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The Barbarian Bible Page 46

by Ianto Watt

  And she also told the children that Francisco and Jacinta would die soon, but that Lucia would live a long time, to spread the words of the Beautiful Lady. Sure enough, the two Marto children died in childhood. And Lucia died in 2005 at the age of 97.

  Alright, so the Beautiful Lady is 9 for 9 so far in the prophecy sweepstakes. What’s next? Well, she said that if the Pope would consecrate Russia to her ‘Immaculate Heart’, then

  “…Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated…”

  OK, so now we have some thinking to do here, grandson. The Beautiful Lady has laid down a big marker here. What, exactly, are the ‘errors of Russia’? And more to the point, has this ‘consecration’ been done? Well, let’s think. Has the world seen unending war since the end of the ‘great war’ (WWII)? And has the Holy Roman Operating System been under attack during this time, until today? Let’s think; Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Iran coming up……hmmm. I think the answer to both is yes, easily so. OK, so has this consecration ever been done? Well, it depends on who you ask. The Pope did consecrate ‘the world’ to the Immaculate Heart of the Beautiful Lady, back in the 90’s. Has the world seen peace? Let’s ask the Iraqi’s. And the Afghani’s. And all the other nations where the religion of ‘democracy’ has failed.

  But more importantly, let’s get back to the question of Russia, and ‘her errors’. Just what exactly are her errors? I know, I know. If you ask most citizen-members of Holy Rome what the Errors of Russia are, they will say ‘communism/socialism’, but I have a problem with that. Why? Lots of reasons, but let’s look at the simple math test first. Remember, I like numbers, and ‘communism/socialism’ is singular. (Yes, I know they are supposedly 2 different things, in theory, but in actuality, there has never been a truly communist state, because by definition, once you reach that stage, the state goes away). But the Beautiful Lady said ‘errors’, plural. I know, that’s a detail, right? And the devil (and his gods) are always in the details. Never forget that. Pascal wouldn’t. So let’s think a minute. The Beautiful Lady made her prophecies from May 13th to October 13th, 1917, to the children at Fatima, right? But the Communist/Bolshevik Revolution in Russia didn’t occur until November 8th, 1917. So why would the Beautiful Lady ask for the conversion of (czarist) Russia, when socialism didn’t exist yet in Russia in October of 1917?

  And if Communism/ Socialism is so bad, why didn’t the Beautiful Lady ask that Portugal be consecrated to her, since Portugal was officially Socialist at the time of her appearances (and had been, for 7 years)? Yes, I know, everyone says that Communism is what has persecuted Holy Romans throughout the communist world from 1917 till now. But I ask you- has the Church still been persecuted since then, on a world-wide scale? Even after the ‘fall of communism’ in 1991? Certainly. In fact, the Vatican has released statistics that show that over 100,000 Christians are killed in religious persecutions each year in Africa and Asia, and that dwarfs the number of others killed from other religions. So, obviously, there has been no peace as the Beautiful Lady predicted there would be if this consecration that she asked for was done (and in the fashion she asked for, that is, to specify Russia, not ‘the world’).

  Well, what if the error was atheism? Well, was Russia atheist in October, 1917? No. But Portugal was, officially. And unofficially, so was London and New York and Paris and Berlin. And Helsinki and Oslo and lots of other places too.

  So let’s ask another pregnant question here- what about Russia since 1991, when the Soviet Union supposedly fell of its own dead weight? Is Russia still communist? Better yet, has Russia been converted? Converted to what? To the Holy Roman Operating System, silly. The children of Fatima weren’t Orthodox, remember?

  OK, I know, this is all so confusing to you. Let me put things in perspective for you, because this is the most important part of understanding what is going to come. And to understand it, we have to remember what I have said from the beginning; there were only four groups (and their impostors) in the year 1AD, and there are still only four groups today. The same four groups; Imperial Rome, Holy Rome, The Chosen Ones, and the Barbarians. And Russia is still the key to the future, because it is made up of Northern Russians (Barbarian Vikings) and Southern Russians (Ashkenazi Judeo-Bolsheviks) who have yet to make up their minds about which of the other two groups to join; Imperial Rome or Holy Rome. Or whether to supplant them both.

  So here’s my answer to the million-dollar question of ‘what are the errors of Russia’; Russia claims to be (at one and the same time), the true Imperial Rome and the true Holy Rome. Huh? Yes, exactly. Remember when I said, at the beginning, that each of the four main groups has an impostor? And that Russia (whether Czarist or Soviet) is the impostor of Imperial Rome (whether Anglish or American)? And that Orthodoxy is the original and main impostor of Holy Rome? And remember, we know that the largest single part of the Orthodox Church is the Russian Orthodox Church? And remember we noted that when Constantinople (the Second Rome) fell in 1453 AD, the Russian Orthodox Church and Ivan III, Grand Prince of Moscow, both claimed that Moscow was the Third Rome? And remember when I said that Imperial Rome and Holy Rome were Romulus and Remus? And that they were still at each other’s throat?

  And we noted too that the symbol of Russia, the two-headed eagle, is a sign of several things; east and west, north and south, church and state, all rolled into one. East and West, just as Imperial Rome was divided. North and South, just as the Bible divided mankind (north was the Gentiles, south was The Chosen Ones). Church and State, just as Byzantium was ruled, by her caesaro-papist rulers. And there you have it. That’s why I say Communism is not the error of Russia, because it is only a symptom of the true error.

  A symptom? Why? Because, if communism says that the state owns everything, then what makes communism any different than the Empire, which has always made the same claim? The Empire owns everything, in the name of the Emperor, who rules by divine right, right? And if Russia also claims to be the true Holy Rome, then it is also claiming to be the owner of everything spiritual, including your soul! And so, to sum it up, Russia is claiming to own everything, body and soul, everywhere. Could there possibly be any bigger claim anyone could make than these two errors of Russia? Communism was just a front for this claim on the materialistic side of the Imperial coin. And Orthodoxy was the other spiritual side of the coin.

  The only problem, for us peons of course, is that in the Russian version of paradise, the operating system is Caesaro-Papism. That is to say, the State owns the Church. Which makes the Emperor a god. We can thank Photius for this. And we can now anticipate that the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) will use its beachhead established throughout the world by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) to advance this claim that the ROC is a universal institution. And Universal is the other way of saying ‘Catholic’. Remember? You look dizzy, grandson. Here, have another drink. Feeling better? Good! Let’s continue.

  Now, just how sure am I of all of this? Pretty damn sure. Why? It’s simple, as always. The simple math and physics give me the answer. Remember, Rome was founded by Aeneas, and he was the ancestor of Romulus and Remus. These two symbolize the dual natures of Rome; Imperial and Holy. But in reality they are, and always have been, mortal enemies, just as Romulus and Remus were. So how could Russia be both of them without a murder taking place? And if they were truly one, as the Patriach’s and Czars claim, wouldn’t this murder also result in a suicide? And up to this point in time, this thought neatly encapsulates the history of Russia. She can’t decide who should win; Romulus the Emperor or Remus the Martyr. But she’ll have to decide soon! She can be one or the other, but not both! Not unless Caesar converts. Fat chance.

  Now you can see why the British Empire and the American Empire (the East and the West of today’s Imperial Rome) have enga
ged themselves in the Great Game of containing Russia. Even today, beyond the Cold War, the Empire seeks to keep ever-schizoid Russia hemmed in by NATO on the west, American troops on the south, and the 7th Fleet on the north and east. It’s all so easy to see, if we just drop the scales of Wiener-Dog Historical Analysis-Paralysis from our eyes. Russia is the only nation that can realistically challenge both Imperial Rome and Holy Rome for the claim to the thrones of both Caesar and Pope. And both Angland and America know this. So do the Chosen Ones. The only ones who don’t know this are the people, all of whom have been schooled by the idiotic but well-paid Weiner Dogs.

  Well, what about China, you say? And India? That’s almost 3 billion people, almost half the planet, right? Well, what about them? I’m serious. What about them? They both have a date with history, to be sure, but it is going to be a bad night out for those two. Pakistan too. Why? Let’s go back to the prophecies of the Beautiful Lady. Remember she said if Russia was consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, there would be peace? But if not, there would be wars, and ‘various nations will be annihilated’? What does that mean? Will there be nuclear war? Well, yes, I think so, but not like you think.

  But before we go there, let’s ask a few questions first. Does ‘annihilated’ mean something will be wiped out instantly? Or just totally? Huh? What’s the difference, you ask? Well, let’s go back to that September 2011 edition of the National Geographic magazine I talked about earlier. Go back and look at that demographic map of the world. Look at all those northern nations where the birthrate has fallen well below 2.1 children per woman. That’s the level needed to stay even in population levels. Some countries, like Japan, are down to 1.5 children per woman, or worse. I’ve got news for you- Japan is already dead, they just don’t know it. In another few generations, Japan will be gone. Annihilated. Self-annihilated. France is no better. In fact, from France to Japan, above the Himalayas, most of these countries are in a demographic death spiral. They won’t recover. They can’t. It’s never happened that any nation that drops below 1.8 ever recovers. Ever. Short of a miracle.

  But that’s the long-term story. A lot more can happen in the short term. And the chief means for something dramatic to happen is through the telling of lies. Now we’re back to Odysseus and the Horse of Troy. You didn’t think the Russians were only lying to the Empire, did you? Huh? You know, in Golitsyn’s book, ‘New Lies for Old’? Here’s the funny part, the part Anatoly didn’t realize; the deal that was struck, at the Eighty-One Party Congress in 1960, where the world-wide communist movement was healed of its Stalinist-rift, was really only temporary. Sure, we’re all comrades! For now. But wait till later. Sorry, Mao, things have changed. I’m sure you’ll understand. After all, Russia is first among equals, da? And all you non-Russian Orthodox idiots, do you still believe that business about equality amongst the Pentarchy of Patriarchs? How many divisions have you got? Surprise! Idiots.

  Well, just what is it I am aiming at? What am I talking about? The next war, silly. A really big one, not like Iraq. The war that comes before Russia takes on the Empire. She’s planning on that later, you realize that, right? But first things first, as Richard John Neuhaus would say. Too bad he didn’t know ‘who’s on first’. Or did he? Anyway, the first thing that has to happen for Russia is for her to secure her frontiers. She must put an end to The Great Game. That means China, India and Pakistan have to go.

  What? Sure, it’s in everyone’s best interest. Everyone outside those three nations, that is. Just think (like Richard Dawson does), about those 3 billion mouths that won’t have to be fed in the coming utopia! And why will these three nations get blasted? Because they all hate each other, and they all have nukes. Oh, and before I forget, because they are all stupid. We already established that fact when we examined their religious Operating Systems in Part I of this book. None of them makes any sense, and none of them promises the average Barbarian a good deal. And none of them places a value on human life as we know it. So, if they don’t, why should we? Actually, it’s not ‘we’ who will do this deed, because I’m not part of this cast of characters. And truth be told, there are some folks besides the Russians that want all of this to happen. People like The Chosen Ones. And Richard.

  Alright, I know this is hard to believe in theory, so let me just run a scenario past you and see if it sounds plausible, OK? Let’s suppose I wanted to start a big war against someone that I hated and who also hated someone else. And that both of them had some nukes. Someone like Pakistan, who hates Israel and India both. Now, if I was a Chosen One, I know how I’d do it. I’d set off a nuke (because I have plenty to spare myself ) in either India or Pakistan. You just can’t believe how badly these two hate each other. Just ask Dr. Raj Kadian, who has written extensively on this very subject. These two nations have already fought three major wars since the partition of India in 1947 when the British Empire collapsed (into the American Empire). And they’re both itching for round 4 of this Muslim vs. Hindu hatred. And the first thing the target group (let’s say Pakistan) is going to do when the nuclear surprise goes off in downtown Islamabad is to return a nuke onto their mortal enemy (let’s say India). Why? Because they are thinking that India is the one responsible for the initial blast. And then the real fireworks begin as both India and Pakistan empty their nuclear arsenals on each other. Meanwhile there will be celebration parties in Jerusalem. And Moscow.

  So how would I do this trick of nuking Pakistan (or India) without being detected, if I were Israel or Russia? Would I launch a missile? Send in a bomber? No, silly. If I was Israel (who has lots of enemies, for good reasons), I wouldn’t wait to deliver the nuke. I’d have it already in place. In my embassy, in New Delhi, or Islamabad. And a whole lot of other places, too, just to be safe. Why risk having your missile or bomber shot down before you could do the deed? Why risk the radar footprint that would lead directly back to your house? Why not take a page out of the Islamic playbook and set up a pre-planted Improvised Explosive Device (IED)? Yes, pre-planning makes a lot of sense in today’s world of increasing technology. Just-In-Time inventory control, as they said in MBA Land. And who cares about the flunkies in your own embassy in either Pakistan or India? They get to die for their country, right? What more could they ask for?

  Or, just to make it interesting, let’s say Israel pops a nuke in Bombay, and the Indians immediately retaliate against Islamabad. And what do you know, regardless of which scenario you pick, then the Chinese step in on the side of Pakistan, their ally. And you know, it wouldn’t really have to be the Chosen Ones who pull the first trick, because China has been looking for decades for a way to decapitate India. Why? Because it’s so big, population-wise. India is the only real rival, size-wise, to China, and there they are, both of them, trying to fit into southern Asia. They’re both looking for a little lebensraum, as Adolph would say. A little more living space. And both of these idiot countries have decided to enforce a one-child birth policy. One does it overtly (China), one does it covertly (India), but they both do it. And the result? Several hundred million males that can’t find a wife.

  Huh? Yeah, that’s right. Because these two cultures both value boys over girls. And if you can legally only have (or afford) one child, you better believe people are gonna chose a boy who will support them in their old age. Forget about Social Security. And so, both of these southern Asian giants are both looking to expand their geographic horizons, as well as looking to go shopping for foreign brides. You think this isn’t a big problem? I’ve got news for you- young males need someone to occupy them, or they get restless, even rowdy. That’s not good for the regime. Have you ever been in a bar that has way more guys than girls? Want me to spell it out for you? It’s fight time. Somebody’s gotta lose. And if certain people play their cards right, they can all lose- China too!

  So, cui bono, my grandson, who profits here? Well, Russia, of course. And don’t discount the idea that the Russkies could do the embassy-bomb routine either. And Israel makes out swell too, as she ge
ts to watch as the holder of the Islamic Bomb (Pakistan) gets fried without any suspicion on the part of other Arab/Moslems that Tel Aviv might have had a hand in the instigation. And China could even think that they could get rid of India at the expense of their erstwhile allies in Pakistan. In Asia, you just never know. They are all absolutely crazy. But don’t get me wrong, I like them all. But I can see that they all seem to have a mutual suicide pact coming together here. Just like WWI.

  And theologically speaking, if the Beautiful Lady is right (again), then why should we expect that these three nations should be exempt from her prophecy of ‘various nations being annihilated’? After all, look at Europe, where the annihilation (from The Pill) has been going on for decades. Why should the non-Christian Asians get a free pass on this prophecy? What makes them so special, huh? Are you some kind of racist, huh? Hahahahah! Sorry, I just thought I would strike first, before the Weiner-Dog Chorus could chime in. Hahahah!

  I know, I’m sounding cruel here, but remember, I’m not the one who set this scenario up. I’m just commenting on the players and connecting the dots. And if I’m wrong about Hinduism as a legitimate Operating System, then hey, they all get to come back, reincarnated as cows or flies or whatever. So here’s a little math test if this nuclear scenario turns out to be true. If Hinduism is the true Operating System, then there should be an explosion in the animal population right after this coming maelstrom, as all the victims get reincarnated, right? Let’s keep that in mind.

  And if Islam is the true Operating System, then what the heck, all those Paki’s went to Islamo-Heaven, right? So what’s there to complain about? And if the Chinese Confucians are right, they get to be venerated by their successors. Oh wait, if this holocaust happens, there won’t be many Confucians left to venerate them, right? Oh well. Tough ruck.

  See the problem here? They can’t all 3 be right, so we’re going to get a chance to see which (or all) of them is voted off the islands of Heaven. No, I’m not wishing on it, I truly don’t want to see any of this happen. But given the past history of all 3 of these groups, and the fact that they all possess nukes (lots of them), and considering that mankind can’t resist using whatever they’ve invented, how can this coming storm possibly be averted? Hey, America nuked Japan, twice, right? And the islands of the South Pacific too, as no red-blooded American boy can resist the lure of fireworks. And Russia nuked themselves, over 400 times in the 1960’s, testing multi-megaton devices over Kazakhstan, just to study the effects of nuclear blasts, radiation, and most importantly, Electro-Magnetic Pulse effects. And that last one may be the most important one (besides the neutron bomb) as history plays out. Anyway, let’s get back to our story.


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