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Fall Knee-Deep In It

Page 6

by Monica Walters

  She glanced at me before spitting out her toothpaste and her cheeks slightly reddened. Once she’d rinsed her mouth, I pulled her to me, immediately kissing her lips, then her neck. She released a soft moan as I lifted her to the vanity. Going to her nipples, I gently pulled one in my mouth, sucking it slowly. When I released it, I asked, “Do you mind if I taste you for breakfast?”

  She lifted her legs, putting her feet flat on the vanity, then pulled me to her. No more words were needed as I took my time taking her to ecstasy, making love to her with my mouth. I was determined to show her that there was an art to eating pussy and I planned to Picasso my name all over it. Her hands held my head steady as her phone rang back in the bedroom. Lifting my head, I stared at her to see what her decision would be. It could have very well been a business call. Instead, she pulled my face back to her priceless jewel, commanding that I finish the task I’d started.

  Within a couple of minutes, she came violently, slapping the wall with her hand, but holding me in place with the other. Her screams let me know that I would be indulging in her fruit once again, because there was no way she could walk away from this and not want more. When she gathered her composure, she slid from the vanity and kissed my lips, then went to the bedroom to get her phone.

  I followed behind her to get her shower gel from her bag but before I could make it back to the bathroom, she said, “He did what?”

  The alarm in her voice made me turn to look at her. She ran her hand through her hair and said, “Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  When she ended the call, she said, “Fuck!”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Rocco practically destroyed the apartment. I’m going to lose my deposit and they’re requesting that I move now.”

  What kind of nigga was she involved with? I assume she saw the questions through my facial expression, because she continued, “He doesn’t have anyone. It was like he depended on me to always be there for him. I was his crutch. Both his parents are deceased, he doesn’t really know his family because they aren’t from here, and he doesn’t have siblings. It was why I dealt with him for so long. I felt sorry for him and in the process, I crippled him, letting him get away with bullshit I shouldn’t have. And now that he realizes that I’m really done this time, he’s acting out like a child.”

  I ran my hand down my face. “Well, come take a quick shower so I can get you to where you need to go.”

  She nodded and stood from the bed. I didn’t know what else to say. This situation sounded like it could get worse before it got better. Grabbing her hand, I led her to the shower. I really wanted to dig her out in this shower, but instead, I washed her beautiful body so she could go handle her business. Once she got out, I quickly washed, then joined her in my bedroom. When I saw her putting on leggings without underwear, my dick hardened. Despite her situation, my dick remained focus. His agenda was to turn her out and nothing could deter him from that task.

  She slid on a t-shirt without a bra and I couldn’t help but grab my dick. He needed to calm down. Going to my drawer, I got a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and slid them both on, forgoing underwear as she had. I knew that she wouldn’t really want me involved in this situation. As she pulled her hair into a bun, she asked, “Can I stay here tonight?”

  “Yeah. Of course. Where am I bringing you?”

  “To my mom’s house so I can get my car. I’m so sorry about this. I’m so angry, I don’t know what to do.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just handle your business so you can get back to me. I had so many plans for that shower.”

  She smiled slightly as her eyes dipped to my erection. I grabbed it, causing her to snap back to reality. It seemed she’d gone into a trance while staring at the imprint, envisioning the word period, my dick being the I. I slid on my crocs as she grabbed her purse and phone, then we headed out.

  The ride was pretty quiet. I was sure she was gonna have to somehow smooth things over with management. There was no way she would be able to move out today. It turned out her mom only lived a couple of blocks from Cameron. When I turned in the driveway, I said, “Call me if you need me.”

  She put her hand to my face and said, “Last night was amazing, Maverick. I can’t wait to make my way back to you.”

  “I can’t wait, either. Hurry up.”

  She giggled, then got out of the car. I watched her head inside, then backed up and went toward Cam’s house. However, when I noticed a car speeding in my direction, I slowed down. It blew past me and came to a screeching halt in front of Yuri’s mother’s house. I maintained a slow speed, staring in my rearview mirror to see if anyone would get out of the car, but no one did. When I got to the stop sign, I decided to make the block. I couldn’t keep going, knowing that Yuri and her mother could potentially be in danger.

  I quickly made the block and turned back on her street to see him standing outside of his car, yelling at someone. When I got closer, I realized Yuri was standing in the doorway, yelling back at him. Neighbors were starting to come out of their houses to see what was going on. It was still pretty early. Being that it was a Sunday morning, I was sure most people were trying to sleep in. Putting my window down partially, she yelled, “I’m calling the police, Rocco! You need to just leave me alone.”

  “But I love you! Why would you call the police on me? I’m trying to get you to see that we belong together, Yuri. Please!”

  “Leave! Now!”

  He got in his car and slammed the door, but he didn’t leave. He sat there, gripping the steering wheel like he was unsure of what he would do next. I sent her a text. I’m still sitting here in case you need me.

  I saw her appear back at the glass storm door. She stared at his car, then looked my way. When my phone chimed, I looked down at it to see, I appreciate that, but I’m good. I called the police.

  I didn’t respond but I didn’t intend to leave until they got here. My eyes landed back on his car to see him staring my way. His window went down, and he stared at me. I didn’t know what he thought he knew, but as I saw the police round the corner, I prepared to leave. However, before I could, he got out of the car, making his way in my direction until he saw the cop car. He quickly hopped back in his vehicle. As he tried to take off, another cop blocked him in.

  He hopped out of the car with his hands in the air. I was hoping this didn’t end tragically. I didn’t know this brother, but I’d be damned if I let the police get away with anything unlawful. So, I refused to leave until I saw this thing play out. As he stood there, I saw the officer approach cautiously as he questioned him. The other officer went knocked on the door. As they stood there in what looked to be a heated conversation, I rolled my window back down to hear what they were saying. “Yuri! You having me arrested? Really? You really doing this to me?”

  Once the cop had him turn around and had cuffed him, I left to head to Cam’s. This was more drama than a lil bit and I was grateful I didn’t end up having to get in the middle of it. When I turned in his driveway, he was outside about to start his lawnmower. After I got out of the car, he asked, “What you doing out and about already?”

  “Yuri’s mom lives a couple of streets over.”

  A sly smile appeared on his face, then he began nodding repeatedly. “I take it everything went well last night, then.”

  “They did,” I said, purposely leaving out this morning’s hiccup.

  We slapped hands when I got close to him, then he asked, “So, you finna help me with my yard work?”

  “Hell naw. I was in the neighborhood so I thought I would drop by.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Well, get the hell on then. I’m tryna get this shit done before it get hot.”

  “Whatever, fool. I’ll holla at’chu later then.”

  Once I got in the car, I noticed my phone screen was lit up. Checking it, I noticed the text from Yuri. The apartment complex is gonna let me ride out the rest of my lease term. I’m gonna go check things out and pack so
me of my things. I hope to see you around noonish, if that’s cool.

  I smiled slightly as I responded, That’s more than cool with me.

  The way I smiled at my phone, could have sworn her picture was on it. This felt right. Hopefully, my feelings weren’t misleading me.

  Chapter Nine


  If the words love hangover had a face, it would be Rocco’s. After I told the police of his activities and filed a restraining order against him, they took him in for questioning, but of course, let him go. They informed him of my restraining order, but I knew that probably wouldn’t stop him. He still wasn’t working and had way too much time on his hands. But the way he begged me not to have him arrested nearly killed my soul. He shed tears and I knew it was because I’d always had his back. He felt betrayed.

  Rocco had pushed me to do that. Had he just left me alone, it wouldn’t have gotten to that point. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just let me depart amicably. Better yet, why couldn’t he have just done right by me? We weren’t meant to be. It was meant for me to meet Maverick. That had to be the reason. Everything happened for a reason and I definitely believed in predestination. Had Rocco been everything I needed him to be, I wouldn’t have given Maverick a second thought.

  I was beyond touched that he’d hung around to be sure I was okay. When I’d told my mama, she’d said, See, that’s what a real man does. I couldn’t help but agree with her. Maverick was all man, that was for sure. I couldn’t believe I’d asked him to stay with him again tonight. I probably seemed thirsty as hell. Especially since I’d brought an overnight bag, to begin with. But I knew what I was feeling from him. My feelings had never led me wrong. I honestly didn’t think it was a wrong decision being with Rocco. It was just that he was only supposed to be in my life for a season and I’d tried to make him permanent.

  But that season was done, and I’d dove head-first into a whole ’nother season. I hoped this one wasn’t temporary, though. I was getting too old to be hopping from pillow to post, as my mama would say. Settling down was something that I’d always wanted, and I felt those same vibes from Maverick, even before he’d said so. He was the real deal, and I knew I would be a fool to not spend every moment of my free time in his presence. The words he’d expressed didn’t leave me guessing about what he wanted out of life, nor did they leave me guessing about what his intentions were with me.

  When I’d gotten to my apartment, my mouth had dropped open. There were a couple of holes in the wall where it looked like he’d thrown something into it. After going in my bedroom and seeing the vase he’d thrown into the television, I knew that had to have been what he used to make the holes in the walls. Shit was strewn everywhere, and I literally wanted to scream out my frustrations. He had to have known this shit wouldn’t solve a thing. If anything, it only further solidified things for me… that I was making the right decision by moving on.

  After cleaning up some and packing some of my things, I was beyond tired. I just wanted to eat and take a nap. As I headed to get something to eat, I called Maverick to see if he wanted anything. When he informed me that he’d cooked, I was in awe. I’d stumbled into heaven when I accepted his date proposal. With as close as I was to canceling the date altogether, I couldn’t believe I’d opened up to him so quickly. He possessed gifts from the Lord, and I couldn’t ignore the Lord’s greatness. Even before having sex with him, his presence and touch felt like healing to my soul. It was strong, there was no other way to describe it. Being with him made me forget about everyone else and I never wanted that feeling to go away.

  When I got there, he came out and helped me with my bag. Somehow, it was like he could see the sadness in my eyes because he put my bag on the ground, then pulled me to him. “This has to be a rough process for you. I just hope I can offer you some consolation.”

  I moaned softly as I closed my eyes, relaxing in his embrace. It was extremely tough… starting over always was. But my life was worth living, no matter what. I had to get over this hurdle and move on. Maverick lifted my chin and kissed my lips, then pulled away from me to grab my duffle bag from the ground. I’d left all the other clothes in my trunk since I would only be here tonight. My heart was set on spending today with him, just relaxing around the house, lying in his arms. Rocco had interrupted our time and threatened to alter my mood. I was in need of Maverick’s aura… his light.

  Following him inside, the smell of seafood wafted its way to my nose. I briefly closed my eyes as I inhaled. “Mmm, it smells so good, Maverick. What did you cook?”

  He turned and smiled at me as he put my bag on the couch. “I just steamed some vegetables and shrimp and blackened some catfish fillets. I also made a sauce if you wanna try it out before you drizzle it on your food.”

  “Wow. So, tell me,” I began as I made my way to his arms. “What aren’t you good at? There has to be a flaw somewhere.”

  He chuckled. “I can be somewhat impatient, especially when it’s something I want. Once I get it, I tend to be selfish in a way, not wanting anyone to have what I have. The hardest part about that is that I tend to think that everyone else should be like me… quick to see potential in something or how special it is and can be.”

  I glanced up at him, knowing that he was speaking of this chemistry and attraction between the two of us. Sliding my hands up his chest and to his cheeks, I stared into his eyes. “Maverick, I see the potential and I’m smitten by the awe of it all.”

  He frowned slightly, then asked, “You thought I was talking about you?”

  It was my turn to frown until he laughed. I twisted my lips to the side and playfully swat his arm. Grabbing my wrist, he spun me around and wrapped his arms around me. When his lips made contact with my neck, I felt the chill slide down my spine. He went to my ear and said, “There’s so much I wanna experience with you already. I know that we have to go a little slower with that, though. Just know that whenever you’re ready… so am I.”

  My panties flooded from his words and just the fact that he was talking in that low, sexy-ass voice near my ear. After gently biting my earlobe, he pulled away from me and I thought I was gonna melt to the damn floor. God, this man. Turning to look at him, he offered me a slight smile as he lowered his head and pulled his lip between his teeth. Reaching for a remote, he turned on some music. “OMG” by TGT poured from the speakers and I wanted to immediately feel him inside of me. “Go relax for a little bit. I know you’re tired. I ran you a bath when you called about food.”

  Perfection. He embodied it. And here I thought no one was perfect… that we were all works in progress. I knew I was. But what he was showing me contradicted that statement big time. His flaws were non-existent at this point and I could only hope that they stayed that way. He’d made me aware of them and he’d been like an open book. I appreciated that. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you so much.”

  “Anything for you, baby.”

  This man… Lord have mercy! It felt too perfect to be real. When his hands slid to my ass, I couldn’t help but moan and relax in his arms. “I’m sorry. Go before your water gets cold.”

  I pulled away from him, grabbed my bag, and walked toward his bedroom. This level of attraction had to be unlawful. As I entered the bathroom and saw the lit candles, I couldn’t help but allow a couple of tears to escape me. I’d never had a man to cater to me this way… not at the beginning of our relationship or further along in it where he should have been aware of my likes and dislikes. Quickly disrobing, I slid into the water. Exhaling my relief, I laid back, relaxing in the hot water.

  Just as I was about to close my eyes, I saw Maverick appear in the doorway. He dimmed the light and the music switched to the Isley Brothers. I loved the Isley Brothers. “I’ll check on you a little later.”

  He winked at me as I blew a kiss at him. I could get used to this.

  “So, what’s he like?”

  “He’s thoughtful, passionate, sweet, loving, gorgeous, caring, accommoda
ting, considerate…”

  “Okay. I think I get the point,” my dad said, then chuckled. “As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters. So, when do you move into your new apartment?”

  “Today. I’m a little nervous about it because I know Rocco is still following me. I don’t want him to catch me alone. Maverick won’t be able to help until after five when he gets off work. Mama has a doctor’s appointment and sometimes that takes forever at her doctor’s office.”

  “Do you think he will try to hurt you?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.

  “No. I just don’t want to see or talk to him.”

  “Call the police and get them to park a squad car outside your apartment. That’s what you pay taxes for. I wish I was closer. You know I would be there.”

  “I know, Daddy.”

  It had been a couple of weeks and I was finally able to get moved out of the apartment. I was thankful that Rocco had fucked the place up. Because of it, they’d kicked him out. So, I knew he wouldn’t be there while I was trying to move. The movers weren’t scheduled to arrive until five this evening.

  However, I’d seen Maverick every day. He’d been perfect… even still and I didn’t know how I would take our first disagreement. It was bound to happen eventually. While I didn’t want to anticipate it, no two people saw one another every day for an extended amount of time without having a disagreement. I just hoped we would be able to work through our disagreements like adults. We were still getting to know one another, and I’d come to learn that he was laid back and didn’t expect much from a partner. I loved that, because sometimes when I’d had a full day of work, I didn’t have much to give.

  As I grabbed my purse, I prepared to head to the apartment. “Well, Daddy, I have to go. I’m about to get started so when the movers get there, I’ll be done and out of their way.”


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