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The Barbarian Bible

Page 39

by Ianto Watt

  And now we are at the last stage of the Three Front War. This war began as one waged against religion of one kind (Holy Rome), and governments of one kind (monarchy). And now, it is being finished off with a war against the family of one kind, (the traditional family). Why? Because at the end, The Empire will present each man, separated and isolated from all other men, with a single choice, and it will be an economic choice. It won’t be a demand to drop your religious beliefs. Why? Because they will have already been destroyed, as your religion will have morphed into membership in the new world religion. It won’t be a demand to drop your national allegiance, either. Why? Because all nations will have been destroyed by globalism. It won’t even be a demand that you abandon your familial allegiance, because the family was destroyed at the personal level, starting with Henry and ending with the Three Front War. No, the only choice all men will have at the end of this unwinding of the Empire will be this; do you want a job, or not? If not, fine, go starve. But if you do want a job, do as you’re told, and you’ll get to keep your cable, your subsidized food and housing, and your clothes. And maybe a car. Maybe. But maybe it will be a bike, who knows?

  And how does this all tie in with the financiers? Simple enough - they will own everything else. Including the Empire, and all that the Emperor owns. Including the Emperor. And it all began, in this final, open phase of the Great War of the Chosen Ones upon the Gentile nations, when LBJ decided to make the newly-minted State of Israel the 51st state of the United States America, in 1964. After all, when you become the new Emperor, there are bills to pay, right? And the first one that has to be paid is to the assassins that bought you your brand-new presidency. Or else they might buy another one, for someone else. LBJ was dumb, but he sure wasn’t stupid. He knew what he had to do to keep his power and his life. And in return for his loyalty, his owners soon removed his final irritant (and rival for power), Robert Kennedy, Jack Kennedy’s brother, in 1968.

  I know, he was shot by a Palestinian, right? Yes, according to my logic, that should be insane, right? Yes. After all, Palestinians (and most Muslims) liked the Kennedy’s and their evenhanded treatment of the Mid-East. So why would Sirhan Sirhan do this deed? Well, maybe SAVAK knows. What’s SAVAK? The Iranian CIA. It was set up in the 1950’s, by the American CIA and Israel’s Mossad (the Jewish CIA), to put the Shah in power. And the evidence points to SAVAK as the power behind the RFK shooting. Why would they do this? Because SAVAK was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mossad and the American CIA. And Mossad and their buddies at the CIA needed a false flag to fly over this operation. So, they turned to SAVAK to supply the necessary ‘asset’ known as Sirhan Sirhan. His family was held hostage, I hear, to make him do this deed. Don’t believe me? Read a little. Read Michael Collins Piper’s book, Final Judgment, for a real close look on who all was in Dallas that day (besides LBJ, of course).37 Those guys are really good shots, by the way. If I get shot, grandson, you’ll know who did it, OK?

  Still can’t believe this, can you? I know, grandson, it’s wildly beyond conventional belief. But it’s even crazier to believe the ‘it just happened that way’ version of Weiner Dog history. That’s the school of historical (hysterical?) thought that ignores the known tendencies of human nature. Fallen human nature. So, let’s take a look at a single incident that will give you the perfect comparison of these two schools of thought- me versus the Weiner Dogs. Because that’s the real choice everyone has to make (or avoid).

  So let’s look at an incident that happened to an Imperial warship named the USS Liberty. It happened during the 1967 war between Israel and the Arab states. These wars, by the way, are the new Olympics. There’s one every decade (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000, etc.) In this particular one, Israel had launched a pre-emptive strike against all of the Arab states bordering it (Egypt, Syria, Jordan). Israel was about to roll all of them up in a bundle in what became known as The Six-Day War. It was a rout, but a conventional rout. No nukes yet.

  The Israeli’s were doing this quite handily, using the American weapons systems that were far superior to anything the Muslims had. There was only one thing missing from the Israeli victory script. That missing ingredient was the ability to draw the Americans directly into the war to totally annihilate all of the Muslim armies (including Iraq and Iran). What could lead us into such a thing, which would have been incomprehensible just 4 years earlier under JFK, when America was officially neutral in Mid-East affairs?

  Well, what if the Egyptians had attacked a US Warship in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Egypt (and Israel, by the way)? What if the Egyptians had sunk it, with a total loss of life? That would mean a direct war with America, literally. Why? Just look at history, grandson. The Barbary Coast War started when American ships were attacked by the Barbary pirates. The War of 1812 began when the Anglish stopped American ships to kidnap Americans to serve on Anglish ships. Fort Sumter was attacked when Imperial ships tried to reinforce it, starting the American Civil War. The Spanish-American War started with the (suspicious) sinking of the USS Maine in Cuban waters. American involvement in WWI had come about through the sinking of the Lusitania (with Americans aboard). WWII began for America with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the USS Arizona (and numerous other older destroyers but curiously, no aircraft carriers, which were amazingly absent from the port, hahahaha!). The Vietnam War went from a minor skirmish to a full-scale war with the supposed attack by the North Vietnamese on the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin.

  The formula is, and always has been, very simple. Attack an American ship (or one carrying American citizens) and you will get an automatic state of war (declared or not) with the Empire. Unless you are Israel. And so, if the Egyptians were to sink an American warship in international waters, it would mean open and total war. And the USS Liberty, an electronic-intelligence gathering warship of the US Navy, was attacked on June 8th, 1967. But not by the Egyptians. It was attacked by the Israeli Air Force and Navy, for several hours, with 205 out of 297 men either killed or wounded. The attacks lasted several hours. It wasn’t a simple one-sortie strike. No, it had been preceded by many reconnaissance flights since early that morning. There was no question that the Israeli’s didn’t know who they were attacking (although the Israeli’s deny this, claiming it was a case of mistaken identity).

  Now the interesting thing is, the rest of US Sixth Fleet was only 10 minutes away (by air) and the USS Liberty’s commander had immediately requested help, which never came. In fact, the Sixth Fleet commander had earlier denied them a destroyer escort that had been requested by the Captain of the USS Liberty, for some strange reason (even though everyone knew there was a war going on). Hmmm…. Interestingly, there were some aircraft that were launched from aircraft carriers of the Sixth Fleet, and they were carrying nuclear weapons, strangely enough. But they were recalled after a while, but no other US combat aircraft responded to help the Liberty, which was under sustained attack for several hours.

  Now here is where it gets really weird, as usual, when you look a little closer at the ‘official’ version of history. The Sixth Fleet commander had called Washington, according to the investigations conducted later, and the US Secretary of Defense denied the request for help to an American warship under attack! This was the same Secretary of Defense (Robert McNamara) that escalated the Vietnam War over an attack on a US Destroyer (the USS Maddox)in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964. Too bad the Viet Cong weren’t Jewish, or they’d have gotten away with it. Hahahah!!! Check the topedo hole in the picture below. It blew a 30 foot hole on the other side.

  So what’s my point? Just this- that the Chosen Ones were seeking to draw the Empire into their little war against the Muslims in order to make it a huge war, with nuclear strikes in Egypt and elsewhere, because everyone would assume it was the Egyptians that had attacked the USS Liberty. Why? Because there would be no survivors to say otherwise. The only problem was, the damned ship wouldn’t sink. This was in spite of torpedo-boat attacks and wave after
wave of attack jets with bombs, napalm and cannon fire. Almost every square foot of the ship had damage, but the damned thing wouldn’t sink. And who says miracles still don’t happen? Hahahahah! Don’t believe me? Google it up, it’s an amazing story. One you won’t hear about in schools of any kind. But it happened.

  The Israelis even strafed the life boats, trying to kill every single man on board. Why? So there wouldn’t be anyone to tell the story, so everyone would later assume that it was the Egyptians that did it. The strafing of the life boats is very telling. It means that even if it was a ‘simple case of mistaken identification’ by the Israeli Air Force, it was a gruesome act. It was clearly a huge violation of every known convention of civilized warfare. It was bloodthirsty at the least, and inhuman as well. But here’s the best part- anyone who objected to the ‘mistaken-identity’ alibi that supposedly explained the attack was instantly labeled by the Israeli’s (and the American press) as an ‘anti-Semite’!

  So what am I saying here? Simple. These guys play rough. They play for keeps. And if they would do this to their ‘best friend’, America, then why shouldn’t I believe they would play by the same rules (or lack of them) when it came to the little matter of getting their hands on the A-Bomb? JFK was in the way, so he had to go. And so he did. Poor Jack.

  So then, the Chosen Ones have stolen the US Treasury and replaced it with The Federal Reserve. They have co-opted our military, replacing Washington with Tel Aviv as the source of marching orders. They have monopolized the news and entertainment media and filled it with ‘mainstream news’ reporting and sensuous crap. They have been at the forefront of every revolutionary movement, starting with the ‘Civil Rights’ idiocy that has made everyone a slave, so there would be no difference between Blacks and Whites (and we don’t even notice it). They started the Abortion-Rights movement (c/o Bernard Nathanson) to convince us to kill our own offspring. And we did it.

  They are at the heart of the porn industry and they are proud of it. Did you ever wonder why all the males stars in porn flicks are Jewish and the girls are (or were) Catholic? Did you ever notice that most of the ‘religious’ support for the ‘Gay Rights’ movement comes from the community of the Chosen Ones? Are all these things a coincidence? Do things just happen, and they all just happened to fall this way? Do people really think this could be true? Or, do most people even think? Don’t ask Richard Dawkins, he’s asleep at the switch. Hey Richard, if it comes down to ‘survival of the fittest’, how do abortion and homosexuality help the specie survive? Hmmm? Or should only some of the specie survive? Which makes me wonder, is Richard really a racist?

  OK, grandson, I’ve said it. The Emperor has chosen to destroy everyone outside of the Empire, and the Chosen Ones have chosen to destroy him (and even themselves, it would seem) after the Emperor has done their bidding. And they are both pretty far along in their plans. But is it actually ‘a plan’? Is there some secret headquarters somewhere that is directing all of this? And is the Emperor (whoever he is at the moment) really so stupid that he can’t see it? Of course not. But then, why would I say all of these things that would seem to require the active participation, on a large (if not huge) scale, if it weren’t true? Because you don’t need active participation in a plot to make this work. All you really need is The Grudge.

  Yes, the grudge, the really big grudge, is all you need to get like-minded people to act in a like-minded way. All you need to do is to put a personal reward in front of individuals who are culturally disposed to this temptation and just add water. Bingo, you will get, in pretty short order, almost universal cooperation in the grand scheme of things. All you have to do is to make sure that each of these individuals, these Chosen Ones, gets an earthly reward for cooperating with the scheme. What scheme? The destruction of mankind, of course. Starting with the weakest (the poor, the enslaved, the Black, the Latino, the Muslim, the sick, the unborn), and moving up the food chain till there’s no one left but the Anglish. Hahahahahahah! I told you we were going to get some enjoyment out of this, didn’t I? Wait till you see the look on their faces when they realize that they aren’t really ‘partners’ with their financiers. Assuming we’re here to see it of course, but that’s another story. But nevertheless, it will be priceless!

  Alright then, just who is it that has this ‘plan’ that all men seem to be blindly following, to their own destruction? The ‘gods’, silly child. I’ve only said it a hundred times! Shall I say it again? They have mesmerized the Chosen Ones with hatred of the Gentiles because they are obviously no longer ‘chosen’ by whoever occupies the Heavens. They’ve been mad as Hell for almost 2,000 years, since their kingdom fell at the hands of the Roman Empire. And the Empire encompassed all the nations (except the Barbarians). So these damned Romans have to die. It’s that simple. Oh yeah, and the Barbarians too. Why? Well, why not? They have to die sometime, right? And they’re not Jewish, right? So they can’t go to the Talmudic Jewish heaven, right? Pretty simple equation.

  Well, that seems pretty harsh towards the Chosen Ones, right? Oh yes, indeed. Except for one thing. If there weren’t any Chosen Ones, the Anglish (and a host of other Teutonic tribes) would have been more than happy to substitute for them. Second-stringers are always waiting for their chance to show their stuff! So it’s not like I have some animus against the Jews alone. I’m simply recognizing the patterns that have infected all of mankind. The only thing that sets the Jews apart is the fact that they actually were chosen, at one time, by their God, and then they rejected him (as everyone else has also done, at some point in time).

  But still, it’s pretty traumatic to be the appointed front-runner for the Heisman Trophy and then to suffer through the last half of the season with lots of interceptions and fumbles. Everyone’s laughing at you, even the teams that have worse records than you. How humiliating! So, what do you do? Ever tried revenge? Like, leave the stadium at halftime and call in an airstrike? Well, I know, that sounds horrible. And it is. But like I said, if they hadn’t done it first (and the airstrike is on its way, right after Iran gets it), then the Anglish would. Oh well.

  So, am I also being too harsh on the Anglish? Perhaps, but I don’t think so. Have you ever heard the expression ‘Slimy Wog’? Check out the Oxford English Dictionary and see that it is a British (i.e. Imperial) Navy term. A Wog is a slang word. It is a vulgar and offensive name for a foreigner, especially one of Arab extraction. Wog-Land is a derogatory term for a foreign country. This is how the Empire sees everyone who is ‘not like us’, in the eyes of the Anglish. And the ‘slimy’ part is a rather evolutionary reference to one’s supposed height on the evolutionary ladder of mankind. In other words, the Anglish world is racist to the core. Ever heard of the expression, ‘the White Man’s burden’, by Rudyard Kipling? At least the Chosen Ones have a pedigree to fall back on. God chose them. So what have you got that can match that, Limey? These Anglishmen, on the other hand, have simply assumed that their supposed links to the Chosen Ones (via their hypothetical British-Israelitism) allows them to hold the same conceit. Talk about arrogance. Gimme a bagel, will ya? Idiots.

  And let’s set another thing straight while we’re at it. In Part I, I made a lot of fun of the Bizarro versions of Christianity (and Jews and Muslims as well). So, am I saying that there will absolutely be NO Protestants or Orthodox in Heaven? Heavens no! After all, if Jesus could cure the Samaritan leper, and save the Samaritan woman at the well, and use the Good Samaritan as his parable example, than obviously, there is something greater than the simple fact of being a card-carrying member of a group that gets you into Heaven. After all, the Samaritans were the original Bizarro group, being the offshoot of the Jews. Did I explain that already? I can’t remember, so if I didn’t, look it up yourself. Google up ‘half-breed Jew’.

  No, I’m simply pointing out how much more difficult it will be to reach there (heaven) if you’ve been handicapped by being born into a theological orientation that denies the authenticity of Holy Rome, which claims with pretty good e
vidence to be the New Israel. Why get hassled at the pearly gates over some missing ID papers? Do you really have enough good works to overcome that handicap? Are you sure? I’m not, in my case. Anyway, you may have to sit in the detention room (purgatory) for a while until someone with a little more unimpeachable reputation than you comes by to vouch for you. Who might that be? If you’re a radical-individualist Bizarro Christian, there might not be too many people interested in your case. Why? Because you’ve never been interested in theirs, eh?

  And speaking of ’good works’, let’s clear up another thing for all my Jewish friends (yes, I do have some). The Talmudic principle of ‘Tikkun Olam’ (‘healing the world’) isn’t going to cut it at the pearly gates either, in and of itself. Why? Because ‘doing good’ without acknowledging the source of goodness is actually a slap in the face of your host. That’s right, if you want to come to the wedding feast, then you’d better be ready to admit you don’t really deserve the invitation. It was extended as an act of generosity, not reciprocity. In other words, the ‘good’ you do has to be in reference to an absolute standard, not your own standard. And the Talmudic principle of Tikkun Olam is a decidedly personal standard, arrived at by decidedly imperfect humans (ourselves). If we do something that is good, objectively, (like feeding the poor), but we fail to see that it is good because God said so (and not because we subjectively decided it was so), then that is a slap at the one who originally said it. Remember, there are no original thoughts, except with the one who had the really great first idea- creation! Oh wait, there was that second thought, by Lucifer, who said ‘I will not serve’. Those are the only two original thoughts. Everything else that follows came from those two thoughts, and we weren’t the ones who thought them first! Have you ever thought about that? Oh yeah? Well then, were you the first to think about it? I didn’t think so.


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