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The Barbarian Bible

Page 31

by Ianto Watt

  The Whigs represented new wealth, not connected with the land but rather with manufacturing and trade. They weren’t nobles, but they did accumulate vast wealth. They did this by herding all the poor dispossessed peasants from the countryside into the cities, where they worked in the new factories. Before this new Industrial Age, the peasants had tilled the monastic Church lands for centuries, with hereditary rights to their plots. But the new nobility threw them off those lands when Henry confiscated the monasteries (the Enclosure Laws). The former peasants were now ‘laborers’ who worked for starvation wages. Think of Charles Dickens and his ‘Christmas Carol’ story. Think of Ebenezer Scrooge when you think of the Whigs. And then realize that until the time of Henry and Elizabeth, wide-scale poverty had been unknown in Britain. Why? Because the Holy Roman Church had always been their safety net in times of trouble.

  The monasteries had been the center of life for the people, most of whom lived rural lives that were centered on their local parish. The parish looked after their rights, which included the hereditary right to till the land and to use the local Commons to graze their livestock. Now, however, it was all the King’s Land, and anyone poaching upon it was an outlaw. Think of Robin Hood (from an earlier era of bad kings) and you’ll begin to understand why the people hated the King now, and his local revenue agent, the sheriff. That word, by the way, comes from the two Anglish words ‘shire’ (as in ‘county’) and reeve (as in ‘revenue’). Shire-Reeve. Sheriff. In other words, the Sheriff of Nottingham was the local IRS agent. He wasn’t there to protect anybody but the King, and the king’s wallet.

  Now after the Enclosure Laws were enacted by the King and his rubber-stamp Lords, everyone in the countryside was an outlaw. Outlaws, that is, if they wanted to eat. That’s because the only way to eat was to enter the King’s newly confiscated lands to hunt, fish or harvest, just as they had done legally for the last thousand years. And all of this was because Henry was a jerk. But somebody besides the new nobility also benefitted from the land grab. It was the Whigs. They didn’t get free land, but they did get dirt-cheap labor, as the starving peasants made their way to the now-expanding cities. And so the Whigs also had a stake in the King’s land grab of the monasteries, and they weren’t about to look a Trojan gift-horse in the mouth.

  The Whigs were generally of ‘Dissenter’ (Puritan) descent. Remember the word Dis-establishmentarianist? This meant they were opposed to the Anglican Church as the ‘established’ Church, mainly because they were even more opposed to Holy Rome than the Protestant King was. The Dissenters said that the Anglican Church was still too ‘Popish’, still too much like Holy Rome. And since the King (or Queen) was the head of that Anglican Church, the Dissenters were opposed to the nobility that supported this ‘popish’ kingdom. The Whigs are known today as the Labour Party, and they are analogous to the Democrats in America. On the surface, at first glance, they were the opposite of the Tories. When it came to religion, the Whigs were what we called the Anti-dis-establishmentarianists. Don’t you just love these idiot Anglish terms? But make no mistake, they were both totally opposed to Holy Rome, because both received their new wealth from the theft of the monasteries from Holy Rome. And this was the beginning of what we know as Capitalism today.

  Now I know, it seems silly to think that the Whigs, the exploiters of the little people, would be analogous to Democrats today in America, right? But not if you think of the welfare system in America as a means of preserving a large pool of cheap labor. But this requires that we begin to think of both versions of both sides (Tory vs. Labour & Republicans vs. Democrats) as being two sides of the same coin. The coin of the true ruling class. And who would that be? Those that make the coins. Get it? House of Lords, House of Commons, what’s the difference?

  So, we now have the new nobility with their stolen lands, and the new bourgeoisie with their captive slave labor. Each hated Holy Rome and each hated the King (although the nobility had to keep that quiet). And each had a dog in the fight. And if you begin to understand this, you will begin to understand the American Civil War, which was simply Round Five of the English Civil War. But that’s for later.

  Anyway, the Whigs had their champions too, just like the Tories had Lord Salisbury. Their champions were usually found in the House of Commons. Let’s look at the most interesting specimen, Cecil Rhodes. He wasn’t a member of the House, but directed much of what went on there. Cecil Rhodes (no relation to the Cecil clan) was the epitome of the new industrially-wealthy man. He was a Whig to the core. And he was probably the wealthiest man in the world as the 19th century came to a close.

  Rhodes seemed to be the antithesis of Lord Salisbury and his kind. Yet they were both totally dedicated to one common idea- that the world should be ruled by Angland (or, as the world knew it then, Great Britain). Both were imperialists to the core. And Rhodes, who created the DeBeers diamond monopoly in South Afrika, owned most of southern Afrika, both politically and legally. His great desire was to see the world united in a ‘British Commonwealth’ (run by the Anglish, of course) for the good of mankind. Tto accomplish this feat, he set up his secret ‘Society of the Elect’, and recruited a number of interesting people, including Lord Salisbury, who, theoretically, from a class perspective, should have been his enemy. But some things trump class. Things like world power. Oh, and guess who else belonged to this club? Lord Rosebery (Rothschild). Coincidence, I’m sure. Hahahahah!

  The result of this secret society was the spawning of a number of seemingly different groups, all of whom had a common membership which had two common links. The first was an affiliation with Oxford University. The second was an undying commitment to Anglish world domination. They recruited key members throughout the British Empire, in each of its provinces and Dominions. Now keep in mind that at this time (around the time of Benjamin D’Israeli in 1870, whom we discussed earlier) the British Empire included Australia, Canada, almost all of southern Afrika, Egypt, India (which originally stretched from present day Pakistan to Burma) and dozens of other countries. Here is part of the old Wikipedia entry on the Commonwealth today (entry was updated in January 2013):

  “The Commonwealth comprises 54 countries (including one currently suspended member), across all six inhabited continents. The members have a combined population of 2.1 billion people, almost a third of the world population, of which 1.17 billion live in India and 94% live in Asia and Africa combined.[34] After India, the next-largest Commonwealth countries by population are Pakistan (176 million), Bangladesh (156 million), Nigeria (154 million), the United Kingdom (61 million) and South Africa (49 million). Tuvalu is the smallest member, with about 10,000 people.[35]” (end of citation) 29

  In addition to this, the Rhodes Secret Society also considered the United States to be a ‘special member’ of their group of Anglophile nations, and made every effort to regain political integration between the United Kingdom and the United States.

  As I mentioned, Rhodes and his friends set up a network of interlocking groups with a common membership to influence, if not control, world events, with the stated aim of world-wide domination. So, who were these groups, made up of men like Rhodes and Lord Salisbury, who on the surface seemed to be implacable political enemies? Here are the names of a few of these groups: The Round Table Group, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Times of London, The Institute of Pacific Relations, and in America, The Council on Foreign Relations. And by the way, just a quick note that will become relevant later in this book; all Mormons are also British Israelites, by definition. Their theology says that they are the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. And as we all (should) know, it was legal to have multiple wives in Old Israel. So, what’s good enough for Israel is good enough for Utah, right? Connecting any dots here? Good.

  OK, so now do you see where I was going with all of this? I’m trying to get you to see that there were (and still are) groups of fabulously wealthy, highly dedicated people who have striven to carry out a one-world conspiracy,
whose roots go back almost 500 years and whose work is still with us today (in the form of the British Commonwealth, or as otherwise known as the Anglo-American Establishment, as described by Prof. Carroll Quigley in his book of the same name in 1949). And I also want you to see that all of these Gentile Anglo-conspiracies have failed.

  Huh? Failed? Yes, even though there are some who think it still has legs, it has failed. How can I say this? Haven’t I been saying all along that the British Empire was the actual and legitimate heir to Imperial Rome of Caesar? Yes, I have been saying that. And it was absolutely true until the aftermath of WWI, when the capital moved again. And when I say the word capital, I mean it in both the financial and governing sense of the word. It’s not a coincidence that the two meanings of this word are so intertwined in the reality of governing mankind. And where did the capital (of both types) move? To America.

  What? Yes, that’s when it became apparent to those who finance the Empire that it was expedient to move again, as the next phase of their operations had now begun. Huh? Yes, I’m saying that all this time, from the time of Caesar Augustus till 1918 AD, a total of almost 2,000 years, there has been another, parallel human conspiracy operating in the world. The first, the conspiracy of the Empire (inspired by the gods), sought to control the fate of all nations. In the second conspiracy (also inspired by the gods), the Chosen Ones sought to control the fate of all Emperors. And that for this same period of time, the goals of both conspiracies were in relative harmony. The Caesars wanted power to get money, and the Chosen People wanted money to get power. The power to operate freely and openly. And by 1918, the Chosen Ones had judged that the time was right to start coming out of the closet. No, not that closet. Let me re-phrase that. They decided to come out of the vault.

  And so, at the end of WWI, simply by transferring the bulk of their wealth across the Atlantic, to the home of the cousins of the British Empire, these financiers of the world had pulled the rug out from under the Anglish Emperor. The American President was now to be the new Western Emperor. But as I have said numerous times, the one who seems to be the visible head of the Empire, whether we call him Caesar or Prime Minister or President, is really just the chauffer. The boss, who actually owns the limo (and has loaned it, at interest, to the chauffer), is riding in back, inside the tinted dark windows. And who would that be? The Israelite British, of course. Huh?

  Here’s a quick look at the British Empire, from Wikipedia

  Well, I call them the Israelite-British. The Rothchilds and their kin. Theirs is the one human conspiracy that has outlasted the British-Israelites. Why? Because they are real Israelites. Because their conspiracy has the vital element of a successful conspiracy that the British Israelites lacked.

  My point is this: even when Gentile men of incredible wealth and power band together secretly to overpower mankind for their own (supposedly benign) purposes such as the ‘British Israelites’ attempted in their bid to make the British Commonwealth encompass the entire world, they will always fail. Why? Because they lack at least one of the three things necessary to successfully carry out such a plan. But the Israelite British have all three.

  And what are these three things? Well, the first is common nationality. And while most of the inner ring of Cecil Rhodes ‘Society of The Elect’ were of Anglish stock, they were trying to manipulate others who, in places as far flung as India and South Afrika, simply were not Anglish. These recruits from the hinterlands of the Empire didn’t share the common perceptions, outlooks and culture of the core conspirators.

  The second element needed to successfully effect a serious, multi-generational conspiracy on a world-wide basis, (and this is very closely linked to the first element mentioned above) is the sharing of a common religious system. Here again, the inner circle had trouble with their international colleagues. But they also had the same problem internally with their inner group. They didn’t all share the same religion because the religion of Angland had morphed over the last 5 centuries. That’s because yesterday’s Anglican is today’s Methodist, Puritan, Quaker, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Seventh Day Adventist, Christian Scientist, etc. And this was exactly the situation within the Society of The Elect, and its successor groups such as the Cecil Group, Lord Millner’s Kindergarten, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc. They simply weren’t all on the same page in the choir, theologically speaking. Hell, Quakers don’t even have choirs! And so, they couldn’t possibly be expected to succeed in what would have to be a multi-generational effort to gradually ensnare the entire world. Oh, did I say ‘ensnare’? I’m so sorry, I meant to say ‘civilize’. Sorry, old chap! White man’s burden, you know.

  Now if you do have both of these first two elements, common nationality and common religion, you have a good start on an organization that can be secretly effective and last for many generations. The short-term goal of any such organization is to either make lots of money or to allow the members to survive in a hostile environment. Or both. A good example of this would be the Sicilian Mafia, which has existed, effectively, for several hundred years, if not longer. But let’s face it, this is a defensive conspiracy, one designed to allow its members to survive and even thrive in a world that is totally different from their culture and religion. It’s not built to take over the world. It’s only designed to preserve their world inside a larger world. So this doesn’t really count in the arena of ‘conspiracies’. Why? Because they make most of their money off of the outside world. Why conquer it, when it is already feeding you?

  That leaves the third element that Rhodes & Cecil’s inner group of Commonwealth conspirators lacked, and this is the most crucial of all. This is the element that provides the fire in the belly to its members, inciting them to stay the course without distraction or diversion, never losing sight of their objective. It’s what provides their descendants with the same vision and desire and the means to further a goal of world-wide domination. This missing element in the Society of The Elect was ‘The Grudge’.

  Now it is a sad fact of fallen human nature, but it is undeniably true. The one thing that will inspire people, through a millennium of effort and struggle, is The Grudge. There has to be someone to hate in order for a conspiracy to be effective. Why? Well, if a conspiracy has anything less than absolute and total revenge as its motive, as soon as the effort begins to bear fruit (like monetary profit or the acquisition of power), here’s what happens; at least some of their descendants (if not some of the original adherents) will begin to become satisfied with their newly-acquired power and/ or money, and they will lose sight of the original goal (revenge). Or at least begin to lose interest in it as a primary motivation, as their human appetites are sated by their new wealth and power. And that’s a natural effect. Perfectly understandable, if you understand fallen human nature. It’s Miller time!

  But if you have The Grudge to keep you focused (as only hate or love can do), then you can resist the distraction that newly-acquired wealth or power can bring. It can allow you to stay focused on your dream, the dream of revenge. It is a dream that can totally consume you. And it usually will. But hopefully not before you consume your enemies.

  Here’s an example of what I mean. It’s the old joke of a western reporter interviewing a Serbian man in 1996 who has just come back from an attack on a Croatian village in say, Bosnia. Now both sides are putatively Christian, right? Anyway, the reporter asks the Serb why he went and fought and killed his neighboring Croat. The Serb replies that the Croat’s family had killed one of his family members. The reporter asks the Serb when the Croat atrocity had occurred, and the Serb replies, ‘in 1348’. There it is. The Grudge.

  The Grudge is exactly what the Rhodes/Cecil/Millner conspiracy lacked, ultimately. They were Boy Scouts compared to people with a real grudge. And how could they have all had the same Grudge anyway, since they had such a widely divergent Bizarro-christian heritage? No, this Society of the Elect thing was doomed from the start, even though it had every advantage of money, education, politica
l power and cultural clout. The problem was, nobody was mad. Mad as Hell.

  Well, now do you see why I went through all of this? It doesn’t matter which conspiracy you want to talk about, they all have the same problem. Except the Irish, who have the Grudge, but who have lost their common culture and religion. You know what Irish Alzheimers is? You forget everything but your grudges. And the Irish are ineffective precisely because they have lost the other two vital ingredients; common nationality and religion. Instead, they have become Mammonites, and they speak the language of their oppressors. In addition to that, they only have the grudge against the Anglish (which is well and good), but not against everybody else, like the Chosen Ones do. So how could the Irish possibly succeed? The same goes for the Illuminati idiots, the Masonic twits, the Bilderbergers, the Templars (of any age), etc. They all lack at least one if not more of the three necessary ingredients to effectively execute their plan (or any plan), and so they are doomed to fail, at the human level.

  But is there another level? The supernatural level, where the real purpose of the conspiracy is to ensnare men who are fearful and paranoid, or conversely, proud and arrogant? Men who are afraid of other men who they believe are successfully equipped to conspire against them and theirs? Or other men, who think their superior intelligence or wealth will allow them to engage in a successful conspiracy, the one these other men fear? Of course there is. That is why there is a continuous stream of stories, throughout recorded history, of these attempts by proud men trying to secretly subjugate other men. And these stories of conspiracy attempts spawn other stories of fearful men perceiving everything they see as just such an attempt. And all of these stories ultimately serve the purpose of the originator of all conspiracies; ‘the gods’.


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