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The Barbarian Bible

Page 52

by Ianto Watt

  And read what Albert Einstein said in Time Magazine (Dec. 23, 1940);

  “Being a lover of freedom, when the Nazi Revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, but the universities were immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, but they, like the universities, were silenced in a few short weeks. Then I looked to individual writers... they too were mute. Only the Church,” Einstein concluded, “stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing the truth... I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel great affection and admiration... and am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly.” This was the man who was asked (but humbly refused) to be the first President of Israel.

  So, what is my point? Simply this- that the big money Members of the Tribe of Judah are more than happy to consolidate their power at the expense of others, regardless of kinship. And that’s not a trait that is limited to them, either. No, the Anglish did the same thing in the 1500’s, when Henry VIII decided to rape his own countrymen to gain the wealth of the Church. So really, if I was a nasty guy (and I am), I would have to say that once again, the Anglish taught the Israeli’s how to destroy their own, just as they taught the French how to kill their king. More chickens are coming home to roost.

  And the Israeli’s have been quick learners, by golly. In fact, they have surpassed their teachers, as they are the masters of making their deceit look like the doings of others. And the upshot of this one, the nuking of Tel Aviv, will galvanize the world against anyone who criticizes Israel. Besides, if Tel Aviv gets nuked, then the government will have to move the capital to Jerusalem, right? Thank God I’m saying this now, before the lynch mobs get organized. Still think I’m crazy? Then let’s talk about one more book, the book every Gentile is afraid of, if he has even heard of it. The book that is always described, whenever it is named in the mainstream press, with the following description; ‘…a Czarist secret-police hoax designed to incite Anti-Semitic pogroms.’ And what is a pogrom? An Anti-Semitic riot that destroys the little people in the shtetl’s of the Chosen Ones. So what is the name of this book? It is entitled The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

  And why do Gentiles fear this book? Because it has been used as the cudgel to beat down anyone who would talk about its contents, labeling anyone who mentions it as an Anti-Semite. This epithet, of course, is the worst thing you can be called in the NY Times. Or the London Times. Or the LA Times. As I like to say, Any Times, anywhere.

  Well, why does the mainstream press say that about those who mention this book? Quite simply, to distract the bystander from looking at the contents of the book itself. It’s akin to calling someone a leper when that person has said the Emperor has no clothes. Everyone panics and runs because they don’t want to catch the leper’s ailment. In their haste to get away, the crowd never bothers to glimpse the naked Emperor. And in today’s world, nothing is more feared than to be called an Anti-Semite. Why is that? Because it means you’ll lose your job, your friends, maybe even your siblings will shun you. Just like leprosy. But you can’t catch leprosy from looking at something. And these politically-correct people know that. But they also know that most people won’t stop to think things through if there’s a one-in-a-billion chance they might catch the bug. And so they flee, without looking at the naked Emperor (or better yet, his impeccably tailored financiers).

  And just like the naked Emperor who his handlers don’t want you to see, there is something in this book that no one wants you to read, let alone believe. And what is that? Well, this book, published (anonymously) in 1905, predicted a series of World Wars that would be incited and financed by the world’s premier financiers. Guess who? This same book explained how, over the next century, all the monarchies would be effectively destroyed, as monarchy was the single greatest impediment to ruling the world by the propaganda of ‘democracy’. And further, that all monetary systems would be debased, in favor of credit arrangements that would enslave all men. The best line in this book is when the men described in this book, these Learned Elders of Zion, would come to ‘hold the mastercard’ of finance over all nations. What’s in your wallet? Visa or Mastercard? Hahahahahah! I almost died when I read it!

  Yes, I have read it. And I’ve read a lot more from all around the world, and I have never, anywhere, found another reference to a ‘master card’. Except in Tarot decks. So, now we’re back to Kabala, the Talmudic form of Black Magic. But that’s not the worst of it.

  No, there is one single part of this book that the Chosen Ones in the boardroom of the Big Six banks (who own the Bank of London and the Federal Reserve) especially don’t want you to read. And that part is that there would come a time in this grand plot of theirs when it would be necessary, even expedient, to sacrifice their ‘lesser brethren’. Really? Why, you ask? Well, this sacrifice would be for the purpose of garnering worldwide public opinion in favor of the coming state of Israel. Can you say holocaust? Whoa, I can hear the Weiner Dogs already! No wait, forget the faux dogs, I’m now the target of actual bloodhounds, as the truly professional hit men are now on the hunt for my scalp. I’m now Beyond the Pale, as they say. I’m fair game, because I have committed the unpardonable sin of talking about what is actually in the book that they so rightly fear. And so, I am going to be labeled an Official Anti-Semite, by one and all. So, am I one? Hell, I’m so old, I can’t remember. Wait- I hate Billy Joel’s lyrics- does that count? Hahahhahahahahah! Schmucks.

  Well, let’s back up a moment and ask a few dumb questions. Math questions, really, as usual. Let’s ask first how anybody writing before 1905 (when it was first widely published, in London) could have foreseen all that was predicted in this book, if indeed it was simply a Czarist secret-police hoax? Let’s think now- if the predictions in the book proved to be wrong, then nobody would care, right? Just like when the Apostles claimed that this Jesus fellow fed 5,000 with a few loaves. If it wasn’t true, then it would just be the ravings of a madman, right? And if that was the case, everyone, Pharisee, Roman and the little people alike, all would have laughed themselves to death! End of story, if it wasn’t true, because who would die for the privilege of telling a false story? Not even Richard Dawkins would do that. By the way, someone needs to ask Richard if he would be willing to die for evolution. Any bets on his answer? Hahhahaha!

  But the events in this book did come true, so let’s ask ourselves the following question. If I were a hoaxster, but I was so good at it that I actually got all these fake predictions correct, why would I bother publishing something anonymously, and not cash in on things? Why wouldn’t I be down at the track, betting on the ponies, if I was that good at seeing the future? There’s the math for you- a hoax that doesn’t come true equals no dough, the ponies that win equals Trifecta treasure! What idiot would play his hand that way, eh?

  And let’s ask another pertinent question, grandson. Or impertinent, depending on your point of view. So let’s see, the Czar’s secret-police organization, the Okhrana, was supposedly so prescient that it could write a hoax about the events of the next 100 years and more, and all of the ‘false’ predictions turned out to be true. But they did it just to incite some petty Anti-Semitic sentiment that would distract the Russian masses from their anger at the Czar and his policies, right? And it was published in 1905, right? But somehow, these same Czarist hoaxster-geniuses couldn’t see a dozen years into the future and see that the Czar and his family would be murdered in 1917! Oh, and by who? By the Chosen Ones who staffed the Cheka, the commie successors of the Okhrana! Whoa, this get’s funnier by the minute! Let’s see, the Czar’s men are long-term geniuses, then they are short-term idiots. Who writes this stuff? You can’t parody it, it’s beyond belief already! But never fear, the mainstream press will save us, right? Hahhahahahah! Sure. Where’s my Pulitzer Prize for journalistic bravery? Oh, I forgot, Walter Duranty stole it and won’t give it back! Maybe the NY Times will do a story on that. S

  Oh well, let’s look at what else was going on at that time, shall we? Wasn’t the first World Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897? And what was their stated goal? A Palestinian homeland, of course. And how would they obtain this homeland? World-wide war. Read the Protocols, for a shorthand version of this meeting of Zionists. And if that book was a hoax, it was the greatest waste of prognosticating power the world has ever seen. And since I am a firm believer in applying the doctrine of fallen human nature to the actions of most men, I have to say this charge that the Protocols was a hoax is not only ridiculously untrue, it absolutely hilarious! And the only thing that keeps people from realizing it is the barking of the Weiner Dogs who label anyone who mentions this book as an Anti-Semite. Or a leper.

  Here’s a perfect example. Just read the segment on The Protocols in William Weir’s cute little book entitled History’s Greatest Lies. The section on the Protocols is subtitled A Deadly Kind of Lie. This book is really pretty good overall, when it deals with other historical lies throughout history. But Weir, or his shadowy ‘contributor’ Ed White, does the usual thing. He resorts to ad hominem attacks on the Czar and the Okhrana, his secret police. And Adolph Hitler. Well, why not? That’s the surefire guilt-by-association ingredient! But not once does Weir deal with the contents of the 24 sections (‘protocols’) contained in the book. Not once does he deal with the accuracy of these predictions. Instead he deals only with the Czar and his animus with the Chosen Ones. Or, rather, the Judeo-Bolshevik ones. Nobody had a problem with the little-guy Jews.

  Oh, you don’t believe that? Then tell my why Hitler exempted the Karaite (Mosaic) Jews from his ‘final solution’? Wasn’t it because they were ‘real Jews’, and not revolutionaries out to destroy whatever civilization they happened to be living in? Go on, do a little research, and tell me again I’m an Anti-Semite.

  Anyway, Weir does the work of the Weiner Dogs. They praise his prattle as he repeats the ‘anti-semite’ slur of the last two centuries. But do you notice that he is doing exactly what he accuses the Okhrana of doing? Inciting hatred against those who do not agree with him and his religious beliefs? I, on the other hand, do not commit this endemic academic crime of ranting, hatred and anger. I simply laugh at idiots! What could be kinder than that? Hahahahahah! Weiner Dogs.

  Alright, so again, am I an Anti-Semite? Of course not. I dislike almost everyone, regardless of race, creed or gender. I’m an equal opportunity skeptic, and when people of any stripe make ridiculous assertions (or denials, better yet), I start to squint, hard. And truth be told, I am worried about the little guys of the Chosen persuasion. I do have a soft spot for all little guys. They are gonna get it again, it looks like to me. And besides, if you buy into the Holy Roman system, you can’t hate anyone, because that’s a sin. I only have to love them, and I do. But I don’t have to like them. So I don’t.

  But I find a lot more to admire, at least as far as chutzpah goes, amongst the Israelite British than the British Israelites. They are the masters of keeping their eye on the ball, and I like that. But back to the story. The little guys, everywhere, are gonna get it again, at the hands of the big shots. Nobody gets a free pass. And who cares, besides me? The Popes, of course. They’ve warned the world over and over these last hundred years that things would get out of hand when guys like Hitler and Stalin gained power. Too bad the Popes never included Churchill in those warnings. And FDR too. The real problem, in my mind, is that there aren’t enough Anti-Anglo’s. No, not anglo-phobes. Those are people who are afraid of Anglos. We simply need more people who are contemptuous of Angland. We need more Welsh Barbarians, of course.

  But it is true that there are plenty of Anti-Semites. And a lot of them are in Russia. Ask Uncle Joe, he killed off a whole bunch of Semites, and would have done more if he hadn’t been poisoned. And actually, he was more worried about Trotskyites, but between them and the Chosen Ones, what’s the difference? But Joe’s successors, including Putin, have kept their grudge, believe me. The only thing that stays his hand is the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

  Huh? Haven’t I just said the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow is of the same stripe as the Ultra-Orthodox of Israel? Yes, but again, quit looking at labels! The Orthodox are riddled with Judaizing members, all the way to the top. But why does that make them any different from the Rothschilds and Warburgs, who funded IG Farben, the German company that made the Zyklon-B gas that killed all those ‘lesser brethren’ in Auschwitz? The big shot Chosen Ones didn’t lift a finger to stop either Adolph or Uncle Joe (except when it came to killing big-shot Trotskyites, of course). And the big-shot Orthodox (who are secret Judaizers) are also willing to let the little-guy Chosen Ones die, when the time is right.

  No, the answer is the same as it always has been. This is a family fight, and that makes it as nasty as they come. It’s like the plot of a schizoid soap opera. I know, that’s redundant, but anyway, they are all jockeying for power, and anyone can and will be sacrificed on their way to the finish line. Even, and especially, relatives. But not the rich ones, of course. They can be of use, comrade! Please pass the caviar, eh?

  Now don’t fade out on me here, grandson- I can see that glazed look in your eyes. Stay focused. Act like a Chosen One, will you? Here, have another drink. Now look, I’m going to explain it again, as best I can. The purpose of the game is to confuse you, and it seems to be working, because you are listening instead of looking. Words are worthless, only actions count! Now follow me here- if the ancient Eastern Empire was run by Caesaro-Papists, that meant that the Emperor picked the Pope (or at least, controlled him). Got it? And in the land of the Khazars, the military man (the Bek) effectively picked the religious man (the Khagan). How? By killing off anyone who would become the next Khagan, if they exhibited any resistance to the Bek and his plans. Pretty simple matter of elimination. The survivors tend to get the message, you see? So, these two systems are pretty congruent, right? The Eastern Emperors were actually imitating the Khazars, in my opinion, and not the other way around, but that’s debatable.

  Now if the Southern Khazars end up being displaced by the Northern Rus’ (and the Huns), and the Southerners get their revenge by taking over the North in the Communist Revolution of 1917, this teaches us a lesson. The lesson of camouflage and deceit, and how effective it can be. The same lesson Odysseus taught mankind, but which few men seem to have learned. And so, we have the Khazar-Chosen Ones masquerading as Bolshevik True Believers, and believe me, it works! And so, here is the root lesson to be learned- the one who really controls the military in these situations is the real master, regardless of the labels. Now, if the Czarists and then the Commies truly controlled the military, then why have they disappeared, while the putative religious leaders (the Orthodox) and the military (with all their nukes) survived? Why is the supposed cats-paw (Orthodoxy) still twitching when the (Czarist and/or Communist) cat is dead? Tell me that, Komrade Koshka?

  That’s not logical, because the religious system must have an effective military defense to survive, not vice versa. And so, I keep coming back to the question of camouflage, and how it is used. And I think the Orthodox are the real rulers of Russia, ever since they convinced the Rus’ to convert from paganism to Christianity. Orthodox, auto-cephalous Christianity. Bizarro Christianity. It happened, remember, in 988 AD, right before the official split from Rome, and well after Photius had sown the seeds of his rebellion against Rome (and the Emperor as well).

  And so, if there were ever to come a time when we pondered whether the Orthodox in Russia were simply the cat’s paw of the Emperor, then we have a logic problem. Why? Because, in Orthodoxy, there is no Pope! So how can the Orthodox subscribe to a system of Caesaro-Papism? They can’t, silly. But they can buy into a system of Papo- Caesarism. Huh? Yes, the opposite of ‘Caesar is the Pope’. It means ‘The Pope is Caesar’. And how can you tell when this system is in place? Well, whenever the putative religious leader actually controls the military, and not the other way around. And
the only way such a system can work is if the religious leader actually believes in the institution of the Papacy. Or at least covets it.

  I know, it looks like I contradicted myself, right? I said the Patriarch can’t agree to Caesaro-Papism, because he can’t believe in the Papacy, right? True enough. But he can believe in the opposite, Papo-Caesarism, as long as he is the Pope. A pope powerful enough that he controls the military. After all, isn’t that the defining role of the Emperor- controlling his Legions? Well, isn’t this silly? Yes, of course, on the surface, it is entirely ridiculous, if you assume one thing, which everyone does. They all assume the Orthodox big shots are true religious believers. I don’t make that mistake. I think the Big-Shot Orthodox (since the time of Photius) have simply adopted the dress of the religious, the aegis, to avoid detection as they seek to implement their long-term Pharisaical goal of capturing Caesar’s throne, undetected. Why? Because they have learned, like me, that to be the openly visible ‘caesar’ is to attract enemies, opponents, and contenders. It is much better to rule from behind the curtain, as the reputed Khagan. . And remember, grandson, that all of those evil High Priest of Israel that Jesus condemned were still the legitimate occupants of their positions. Being evil doesn’t make you illicit. Just like being licit doesn’t necessarily make you holy.

  In other words, grandson, why try to be the Roman Emperor (a Caesaro-Papist) when it is sufficient to be THE Holy Roman (the Pope). A Pope who commands everyone’s allegiance, religiously, politically and militarily. In other words, a Papo-Caesarist. All you have to do is be the Pope first, and Caesar second. And if you are the Pope first, who then shows he can control the Legions (of victorious Moscow), well, who’s going to argue with that? Right, nobody. Because, after all, it’s never been seen before, so it must be right. He might even be mistaken for the Messiah! But to achieve this sleight of hand, this man must maintain a perfect image. He must have perfect camouflage. A true aegis, a true image of religious authenticity and authority.


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