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The Barbarian Bible

Page 50

by Ianto Watt

  But before we complete this picture, let’s take one last look at the totality of the Russian threat to the world. You do realize that Russia never scrapped all those tanks and bombers and missiles, right? You didn’t really think that the masters of the Cheshire-Cat maneuver would really do that, did you? Hahahahah! Silly grandson, Russia has not changed her spots, and lying is her most famous trait. She is the spiritual descendant of the Greeks who ‘won’ at Troy, 3100 years ago, as Sparta flew east while the ashes of Troy floated west, settling on the Ausonian fields that founded Rome. Russia will never tell the truth unless it is in pursuit of a larger lie. Visit any Potemkin Village if you don’t believe me. Russian leaders have no regard for the humanity of her enemies. Why should they, when they have no regard for the humanity of their own people? Hahahahhah!

  And so, let’s be logical and ask the unthinkable question- would Russia hesitate to nuke anyone and everyone, if she thought she could get away with it, relatively unscathed? Of course not. And the only thing that will keep her at bay, on the shores of the Atlantic, is the thought that maybe, just maybe, the stupid Americans would repay Russia’s ruthlessness with an atomic salvo of her own if she were pressed hard enough. And that will buy the world some time, I think. But Russia won’t sit idle, even when she has consumed Europe and the sub-continent of Asia. And because the stupid Neo-Con Imperial Americans see the Muslim world as their enemies, Russia will be emboldened to act unless someone acts to stop her. In the meantime, what pieces does this leave on the global chess board? Remember, Russia is the ultimate home of the grandmasters of chess. It’s not just a game to them. It has a much larger meaning. It is the practice for the real war that it represents, the war they have been preparing for, for almost 1,000 years. Where’s Bobby Fischer when you need him?

  So, what else is there besides Asia, Europe and America? South America, silly boy. A continent that is growing in population and wealth, and which represents a prime target for extortion. And Afrika too. Yes, that’s right. Now think for a minute with me. What does Russia produce, besides raw materials, vodka, weapons and prisoners? Not a lot. And what markets will she lose if she nukes somebody, anybody? Not a lot, if any. Sure, the Europeans buy her gas and oil, but they will already be firmly within the embrace of the economic gulag by that time, so there’s no need to nuke anyone there. The Western Empire, in North America, will be paralyzed by Russia’s European moves, and will hesitate as long as Russia makes no sudden moves towards them directly. Southern Asia will still be smoldering. Besides, the Chinese and Indians never bought much from Russia except MiGs, so who cares about them, right? Indonesia and Australia present no real threat, and so, for the most part, Russia will be in the driver’s seat. As long as she doesn’t provoke the American’s too greatly, too quickly, then the rest of the world is hers for the taking. Afrika and South America present a perfect opportunity to provide more of her ‘protection’ services, for pay of course. Now if this sounds vaguely like a mafia scenario, then you’re starting to catch on, my boy! It’s mafia time! Red Mafiya, that is.

  Well, then, we’re almost there. There’s only one more thing I want to touch upon before we look at the final plays on this drive towards The End-zone. And that is the matter of the Palladium. No, not the metal. And no, not the theatre in London. No, grandson, I’m talking about the original one, the one these others are named for. It was a statue. A statue of a goddess, Pallas Athena, the protectress of Troy. Athena was on the side of Troy in her battle against the western Greeks. As long as she was venerated in the temples of Troy, that is. And when Odysseus found out that there was a prophecy that said Troy could never be conquered as long as the Palladium was still in Troy, he did what any good thieving Greek would do- he stole it. Yes, he and Diomedes gained entry into Troy by way of disguise (using his favorite tactic of deceit, of course) and stole the statue, and smuggled it out of Troy. And so the battle began.

  Well, so what? Big deal, you say? Well, it is a big deal, in my mind, because, as with almost all parts of The Iliad and The Odyssey, this was a portent of what is to come in our time. The end times, that is. I think it is now. But maybe not. But I think it is remarkable that almost everything that has occurred in these two volumes, the Old and New Testament of the ancient Pagan world, has come about again, in our day. And this too, the theft of the Palladium, has also occurred. Huh? Well, I’ve already alluded to it, but I knew you wouldn’t catch on. Why? Because you have been kept from this knowledge. Kept away by the onslaught of overwhelming input, output and stimuli from the social media that has eaten all of your time from birth till now. Quit fidgeting and listen, my boy.

  OK, so just what was this allusion I made? It was my reference to the Ecumenical Feast held in Rome, in 1962, known as Vatican II. A feast that almost everyone was invited to. And this feast, held by Pope John XXIII, was held in lieu of the other event that should have taken place, in 1960. And what was that event that didn’t take place? It was the unsealing and reading of the Third Secret of Fatima, left to us by Lucia, the last of the three pesky children of Fatima. The letter that begins like this; ‘In Portugal, the doctrine of the faith will always persevere…”. And that’s all we have to go on.

  But the reason that we only know this much is because the letter was re-sealed by the previous Popes, who said (as Lucia did), that it should be revealed no later than 1960. In other words, before the world-wide Eighty-One Communist Party Congress in December, 1960? Wasn’t that the same group of friendly fellows who signed on to the greatest mis-direction play that ever was? At least, the greatest since the construction and placement of the Trojan Horse? This modern horse was the one that would convince the world that it could live with Communism (because communism would surely change, given enough time)? Sounds like evolution, right? Shades of George Keenan and his ‘containment’ strategy that guided the Empire through the Cold War! I wonder if George was actually moonlighting for someone. Someone outside of The Empire? Was he being paid in shekels? Hmmmm….

  Anyway, Pope John XXIII read Lucia’s letter containing the Third Secret of Fatima, and then promptly re-sealed the envelope, saying it was not for our time. Instead, he decided that the best way to preserve the Faith (outside of Portugal) was to bring it up to date. To accommodate the world, rather than to confront it. Aggiornamento, as they say in Italy. After all, confrontation is such a nasty thing isn’t it? Polite people just don’t do that! Thank God I’m not welcome in polite society. Like any Barbarian worthy of the name, I believe that progress rarely occurs without confrontation. Oh well. Anyway, to show the world that Holy Rome was as appealing as Imperial Rome, John XXIII decided to have everyone over for a party. A nice little party where they could sit down and discuss all those things that made ‘cultured’ snobs feel uncomfortable when they entered one of those Basilica’s that the Empire abandoned when it fled to Constantinople. But the new decorator had horrible taste, eh, old chap?

  Remember, Emperor Diocletian fled when he saw he couldn’t stop all those slaves and even many of his citizens from joining this bunch of crazed Neo-Judeo-Christians. You know, the ones who had infected the Empire after their Jewish leader had been crucified a few centuries earlier. And once Diocletian had fled to his new capital in the east (but after Constantine saw his vision at the battle of the Milvan Bridge in 313 AD), these crazies had come out, literally, from their underground hiding places. Then they took these abandoned Imperial Roman law-courts (basilicas) and turned them into the celestial courts of Holy Rome. And re-established order in a decomposing Empire. How? By civilizing the Barbarians. How did they do that unthinkable task? By coercion and force? No. They did it by persuasion.

  And that’s really the whole story, from that time till now. The Empire has been eternally uncomfortable in the presence of this one man, this Jesus, after he declined their offer to join their Pantheon. Cheeky fellow, that! The Imperial world is still uncomfortable. Anyway, in an attempt to make the world safe from the probability of nuclear annihilation (wh
ich appeared to be a pretty real threat in the 60’s), Pope John XXIII decided that the proper approach to The Empire should be political, not polemical. Rhetorical, not religious. And it was a grand idea, if you are one who dwelt on the purely human plane of existence. But, humanly speaking, Popes aren’t supposed to speak humanly. They are supposed to speak celestially. But never mind that, we can make this thing work, right? Can’t we all get along? Sure, we’ll make a few compromises, if that’s what it takes to get all you Orthodox, you Anglicans, you Lutherans, you Commie Atheists, even you Chosen Ones back in the Church. No problem, right?

  Well, do you see any problems here, from a math standpoint? How can someone who believes in Nothing (an Atheist) ever be reconciled to believing in Everything? Looks pretty stupid to me. And what about somebody who believes in Half (Lutherans and Anglicans) ever believing in The Whole? And more to the point, how can guys who believe in Fractions (nationalistic Orthodox Churches) ever believe in The One (church)? See the problem? No? Neither did John XXIII. And so the wheels fell off the bus, as a result. Why? Because he went whole hog trying to please those who can’t be pleased. Ever try to reason with a mad woman? Good luck.

  Anyway, John XXIII, to be fair, may have recognized at some point in time after the party started that things weren’t going as planned. At least, not the way he had planned. But I’m sure some folks were pleased. Especially those fellows that live on Mt. Olympus, which by the way, is in Greece, no? What? Do I have to spell everything out??? The gods, silly! Anyway, Pope John died suddenly, and we have no clue as to whether it was because he wanted to or not. Maybe he did. Hmmmmm….

  But he was succeeded by Pope Pius VI, who kept the Ecumenical Party going. He even went so far as to completely re-design the layout of his basilicas all around the world, just to try and please his guests. You know what they say, ‘change the environment, change the man’. Unfortunately, the only people who were still in the Church after the Big Party were the same ones that were there to begin with. But not for long. Meanwhile, none of the outside guests at the Big Dinner Party bothered to come back to partake of the new and improved version of Holy Roman worship, complete with new décor. And a new floor show.

  But it is true. If you change the environment, you will change the man. And change they did. All those Holy Romans in their newly decorated basilicas, stripped of all their statues and their one unifying language (Latin), they changed indeed. They changed into Lutherans, Anglicans, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Unitarians, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Like I said earlier, the largest single element in the Protestant world is lapsed Catholics. Now you know why they moved on. Somebody moved their cheese. So they moved too.

  Oh, did I mention that the changed basilicas (church buildings) were stripped of statues? Especially those of Mary, the Beautiful Lady? The Palladium of Holy Rome? And that this was done to make certain people more comfortable with the idea of re-joining the central Church, as they would say? That didn’t work either. No, the changes in the environment (statues, art, music, etc.) and the changes to the actual rubrics of worship didn’t work, on either group. It didn’t attract any of the ‘separated brethren’ back into the Holy Roman fold. And it didn’t keep those already in the fold happy either, and huge numbers left. And like Troy after Odysseus stole their protectress, the city was naked, no longer having an aegis to cover it. Holy Rome, just like Holy Troy, was now ripe for the siege, as the Greeks arrived on her shores. The Greek Orthodox. Dressed in Russian robes. And looking like the high Priests of Israel.

  So the real story here is not just why but also how the Big Party was planned by the Pope, and how it was sidetracked by his enemies. Or were they really his friends? We’ll have to wait to find that out, but we do know this- they weren’t my friends, because I don’t have many (or any, by now). Anyway, Pope John wanted all these ‘separated brethren’ of his to come and see how welcoming and accommodating Holy Rome was, now that the Inquisitions were over. He wanted them to see that he was willing to accommodate them and their ideas of how worship should be conducted. After all, can’t we all get along? He even wanted their input on the discussions at the council on how to make the Big Church more accommodating to the world. And especially accommodating to all of those Little Churches that had broken off over the centuries, starting with the Orthodox in 1054 AD. But to show them this, he had to get them there first. And the ones he wanted there the most were the Orthodox, the largest single group. And especially the Russian Orthodox, whom he saw as a bulwark against Communism. Hahahahahah! Sucker. Sorry, your Holiness.

  But there was a problem, supposedly. The problem, as the official storyline goes, was that the Commies wouldn’t let the Patriarch of Moscow’s men come to Rome for the party. Why? Because the Commie’s were supposedly afraid that the council would be used to denounce Communism. The Commies were supposedly afraid that the Orthodox attendees would go along with this, making Comrade Khrushchev look like a fool. And so, supposedly, if you listen to people like Malachi Martin (a mistake I don’t make), there was a deal struck between the Moscow Commies and Holy Rome. The Commies would let the Patriarch’s representatives attend the Ecumenical Dinner Bash, if the Pope wouldn’t allow anybody there to bad-mouth Lenin and his gang. Or even Uncle Joe. And truth be told, when the party was held, nobody did. So it looks like the story was true, eh? But I’m not buying that line of crap. Why?

  Well, let’s think about this, grandson. Think like me. Think like a criminal. Why would the Commies be that stupid? If they let the Orthodox prelates come to the party and the Pope did denounce Communism, all the Commies had to do (to prove they were good guys anyway) was to point out the fact that the Orthodox party members (yes, that is a pun) were allowed to go with no conditions attached. This alone would show the Third World just how free the Soviet world was, despite what the western propaganda said. And the Pope would look like a stupid stooge of the Empire. Real smart, eh?

  No, the real story was not about Communism. It was about Orthodoxy, and the problem it presented. Remember how I talked about how the Orthos like to pretend that they are faithful sons of Mary, who venerate her in all those icons of theirs? Those flat, two-dimensional renderings of a ‘person’ they call the bearer of Christ (Theotokos), versus the Latin world’s definition of her as the mother of Christ (Mater Dei)???

  And remember how we’ve already discussed, many pages ago, how the Ortho’s officially went into schism in 1054 AD over the question of the primacy of the Pope? And that as a result of this schism, the Ortho’s couldn’t bring themselves to agree with any further doctrinal refinements blessed by Holy Rome since that time? Why? Because if they did, they would be agreeing with the Pope, and they couldn’t be caught dead doing that in public, right? And remember that one of those same doctrinal refinements was the declaration by the Pope, in 1854 AD, that the Beautiful Lady was immaculately conceived (having no original sin)? And that in 1870, at the First Vatican Council (which was not a let’s-all-get-along party), that Council declared that the Pope spoke infallibly in matters of Faith and Morals?

  Ok, do you see the problem here? The Orthodox could never agree to come to Rome and discuss re-unification with a Church that demanded their willing doctrinal submission. No, it couldn’t happen, unless the Ortho’s took it all back, ate all their words since the time of Photius (the Khazar-Faced Judaizing, Caesaro-Papist Crypto-Chosen One) and then looked like the fools they actually are. Well, any student of human nature could tell you what the likelihood was of this scenario happening. Zero, or less. And that’s exactly what has happened. Oh sure, the Ortho’s came, but the re-unification never happened, because they wouldn’t eat their words. Instead, the Popes ate some of theirs. Especially the ones about the Beautiful Lady. They ate all the words Lucia had left them, from the Beautiful Lady herself, the ones the Pope was supposed to speak in 1960. Instead they were swallowed by the Pope who would not speak them. Down the hatch, down the memory hole. And all those statues of the Beautiful Lady were sold at the
world’s biggest Garage Sale.

  And so there is the real story. It wasn’t the Commies refusing to let the Orthodox Russians attend Vatican II if Communism was to be denounced by the council. No, it was the Orthodox who refused to come (and they used their cats-paw, the Communist Party, as their excuse) if the Third Secret of Fatima was going to be released prior to the council (or ever). And so the Pope made the deal. And Lucia’s letter was sealed, and the Ortho’s came, smiling, like any good Cheshire Cat. And the Third Secret was never revealed.

  And, naturally, the hoped-for re-unification of the Church never happened, even though Holy Rome dropped its fixation with Fatima, and all those statues disappeared. Especially all those statues of the Beautiful Lady. And all those Rosary Crusaders, praying for the conversion of Russia (and not the conversion of Communists) were quietly suppressed. Except in Portugal, of course. Shazzam! Get it? Orthodoxy ran Russia, not the Commies. Want proof? Are there still Ortho’s running the church in Russia? Sure. Are there still official Commies running the government? Nope. Is the Czar still running the Kremlin? Hahahaha! And has Russia converted to anything besides capitalism? And is there peace, anywhere? Just ask the Hindus and Chinese and Paki’s, if you can find any. Or the Iraqi’s.

  Well then, if the Ortho’s run Russia, what does this mean? It means that the actual ruler of Russia is a Czar in Priest’s clothing. A Caesar masquerading as a Holy Man. A wolfman in shepherd’s clothing. Like Rasputin, maybe? Because in Orthodox Russia, the Patriarch picks the Premier, not the other way around. But not openly. No, he simply waits for the envelope to be opened, announcing the pick, and then he blesses it. Never mind the fact that he wrote the letter to begin with.


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