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The Barbarian Bible

Page 40

by Ianto Watt

  So anyway, being a member of a Bizarro-offshoot group isn’t a deal-killer all by itself, but it sure is going to make it hard to resist the temptation to think that your group, and your group alone, comprises the entire membership of the New Israel. And the surest way to that conclusion is to deny the authenticity of Holy Rome, which, after all, is the only real force holding back the combined onslaught of the Chosen Ones and their Anglish Imperial stooges. And Holy Rome is the only force, of the original four groups, that wants and welcomes the Barbarians as full members. And if you’ve done any real reading, you’d know that the Church would be very small without the Barbarians. Just ask Charlemagne and his band of ruffians. And me.

  Why is that so? It’s simple, as most things are. Remember, the mark of the true religion is that is has to be able to be comprehensible by the simplest as well as the most brilliant amongst us. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be attainable by everyone, all else being equal. The rocket scientist, in actuality, is more handicapped than the Down’s Syndrome child. And there’s the best clue. A Down’s Syndrome person is usually a child all his life. And the Holy Roman Operating System says you must be child-like in your faith. That’s very hard for an empirically-oriented ego-idiot to agree with. Their ‘superior’ intellect is actually an impediment. All the Bizarro monotheistic religions (Talmudic, Ortho and Protestant) rely way too much on ‘secret knowledge’ and esoteric beliefs that only a wonk (and not a wog) could love. And so, they are exclusive rather than inclusive. Not good. On the other hand, we do have to have some rationality in our life, and that’s why Islam is so problematic. And robotic. And hypnotic. And….you get the idea?

  And so, the true Operating System has to be able to absorb the simple and the smart, the refined and the rough, the old and the new. Only Holy Rome can do that. Only Holy Rome wants to do that! And besides, this Operating System is the only means of holding in check the tendency of certain nations that want to become expansionist pigs. Like Angland. Like Germany. Like America. And while I know that I am often mistaken for an anti-Semite, (among all my other supposed and actual faults), here’s the reality; being a Nazi would mean embracing two things I detest; socialism and nationalism run amok.

  Nationalism in and of itself is fine, as it is an expression of filial devotion to a legitimate cultural subdivision of humanity. But when it is unchecked (as in Hitler’s Germany), it can and does tend to create indescribable destruction, for everyone. Why? Because it ascribes a superiority to their own race, and a subhuman ranking for all the others who fall under their power. So what is there amongst the original 4 groups that can allow legitimate nationalism to flower without becoming a devouring weed in the garden of life?

  Well, the only thing that can checkmate super-nationalism is supra-nationalism. As in, an entity that can reach across national boundaries and stop a hyper-expansive nationalistic group from creating further havoc. You won’t find it in Talmudic Judaism, because they are the ultimate super-nationalists. And Mosaic Judaism is extinct, so these guys are out as viable contestants. And the Barbarians are non-starters, as they have no conception of universality. And the Empire? Hahahahhaahh!! They don’t even pretend to respect their neighbor’s borders! The border is simply a starting line for them in their race to subdue every nation! They’re the original Oklahoma Sooners. So who does that leave? Right, Holy Rome.

  Only the ruler of Holy Rome can threaten any member with the three things they might possibly fear- excommunication, the interdict, and the release of loyalty to the ruler. Those are the three weapons that held Christendom together for nearly 1,000 years, until the Protestant revolt. Which revolt, by the way, was led not by Martin Luther, but rather by the heretic John Wycliffe. He was Anglish, of course. He’s the one that started the revolt, with his un- authentic translation of scripture. Then came the Bohemian named Jan Huss and his corrupt interpretation of the corrupt translation. They were the firewood and the gasoline for the bonfire that was to come later. Luther was simply the match. But, being an efficient German who would not want to waste the match he was entrusted with (by the ‘gods’ of course), he was certainly willing to burn the village, which he did exceedingly well. Oh well. Idiot.

  So anyway, bottom line, this section of the book is simply a recitation of the reasons and examples of why America is the legitimate (that’s funny, that word!) successor to Imperial Rome. That’s because it is simply the direct lineal scion of the real Third Rome, known as Angland, which took up the role when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD. And this section is also a recitation of the reasons why the Holy Roman Operating System is the only antidote to the Roman-Anglo-American Empire and its endless wars against the Barbarians, whose only real refuge is Holy Rome. I hope you can see this too. If you can’t see it, I wish you well as a resident slave in the Empire.

  Now, let’s do a little re-cap here. We’ve seen in Part I that Reason and Math tell us that only the Holy Roman Operating System offers us a good deal that is actually desirable and achievable. Then we saw in Part II that Troy holds the key to understanding the origins of both Imperial and Holy Rome, and that the lesson of Troy will be repeated at the end of time. Then we saw in Part III that Angland was the actual successor to Imperial Rome when Constantinople fell to the Mohammedans in 1453 AD. And now, in Part IV (using Roman numerals again, of course, because that’s how we do things in the Empire) we have looked at how America has become the Managing Partner as the Empire was divided, just as it was in Diocletian’s day, into the Eastern Empire (with its capital still in London) and the Western Empire (with New York being the capital).

  And finally, we have seen how at each step along the way, the Empire was aided and financed by the Chosen ones, who have a totally different agenda than either the Emperor (but he doesn’t care), the Pope (and he does care) or the Barbarians (who simply want their next meal).

  So now, let’s move on to the real heart of this story, the story of how things will end up. And to do that, we have to examine the story of the great pretender of both Imperial and Holy Rome. That, of course, would be the great nation of Russia, the fulcrum of history.

  Well, congratulations, grandson. You have persevered to the point of finding out how our ‘modern’ world works and how it will end. You deserve another drink! After all, if the world makes you dizzy when you’re sober, then the obvious antidote is to change the things you can. And if you can’t change the world, which we can’t, then we have to change ourselves. So drink up. I think I’ll have another too. Sweet red port wine. I can’t stand the sophisticated wines sipped by the civilized denizens of the Empire. I like to mix my wines. Every drink is different. Don’t worry about your mother, I’ll take care of her. Drink up. You deserve it!

  Why? Because you now know more than most men on this not-quite God-forsaken planet. You now know that there is nothing of any consequence between the time of the year 1 AD and now, because the actors are all the same. Their lines are all the same as well. Only the costumes change. The plot is simple, and it simply revolves again and again as we wait for the final tangent to spring forth, surprising all the comfortable, complacent and especially the confused ‘citizen’ slaves that populate the Empire. Which is exactly what this merry-go-round was designed to do. To make you dizzy to the point of deciding to ignore everything that might mean anything, because nothing in this world seems to make any sense. Unless you subscribe to my thesis, of course. My thesis is harsh but true. And the thesis of Occam’s Razor says that my simplicity is my sanity. And yours as well, if you will listen.

  And that thesis, that everything has remained static as mankind has run in-place for the past 2,000 years, is about to change. Why? Because everyone is now numbed to the point that the rulers of the Empire (and more importantly, their financiers) have gauged it safe to begin showing their hand. And why is that? It’s because everyone has lost their identity. If you don’t know who you are, how can you possibly fight for any cause? If you have no allegiance to anything but yourself (and that too is suspec
t, as most men don’t even know who they are), then who will fight alongside with you? Right, no one. Because we have all been atomized, reduced to the un-natural state of radical individualism. We’ve gone from dust to dust, and we aren’t even dead yet. But don’t worry, that’s coming soon, just wait.

  And so, that being the case, it’s time to decide, if you haven’t already done so, which group you want to die for. Because you are going to die, remember? I know, that’s such an unpleasant thought. Which is why most men won’t contemplate it, let alone plan for it. But still, it comes. And so, the choice we face is the same as it has been for the last 2,000 years. Do you love the Emperor? Do you love the Rabbi? Do you love your local Warlord? Or do you love yourself? Enough to plan on saving yourself? More to the point, can you do it yourself? So, we’re back to Pascal and his Wager. Who are you going to bet on in the big Casino of life? The gods? Hahahahhaah!!! Let me know how that works for you, eh?

  OK, grandson, so you’re still undecided? Well then, let’s travel a little further along this trail, slouching towards Jerusalem, as Yeats would say, and see where the Holy Roman Operating System has led me. Then let’s see if I have made any believable conclusions. And if not, you can go and choose the ‘whatever’ slot on the big roulette wheel of life. So here we go, let’s look at how Russia, the Great Pretender to the Empire, is going to impact our lives in the not-too-distant future, and what this is going to mean for everyone, as we hurtle back beyond the time of Rome and land at the gates of Troy.

  So why is Russia so important? Well, it’s because Russia is the tipping point of history. Huh? Yes, Russia is the fulcrum upon which the fate of mankind tilts. Why is that so? Because, in a simplistic answer to your question, my grandchild, Russia straddles both the East and the West. The Mystical and the Rational. The mythical and the historic. The uncivilized and the civilized. And up to this point, she hasn’t decided which way to turn. That question is still in the balance, and it will decide a lot, for everyone alive today, and for all who are yet to come. Let’s see why this is so. And to see why it is so, we will look at two critical elements, one historical, the other prophetic.

  To begin with, we must first ask the question of ‘who is Russia?’ before we can answer the question of why she is so important. And so, who is Russia? Where did she come from? Where has she been? And what are the paths she can choose to travel from this point forward in time? And lastly, what will each of the two choices she faces deliver to her (and to us) in the near future? Well, now that we have come this far, let’s not waste any time because, as I keep reminding you (and really, myself ), we have no time left to waste. And as we go now towards this final answer, I have to tell you that this part of the tale will require that we visit another land or two. The most important is Portugal, as you will see. Huh? Portugal? Yes, but first, we have to know the history of whom we are speaking. So let us begin, and acquaint ourselves with our coming fate. Or faith, depending on your Operating System.

  The original Russian nation, the Rus’, generally traces its origins back to Rurik, a Scandinavian Viking, probably of Swedish Varangian lineage. In other words, a Barbarian Viking. A cousin of the Norse Vikings tribes. The Rus’ were Slavic, and they migrated eastward from northwestern Europe. What they were in search of, who knows? If they were after warmer weather, they missed their mark. More likely, they were searching for a place of their own, as most Barbarian tribes do. They settled around Ladoga in the late 800’s AD, and Rurik’s lineage ruled until the 1600’s. And that would be the end of the story if it were not for the incredible toughness of these people.

  They were the people who were visited in the late 900’s by the missionary brothers known to us as St.’s Cyril and Methodius who converted them to Christianity in the year 998 AD. But the important thing to remember is this: their conversion was to the Eastern (Greek) autocephalous form of Christianity, not the Western (Latin) form. Why is this important? Because this is what separated them from the rest of Europe for the next 1,000 years. This conversion was made to the Orthodox Bizarro version of Christianity, not to the western version that owed it’s allegiance to Holy Rome. But at that time, the split between the East and West within Christendom wasn’t official or definitive yet. But the seeds had been sown, by Photius the Phake, and they would bear bitter fruit soon.

  Why is this conversion to Eastern Catholicism (soon to become ‘Orthodoxy’) crucial? Because it meant that Russia would be ‘auto-cephalous’ (self-thinking) in nature, and so it remains today. It is separated from Holy Rome, not in its sacraments or dogma, but rather by its unwillingness to submit to a central (and most importantly, non-Russian) religious authority. And that is the definition of Russia in a nutshell. She is her own person, and she is not going to be told what to do, by anyone. Not by a Holy Rome that spans the globe or by the civilization it spawned. Nor by some southern Semitic Rabbis that despised northern Russian culture. And certainly not by some Imperial Roman fools who couldn’t take a Russian winter without freezing to death. Not even a mild one, if there is such a thing. No, Russia was going to make up her own mind in all of these things, and the answer was always ‘nyet’! She would go her own way. Unfortunately, it was inevitable that her path and everyone else’s would eventually intersect, and thus far the results have not been pleasant for her or the rest.

  Now probably the best way to show the almost schizoid nature of Russia today, in her quandary of whether to choose the rationality of western thought or the mysticism of eastern thought, is to contrast her two personalities in the two persons who sum up this land. Am I speaking of Lenin? No. Stalin? No. He was a Georgian anyway. Marx? No, he was a German Jew, you ninny! Well then, who am I referring to? Well, I’m talking about Putin and Ras-Putin. The two extremes of Russia. These two personalities neatly define, in my mind, the choices that Russia faces. The results of this decision will impact the entire world. There’s that word again; impact. So let’s put on our Kevlar and take a look at each of them for a moment before we continue our trek.

  Grigori Rasputin, of course, was the mystic Orthodox renegade monk that mesmerized the Romanov dynasty in the period leading right up to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Here is what Wikipedia says about him (and yes, I know Wiener Dogs despise Wikipedia, and that’s all the more reason why I like it! After all, have you ever seen the Encyclopedia Britannica allow challenges to an entry? How about the New York Times?);

  Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (Russian: Григорий Ефимович Распутин (22 January [O.S. 10 January] 1869 – 29 or 30 December [O.S. 16 December] 1916)[1] was a Russian Orthodox Christian and mystic. Some people called Rasputin the “Mad Monk”,[2] while others considered him a “strannik” (or religious pilgrim) and even a starets (ста́рец, “elder”, a title usually reserved for monk-confessors), believing him to be a psychic and faith healer.[2] He impressed many people with his knowledge and ability to explain the Bible in an uncomplicated way.

  Rasputin was employed by Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra as a healer for their only son, Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia, and became an influential figure in the later years of the Tsar’s reign. It has been argued[3] that Rasputin helped to discredit the tsarist government, leading to the fall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917. Contemporary opinions saw Rasputin variously as a saintly mystic, visionary, healer and prophet or, on the contrary, as a debauched religious charlatan. There has been much uncertainty over Rasputin’s life and influence, as accounts have often been based on dubious memoirs, hearsay and legend.[2] In his homeland he is revered as a righteous man by many people and clerics, among them Elder Nikolay Guryanov.[4] (end of citation) 38

  Rasputin’s name means, literally, a ‘debauched one’. A partaker in orgiastic activities, in other words. And he was the one who mesmerized the rulers of Russia, the Romanov’s, at the critical point in time (1917) that we will examine in closer detail as we progress.

  Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, is the current leader of Russia (in wha
tever official capacity he holds at the moment, regardless of the titles others like Medvedev may hold alongside of him). He is of a much more mysterious origin. There is almost no ability to find out who he is, or what nationality he is descended from. But what should we expect from the man that helped to run the KGB before the supposed dissolution of the Soviet Empire? Here is the only thing I could find on him, from the Russian newspaper Pravda:

  Putin’ - More Evidence Western

  Royalty Is All Related

  Tsar Vladimir Putin?

  By Gennady Klimov and Maria Orlova

  Based on the materials from the Tver newspaper Karavan

  Translated by Dmitry Sudakov


  “Vladimir Putin could have royal blood. Russian president Vladimir Putin has been a mystery almost for everyone since moment of his election. He seemed to be a man with no past, inspired by the symbol of the new epoch, but deprived of historic roots. Research conducted by journalists from the Russian city of Tver has become a sensation. It was discovered that the parents of the Russian president came from the Kalininsky area of the Tver region.


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