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The Barbarian Bible

Page 29

by Ianto Watt

  All conspiracies have one purpose- to gain something illegally. That’s why they are secretive. If their members announced their purpose, they would be arrested. Pretty simple, so far, right? That’s why I discount anything that claims there is a conspiracy in the workings of Holy Rome, because they openly announce their goals and their membership, including their leader, the Pope. It’s open knowledge. And while their goal of voluntary world-wide conversion was and still is illegal in many countries and places, their members don’t seem to mind being arrested and imprisoned or executed. So, the Jesuits, for example, may be smart and cunning, but there is no excuse for anyone not knowing what their ultimate goals are. If you don’t like them, stay away. It’s not like you can’t tell who they are as they walk down the street in their black cassocks.

  Real conspirators, on the other hand, look to gain what isn’t rightfully theirs. Things people won’t voluntarily give them, whether it’s their wallet or their word. People who have this urge to get other peoples goods therefore have to resort to either Wrath or Deceit. Wrath is generally expressed by violent crime in the small version, and by war in the big version. Both of these are generally open acts, and often Barbarian acts. No secrets here. But if you want someone else’s goods (or lives), and you don’t have the muscle and the guts to openly grab them, then you generally have to figure out a way to fleece your mark. That calls for planning (deceit), and the larger the design, the more allies and secret planning you need. This is what a conspiracy is. Con-Spiracy. Breathing together.

  Now all conspiracies have 2 possible origins; fallen men and fallen ‘gods’. Both want what isn’t theirs, but both are determined to have them. This subject is one that has eaten many a fine mind, and truth be told, that’s what so many of them were designed to do. Let’s rattle off a few of them: The Templars, The Illuminati, The Masons, the Rosicrucians, the Communists, the Round Table, The Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission, the Anglo-American Establishment (aka Rhodes Secret Society), The Milner Group, The Zionists, The League of Nations, The United Nations, Dave Ramsey and of course, the biggie of all time, Sam’s Club (which displaced Amway). I’m serious about Sam’s Club. They are a prototype of what’s coming.

  Now the first thing I want to say is this; I obviously do believe in conspiracies, both large and small. Especially small ones, as they are everywhere; at work, at school, in low levels of government, etc. And the corollary to this belief is the fact that most of them, especially the larger ones, fall short of their goal. Some openly fail, some simply falter, fade away and are forgotten over time. Others are still being actively pursued. But I have invincible faith that they will all fail, eventually, because they are all human.

  Except the first one, of course, because it was not and still is not human . It is above (or below, depending on your vantage point) humanity, but below the level of an Infinite and All-Powerful God. In other words, these conspirators are the gods (plural). And they have conspired among themselves, not to de-throne the true God (because they are too smart to try the impossible), but rather to destroy as much of humanity as possible. And this is their sport. Their version of football.

  Now remember, we spent the entire first section of this book homing in on the true Operating System that would let us understand the real nature of man’s history. And by using the process of mathematical elimination, I have arrived at the conclusion that the God of the Chosen Ones (under Moses) is the True God. And further, that most of the Chosen Ones abandoned this God when he came, in the person of Jesus, to claim His throne among men. Further still, many of the people who then converted to this renewed Judaism (called The Holy Roman Church) fell off the wagon at some point. They either fell institutionally (by breaking away into Bizarro-factions like Orthodoxy or Protestantism), or by individually failing to live up to the creed if they stayed within the original fold. In short, lots of people go to Hell. Not that they aren’t nice people. Hell is full of nice people. But it’s also full of fallen angels (‘the gods’) who are not nice. Use your imagination here, grandson. Guess who’s going to enjoy Hell? At least, relatively speaking.

  Now that brings up the question of why a loving God would send nice people to Hell. Well, he doesn’t. We send ourselves, by refusing the invitation to the wedding feast. We insult the host by refusing to show up, usually because we’re ‘too busy’. Or if we do come, we show up for a wedding dressed like slobs. So here’s a clue: the real God has taste. Show up on time and dress right. And don’t insult the host. It’s pretty simple, grandson. Just ask your grandmother.

  Anyway, the Holy Roman Operating System lets us see clearly that the original motivations of fallen mankind (lust and greed) are still at work in most people and societies. Likewise with ‘the gods’, who are still motivated by their original sin, the sin of Pride. And being so much smarter than men, when we come to the issue of Conspiracies, it’s silly to think that human conspiracies can hold a candle to supernatural conspiracies. And remember this, as you keep in mind the saying that ‘there is no honor among thieves’, there are multiple conspiracies amongst ‘the gods’ too. Why would we think that they are in complete lock-step agreement among themselves when, after all, they each fell from grace for the sin of pride, according to the Judeo-Christian history (‘the Bible)? They weren’t proud of each other, they were proud of themselves.

  There’s plenty of grousing still going on amongst the lesser ‘gods’ of Hell, because, after all, the motive of ‘love’ doesn’t exist there. That’s why you can never trust anything any of them says. But Fame and Glory do still operate there, and these attributes are still gained by the usual methods; Wrath and Deceit. But that’s not what we’re going to look at, at least not directly. We’re going to look at how they play out among men, as each of these individual Hellish conspiracies is in competition to see how many idiot humans each of the competing fables of the gods (known as ‘conspiracies’) can snag. The score is scrupulously kept by the chief scorekeeper ( Lucifer, the god of the Fallen Ones), thus earning each of their demonic authors greater or lesser kudos amongst the unhappy legions that lie below us.

  And so, we have to make a distinction here between the two types of conspiracies. The gods make up a story and sell it to stupid gullible men with the intention of ensnaring them when they pay any attention to it, either by resisting or by cooperating. That’s why conspiracy theories that involve the supernatural must never be believed by intelligent men, because the storyline isn’t what it appears to be. So all those stories about the Illuminati, the Templars, the Rosicrucians, etc, are nothing more than bait for curious gullible men. Curiosity kills cats, and idiots too. Even if everything these theories said was true, it wouldn’t matter, because the story originated from the gods. And as any true Exorcist will tell you (ask Fr. Amorth), ultimately everything the gods (demons) tell you is a lie.

  So now I am led to conclude that I can correctly dismiss all the theories that involve the supernatural, because the God of the Chosen Ones doesn’t need to conspire. He can simply act, with total power and impunity. Who would He conspire with? Right, nobody. That leaves his angels. The loyal ones have no need to conspire, as they already have great day jobs, with excellent benefits. That leaves the fallen ones. They were the first conspirators, and they are the ones who men emulate when they conspire. All the better to achieve godhood, right?

  Anyway, the whole point of each supernatural conspiracy is not to enslave all men on earth (although that may be their supposed stated purpose), but rather to intellectually capture a certain sub-set of mankind with each variant of the story of Icarus; that is, how to impose or escape the maze? I’ve got news for you my boy- nobody escapes alive. We all die in the maze. The only difference among men is how you treat each other while living in the maze. At least, that’s what my reading of the Holy Roman Operating System is; love thy neighbor.

  But the fact that demonic conspiracies exist doesn’t deny the equal existence of human conspiracies, regardless of their inspirat
ion. There are also plenty of people who think they have the key to joining or escaping the maze of human conspiracies. They think they have read the clues about each conspiracy theory properly and they know how to escape from the clutches of this group or that. And there’s always a surplus of people dedicated to thinking up new conspiracies to enslave their fellow men here on earth. So we have 2 basic groups in the world of Conspiracy Theories; those who want to enslave men here, and those who want to escape the coming slavery. Both of them are distracted and confused by the originators of the original conspiracy (‘the gods’). Both groups fail to achieve their aim. But that doesn’t stop them from trying.

  Now in an attempt to make all this easier to understand (as these various groups are all players in the history of man), I’m going to group almost all of these various human conspiracies into 2 different camps, and to show you how they actually work. And both groups are mirror images of each other, and often use the same tactics to capture their prey. And almost all of these conspiracies today eventually involve Anglishmen. That means this section on conspiracies is going to eventually segue back into the discussion of the Empire. After all, it is my contention that Angland was the intermediary location of the heart of the Empire between the time it left Constantinople and the time it surfaced in America. Therefore, we’re going to have to consider both the concept of ongoing conspiracies and the history of Angland at the same time. So let’s get on with it, shall we? After all, the clock never stops ticking.

  Let’s put aside for the moment that the Russians claim to be the Third Rome following the fall of Constantinople to the Mohammedans in 1453 AD. We’ll look at that in the following sections as we deal with the progression of Imperial succession. And in spite of the fact that I contend that Angland became the new locus of Imperial power following the fall of Constantinople, it is best to keep in mind what the true means of power is, in this or any previous empire. The name of that power is money. Empires run on money. Money is what fuels any army. Money is what sways potential allies or enemies. Money is what the Emperor needs to accomplish his goal of gaining and sustaining his own personal power. And the source of money is always the source of empire. It’s that simple.

  The other thing to remember is that Emperors don’t have the money they need. They have to continually go and get it, either by war or by taxation. And any would-be emperor has to have an initial source of money to achieve his first goal of replacing the existing Emperor. Where do these men (usually the previous Emperor’s own generals) get their money? That’s a great question! And the answer is, they get it from those who loan it to them. And any good lender has a price that must be paid. We usually call it interest, but at this level of the game, it usually involves more than that. And who can lend that kind of money, at interest, in an Empire that is at least nominally Christian (which forbids lending at interest)? And no, I am not confusing Imperial Rome with Holy Rome. Just because Christianity was now legal in the Empire does not mean the Emperor was nominally Christian, or even if he was, that the Empire itself was Christian. Holy Rome and Imperial Rome are two different animals and will always be bitter enemies till the end. They just happen to occupy the same cage. The same stage. In other words, the world, as a whole.

  Now, back to the question of payday loans to the Emperor. Remember when I said there were 4 groups in the beginning? Okay, so do the Barbarians loan money to the Emperor? Hahahah! Next question! Does the Pope loan money to the Emperor? No! The Emperor may take the Pope’s money, but the Pope isn’t willingly lending it. He can’t, dogmatically speaking. So who does that leave? Right, the Chosen People. And being the brilliant people they are, and despising both Imperial Rome and Holy Rome, they do the smart thing-they cover all their bets, and whoever wins the contest to occupy the throne of Caesar ends up looting the loser to help pay the debts to the lender. It’s a win-win for the Chosen ones who fund all of the contestants, and they actually get paid for the privilege of watching their Gentile opponents tear each other apart.

  Am I being anti-Semitic here? I don’t think so. I’m just being historically accurate. And the reality is, there’s not a lot of operational difference between the Empire and the Chosen Ones. But there is an essential difference between these two groups. Both of them are composed of Mammonites, who, as we have already seen, are those who worship money. But like most else in life, there are two kinds of Mammonites; those who covet power to gain money, and those who covet money to gain power.

  Huh? Isn’t that the same thing? Yes, in a way. The difference is in what you do with the money once you have it in hand. Stupid Mammonites (mostly Gentiles) simply want money to satisfy their carnal desires of lust, greed and fame. They want to be seen (‘fame’), and especially to be seen enjoying their lust and greed (‘glory’). They usually end up burning through their cash way before they’ve burned up their time, and they go down in history as idiots who enslaved themselves.

  Smart Mammonites (mostly Chosen Ones) simply desire money as a way to exercise power over the rest of mankind (including their fellow Jews, when it suits them). They don’t seek the limelight, and they don’t engage in public displays of wealth for the most part. I know, what about the things they do in private, you ask? Sure, they are fallen men, but at least they keep a veneer of civilization about them. They despise public scandal, God bless ‘em!

  They do have a bad habit, however. They do like slavery. That’s where you and I come into their plans. And like any good slave-owner, they don’t mind degrading their property (us). But like any good Southern plantation owner, they wouldn’t dream of killing all their slaves at once. That would be like tossing a lit match into your whole bag of fireworks, instead of enjoying each little destructive act, one at a time, right?

  Anyway, what’s the point of all this division of everyone into this or that group? Simple, my boy. Once you know what type you are dealing with, you can predict what they’ll do. And that means a lot to a Barbarian, as we sit on the sidelines, trying to decide which group to join (and die for). After all, that’s what we’re good at, dying for something. And let’s face it, we’re not gonna become Jews, not if we like pork. Sure, some of us did (the Khazars and Sammy Davis, Jr.), but so what? That’s the exception that proves the rule. That leaves us with the choice between Imperial Rome and Holy Rome. Either way, we’re gonna die. So, Pascal, what’s Imperial Rome got to offer me after I’m dead? I thought so.

  OK, so now we can see how an Emperor gets to where he is, and stays where he is (until the next one comes along). He buys his position with money he has borrowed at interest, from the only lender around. And the quid pro quo (‘this for that’) in this deal, on top of the interest due, is the Imperial grant of operational mobility for the Chosen lender and his brethren within the Empire.

  Let’s not be so dumb as to forget that in almost every land that the Chosen Ones have migrated to, before and since the Fall of Jerusalem, the rulers of Christian and Barbarian countries have severely restricted the operational freedom of the Chosen People (and with good cause, as they are subversive to all of these nations). But in the operationally-pagan Empire, this freedom of operation was much wider for the Chosen Ones, and they made good use of this freedom as they became the tax-farmers for the Emperor. Huh? What’s a tax-farmer? Didn’t I cover that already? I can’t remember. Look it up yourself.

  Oh, alright, grandson, here’s the story. In the Empire, from the time of the first Caesar through the time of medieval Europe, the Caesar or king or prince had to collect taxes to fund his royal lifestyle, right? So who did this collecting for them? He couldn’t trust his own men, as they would steal it from him. So, the king out-sourced the task to tax farmers, who were usually from the Tribe of Israel. Here’s how it worked. Caesar would hold an auction, tax-district by tax-district. He would announce the opening bid, based upon the previous year’s collection. The winning bidder would promise to deliver, up front, the winning bid-amount to Caesar. In return, the tax-farmer could keep whatever ext
ra he could extract from the people, legally or otherwise, as he went around to collect the individual amounts from the people. In other words, Caesar no longer had to worry that his revenue agents would steal from him, because they didn’t have to- they could simply steal it from us. Caesar had given them his permission.

  How was this done? Simple. The tax-farmer shows up at your door, and demands ‘X’ amount of tax, based upon his calculation of your income. Now remember, most people didn’t pay in coin, they paid in-kind. Your income was measured in things like bushels of wheat, jars of oil, etc. Nobody got W-2’s or 1099’s back then. So there was no exact way to determine your real ‘income’, or as they would say, your increase. And the tax-farmer made excellent use of this fact by either over-valuing your crop by high-balling the supposed market price of your crop, or he would over-estimate the physical amount of your harvest. I can hear him now, saying to Farmer Fred, who claims he only harvested 1000 bushels of grain. ‘Well’, says the tax-farmer, ‘your neighbor says you were bragging that you actually raised 1,500 bushels. So, at 15%, you owe Caesar 225 bushels. I’ll be by tomorrow to pick it up’.

  He then gets the grain and sells it, and gets to keep anything over the percentage he agreed (at the district tax-auction) to forward to Caesar. Now do you understand why everyone hated the ‘publican’? He was the tax-farmer. And he was usually a Chosen One. Connecting any dots here? Good. Now let’s get back to the story.

  So, what in the world does any of this have to do with my claim that England became the Third Rome? Simple, my son. Angland couldn’t become the successor to the Empire as long as it was still a loyal part of Holy Rome. Holy Rome forbids usury, which is the black-magic heart of the act of lending for profit. Angland had to become pagan again before the Empire, and more importantly, the ones who finance the Empire, would move their operations there. Since the Imperial Roman Operating System was based on theft, Angland had to accommodate this system. And that’s what happened. The benefit London received for this was that, as the new home base of the Empire, you got to steal from a lot more people than just your own native population. You could now steal from the world.


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