Gerald answered that question by cupping Brett’s face and kissing him, making it hot and wet as he rubbed himself against the other man’s clothes.

  Brett didn’t need any more encouragement. Closing his arms around Gerald’s waist, he staggered back into the barn, dragging his lover along, and kicked open the door to the hay loft. He pushed Gerald up the ladder in front of him, and then down on the blanket used to keep down the dust. Gerald immediately knelt up, working to get Brett’s pants undone. Brett helped him by toeing off his boots and pulling his shirt over his head before falling back on his lover, biting ravenously at the column of his neck.

  Gasping aloud and grasping Brett’s shoulders, Gerald turned his chin to encourage the attention as he struggled to shove down his briefs. Finally free of them, he wrapped his long legs around Brett’s thighs and dug his cold fingers into his lover’s warm skin.

  “No lube,” Brett groaned in frustration, though there was no way he could stop now. Spinning around, he straddled Gerald’s shoulders, leaning down and sucking on the other man’s chilly cock.

  The heat of Brett’s mouth sent a full-body shudder through Gerald, who parted his lips to try to catch his lover’s erection as it bobbed before him. He teased at it with his tongue as warmth started to ripple through him.

  Brett glanced back long enough to position himself to give Gerald easier and more comfortable access. He didn’t want his lover feeling anything but pleasure. Returning his attention to the slowly awakening erection in front of him, he tongued it lovingly, working his way down its entire length to the usually heavy balls beneath. As Gerald had predicted, they were drawn up tightly. With a grin, he sucked on the cold flesh until it warmed and swelled against his mouth.

  Sighing as wet heat chased the chill away, Gerald slowly sucked Brett’s cock into his mouth, working it gently as he moaned quietly. He really liked a good sixty-nine; it let him draw out his arousal for a longer time, especially when he was slow to harden to start with. Although that wasn’t a problem with Brett. With a throaty hum he lapped about the thick flesh between his lips.

  Only the same intense concentration that had allowed Brett to compete at the highest levels of show riding allowed him to control the desire to thrust into the hot, wet heat around his cock. At this angle, he’d bet he could sink all the way down Gerald’s throat with no trouble, but he wasn’t about to impose. He’d wait for an invitation before doing that.

  Groaning as the suction stiffened his cock and the pull of nerves in his gut, Gerald tried to return the favor just as firmly. He lifted his head from the hay in an attempt to get more of Brett’s erection into his mouth, slurping around its length.

  Taking Gerald’s movement as an invitation, Brett rocked his hips carefully, not wanting to choke him, but needing to be deeper in the tempting warmth. As he did, he lowered his head until his lips brushed Gerald’s groin, his cock all the way into Brett’s throat.

  Gerald gasped around the cock lodged in his mouth before tipping his head back to give as much room as he could to take it in. It was a thrill, feeling the circuit they completed as electric sensation zipped through them. He reached up to clutch at Brett’s hips, urging him to move more.

  Brett gasped as he sank deeper into Gerald’s throat. God, nothing felt like Gerald’s hands and mouth on his body! Slipping a finger into his mouth next to Gerald’s cock, he wet it quickly, then returned to giving his lover the best blow job he could manage while lightly fingering his ass at the same time. He wanted Gerald delirious with sensation.

  The press of Brett’s fingers made Gerald gulp, taking in more of Brett’s cock than he expected, but his lover pulled out just as quickly before pushing in again. Gerald moaned, the vibrations moving through his tongue and lips as he let his knees fall askew, trying to encourage his lover. Brett’s mouth was driving him wild, and Geral
d’s erection was no question now. He wanted to move his hips, to push up and against that wicked tongue.

  Gripping Gerald’s hips with one hand, Brett continued to tantalize the tight pucker, pressing against it erratically, sometimes barely a brush, sometimes enough to slip in almost to the first knuckle. His head bobbed over the thick cock as he did, keeping Gerald on the edge with deliberate precision.

  Gerald finally had to whine as he struggled to wiggle under Brett as the sensations started to build fast. He didn’t want to come yet! It was so good….

  Brett wouldn’t be denied, though, his hands pinning Gerald in place as he sucked harder, determined to bring Gerald off quickly so they could go inside, take a shower—preferably together—and continue this in bed. With lube.

  Gerald knew he’d lost the fight when Brett held him down, and so he opened his mouth to release Brett’s cock and gasped for breath. “Brett… Brett….” He gasped as he began to shake and groan, the climax taking him over.

  The desperate sound of his lover’s moans nearly undid Brett’s control, but he focused on the man beneath him and the flavor of hot come coating his tongue, barely managing to hold back as he sucked and sucked until Gerald began to twitch all over, unconsciously trying to squirm away from the sensation overload. The shaky moans under him degenerated into soft gasps for breath and then a long groan.

  “Fuck,” Gerald muttered.

  “Did you know your language seriously degenerates when you come?” Brett teased, swinging around and pressing a kiss to the side of Gerald’s mouth. “So, warmer now?”

  “Fuck,” Gerald breathed again before dragging his eyes open. “Warmer,” he said hoarsely. “Yeah. You could say that.”

  “Then let’s head inside and into the shower,” Brett suggested. “I stink of horses still.”

  Gerald laughed breathlessly. “You’re going to have to help me up,” he said apologetically.

  Brett laughed as well, pushing to his feet and grabbing Gerald’s hand to pull him up as well. “Can you walk or do you expect me to carry you?” he teased.

  “As much as that’s an interesting idea, I think I’m done for the night.” Gerald climbed to his feet and moved close to slide his arms around Brett’s waist, nudging his groin against Brett’s obvious erection. “But you aren’t.”

  “So let’s get cleaned up and we can see what you can do about that.” Brett kissed him gently. “And who knows, maybe I’ll persuade you back to life again.”

  Gerald grinned and grabbed his briefs from the hay, crumpling them up in one hand. “Who knows? If anyone could, it would be you.” He looked out of the stable door. “I’m leaving those clothes, though.” He looked down at his briefs and shrugged. “I guess if anyone’s here they’ll get a show.”

  “Everybody left before Misfit knocked you in the manure,” Brett assured him, not bothering with his own clothes either. “We’re perfectly safe heading back to the house as we are.”

  With a sigh, Gerald climbed down the ladder and started toward the house. “Today has been eventful,” he said, picking his way across the gravel in his bare feet. “I’m glad I’ve got clothes to change into.”

  “You could always wear some of mine if you needed to,” Brett offered, walking gingerly along behind Gerald, eyeing him as he did. “I don’t know if my jeans would fit, but my sweats would, at least enough to keep you decently covered. I don’t want anyone else ogling your ass.”

  Gerald looked over his shoulder. “I thought I was the one with the ass fetish.”

  “You may be, but I seem to be developing one,” Brett replied. “Ever since the night we went swimming, I’ve wanted to get my hands on it. I just wasn’t free at the time, and I had no idea if you were interested.”

  “Since we went swimming? You mean after the bonfire?” Gerald asked as he hopped up onto the steps, glad to be out of the gravel. His sated cock swung free against the toned muscles of his thighs.

  “Yes,” Brett admitted, riveted by the sight of his lover nude out in the open air. “I turned around as you were getting dressed, and I about grabbed you right then. My tongue was dragging the ground looking at you.”

  Gerald blinked, stopping in place. “I… I saw you,” he confided. “With this impressive hard-on,” he said, moving his hand to cup it. “But you were with Robbie.” He shrugged. “Didn’t even occur to me to think it might be for me.”

  “He was gone,” Brett reminded Gerald. “Of course it was for you. I’m just sorry it took until he got his promotion for me to realize how ill-suited he and I really were.”

  Taking Brett’s hand, Gerald drew him inside the house and shut the door. “He wasn’t for you,” Gerald told him. “He didn’t love the horses or the farm.”

  “I can see that now,” Brett agreed. “It just took me awhile to see what was right in front of my face.” He pulled Gerald into his arms and kissed him gently. “I won’t make the same mistake again. Not now that I have you.”

  Gerald smiled against Brett’s lips and slid his arms around his lover’s waist to complete the embrace. “Let’s see what else you can see,” he teased as he rubbed his thigh against Brett’s still-hard cock. “I apparently still have your interest.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Brett gasped. “Shower!”

  “Shower,” Gerald agreed. “And then you’re going to fuck me,” he said as he turned to start up the stairs, deliberately looking back over his shoulder.

  “Oh, yeah!” Brett repeated, racing after Gerald’s retreating ass.

  Gerald laughed as he high-tailed it back into Brett’s bathroom, grabbing the door frame to stop his forward motion before he hit the wall. He leaned over to turn on the water.

  The sight of that upturned backside was just too tempting to resist. Brett slid both hands over the smooth, bare skin, squeezing tightly before he rubbed his cock down the crease. Gerald looked over his shoulder, bracing himself on one hand as he reached back to curl his arm around Brett’s hip. “Sure you don’t want to fuck me first?” he purred, rubbing his ass against the hard cock behind him.

  “How about I fuck you during?” Brett suggested, grabbing a tube of silicone lube he’d bought against just such an eventuality. “You can brace yourself against the wall.”

  Gerald smiled slowly as he straightened. “You’re on,” he said, stepping over the lip of the tub and into the spray.

  Brett crowded him close into the shower, rubbing against him eagerly. The hot water felt good on his skin. He squeezed a dollop of gel onto his fingers. “Spread ’em,” he growled.

  Gerald moved his legs apart so he could stand steady with his hands on the wall. Brett would be so close there wouldn’t be anywhere for him to slide to anyway. An idea occurred as Brett’s words echoed in his ears, and he reached behind himself to pull his cheeks apart. The hot water coursed down his back, over his fingers, and into his cleft.

  “Like that?” Gerald asked after hearing Brett’s comment. “C’mon, you know you want it,” he teased as he pushed against Brett’s finger.

  “Oh fuck,” Brett groaned when he saw how Gerald interpreted his order. It wasn’t what he’d intended, but he was sure it had the effect Gerald desired as Brett’s cock jumped eagerly, ready to be buried in his lover’s hot ass. Smearing the gel, he poked gently at the tight pucker, enticing it to open for him. “I don’t want to hurt you,” Brett said, resisting the urge to shove inside and plunge deep.

  Gerald grinned against his arm. “Use more gel,” he instructed as he shimmied against Brett.

  Brett groaned again, adding more lube and driving two fingers deep into Gerald’s ass. “Tell me if it hurts,” he requested. He wasn’t averse to a little rough loving, but only if both parties were willing.

  “Brett, you’ve been fucking me almost every day for weeks now,” Gerald said breathlessly as he rubbed his thighs together. While he wasn’t sporting an erection, it still felt really good to have Brett touch him. It would feel even better having Brett inside him. “It’s not going to hurt.”<
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  Gerald was probably right, Brett acknowledged. He slicked his cock and pressed the tip against the loosening muscles. Gerald pushed back immediately, encouraging Brett to go deeper, until his groin brushed his lover’s ass. “Oh yeah,” Gerald groaned. “Feels so good.”

  “It’s supposed to,” Brett gasped, the hot water and hotter ass around his cock driving him wild.

  Gerald started pushing back, driving the tempo, encouraging Brett to do more. He managed to brace himself on one forearm against the wall so he could wrap his free hand around his cock. He could tell he wouldn’t be fucking Brett tonight, but there was no reason not to enjoy.

  Brett wanted to hang on, to find a way to rouse Gerald again before he came, but that didn’t seem likely, however much he wanted it. He’d settle for not embarrassing himself by coming after just a few strokes.

  Laughing breathlessly, Gerald had to move both hands to the wall as Brett thrust into him. “Oh God….” He gasped as the cock sliding inside him pressed against his prostate, and he thunked his forehead gently against the wall.

  That about summed it up as far as Brett was concerned, but finding the words to agree was beyond him. He thrust shallowly, keeping the pressure constant on Gerald’s prostate in the hopes of making his lover feel as good as he felt.

  Gerald was soon mewling and hanging on to the metal bar set into the shower wall as he quivered under Brett. “Oh please… please….” He struggled to breathe, unable to hold still as the stimulation went hot inside him. “Please touch me.” He wanted to come again; it hurt so, so good.

  Immediately, Brett reached around, grasping Gerald’s cock with one hand, his chest with the other, finding his nipples and tweaking them, one, then the other, then back again, trying to give his lover everything he needed.

  Low moans rippled from Gerald as his body went taut. “Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me fucking come again….”

  “That’s what I want, baby,” Brett whispered. “I want to feel you come apart around me. What do you need?” He shuttled his fist faster on Gerald’s hardening cock as he waited for the answer.


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