by Ianto Watt
Have you ever noticed that the only time this explanation is used is when something of a miraculous nature occurs? Why? Simply because it never happens like I described in the World Cup example I gave above. Why is that? Soccer fans are far more emotional than anyone else, including the religiously-inclined, aren’t they? What’s my proof of this assertion? Well, to begin with, more people die in soccer riots than nearly anything else in the modern world. This holds true in Cairo as well as Manchester and Mexico City. Soccer fans are insane and delusional, yet they never fail to perceive the actuality of the game and its outcome. And they are never accused of mass hallucinations. Just mass outrage. So what’s my point? Simply that the Weiner-Dogs haven’t got a single scientific leg to stand on, so they have to resort to the mumbo-jumbo of psycho-babble in their attempt to divert everyone’s attention from their materialistic fixation. And from what actually happened, which of course, was the occurrence of a miracle.
And let’s look at it another way, when there actually was mass hallucination. Like Woodstock, where by most accounts everybody was hallucinating on something. Yet I have never, in the last 44 years, ever read where anyone thought that Englebert Humperdinck performed there. No one. Nor did anyone think Jimi Hendrix was actually Frank Sinatra, or even Frank Zappa. No one. Yet they were all hallucinating, all 500,000 of them. So, Weiner Dogs, how do we explain this, eh? Idiots.
Anyway, it’s pretty obvious, something happened that day at Fatima, and that 70,000+ people and all the secular papers of Europe all perceived it in pretty much the same way. And that the entire event was totally unexpected by everyone there. And that it was entirely unprecedented. After all, who had ever, in the history of man, ever heard of such a similar event prior to that day? A spinning, wavering, diving sun? Sure. But that’s not my real point (although it is a huge point).
The real point, as it relates to this book (and Russia in particular) is this-there were three prophecies that the ‘Beautiful Lady’ gave to these three children. And her reality was such that these 3 little children were willing to suffer death rather than to deny her existence. And this ‘Beautiful Lady’ delivered a physical occurrence so large that we have to put real credence in her power to deliver on her promises. So let’s see what gave these children such courage in the face of a hostile materialistic government that was willing to at least threaten to kill them (and probably would have, if the villagers hadn’t come to their rescue).
The lady’s first prophecy was that ‘the war would end soon’. And in October of 1917, this didn’t seem possible. But what do you know, the very next month, in November of 1917, America entered the war, and the Germans saw the handwriting on the wall and began suing for peace after the first of the year in 1918. Within a year, the war was over, after 5 long years. Not a bad prediction, and certainly not bad considering that in October of 1917 things looked like they could drag on for another five years, what with the gridlock of trench warfare and all. But no, I’m not saying America’s entry was a good thing. It only stopped the war for a while, because it would start again, in only 20 more years.
And that’s exactly what the second prophecy was- that unless mankind stopped offending God, that the war would resume, and that it would be worse than WWI. And to clinch the deal, the ‘Beautiful Lady’ laid down a marker to judge her prophecy. She said that there would first be a sign, and that the world would be illuminated (at night) by ‘an unknown light’. And sure enough, on January 25th, 1938, the world was lit up by a red sky, around the globe. It was bright enough that the fire departments of France and Angland reportedly went crazy, thinking that there were vast fires everywhere. Can’t believe this? Check out this citation then- but first, let me tell you that my mother (your great grandmother, my boy) still remembers this night (in America) and that nobody could explain it. And so, like true Weiner dogs, they blamed it on a huge occurrence of the aurora borealis, which, by the way, is usually a greenish light:
Here’s what the Wikipedia entry has to say about this event. Hitler was reportedly said to have interpreted it as a sign by the Teutonic god of war that he should proceed with his plans for this next war, WWII:
In addition to the Miracle of the Sun, the seers at Fátima indicated that the apparition prophesied a great sign in the night sky which would precede a second great war.[16][17] On January 25, 1938, bright lights, an aurora borealis appeared all over the northern hemisphere, including in places as far south as North Africa, Bermuda and California.[16][17] It was the widest occurrence of the aurora since 1709[18] and people in Paris and elsewhere believed a great fire was burning and fire departments were called.[19] Lúcia, the sole surviving seer at the time, indicated that it was the sign foretold and so apprised her superior and the bishop in letters the following day.[16][17] Just over a month later, Hitler seized Austria and eight months later invaded Czechoslovakia.[16][1 end citation which was from the same Wikipedia citation mentioned above.47
I know, everyone says that WWII began on Sept. 1, 1939, in Poland, and that’s quite a while after January 25th, 1938. Of course, nobody in Austria says that, because Hitler took Austria by storm (without firing a shot) on March 12th, 1938. That was only 46 days after the ‘unknown light’ seen throughout the world. And this Anschluss (annexation) marked the beginning of Hitler’s march throughout Europe. The mark of war isn’t gunfire, rather it is the subjugation of another country. And if you can do this without gunfire, so much the better. At least, Sun Tzu says that, in his seminal work, ‘The Art of War’. So does Carl Von Clausewitz, the expert on warfare for our age. And that is what is taught in all the War Colleges of the world, believe me. Or, as George Patton said to his troops, “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.” In other words, when Austria fell in one night, the war was on. And the ‘Beautiful Lady’ was correct in her prophecy that another, far worse war would soon come, and that it would be preceded by an ‘unknown light’.
And now we get to the heart of the matter, the third prophecy that irretrievably links Portugal to Russia. You thought I forgot where I was going, didn’t you? Hahahahah! No, grandson, I know exactly where I’m going. So let’s go! Here’s the rest of the prophecy (from the same citation above);
When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.” end of citation
OK, there you are. We have gone from the prophecy of Calchas, warning us about the treachery of the Greeks, to the prophecy of the Beautiful Lady about the coming storm of Russia. Now let’s see how these two prophecies are totally intertwined and how they will come about. How do we do this? By going back to Russia, with love.
Alright, we’re closing in on the most important part of the book, on how these prophesies will play out. So, let’s look at the prophecy itself, in its various parts. But first, let’s have another drink. You’re going to need it. This is one of the reasons God gave us wine, so that we can endure what is to come. And to understand it!
But wait- there is one more piece to this prophecy, one that didn’t come out at first. It is known as the Third Secret of Fatima. It came about when the child Lucia (who became a cloistered nun living in total seclusion) wrote in the years after the apparitions of 1917 about the purpose of the prophecies. She wrote a letter that
has never been fully revealed, but the Vatican did reveal the first part. It went like this: “In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved….” That’s all we have of this part of the prophecy, because the rest has never been released by the Vatican. We do know that Sr. Lucia said that this part should be revealed no later than 1960. Why? Well, what was happening in 1960 that might have been prevented, had this part of the prophecy been revealed?
Well, plenty, I would presume. But it hasn’t been released. But here’s a guess. The pope, John the 23rd, decided not to release the contents of Sr. Lucia’s last letter. He said, reportedly, that it did not concern his time. Instead, he was considering calling an Ecumenical Council. What’s that, you say? That’s a council of all the different members of the Church. But in this case, the pope decided to invite a lot more folks, including those who had always been considered outside the Church. It was an effort, supposedly, to show friendship and brotherhood amongst all men. Which is fine, but not all brothers agree. Just ask Jacob and Esau. Or Isaac and Ishmael. Or the Prodigal son and his older brother. Nice thought, bad result.
But Pope John XXIII was not to be deterred from this feel-good intention, and so in 1962 the pope convened what is now known as Vatican II. And this is where all the different threads of this book come together. All of them. Greeks and Trojans. Orthodox and the Ultra-Orthodox. Catholics and Protestants. Communists and Capitalists. Even some Muslims too, I believe. And the Chosen Ones, of course. And they all sat down to dinner. And what a dinner party it was.
But to understand what that ecumenical dinner meant, we need to know more about the players, particularly the Russians. They came in two flavors; the Orthodox and the Commies. That is to say, the Northern and Southern Russians, respectively. The Viking Rus’ and the Ashkenazi Scythians.
At that time, we all knew Russia as the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Hahahahah! What a name! And in Russia, it was presumed that the Communist Party was in complete control, which, if you have read Golitsyn’s book ‘New Lies for Old’, seemed totally true. However, even Golitsyn had a blind spot. To truly understand Russia, you must understand what was communicated in ‘The Rakovsky Interrogation’ that I mentioned earlier. I did mention it, right? I can’t remember, so let’s look at it again.
Under Josef Stalin (a fake name which meant Joe Steel), who was an apostate Orthodox Bolshevik from Georgia (a Southern Russian, but not a Chosen One), the Communist Party had been captured and made into a personality cult that worshipped Papa Joe Stalin. During this time (1924 to 1953) he fought for his version of Communism, known as ‘socialism in one country’ against the likes of Leon Trotsky. Leon (aka Lev Bronstein, a Chosen One) was Stalin’s opponent within the Communist Party and he championed ‘worldwide revolution now’. Stalin said that if Russia tried to export communism too soon, the West would unite against it immediately and defeat the revolution. It was better to consolidate power in Russia now and export communism later (via ‘wars of national liberation’), when the home front of Russia was sufficiently strong enough to resist any Western aggression.
Trotsky the ultra-revolutionary, however, argued that the only chance the revolution had of surviving was to export it to as many places as possible as soon as possible, in order to keep the West occupied in as many places as possible, thus forestalling an invasion of Soviet Russia. Just like Queen Elizabeth had supported all the Protestants on the Continent to keep Holy Rome too busy to fight against the Anglish rebellion of Henry VIII. The Trotskyites had a name for Stalin, whom they considered to be a bogus communist; they called him a ‘Bonapartist’. They likened him to Napoleon Bonaparte, who hijacked the French Revolution for his own personal purposes, thus delaying the advent of worldwide revolution.
Anyway, Stalin won, Trotsky was murdered, and Stalin did indeed become like Napoleon, in that he was an absolute ruler who brooked no opposition. In the process of creating his cult of personality, Stalin purged the ranks of the Red Army and the Communist Party of anyone he thought might harbor the vaguest doubts about Stalin’s sanity or supremacy. He particularly sought out any Trotskyites, fellows like Christian (Chaim) Rakovsky, one of Trotsky’s biggest supporters (and a major financial figure in the funding of the revolution). And in 1935 Rakovsky was arrested and charged with ‘counter-revolutionary’ activity. And then a funny thing happened on the way to his ‘show trial’ in 1938, known as ‘The Trial of The Twenty-One’. That’s where Rakovsky and twenty other Trotskyites were to be paraded before the world to give their forced confessions and then be shot for treason.
But in the process of his interrogation designed to break his will and force the false confession that would be, in effect, his own death-warrant, Rakovsky told his interrogators something interesting. He said (and I paraphrase here); ‘look, I’ve got info Uncle Joe needs, and if you kill me, he won’t get it, and he will regret it’. This message was duly passed on to Uncle Joe (Stalin), who had a decision to face himself; do I listen, or do I just kill this Trotskyite bastard? Joe knew that Rakovsky had very deep financial contacts in the West, and also knew he was a Chosen One. He wasn’t stupid. Most top Bolsheviks were Chosen Ones. Maybe he should listen. So he gave the order to listen, and Rakovsky sang his tune.
The tune was this; ‘Hey Joe, stop killing me and all my Trotskyite friends, or else’. Or else what, silly man? You are the prisoner, remember? Well, said Rakovsky, ‘if you continue this persecution of the Trotskyites within the Party, we will turn Hitler loose on you’. What? Yes, said Rakovsky, ‘we (the Chosen Ones who have financed the revolution) are also funding Hitler (who is also a socialist, remember?). And Hitler is going to attack you’. Stalin said ‘I don’t believe you’. Rakovsky said ‘well, try it and find out. It’s your neck, Joe. But if you will make a deal with us, we will turn Hitler to the West, and after he has spent all of his energy on them, you can attack him and take all of Europe. And if you don’t make a deal, Hitler will come for you first. Wanna take that chance, Joe’?
Now Joe was a paranoid megalomaniac, but he wasn’t totally stupid. So he thought, maybe I should do this, to at least buy some time to see if Rakovsky is right. And so the deal was struck, and Rakovsky was the only one of the Twenty One who was spared. Hitler and Stalin signed their ‘non-aggression pact’ in a marriage made in Hell. And Hitler then attacked the West. Well, so what, you say. Who cares? Well, I care, grandson. Why? Because this interrogation took place at midnight (Moscow time), January 25th, 1938, the night the world was illuminated with the unknown light foretold by the Beautiful Lady to the children at Fatima. The night my mother still remembers. And this, properly speaking, was the night the deal was sealed, and WWII began in earnest. And on March 12, 46 days later, Hitler invaded Austria and the dominoes began to fall.
And true to Rakovsky’s word, Hitler attacked the West. And then, once the West had succumbed (except Angland), true to his real purpose of eliminating International Socialism (which was competing with his brand, the National Socialists), Hitler attacked Russia. Hey Adolph, you’re an idiot! Never attack Russia, especially late in the warfare-year! Unless you want to freeze to death outside Moscow. You can’t attack Russia any later than March 15th, the Ides of March. That’s the day for killing C-zars, idiot. That’s why you should listen to prophesies.
You’re also an idiot, Adolph, because you didn’t learn the lesson Churchill taught the Kaiser in WWI. What lesson was that? Simply this; Angland and America are the same! They are The Empire, East and West. And you can’t defeat one if you haven’t defeated the other.
And so, Adolph the Idiot, having decided that he didn’t need to actually invade Angland, because it appeared to be too weak to fight him directly, decided to invade Russia in June of 1941. He never saw the bus coming, and it hit him at full speed when the Jap’s attacked Pearl Harbor at the end of that year, as German troops were freezing outside Moscow. He never saw it coming. Pearl Harbor, that is. That’s what you get for not controlling Tojo. Why would you trust the Japan
ese as an ally, Dolph? The Asians are inscrutable, and evidently Teutons are idiots. And even if the Japs did attack America, why would you stick by your alliance agreement with Japan and also declare war on America? Why, Dolph, why would you keep your word when you’d never done that before? Well, probably because you didn’t understand the connection between Angland and America. Which means you were a total and absolute idiot. Which means you deserved to lose. Loser!
So having given you this background, let’s now look at the rest of the prophecies about Russia given by the Beautiful Lady at Fatima, and see if we can connect some more dots on the canvass. But first, let’s look at the box score on her prophecies. She said WWI would end soon, when it looked like it was hopelessly deadlocked in trench warfare that would drag on for years. But she was right. Then she said there would be another war soon, a worse war that would occur under Pope Pius XI’s reign (which ended in February of 1939, after Hitler invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938) and again she was correct. And to top it off, she even named Pius XI’s name in 1917, before he was pope and had taken the same name she mentioned! And she gave the sign of the new war’s advent- the night of the unknown light. Pretty good work so far for the Beautiful Lady. She should have gone to Vegas!
Next, she said that Portugal, where the first successful Socialist revolution had taken place in 1910, would ‘always keep the dogma of the faith’. And what do you know, the Portuguese army revolted against the Socialist regime in 1926 and the Church was freed from the repression of the Socialist Freemasons. And what about Artur Santos, the Socialist boss who had kidnapped the three children of Fatima? He was stripped of office and died in ignominy in a country that fully embraced the message of the Beautiful Lady of Fatima. Who’da thought 3 little kids could defeat a Commie Commisar? Hahahaha! Sweet.