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The Barbarian Bible

Page 28

by Ianto Watt

  So, what do you think? Was Calchas’ prophecy anything out of the ordinary? Was it something that has come true, and survived throughout the last 2,000 years (or more)? Is it anything that would make you wonder about it? Still undecided? Then consider the last part of Calchas’ prophecy; “And let us, in any case, keep our hands away from this man, because in preference to gold and all his other possessions, things that preserve a man when he goes as an exile to a foreign land, in preference to all this, he has chosen his father and his son. A single night has revealed to us a son marvelously kind to his old father, a noble father marvelously kind to his son.”

  Read it again. And again. And then tell me if this isn’t diametrically opposed to the ethos expressed throughout the entire history of the ancient pagan world, a world fixated on Glory and Fame. A world that said it was acceptable to do anything, literally, to achieve these ends. A world built on the lust for money and the desire to dominate all other men. Tell me where, anywhere, you have found this type of repudiation of the animating spirit of the Old and New Testaments of the pagan world view, as found in The Iliad and The Odyssey. Tell me where in the annals of ancient Greco-Roman mythology these virtues of Duty and Honor are valued above Wrath and Deceit? Show me the Olympian god that professed these sentiments? Show me the classical tales that put anything above Glory and Fame (at any cost, to others, of course). Go ahead, I’m waiting. I thought so.

  So, grandson, let’s summarize this section, shall we? And then have another drink! This prophecy of Calchas is the watershed event of the ancient Pagan world, where the mask is ripped off the rotted corpse of ‘Glory and Fame’. It’s where the people of this world have to finally admit that they have no excuse for not knowing (or acting upon) the claim that there is something higher and more godly than to act like the Olympian ‘gods’. Yes, the occupants of the ancient world may not have known what the real name of the real God was at that time, as they didn’t know of Moses and his encounter with the God of the Jews. But beginning with the Fall of Troy, mankind could no longer claim the ‘invincible ignorance’ they had lived with since the time of the Great Flood, when all the tribes of the earth were scattered and the knowledge of the true Operating System was lost to all succeeding generations, except the Chosen Ones, who would also reject it a thousand years later. And so, just when Solomon was building the first and greatest temple to the God of the Jews, the temple of the Olympian ‘ gods’ was effectively destroyed as the western Greeks sacked Troy and destroyed the Trojan temples built in their ‘gods’ honor, all in the name of Glory and Fame.

  And thus began the long journey of the Gentile nations, bound together in the Roman Empire, under the eternal lordship of its founder, Aeneas, as this global civilization embraced these new values of Honor and Duty. And the result of this journey was the eventual emergence of a group (of Jesus-believing-Jews) outside of both this Roman Empire and their own co-religionists (the Talmudic Rabbis). This group of Jesus-Jews’ would separate themselves from both groups (thus the true meaning of ‘holiness’). And this group, called Holy Rome hereafter, would become the nemesis of the soon-to-fail attempt to unite all men under Imperial Rome. An Imperial Rome that continued to pay homage to the unguided concepts of Honor and Duty. Because, to raise an uncomfortable question, the question became, soon enough, Honor and Duty to whom?? And now we are back to the question of Paschal- who do we put our bet on? Caesar? The gods? Or the One God?

  On the other hand we have The Chosen Ones, who have made a pretty good living by being the lenders to Imperial Rome as it continued its quest for the total domination of men on earth. And these Chosen Ones had, and continue to have, a plan on how they are going to use the Empire for their own ultimate ends, when all those loans come due. They also have a plan for the eventual destruction of Holy Rome, their ultimate enemy. Everyone in the gentile world is their enemy, in their eyes, but Holy Rome is the root of their Grudge. And the Grudge is this; that Holy Rome claims to be the New Israel. Which, of course, means that Old Israel no longer really exists. And that’s awfully hard to swallow, if you are proud of having once been the Chosen Ones.

  So in the next section, we are going to see how these Chosen Ones have influenced and steered both the Empire and Holy Rome over the 500 years since the fall of The Second Rome (Constantinople), and how they will play the definitive role in the attempted fall of New Troy at the end. New Troy? Yes. Is it Imperial Rome? Yes. Is it also Holy Rome? Yes. And one will succeed, and the other will fail, as time runs out……………………

  Well, grandson, we have now traversed the second part of our journey. In Part One, we eliminated all the false contenders to the claim of being the correct Operating System. We also identified all the imposters to each of the four original groups that existed at the beginning of the Empire, and how they still exist today, although there are some superficial changes in their appearances. But they all still act exactly the same as they did then, and actions are all that really count in my book. And this is my book.

  In Part Two, using our chosen Holy Roman Operating System, we examined and deciphered the meaning of what Troy represented, and the meaning of the Prophecy of Calchas. This has led us to an understanding of the essential difference between Imperial Rome and Holy Rome, and how both have their origins, in the Gentile world, in the person of Aeneas, who rejected the Operating System of ancient Greece (‘Wrath & Deceit’) by accepting the new paradigm of original Republican Rome, ‘Duty and Honor’.

  We have also seen how the Rome of Aeneas became the battleground that gave birth to both Imperial Rome and Holy Rome, and how, like Romulus and Remus, they were implacable foes. And my contention, that Imperial Rome still exists today, logically must mean that the two foes are still locked in a battle to the death for one or the other.

  Finally, we have seen how the Chosen Ones have been the apparent financial accomplices of Imperial Rome, and the hidden nemesis of Holy Rome, as they fund the Empire’s resistance of Holy Rome and her desire to conquer the world. Now let’s look closer at all these things and see where they take us over the next 500 years, from the fall of Constantinople, to the fall of London, and then on to the Last Fall of Troy, in America.

  And now I will prove (or at least, logically assert) why Imperial Rome still exists, and how this has happened. After all, the Weiner Dogs would have us believe that everything in our modern world is totally removed and disconnected from the ancient world of Caesar, Christ and the Chosen. My contention, stated in the first pages of this book, is that nothing has changed from that time till now, although certain surface appearances might lead the casual observer to think otherwise. But as I have said throughout this book, I don’t care what anyone says, I only look at what they do. And if there are still four groups that act the same as the first four groups, then that’s my first clue. In fact that observation is what led me to my original conclusion. They do act the same.

  And if they also just happen to speak the same things that their original counterparts spoke, then that’s all the more proof I’m right, to my Barbaric way of calculation. And they do speak the same things. The only real part that is ‘missing’ here is a direct, visible link between Imperial Rome of Caesar Augustus and Imperial Rome of America today. All the other original actors from 2,000 years ago have such direct linkages and paternity.

  For example, Holy Rome has been continuous in existence and belief. So have the Chosen People. One is much larger than it was then, and one is much smaller, proportionately, but both are still essentially the same as they were then. As for the Barbarians, what can I say? They were and still are an amorphous blob, sitting on the outside of both Imperial and Holy Rome, and they still engage themselves in the same activities as their ancestors (illegal immigration). Their belief systems are all over the map- just like they were in the year 1 AD.

  But now, let’s directly address this whole issue of Imperial Rome, and whether or not it still really exists today, in both form and substance. And the first thing I wo
uld note is this; that the original Empire itself never formally declared that it was an empire. It paraded for over a millennium as a republic, and yet it was openly acknowledged by anyone who wanted to keep their head that Caesar was, indeed, the Emperor. And if you didn’t burn incense at the altar to him, you would lose your head. Unless you were a slave. Because nobody demanded that slaves had to do this. Why? Because they weren’t counted as human. They were possessions. And what are most (if not all) of us today? If we aren’t slaves, I’ll eat my hat. And so, while we don’t have to visibly offer incense to Caesar today, we still have to obey him. That is worship enough, for him. But who is he?

  Traditionally, Caesar was whoever could claw his way to the throne, and hold it for more than a day or two. And if you look at the line of Caesars, there were times when there were 4 Caesars in one calendar year! Well, how could this be, in such a well ordered system as the Empire? Well, how could you have 3 men claiming to be the Pope at the same time in the 1300’s? Yet no one denies that it actually happened, nor do they deny that Holy Rome has been in continuous existence from the time of Peter. Oh, sure, there are some, but the hallmark of those who make this claim is that, generally speaking, they are the same people who aspire to the throne of Caesar or the chair of Peter themselves. And that brings us to the next major point, which is this- that while the occupancy of the throne may be in doubt at any given moment, the machinery of the state (whether Imperial or Holy) still continues to exist and operate.

  The Church never stopped operating when there was that dispute in the 1300’s, and the Empire never ceased to collect taxes when the old Caesar died and the new one had not yet appeared. And so, if there is an interregnum between Popes or Caesars, that in and of itself is of no importance in the vast scheme of things, as long as the machinery he nominally heads continues to exist and operate. And this correlates perfectly with my insistence that it matters not what someone says (or doesn’t say). The only thing that matters is what they do. That’s the only way you can judge things (and people). Coincidentally, this Barbarian way of understanding mankind is echoed in the Holy Roman Operating System, when it tells us that we are to judge someone by their fruits (actions!). Have I read this wrong? I don’t think so.

  But back to the task, grandson. If the Empire didn’t arise by way of an official proclamation, why do Weiner Dogs demand that there be some kind of official document that states specifically that some particular group or entity truly descends from another? Was Imperial Rome still Rome when it moved its capital from Rome to Constantinople? It never put out a document that I know of, saying that it was still Imperial Rome. All it did was continue to operate, in exactly the same way as it did before. That is all most people needed to understand that nothing of any essential nature had changed. Everyone except the Weiner Dogs. Idiots.

  So, if there was no need for Imperial or Holy Rome to announce that they were still the same, whether they moved the capital or changed the name of the ruler, why do some people still say that unless you have official documentation attesting that something that happened was lawfully done in accordance with all the rules in existence at that time, it didn’t really happen? Well, they are either unpaid idiots (‘useful idiots’ as Comrade Lenin said) or they are paid idiots. And if we look at who says this kind of thing, they fall into two categories; ‘birthers’ and academics. They look a lot alike. But guess which ones are paid for their actions? By the way, the mark of a real emperor is not where he is born, but whether he will kill to keep power. Seen any drones lately?

  Alright then, let’s move along, citizen. Hopefully, we can agree that the changing of the guard (or of the Caesar or the capital) can occur without official pomp and ceremony, duly recorded by the scribes of the times. So now let’s ask ourselves, in the case of the Empire, just how did they change Emperors? Was it by a vote of the Senate? Hardly, because the Senate hated any and all of the Caesars, as he kept his foot planted firmly on their republican necks. Well, was it by lottery? No, I don’t think so. Did the gods descend and anoint the new Caesar? No, not that I’ve heard. Well, how did it happen? It was by force, usually. But not just force exerted by anyone. It was always by someone who had some (but not all) power already. They are usually near, but a little below, the existing Caesar. What, you don’t believe this?

  OK, so, you think some bloke in the Empire wakes up some morning and decides, ‘hey, it’s Wednesday, I think I’ll stroll downtown and take the throne of Caesar’? Yeah, sure. No, grandson, it was done by force, exerted by someone who is near the throne. That is almost always the rule. And it is almost always preceded by a little thing called planning. Or scheming, take your pick. And what do we call those souls who enviously eye their superior, wishing and waiting for just the right moment to move in for the kill, having already made their deals with others of their kind who will be rewarded when they support the one who is bold enough to strike? We call them conspirators.

  There, I’ve said it. Conspirators. The most despised word in the language of Weiner Dog academics. Why do they hate this word and ridicule all who use it? For one thing, they object because the conspirators never left behind any official documents detailing their plans. Real smart, eh? Sure, let’s see, I’m planning to overthrow Caesar, so I think I’ll write all my plans down, so if the police find them before I do my deed, I’ll be arrested and executed. What brilliant logic. Idiots.

  The other reason academics object to this way of reading history is that they are paid to object. Paid by who? By their institutions, of course. And who funds the institutions? Rich individuals who generally remain out of the limelight. In other words, the conspirators. Oh well, more on that later.

  Back to the hunt. Let’s look at the entire list of the rulers of the Empire, and notice that after Claudius in 54 AD, there were very few successions that were uncontested in some manner, either by law or by force. Generally speaking, you needed to have the backing of at least two Legions of the army or the Praetorian Guards, and ultimately (when you put the knife to their throats) the agreement of the Senate. Not hard to do. No problem. What this meant was that most Caesars eventually came from the army ranks, and they weren’t privates. They were generals. And they didn’t do it without consulting their fellow officers, who would be expected to support them in any bloodshed that followed. But, being army guys, that was already part of their job description.

  So, let’s see. I’m a leader of one of the Legions of Rome. Or better yet, a Consul who is also a general. I’ve noticed that the current Caesar is getting a little long in the tooth. Or has been boozing it up a lot lately (think of Caligula). Or maybe, he’s out of the country, squashing Barbarians who are trying to penetrate the frontier. Hmm, is this a good time to act? I think I’ll discuss this, in vague terms with my general staff, and see how these officers feel about the Emperor’s current performance or situation. Then, I’ll note which of my officers seem somewhat unenthusiastic about the Emperor. Hell, I’ve already been doing that for the last two years, because I’ve been dreaming about this possibility for that long!

  Pretty soon, I’ll have a good idea of who I can trust. I’ll transfer the others to the front lines (think of Uriah the Hittite) where they might get hurt. Then I’ll start to position some of my secretly loyal group, to whom I have gradually revealed my ‘willingness to serve, if called upon by my men’, towards the actual City of Rome itself. Others will be posted where they can negatively affect the ability of other possible contenders to move quickly when the circumstances make it possible to contest my moves (because at least two of my fellow generals are thinking exactly what I have been thinking). Then, I will offer sacrifices to the gods on behalf of Caesar, and proclaim my undying loyalty to him. As in, I won’t die for him. Then I will strike. And then will I wear the laurel crown of Caesar.

  OK, we know this has happened, time and again (unless you bought the Weiner Dog line about ‘hey, it’s Wednesday, I think I’ll go downtown and become the next Caesar). We know that power
and planning were the motive means which elevated most of the Caesars. But what word, what single word can we use to describe the process outlined above? Can’t think of one? That’s because there’s only one. Its name is ‘Conspiracy’.

  Oh sure, ‘treachery’ is fine, but that describes the final act, not the planning stages. Treason, maybe. But that’s a legal term, and we’re not dealing with legalities, we’re dealing with power. And power doesn’t give a hoot about legal documents before the fact of the act. Later, if the act has succeeded, then historians in the pay of the winner will paper over any gaps in the glorious re-telling of the new Caesar’s life, rest assured. They’ll even find an Oracle who remembers prophesying that the whole thing would happen, as it was pre-ordained by the gods, of course.

  So, having said all that, and not finding any proofs to the contrary, I have to ask the next logical question; if people conspire over becoming the next Caesar, do they conspire about other things as well? That’s a relevant question, because so much of what passes today as intelligent conversation revolves around this point. And the number of theories about possible conspiracies seems to grow with every passing day. And if we’ve already agreed that there were conspiracies in the past (think of the murder of rulers from the time of Julius Caesar till Lincoln), then don’t we have to assume these sort of things still go on today? Well, yes. And no. Huh? I know, I’m being coy. So let’s look at the question in greater detail, before we shift back to our point of contention, that Angland is (or was) the legitimate successor to the ever-continuous Empire of Rome.


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