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The Barbarian Bible

Page 32

by Ianto Watt

  After all, this is ‘the gods’ version of fantasy football. And their goal is to get as many spectators into their game as possible, and to thoroughly mesmerize them, both the proud and the fearful. They do it with the incredible lies that make this whole exercise so enjoyable to these same gods. It’s Liar’s Logic to the max. The net result is that the human spectators lose sight of the real conspiracy, the original one. And when the clock runs out on these poor human saps, they have nothing to show for the time they’ve spent on earth. Chalk up another one for the ‘gods’.

  And before I forget this, I want to bring up another point about how the British Empire is the legitimate heir to Imperial Rome. After all, the names are almost the same. What?? You can’t swallow that? Let me explain. First of all, let’s see if we can agree that the official name of the British Empire was exactly that: The British Empire. So, let’s say you do something really brave or courageous or brilliant, and you are a citizen of the (British) Empire. What does the Emperor (yes, the King of England actually has the title of Emperor) do to reward you? Why, he gives you a reward to recognize your service to the Empire. He gives you a medal recognizing you as a Member of the British Empire (aka MBE). The technical name is The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire (OBE).

  So what, you say? Well, OK, we agree the Anglish have adopted the British name, and they officially call it The British Empire, and the King is also the British Emperor. Right? So, remember earlier when I said that Britain is the Isle of Bruthon of ancient times? The Isle claimed and occupied by Brutus, the grandson of Aeneas, of Troy? So, all these guys have done is to trump the Romans (who were the first descendants of Aeneas) by going back even farther than Romulus to state their Trojan pedigree. Get it? Londonium (the original Latin name of London when it was founded as an Imperial Roman garrison town around 43 AD) was and still is Roman to the core. Trojan from the Beginning. Trojan to this day. As Trojan as the original Rome.

  Imperial Troy is Imperial Rome and it resides in Imperial London (and its former colony, New York) to this day. But that ignores the fact that the real British Trojans, the Welsh (and the West Welsh, aka the Cornish), are held captive by the Anglo-Saxon bastards. These Saxons pose as them after having stolen the seat and title of The Prince of Wales, the true heir to the Throne of Arthur. Ah well, some things you can’t change. But God does have a sense of humour, and it is called ‘English Cuisine’ in this case. How can they eat that stuff and still claim to be civilized, let alone sophisticated? Bangers and mash? Gag me!

  So what am I saying? Simply this- it’s not the success of the effort to rule the entire world that will prove the legitimacy of the true successor of Rome, because they have all failed, from Julius Caesar to King George V. Rather, it is the continuous pursuit of that same goal that marks the British Empire as the true successor to the Rome of Caesar. Sure, others have pursued that same goal, but not with the same paternity, the same root language, the same laws, the same military dominance that built the largest empire on earth that has lasted over 500 years, and lastly but most importantly, the same empire that has been continuously financed by the same tax-farming financiers that backed Imperial Rome.

  And in a funny bit of irony, in their zeal to mimic one another, these financiers and their Anglish stooges have seemingly converged. How? By thinking that they’re fooling almost everyone (which they have), these Israelite British and British Israelites have adopted the same religious mantra. One says ‘once saved, always saved’. The other says ‘once Chosen, always Chosen’. What the hell’s the difference? Hahahahah! Idiots. And why are they idiots? Because they can’t both be right, right? And therefore, if one is wrong, but they are mimicking each other, then they both have to be wrong, right? Right!

  But I’m wandering, aren’t I? Or am I? Weren’t we talking about how Angland is the natural descendant of Rome? So why wouldn’t Angland do like Rome did, and divide itself. East and west? And the latest shift of the center of Imperial gravity, to America (after the disaster of WWI gutted all the European powers), simply continues that trajectory, in all these same categories. In fact, each category gets closer to the original, as the discovery and naming of America is accomplished by men of Italy- Cristobal Colombo and Amerigo Vespucci. Not to mention the exact same symbols of Imperial Rome (the Eagle, the Fasces) and the founding of the nation as a Republic, ruled by a Senate. And again, financed by the same financiers that funded every Caesar from Julius to Obama. America, as the undeniable child of Angland, is also the spitting image of Imperial Rome. The DNA is obvious. If you bother to look, that is. But you have to refuse to get confused by the use of deliberately confusing names that seem to mirror one another.

  Let’s look at it another way. Let’s suppose that the Eastern capital, London, hasn’t been totally abandoned by the Emperor. Let’s ask ourselves if maybe the Empire is simply undergoing the same thing the original Empire went through when Emperor Diocletian divided the Empire into West and East in 285 AD and further subdivided his power into two Caesars, under one Augustus’. Let’s suppose that New York has been named (by the Emperor’s financiers) as the capital of the West, and that London remains the capital of the East. It’s just a simple mirror image, but in reverse, of what has already happened once. That leads me to think that such a movement makes the Anglo-American period of the Empire even more legitimate from a historical perspective. Look at it this way; the price of gold, world-wide, is still set every day in London. And it is always set in in dollars. From New York. That’s my real thesis; that the Empire is not really run by the visible Emperors (or Prime Ministers, or Presidents), it is actually run by those who finance it. And that would be the Chosen People.

  These Chosen Ones, who had amassed great wealth by trade and finance (lending), made every effort to support the Emperor in his attempts to subdue (and tax) the entire world. They did this to further their own desire to see the entire Gentile world subjugated to someone who was subjugated to them. And when the right time comes, all they have to do is remove their support for this Emperor/ Prime Minister/ President façade. Then they can then take direct control of things themselves. Parallel conspiracies, divergent results. But that final time has not come yet, and so we are still dealing with the visible image of the Empire, and its putative visible leader(s).

  I know, I’m gonna get pounded for that last remark, but hey, I signed up for it when I picked the Holy Roman Operating System as my rule in life. Actually, I’m going to get pounded for any mention of the Chosen People that isn’t absolutely complimentary and fawning. But it’s not like I’m making fun of their noses, because truth be told, Welshmen have bigger beaks than anyone. Seriously.

  And actually, I owe the Chosen People a lot. Why? Because they are taking the Anglish for a little ride in the country. Just like the Anglish did to us Welshmen first, and then everybody else. This is going be very enjoyable at the end! Apart from the fact we’re all gonna get it. Oh well, it’s not like we could get out of this life alive, so at least we get to pick who we’ll die for. And I’m not dying for the Emperor, let alone his paymasters. Now, let’s get back to work, and look at how the Empire has been divided, east and west, and a new capital established across the Atlantic, which is the modern version of the Mediterranean Sea.

  Alright, so why would these certain financiers think it was necessary to divide the Empire and establish a western capital in America? And why do I say the capital is New York instead of Washington? Simple, grandson. The first capital of America under the current Constitution was New York. And even though it has since moved its governmental center to Washington DC, the fact of the matter is that the Federal Reserve is the actual locus of power in America, and its headquarters are still in New York. As for why the financiers wanted to open a ‘western front’, the reason was to re-capture America after its escape from direct Imperial control in 1776. And so, it was necessary to share power with them. Oh, and also to provide the necessary manpower for the wars that were to come.

bsp; What? Am I saying that wars are planned? Well, do you think they happen by accident? Or by coincidence? Or even by random chance? I know, Richard Dawkins would pick the last option, but he’s an idiot. Let me show you why I say wars are planned. To begin with, wars are financed, agreed? After all, no one goes to war (offensively) unless they have the means to conduct it. That requires money, men and materiel. And you need all 3 to succeed. And so you plan. Or conspire, whatever you want to call it. You plan on getting enough of all 3 items. And when it comes to money, you have to borrow, from those who have the money. If you had the money, you wouldn’t be going to war, because that’s the reason for going to war- to get more money. Ask any Barbarian.

  So, just like in any business dealing with a lender, you have to make your presentation, and you have to show your plan to the financiers. You have to make your case. After all, you are going to engage in this (offensive) war to gain something. That makes it a business proposition. And the proposition is a question of production. Will the war be productive? It makes it a question of profit.

  And if you make a good enough case, you’ll get the loan. But part of making your case is making sure that you have enough of all 3 needs. The bankers will give you some of the third element, money, if you show you have the first 2 (men and materiel) and a system to generate some of the third (money). And America had huge amounts of both men and materiel. So, any smart Emperor who wants to make war would see the wisdom of sharing (or appearing to share) his power with other like-minded Anglos, even if they were those rowdy cousins across the Atlantic. They’ll make excellent cannon-fodder, you know.

  But the financiers want to be sure you have a steady stream of income, regardless of the outcome of the war, because stalemates can happen. Therefore they will want to see you put some skin in the game. They will demand that the Emperor/King/President put a taxation plan into effect before they will risk their capital. That’s how we got The Federal Reserve System, in 1913, just in time for the kickoff of WWI. Now here’s a funny factual coincidence. When The Fed was formed, it was headed by a fellow named Paul Warburg. He’s not Irish. And the Fed was (and still is) the privately-owned organization that loaned our tax money to the US and UK to finance WWI. And Paul’s brothers, Max & the gang, were in Hamburg Germany, and they were the financiers who loaned money to the Kaiser in WWI. (Hey, there’s another Caesar! Everybody thinks they’re Caesar.)

  See what I mean when I said the Chosen Ones like to cover all the bases? It’s a Win-Win situation, as the Gentiles tear each other up. What, you didn’t know that The Federal Reserve was privately owned? Who owns it? It’s not the Boy Scouts, wort. And it’s certainly not the taxpayers. That’s the reason for having taxpayers- to pay the interest on the loans from the Federal Reserve to the government. Before the Fed, there was no income tax. The Supreme Court had ruled it was unconstitutional. The government was funded entirely by tariffs, import duties, whisky taxes and the like. But the friendly fellows who brought us The Fed also brought us a new Supreme Court majority who just coincidently decided to reverse their earlier decision. And all of this was just in time to fund WWI. But all that’s another story, although one with the same group of actors.

  And besides all that blather, there was another more important fact of why Old York decided to share power with New York. That fact was the small matter that America was still Anglish, in the religious meaning. Why? Because the English Civil War was still going on. Huh? You know, the Anglish Civil War? Oh, you don’t know. Right, I forgot, you went to public school. Hell, you wouldn’t know this even if you went to a Catholic school. OK, time for some remedial reading, because we can’t really tell this story without this knowledge. It’s the story of how the English Civil War of 1642 shaped England and America, and by extension, the entire world since that time.

  And this is also the story of how this knowledge was overwhelmed by the straw-man legend of the French Revolution. You know, the big bad French Revolution that supposedly gave us The Commune, and by extension, Communism. The revolution by which all others are judged. Incorrectly, of course, because again, the winners got to write the history. And that’s why everyone is ignorant of the first and only real source of European revolution; Angland. And no, it wasn’t the German Princes in the Reformation. They were in rebellion to Holy Rome, but that is not the same as revolution. Rebellion is refusing to submit to lawful authority. Revolution is destroying that authority. So let’s look at how the real revolution occurred, grandson, as we now embark on the real focus of this story- the story of the Anglish bastards. And let’s have another drink before we do!

  The real question is this; who taught the French to be blood-thirsty maniacs? Right-o, the Anglish. Alright, we have to do some work here. We have to go back to the time of Henry’s break with Holy Rome. I know, we briefly covered it already, but there’s more to the story. Henry died in 1547, but before he did, he had beheaded some of his wives, as we all know. But he also cut the head off of his chief advisor, Thomas Cromwell, the 1st Earl of Essex, who had helped him engineer the break with Rome. It’s kind of funny, since he also cut off the head of his Chancellor, (St.) Thomas More, for refusing to help him get his divorce from his first wife. Hell if you do and heaven if you don’t, eh? Might as well die for a good cause.

  Anyway, this whole thing would bedevil his bastard daughter Elizabeth throughout her reign, because the ghost of both of these two advisors to Henry wouldn’t die. The ghost of Thomas More (the Catholic) stayed alive in the continuing attempts of the people to restore the Catholic Stuarts to the throne. And the ghost of Thomas Cromwell (the Anglican) wouldn’t go away either, as Elizabeth had to contend with the logical result of her father’s revolution. That result is always more revolution. And no matter how fast and furiously she worked trying to erase all the ‘popish’ elements in the new Anglican church her daddy had left her, it was never fast enough to satisfy those dissenting ‘reformers’ who still hated Holy Rome more than Elizabeth did. And that is saying a lot!

  So, she had her hands full trying to keep both pots from blowing their lids. The ‘Holy Romans’ wouldn’t go away and neither would the ‘reforming’ Dissenters, as they were known. And when she died in 1603, all Hell broke loose. Eventually, the Catholic monarchy returned, and this further enraged the Dissenters (aka the Puritans, aka the Roundheads, as they were the ones who first made the mop-top hairstyle of the Beatles famous). And of course, Henry Tudor’s dynasty went down the drain. Was it all really worth it, Henry? OK, let’s fast forward a bit. The Parliament was now thoroughly radicalized. There were the King’s Men who were called The Cavaliers. Catholics and Anglican alike, the Cavaliers both owed their position in the House of Lords to their nobility. I know, that sounds insane that any Catholics would support the Anglish King, but hey, it was better to support an absolute Protestant monarch than a Puritan mob, right? Actually, no, but they did it anyway. Personally, I’d rather fight it out, directly.

  The House of Commons however was in the hands of those who didn’t want a Pope or a King that acted like one- one that had absolute power. These Dissenters were agitating for a constitutional limitation on the King, and the King wouldn’t agree. And the King, James I, born Catholic but raised Protestant when Queen Mummy died, was looked upon with suspicion by all sides. When James died, his son, Charles I became King, and the fight with Parliament continued. And although Charles was a Protestant, he married a French Catholic princess. I know, it seems so confusing, but think of it as a game of Mystical Chairs. Just like musical chairs. But there’s only one chair, and it’s the throne.

  When it became known that Charles had made a secret deal with the French to restore Catholicism to the Royal house, things became intolerable for the Dissenters. So, there had to be a war to settle it. And that is how Charles I was beheaded, by Parliament, in 1660. By Oliver Cromwell, the great-great grand nephew of Thomas Cromwell, the advisor to Henry VIII, who lost his head at Henry’s command. Talk about payback! Round I of the Anglish Civ
il War went to the Roundheads.

  But that’s not the big point. The big point is that the Anglishmen had killed their own King. That was astounding! It had never been done before in Europe, as far as I know. It was the beginning of the end for the concept (and lives) of The Royalty. And not just in Angland. It would spread to France next, but it would take another 133 years for the Anglish to incite their neighbors to emulate their own royal blood-thirst. And then, just as the Anglish had spun the Black Legend about the Spanish (concerning the Spanish Inquisition), they have filled the world with propaganda that has labeled the French Revolution as the beginnings of the Communist Terror. As always, the Anglish have been master propagandists. All of it done to cover their own treachery, as always. Ah, perfidious Albion! Look it up, junior. Score: Roundheads one, Royalist none.

  Well, Round I went to the Dissenting Puritan Roundheads (I love these names!). Let’s call them Idiots, for short. Wait, that would cause confusion, because there’s a lot more idiots to come. OK, Roundheads will do for now. But winning Round I didn’t end the war, by a long shot. Hell, it’s mop-up operations are still going on today! This war was the parallel to the Roman Civil War that Julius Caesar thought he had settled. Like I said earlier, Barbarians know that the only way to end this kind of thing is to kill every last one of them, whoever they are. Oh well, nobody ever listens to Cassandra.


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