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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 4

by Amelia Wilson

  “I think they killed Don,” Theo said. The group looked at him, suddenly angry. “Theo…not now,” Charlie said.

  “But we need to talk about it,” Theo said.

  “He’s right,” said Ben. “The Bloodmoons are obviously here to hunt, and as Sentinels it’s our job to protect this place.”

  “I’m not here to protect anybody,” the military man said. “I’m looking out for myself, and my pack. So what if a couple normies get picked off?” The group stared at him in shock. “You know that’s not what Don would have wanted, Wayne,” Luke warned. Adeline could sense a rising tension between the pack members. They argued for several moments, trying to decide how they could repair such a devastating crack in the Sentinel’s hierarchy.

  Finally, they settled on an unsatisfying conclusion. “Adeline and I can look further into town,” Luke said. “She works there, and can pick up any information at the Hound.”

  “This is too dangerous,” Ben said. “At least for an outsider like her. What if she gets attacked again? When we’re not around?”

  “Then we’re not good Sentinels, then,” Luke said matter-of-factly.

  “This still doesn’t settle who should be the new alpha,” said the military man. “It’s already been decided, Wayne,” said Ben. “Don would have wanted Charlie to be the next Alpha. You know it and I know it.”

  Wayne crossed his arms, glaring down at his boots. “Charlie, don’t you think one of us should take it? You’re still recovering from your other wounds.”

  Charlie shook his head, looking conflicted. Adeline didn’t realize she’d suddenly be caught in the middle of something this huge. She watched as the men dove back into another serious discussion.

  After things had settled, Luke brought Adeline over to talk with Ben about what information they needed about the Bloodmoons. As Adeline listened, she couldn’t help but feel that something was watching her. Glancing off to the side, she could see Wayne watching her intently, calculating something, as if he knew something about her that she didn’t. She avoided his gaze, worried that if she held eye contact, he could read straight through her eyes and into her mind…


  It had been a couple of days, with no new reports of attacks in the town. Luke began to wonder what the Bloodmoons really had planned. It wasn’t like them to go on the prowl without taking a few lives. Maybe the Sentinels marking their territory might have been keeping them away, or maybe they just had something much darker planned.

  Luke found himself in a broom closet, pressed up against Adeline. He felt horrible about ending things the way they did, and wanted to make it up to her. “I missed you,” he said, kissing her neck. Adeline’s breath was heavy in the dark. They had grown much closer since he had saved her the other night, both of them determined to get their hands on each other after Luke had been gone on a scouting mission the past few days. “This is just crazy,” Adeline whispered, kissing him, her hands slipping under his shirt to feel his chest. It was exhilarating, and Luke tried so hard to keep the wolf from wanting to burst out of him.

  “I’m going to get in trouble,” Adeline warned. Luke shushed her. “Not if we’re really quiet,” he teased. He sensed her smiling in the dark, and pulled her in closer to breathe in her wonderful scent. He was terrified at the idea of hurting her, and worried that if he let himself indulge too much, he might go too far. But the way Adeline was pulling at his belt made him realize that he needed to indulge himself.

  Adeline fumbled with the buckle around his waist, unzipping his pants. Luke sighed as her hand reached down for his hard shaft. “Shit,” Adeline said. “What’s wrong?” Luke asked, worried. “Nothing,” she said. “What a big penis you have.” They both stifled a laugh. “Horrible joke,” he said in between more kisses, softly moaning at the touch of her hand now against his bare skin.

  Their breath lingered in the closet as Adeline gently stroked him, caressing his tip. He laid his head back, yearning for even more of her touch, to really feel what it would be like inside of her. He felt a rush of rage, incredible impatience as his temper simmered. It was the wolf, and Luke was worried. But he grabbed Adeline’s head, and was relieved he didn’t even have to ask. Adeline got on her knees, sensually inserting him into her mouth inch by inch.

  Luke moaned at the sensation of warmth traveling up and down his cock. Her lips were so soft, and sucked gently on his tip until he could feel himself seeping into her. He wasn’t finished yet, but the wolf wanted more. It wanted to completely ravage her, throw her up against the wall and claim her, make her come. These thoughts were overwhelming Luke, and soon Adeline’s mouth around him became a sensory overload.

  They were interrupted by a harsh knock on the door. Adeline shot up from the floor, straightening herself up. “Shit!” She harshly whispered. “It’s Frankie.”

  “What the hell are you doing in there?” Frankie’s muffled voice shouted from the other side. Luke instinctively hid the best he could, behind a stack of empty kegs. He quickly buttoned himself up, exchanging a nervous laugh with Adeline. The light turned on and Luke could hear Adeline make up an excuse for taking so long. Just taking some inventory, no harm in that.

  He started shaking, though, still overwhelmed from his experience. Once Frankie Left, Luke dodged his way out of the closet and towards the backdoor. He had to shift. The pain was tightening up every muscle, and the only relief would come from shifting.

  “I have to go,” he frantically explained to Adeline. “When are you coming back?” She asked. “Soon,” he told her. “We’re not finished here yet.” He flashed a smile, though he was feeling incredibly weak and irritable. He kissed her on the cheek before running out into the woods. Adeline followed after him, but Frankie called to her again before she had the chance to go into the woods.

  Luke was relieved she wouldn’t have to see. The process was usually gruesome, at least for a new shifter. Here, Luke told the wolf, get it over with. Soon, a sharp pain shooting through his limbs overcame him. His body felt rigid, as if metal rods were keeping him from moving. He fell to the forest floor, the cold earth surrounding him as he convulsed. His clothes tore around him as he gasped for air, every part of him contracting and contorting.

  In a matter of dreadful seconds, Luke emerged from this state feeling alive and energized. He was now a wolf, gifted with advanced hearing, sight, and smell. He hated the transformation, but he was always pleased with the end result. Relief washed over him as he bounded off into the trees. The forest was vibrant with life, and he could hone in on everything, studying the way everything lived and breathed around him. He was part of the forest now. He was one of them.

  He trailed off, knowing he shouldn’t get too close to the highways. He didn’t want to end up like Don. Then again, he wasn’t even sure if Don was even hit by a car. A new scent flooded his nose. People always had a particular scent, but this one was familiar. It was another Sentinel nearby. Luke thought he would catch up with him. Perhaps it was Theo getting groceries or something. They could maybe discuss any findings on the Bloodmoon pack.

  He emerged from the trees, following after the scent. He stood on a large hill, overlooking one side of town. He was shocked to see it wasn’t Theo, Ben, or Charlie. It was Wayne, dressed in his usual military cargo pants and green t-shirt. He was carrying an armful of bags. Was he chosen to get supplies this time?

  Luke got himself closer, hiding behind a nearby café. The smell of fries and sandwich meat was a little overpowering, but he was still able to pick up hints of what Wayne was carrying. It smelt like threads, the musty smell of a rope. He could smell something metallic. None of these were on their usual list. Luke would know. He helped make the supply list just yesterday.

  He trailed after Wayne, careful not to be seen. Wayne was a stronger wolf than he was, and he knew he could probably still sense Luke if Luke wasn’t careful enough. Luke watched as a pickup truck drove up to the sidewalk. Wayne did a quick glance to see if anyone was watch

  As the door opened, Luke was shocked to recognize the driver. It was a Bloodmoon, the same one that attacked him during the bar fight. He felt a flash of rage pass through him, and he wanted to tear his jaws into him in that instant. But there was a new problem now. Wayne was plotting something with the Sentinels’ rival pack, and now he had to get to the bottom of it.


  Adeline got the call from Luke just an hour after her shift at the Hound. He told her to stay in her cabin until he was able to talk to her. He mentioned something about Wayne, and how he saw him leaving town with some Bloodmoons. Adeline shuffled aimlessly around her cabin, wrapped in a heavy blanket. She hated the feeling of being trapped somewhere, and felt that even trying to go outside for a moment to take some pictures would be too risky.

  She padded up the steps to her lofted bedroom, lying down on the fluffy duvet with a sigh. The sun was about to set outside, and she was wondering how long Luke was going to take. She had tried to get some more information at the bar about the Bloodmoons. The most she heard was that more people were beginning to disappear, which made her stomach churn. How long would it be before she was amongst them? Would the Bloodmoons try to make another attempt to kidnap her?

  She grasped at her head, cursing a headache she’d been plagued with since the beginning of the day. All this stress was getting to her. She looked through her phone, where a voicemail from her mom was waiting. She held the phone up to her ear, listening to her mother’s high-strung voice asking when she was going to come home. “I’m ready to talk about things, if you want,” her mother said hopefully. Adeline put down the phone. She didn’t want to talk. Not now, not ever.

  She bent over the edge of her bed, pulling out a shoebox that contained the only treasures she managed to rescue from her mother. She sorted through the contents, laying them out one by one in front of her. There was a fishing lure inside, one that she recognized from when she was a kid. He had a small assortment of bottle caps from his favorite beers. Adeline smiled at them sadly. There were several knick-knacks from his desk, and a stack of photographs at the bottom. She sorted through them, photos of her when she was younger, and holiday family pictures.

  One of them stood out to her. It was a hunting photo. She checked the date on the back. It was taken just a month before he passed. A cluster of friends surrounded her dad. All of them were dressed in fishing outfits, holding up their prized catches on long chains. She scanned the faces, most of them being his coworkers and distant relatives. But there was one at the very end, and it sent a harrowing chill down her back as she recognized him.

  Grinning from ear to ear, holding the largest of the fish, was Wayne. His eyes stared back at her, like they did when she first saw him. They were cold and lifeless, despite his cheery demeanor. Adeline’s mind was racing with questions about him, but she couldn’t bear to think of Wayne’s terrifying gaze. She quickly packed up her father’s things and tried to call Luke. He wouldn’t answer. She set the photo down on her dresser, trying to reach Luke over and over, only to be met with the dreaded automated tone asking for a voicemail.

  They’ve already got him, she thought in a panic. She wasn’t sure what to do, but suddenly she was overcome with the idea that Luke could be in danger. After all, he might be following Wayne. Would he even have a chance to tell the pack?

  Adeline didn’t want to find out. She grabbed her keys, ignoring Luke’s warning. He couldn’t tell her to stay in this place, not when somebody, even the whole pack, could be in danger. She rushed outside, her headache now pounding in her skull as her hands shook, trying to start her car. She pulled out of the driveway, engines roaring as she swerved into the street. The sun was almost gone now, just the purple remains of a sunset lingered in the sky.

  She didn’t get very far before her truck lunged forward as something thudded violently onto the hood. A pale figure’s arms flailed over the headlights. It looked almost inhuman. Adeline screamed, not even knowing what it was that she hit. She almost didn’t leave the car, but she needed to find out what it was. She reached down, pulling out a baseball bat she kept in her car. Carefully, she inched out of the driver’s side without a sound, creeping towards the creature.

  It was Luke! He was wildly morphing back into a human form with a sickening gagging sound. His jaws stretched and contracted, his teeth shrinking back into his skull. Adeline ran for his side, holding him as he shifted into her arms. Finally, after sputtering and choking back to life, Luke was back in his human form, completely naked, looking up at her with terrified eyes. “What the hell? You almost killed me!” He exclaimed.

  Adeline couldn’t say anything, just feeling hot tears pouring from her eyes, and a lump forming in her throat. “I’m so sorry,” she said, frozen with fear. “Are you okay?” Luke checked himself, realizing he was naked. He tried to cover himself with his hands. “We have to get you out of here,” Adeline exclaimed, throwing her jacket over him.

  Luke, covered in a blanket, sat in front of the fire, his hands wrapped around a steaming mug of black coffee. Adeline joined him with her own mug. “I told you not to leave,” Luke said as he took a sip. “I had to,” Adeline said. “I found something. I think the whole pack needs to know about it.”

  “They’re not here,” Luke said. “What do you mean?” Asked Adeline.

  “I told them about Wayne, about what I saw. They called for a pack meeting to talk about it in secret before he got back. The Bloodmoons swarmed their campsite, though, and chased them further towards the fishing cabin.”

  “That’s awful,” Adeline said. Luke nodded. “Our pack is weak,” he said somberly. “We don’t like to fight like the other packs do. We all made a pact, that we wouldn’t harm any innocent lives. A Sentinel vows to watch over this town. Such a promise isn’t exactly what younger wolves want.”

  “Can’t you just recruit more?” Adeline asked.

  “It’s hard to find shifters,” Luke said. “We’re always hiding. It takes years to trust each other. We all share the same secret, but once politics emerge between packs, it becomes more difficult to stay safe.”

  He stared into his cup. “I think that’s why we lost Don,” he said. “And because the Sentinels don’t have a strong leader, we’re an easier target. It’s only a matter of time before the Bloodmoons or even the larger packs will take over our territory.”

  Adeline put her hand on his knee, feeling the soft fibers of the blanket covering it. “Is there anything else I can do?” She asked. Luke looked into her eyes, dead serious. “I can’t let anything happen to you,” he said. “You’re too important. Clearly you’re wanted for something, and I won’t ever let the Bloodmoons see that through.”

  “I don’t think I’m that special,” Adeline said. “Then why would they want you alive?” Luke asked.

  Adeline pondered this. She thought of Wayne’s face in the photograph. “Wayne was friends with my dad,” she said. “I found a photo of him today. I don’t know what it means, but I was trying to find you so I can warn you.”

  “I know you were trying to help,” Luke said. “But for now, just please stay safe. I would hate for someone to die under our watch.” He slipped his warm hand into hers, their fingers lacing together. “I would especially hate it if it were you,” he said quietly. “I think you’re really special, Addie. I’ve never felt so drawn to anyone…until you saved me the other night. Since then, I’ve felt this urge. It’s stronger than what the wolf inside could ever feel.”

  He reached for her face. His hand was soothing on her cheek, and Adeline felt that she could melt any second. “I need you,” he said. Something inside of Adeline clicked. She had come out this far to be alone, but after meeting Luke, she realized that she’d no longer have to. She had something right in front of her, a connection she had longed to have.

  “I need you too,” she heard herself say. She kissed him, and it felt even better than the first time. She’d laid her hands on him before, and even tasted m
ore than his lips. But this time, she craved a new taste, a hunger for all of Luke. She wanted to drink him all in, like the whiskey they shared the night they met. Luke’s lips were locked onto hers as they exchanged passionate kisses. She slipped her tongue into his mouth, yearning for more.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, holding tightly to him. He was hot to the touch, and not just from the fire in front of them. Her hands traveled down his chest, feeling the hardness of his pectorals. She could feel his heart beating furiously against her hand, and soon Luke was growling, low and hungry. She almost felt frightened, but she knew she would be safe in Luke’s arms. She was ready to trust him. She felt him pull her onto his lap, nothing but a blanket and her sweatpants between them.

  She could feel his fingers softly caress her skin under her tank top. “I’ve been so hungry for you,” Luke growled, his lips traveling to her collarbone. He bit into her, which ignited something in Adeline. He was wild, untamed. He could devour her if he wanted to. She felt a shudder, thrilled as he bit into her again, this time even harder. “Have me,” she whispered. “I want to see the beast.” She almost regretted her decision when Luke leaned back, giving her a wicked grin.

  In a flash, the rest of her clothes were almost torn from her. His hand gripped her waist fiercely. She didn’t even notice being turned onto her back. Luke inched out of the blanket, his fingers trailing along her legs. Adeline could barely breathe. His touch was incredible, fierce, but gentle. He was still holding back, not ready to unleash the animal just yet. “Now, let’s see how you taste,” Luke said, spreading apart her legs. He tugged at her thin lacy panties, pulling them down just enough for him to bend down and reach her. His tongue surrounded her, and Adeline moaned as he wove his lips around her vulva. He sucked on her clit, rolling his tongue over it, making her swoon with pleasure. She could feel his fingers slip inside now, gently caressing her until she was completely wet to the touch. He sighed as he looked into her eyes, bringing his wet fingers to his mouth. He was just as wild as she thought.


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