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Alpha Shifter Standalone Collection

Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  She was putty in his hands, letting him do whatever he wanted. And all he wanted was to be inside of her. Adeline eyed his elongated cock, thick, massive, and pulsing. He entered her gently, but once he was inside he couldn’t control himself.

  “God, you’re so tight,” he breathed as he thrust himself into her. She swallowed him all the way, his thickness almost overwhelming for her. Adeline was dripping all over him now. “Is this all you got?” She dared to ask. Luke took the challenge, clearing off the coffee table. The decorations crashed clumsily onto the carpet as he bent her over it. His hands kneaded into her ass, gripping it so fiercely to steady himself as he entered her again. Adeline nearly screamed. He was so deep, penetrating her with acute precision. Here, he could hit all the right spots.

  He groaned as her ass slapped against his waist. Adeline rocked on her knees, wanting him to go even deeper, conquer every part of her. Luke grew tired of this position, grabbing her and swinging her roughly into the nearest wall with incredible strength. He grabbed for her tits, shaping them in his hands, rubbing at her nipples, bending down to suck on them. It was sending Adeline’s senses into a spiral.

  They got to the stairs now, Luke on top of her as he kept thrusting, harder and harder. Sweat dripped from his brow, onto her bouncing breasts. Adeline could feel herself rising, his cock pounding fiercely into her, a steady rhythm that sent her into a wild climax. She screamed his name as she contracted around him, a fiery energy spreading throughout her entire body. It wasn’t long until Luke couldn’t hold on anymore. In a matter of moments he was moaning as he finished inside of her, filling her with warmth.

  They sighed, staring into each other’s eyes as they caught their breath. They lay on the stairs, a sweaty heap of flesh and sweat, and Adeline was satisfied. She hoped that the wolf inside Luke was too.

  The fire was cold now, and Adeline was wrapped in Luke’s arms as they lay in her bed. She closed her eyes, feeling Luke’s breath against her neck as he slept. It was perfect she thought, as she wrapped the covers around them. But how long could this feeling last, when deep down, she knew that something dark was headed their way, an unexplainable feeling of dread that loomed over her before she slept.


  Luke woke before Adeline, lost in a strange fog. Last night was insane, he thought as he looked over lovingly at the outline of Adeline’s naked back peering from under the comforter. The beast was finally satisfied, and quiet for now. Luke hoped that he didn’t terrify her too much during their lovemaking. He was known for being a little aggressive. He reached out, touching her tenderly before slipping out of the bed. He found his sweatshirt on the ground, and slipped it on. He needed to go out and find the rest of the pack at the fishing cabin, but first he needed some pants.

  He wandered around the room, eyeing Adeline’s humble decorations in attempts to make the old cabin homier. He found her dresser, and quietly opened one of the drawers to find a pair of long athletic shorts. As he put them on, he noticed a photograph on top of the dresser.

  He looked over at Adeline. She was still sleeping peacefully. He reached for the photograph. It filled him with a strange nostalgia, with most of the men smiling in their fishing outfits. It reminded him of the Sentinels, always headed to the lake for a lazy afternoon of catching fish to eat for dinner. He grimaced though, when he noticed Wayne at the end of the line of men, smiling at him. He felt a sinking feeling as he studied the rest of the faces. He was angry. He hated betrayal, even though he didn’t know what Wayne was planning.

  His eyes widened when he recognize someone else. In the center was another man, looking vaguely like Adeline in some features. He smiled as he held up a tiny fish. “Holy shit…” Luke whispered as he stared at the photo. It was Hanson Waters, the leader of the famed Silver Sons pack.

  Luke held tightly to the photo, his heart sinking as he slowly pieced the puzzle together.

  “Why do you keep looking at that?” Adeline asked as she placed breakfast in front of Luke. Luke stared at the plate of toast and eggs as it rested on the very coffee table they fucked on last night. He rubbed the edge of the photograph, nervous. He wasn’t sure what to make of the image, but he knew he had to bring it up to Adeline somehow.

  He looked up to see Adeline watching him as she dressed for her next shift. He couldn’t bring himself to eat the food she had made for him. There were things that needed to be addressed.

  “Hello?” Adeline asked. “You’re being super weird all of a sudden. Was it because of last night?”

  Luke shook his head. “Addie,” he asked. “Where did you get this photo?” Adeline picked the photograph from his hands, studying it. “It’s my dad’s,” she said. “It’s one of the few photographs I have of him.” Luke watched as her finger trailed along the faces. “That’s him right here,” she said. Her finger pointed directly onto the man in the middle. Hanson.

  Luke’s heart sank. Did Adeline even know? “What happened to him? If you don’t mind my asking.” Adeline sat with a sigh on the arm of the couch. “He went fishing with most of the guys in this photo. Then, he went missing. They found him floating in a lake just a couple of days later.”

  She stared blankly at the floor, lost in her tragic thoughts. Luke placed his hand on her leg; though there was so much going through his mind he couldn’t find the right words to comfort her. “I have to tell you something,” he said. Adeline’s eyes drifted towards him, suddenly worried. “What’s wrong?” she asked. Luke gently brought her next to him on the couch. “You’re really freaking me out,” she said.

  “Your dad,” Luke said. “Is Hanson Waters. He was a leader of the Silver Sons.”

  “What do you mean?” Adeline asked. Her eyes darted as she started processing this new information. Luke felt himself shaking, his nerves out of control. “He was a renown shifter,” he said. “He led the Silver Sons throughout your city. He brought dozens of packs together, helped rivals create peace treaties. The Silver Sons is one of the most powerful wolf packs in the United States.”

  Adeline’s face was white. “I never knew,” she whispered. Luke’s heart sank as he watched a tear fall from her face. He reached out to wipe it, but she beat him to it, shying herself away from him. “I can’t believe he wouldn’t tell anyone,” she said. “He was just trying to protect you,” Luke said. “He probably didn’t want to put you in any danger.”

  “Well I’m in danger now, aren’t I?” She said, her voice suddenly angry. Luke tried to coax her. “I know you’re upset,” he said calmly. “But this is probably the biggest piece in this puzzle.”

  “What puzzle?” Adeline asked.

  “The reason why the Bloodmoons have come here. Isn’t it strange how they showed up shortly after you moved here?”

  “What do they want with me?” Adeline asked. Luke pondered for a moment. He honestly couldn’t think of a reason. “I don’t know,” he said. “But I’m worried it’s something else, something really terrible. They might be after you for revenge, to kill off any chances of Hanson having an heir.”

  “An heir?” Adeline asked, her lip quivering. “You mean…”

  “You’re a descendant of Hanson,” Luke explained. “His blood runs through your veins.”

  “Does that mean I’m a shifter too?” Adeline panicked, her hands shaking in Luke’s. “Not necessarily,” Luke said. “Sometimes…you carry the shifting gene, and can pass it along to someone else.”

  He watched as Adeline thought it through. She stood up, suddenly in a rage. “Did you know?” she asked. Luke felt horrible. He couldn’t hide this part from her. “I could sense something about you,” he said. “I had a feeling you had the gene, but I wasn’t sure until now.” Adeline backed away from him, horrified. “Everything you told me about your pack, about not having enough recruits. Is…is this your way of recruiting me? Are you using me, Luke?”

  Luke stood up, but she was already in a fit of rage, frantically packing her bag. “Absolutely not! You know that I wa
nted you for you alone,” Luke said, desperate to make her stay. “I don’t believe you!” Adeline said, choking up.

  “What about last night?” Luke countered. “That meant everything to me!”

  Adeline shook her head. “This is all too much right now,” she said. “You’re all just fighting over me to have me in your pack! I have this Waters blood that everyone wants, is that right? This is a pretty sick way to recruit someone, Luke.” Her face was blood red. Tears stained her face. Luke tried to reach for her, but she brushed him off in a furious huff. “Addie…” he said, trying to reason the best he could. “Don’t call me Addie,” Adeline said.

  “You can’t leave! It’s too dangerous!” Luke cried.

  “I’ve been hurt enough,” Adeline said. “What else can they do to me now?”

  The door slammed behind her, echoing through the empty cabin. Luke stared down at the photograph, his chest tightening. He had her for just one glorious second, and now she was gone. The wolf was furious now, and all he could think was one simple word that he believed would solve everything. Run, it said, just run.


  “Addie, are you okay?” Janine asked on the other side of the bathroom stall. Adeline sat on the floor with her knees to her chest. She pushed open the door for Janine to come in. “Damn, you look rough,” Janine said as she crouched beside her. “Just not a good day,” Adeline said, her eyes still swollen and red from crying. “Do you want me to cover you tonight?” Janine asked. Adeline shook her head.

  She leaned up against her friend as Janine wrapped her arms around her. “Is this a guy thing?” Asked Janine.

  “I guess,” Adeline said. “I feel like you can’t really trust anyone, you know?”

  “What, like Luke?”

  Adeline nodded. Janine grimaced. “Luke seemed like a really great guy,” Janine said. “He was,” Adeline said, wiping her eyes. “But I think it’s best that I just do me for a little bit.”

  She could tell Janine wanted to say more, in hopes that she would reconsider her thoughts about Luke. But Adeline wasn’t ready to accept him back just yet. She felt lost, conflicted. On one hand, she could still be with Luke, but how could she know for sure that he was being genuine? Was she just being ridiculous about this whole thing? She tried to stand, but felt a horrible dizziness overwhelm her. The bathroom spun around her. Janine supported her. “I’m fine,” Adeline tried to say. Janine’s eyes widened, grabbing for a wad of toilet paper.

  “No you’re not,” she said, wiping at Adeline’s nose. When she pulled back, Adeline could see a single red splotch of fresh blood. This made her feel even more nauseous. “Maybe you should go home,” Janine said. Adeline shuffled from the stall to the sink, her body heavy. “I’m fine,” she said. “Really, I’ll be okay.”

  Janine gave Adeline easier things to do that night, mainly clearing off tables. Adeline’s stomach churned. She realized she hadn’t eaten anything that day, and was overcome with a painful hunger. The added stress about Luke and her father being a shifter was just the cherry on top to her horrible day. Her mind wandered, hypnotized by the washcloth in her hand circling around each of the tables. She thought of Luke, how he shifted so violently in front of her. These thoughts intertwined with the visions of her father shifting. She tried to block out her memories of last night, the feeling of Luke’s body on top of hers. She felt stupid and guilty about all of it now.

  Suddenly, a stabbing pain pierced deep in her skull. That wicked headache was back. Adeline took a deep breath, steadying herself. Before she knew it, she felt the cold floor on her cheek. Blurry shapes surrounded her, concerned patrons. Janine saw her from the counter and rushed towards her. “Jesus, Addie,” she said, picking her up. But Adeline felt so heavy in her arms, lacking the strength to stand.

  She felt another hand on her arm, a stronger one. “I can take her home,” a male voice said. She heard Janine protest, but the voice calmly told her “It’s okay, I’m a friend.” Luke, she thought, though she couldn’t see. She felt herself being lifted from the floor, dangling out of a pair of muscular arms. She breathed in the soft flannel shirt against her cheek, dreaming of Luke’s warmth, concocting an apology for him once she regained her composure.

  The world felt like sand around her, with everything blowing together and blending into mismatched shapes. “You’re going to be okay,” the voice told her, and she believed it.

  She could make out the sidewalk now, but realized she had parked her car behind the bar. “Luke…” she muttered weakly. The voice didn’t say anything, only shushed her. She saw a hand reach out in front of her, opening the door of a truck. Something is wrong, she thought through her cloudy fog of memory. But it was too late.

  Her rescuer leaned her up against the driver, who smiled down at her, an evil glare in his eyes. She turned to see that her rescuer wasn’t Luke at all. “Who are you?” She asked. He didn’t answer. The driver reached down, brushing a strand of hair from Adeline’s face. “We’re your new pack members,” he said in a deceitfully friendly tone. Adeline’s heart beat frantically. It was a Bloodmoon. Both of them were, and she found herself stupidly captured by them. Something snapped in her now, a wild panic. She kicked frantically, but she was still too weak to even fight back.

  She felt arms around her, holding her down. She tried to scream, but the windows were rolled up and the truck was already barreling down the street. Adeline watched the shadows from the streetlights pass over the faces of her captors as they watched her with delight. She couldn’t bear to think of what they would do to her. She screamed again, but was silenced as an oily-smelling cloth was shoved into her mouth.

  Her muscles twitched and tightened as she kept trying. But it was no use. The captor in the passenger seat grabbed a thick, dark-colored sack, and threw it over her head, silencing her.

  Adeline awoke, groggy and still weak. Her head lolled as the cloth was yanked from her head. She found herself face to face with a familiar grin. Wayne. His eyes were inches from hers, and she could see the flecks of fire darting in his pupils. “Let me guess, you were expecting Luke?” He asked. His breath was hot, murky with the stench of something familiar. Blood.

  Adeline couldn’t say anything. The rag was still shoved into her mouth. She moved, only to find her arms were bound behind a chair with a thick rope. Wayne paced around the room, lit only with a single hanging light bulb above them. Through the shadows, Adeline could see that they were in a small shed of some kind. Tools were strung along one of the walls, over a messy workbench. Another wall had a spray painted symbol of a red moon.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Wayne said, pulling down several tools from the wall. Adeline watched him carefully. They weren’t construction tools at all. These were different tools, specifically for torturing. There were hooks and wires, and remnants of needles. Adeline could feel herself falling back again, into the clouded state, but she held tightly to her consciousness. She had to stay vigilant, for her life’s sake. “What is Wayne, a Sentinel, doing in a shed that belongs to the Bloodmoons?” Asked Wayne as he wandered over towards her, a small knife in his hand.

  He bent down, caressing her arm with the soft edge of the blade. Adeline quivered under his touch. There was nothing she could do to stop him, no way to contact Luke and the other Sentinels. She didn’t even know where she was. She could be miles from the town. “In all my military training, I’ve learned one single fact,” Wayne said, eyeing the blade. “Get close to your enemies, embrace them. And let them embrace you. Only then, can you unlock their most weakest points.”

  Without warning, he turned over the blade, digging the point into Adeline’s arm. Adeline screamed as a burning pain washed over her, followed by the warm trickling of blood traveling down her arm. Wayne followed the blood, gently sliding his finger along the trail and bringing it to his nose. He closed his eyes, deeply inhaling as if it were a drug. Adeline whimpered. Everything muffled by the cloth. “I never thought I’d smell Waters bloo
d again,” Wayne said, examining the droplet of red. “What an honor it is to be united with Hanson’s offspring.” He looked deep into Adeline’s eyes, as he raised his finger to his lips, relishing the taste of the blood.

  “Mm. Just like your father’s,” he said with a devilish grin. “Right before I threw him in the lake.”

  Rage overcame Adeline, as she rocked furiously back and forth in the chair, filling the room with muffled screams. So this was the sickening truth, and it was all finally piecing together. Wayne had been hopping from pack to pack, gaining Intel. He was the one that killed her father. “I’m sorry, how rude of me,” Wayne said, removing the cloth from her mouth. “Fuck you!” Adeline yelled, her voice raw and cracking.

  Wayne was unmoved by her statement. In fact, he was delighted at her suffering. He seemed to be fueled by it. “I understand you’re upset,” he said calmly. “But the Bloodmoons have been…somewhat lacking…for a while now.”

  “You’re going to kill me?” Adeline asked through her teeth.

  “Kill you?” Wayne said in surprise. “Why the hell would I do that? I’ve already killed one Waters in my lifetime. I have other plans for you. After all, you’re Hanson’s daughter. You carry the same blood, and the same genes. The very genes that the Bloodmoon pack has been seeking for a long time.”

  Luke wandered behind the woods of the Hound, waiting for Adeline to come out. Her shift would have ended hours ago, and the bar seemed to be clearing out. Her car was still parked in the parking lot. Something is wrong, he thought. He tried to sniff out anything suspicious. There was a hint of musk in the air. Bloodmoons, he realized, and didn’t need to think for another second.

  He followed after the scent, which ended in the middle of the street. He circled the area, terrified. They must have taken her, but where? Another smell filled his snout, motor oil. He looked down, finding the glossy droplets still lingering on the pavement. At least there was a trail. Luke studied the scent and dove back into the woods. He reared back, filling the cold night with a deafening howl, met back with the similar howls of the Sentinels. I’ll find her, Luke thought, trying to shrug off any doubts that he might be too late…


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