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The Barbarian Bible

Page 53

by Ianto Watt

  Now before you dismiss all of this as sheer stupidity, let me ask you this question – if you think that no one can continue to maintain a façade over the centuries, generation after generation, then explain to me why the Inquisition was held? Wasn’t it because of all those Converso’s, those Chosen Ones who falsely converted to Christianity, but who secretly still practiced their Talmudic Judaism? For centuries? Wasn’t this exactly what Benjamin D’Israeli, the Chosen One who was Prime Minister of Angland, said in his novel, Coningsby? And this problem of Converso’s has been corroborated by hundreds of other historic sources, both Gentile and Judaic, over the centuries? These things can and do happen. If the grudge is big enough. And the only real competitors to the Chosen Ones in this category of Olympic Grudges, are the Russians. Southern and Northern alike.

  So then, knowing this, what should any aspiring Khagan-Orthodox do to achieve his ultimate goal? He must capture the throne of Peter, not Caesar. But he must do it in a camouflaged manner. Because then he can rule in relative safety from behind the scenes. Behind the aegis of the Holy Man. And so, just as Artur Santos couldn’t believe in miracles because he was a materialist, a purely military ruler can’t rely on his own morality as the basis of his power. Why? Because military leaders are usually materialists too. But they can believe in the effectiveness of camouflage. And the robes of the religious are the most effective camouflage there is. Just ask Photius. And Jim Bakker. And Robert Schuller. And L. Ron Hubbard.

  And so, if you want to fulfill your ‘destiny’ as the leader of ‘Holy Mother Russia’, occupying the thrones of both the Emperor and the Pope, you have to do it first as a religious persona, not a military or political one. Why? Because no one will believe in a military or political man who becomes the top religious man as well. But you can believe in the opposite, can’t you? You could support a supposedly religious man as Caesar, especially if he showed mercy, right? And if he were the Pope first and then he became Caesar second, right? And especially if he claimed to represent ‘Holy Mother Russia’.

  I can see you’re getting dizzy again. What have I told you, grandson? Never listen, only watch. Here is the key, once again. The reason you are getting dizzy is because you are trying to reconcile people’s words with their actions, and it can’t be done! One or the other is a lie, because they don’t agree with one another. So which is it? Words or actions? But before you answer, remember The Iliad and The Odyssey. Most importantly, The Odyssey. Remember their themes. Wrath and Deceit. And remember that the core lesson of history is that most men are liars. Especially the leaders. And their key tactic is deceit. That’s why you’re having such a hard time here. Quit listening, ignore the labels! Look only at their actions. Stop up your ears with wax and block out the Siren song of the Weiner Dog’s howl! And then it will become clear. And the lesson here is power. And men will do anything to possess it. Including posing as their opposites, if that’s what it takes to achieve it. And history tells us that this works.

  Can you finally see where I’m coming from, and where I’m going? Yes, the real route to power, total power, over all men, has to start with the souls of men first. And if the man who is regarded to be religious then shows some incredible military strength, then who wouldn’t be impressed? After all, isn’t this the sequence of the two comings of the Messiah? First the suffering servant, then the glorious general? The problem is, in an Orthodox world, you have to accomplish this while still having denied (at least, implicitly) the validity of the Papacy. So how can you accomplish this task of obtaining the supreme religious allegiance of all men when you deny the need for a supreme religious authority? Simple, really. All you have to do is get everyone who believes in the Papacy to elect you as the Pope. Then it is they who have denied their position, not you. After all, if everyone outside Russia elects someone who implicitly denies the position of the Papacy, then who will notice? Certainly not the mainstream media. Still confused? Here, have another drink. It helps to drink. Even when you’re not confused.

  OK, enough of this for now. Where were we? Oh yes, the Russkies are staring at Angland across the Channel, and at the Muslims who are still left alive, west of Iran and in Europe, who are getting restive. So, maybe Israel is getting nervous too? Or have the big-shot Chosen Ones anticipated this? Either way, things are getting tense. And speaking of tense, there’s yet another hot spot, as if there weren’t enough of them already. Remember when I said that on their way to the coast of Normandy that the Russkies would stop and pay a visit to Rome? And to see the Pope? And that there was a little matter of revenge to be attended to here? Yes, the Pope must atone for his sins of his predecessors, when they denounced previous Soviet rulers and their atrocities during the regimes of Lenin and Stalin. At least, that would seem to be the surface explanation of their call, eh?

  But the real reason is always more subtle. The world at this point now knows that Russia is easily the military match for the Empire. The proof is evident, as Putin has stolen the Imperial crown jewel of Europe. Putin has effectively displaced the Eastern Emperor in London. But this political-military bravado must be matched by Moscow’s ability and willingness to rub the Vatican’s nose in the religious dirt in order to let everyone know that Moscow is not only the true Imperial Third Rome, it must also be seen by all as the true and authentic Holy Rome. Otherwise, why would the Russian Eagle have two heads? Church and State, in that eventual order.

  And so, the Pope must be confronted. And again, the West is paralyzed. Not only do they not want to die for the freedom of Europe, they also don’t want to die for the honor of a bunch of Holy Romans in the Vatican. And so, just as Angland has been blockaded by Russia, militarily and financially, the Vatican is now besieged, physically and diplomatically. The Pope is now a prisoner, under effective house arrest. And the world waits to see what will happen. And what will happen? A miracle, of course. Have you forgotten about them already, grandson? Deus ex machina? It happens all the time in the theatre, whenever the plot gets so crazy that there is no way out other than the direct intervention of Heaven. Or Hell. So which will it be, this time?

  I’m putting my money on Hell this time. And why not? It’s about time for some competition, eh? How better to confuse the audience? Alright, actually, I’m betting on both, but Hell gets to go first, as usual. So remember, the Russkies have tromped all across Europe, and they haven’t really been behaving well, despite Putin’s claim that they have come to save Europe from Islam. Boys will be boys, as they say, and these Russkies are looking for a little enjoyment, Soviet-style. Boots on your neck. And now the Pope is included in the roster of suspects, especially when he makes the impolitic move of calling for the tolerance of the Muslims in Europe (and elsewhere, wherever they have survived the Asian Conflagration).

  Well, this of course plays right into Putin’s hands, it would seem. Why? Because now the Pope is defending the defenseless, as usual. But once again, the Russkies are going to be portrayed as the feckless aggressors if they don’t control the message of public opinion. Ask Eddie Bernays, right? And so, the Pope has to be silenced, or otherwise those Muslims might get the idea that public opinion may help them resist what looks irresistible. Which is to say, an AK-74 in their face. And the Western Europeans are nervously thanking their ‘saviours’ for a favor they weren’t anxious to receive, but it’s an offer they can’t refuse. The Eastern Europeans learned that lesson a long time ago. So, what can the Western Europeans do, besides wait? Maybe, just maybe, the Western Emperor will come to their rescue? Hahahahahhahahah! Sure! Idiots.

  And then, after defending the humanity of the Muslims who are being rounded up in Europe, the Pope decides to reach out to the rest of the world. He makes another plea for peace, a true peace, with everyone withdrawing their forces, and respecting the sovereignty of each nation and religion. And then there starts to be a groundswell in South America and Africa (and North America too, but they are fakers), calling for true peace, and not just a truce. And it looks like parts of Europe
are getting restive, especially because the Russians haven’t really whacked anyone outside of Asia with nukes, meaning Angland or the Islamic world. At least, not yet. And suddenly, Putin senses that things could start to turn on a Mercury dime, as world opinion coalesces against him. Why? Because he has shown weakness. Why? Because he hasn’t been totally Russian yet.

  He hasn’t made anyone in Europe an example yet, a brutal example. And so, as any Barbarian knows, there needs to be a victim. But Big Bad Vlad doesn’t want to nuke anything pretty, like Paris. Or Vienna. Or even Rome. How would that look, if you are claiming to be the true Third (Imperial) Rome? No, he needs an example, but one that doesn’t destroy anything of material value. Because, being an old Commie, he only believes in material things, right? And no one destroys what they hope to inherit. Or steal. Just ask Christian Rakovsky.

  So, strategically speaking, Putin needs the equivalent of a neutron bomb. Something with killing power but without the collateral damage to the material world he has conquered. He needs a high profile victim. A single victim, one that will show everyone just how far he will go to enforce his rule. And it has to be someone that everybody in the Protestantized European and American world pays lip service to, in terms of human respect. Bit it needs to be someone that no one will cry over if he actually gets whacked. And so the answer is obvious. It has to be the Pope. After all, the Catholics of South America and Africa are the only ones that will be offended if the Pope is on today’s dinner menu, and the Muslims will get the message big-time. And what is the message? Keep messing around and Mecca is next. And if South America still wants to whine, then maybe Rio gets it next. That’s all it would take. But they won’t have to do it if everything works just right. But it won’t, of course. So what’s gonna happen?

  Simple, my boy. Putin’s military men besieging the Vatican get the word to arrest the Pope. And of course, things will spin out of control, seemingly. Or at least, that will be the plan. The hit squad will be in the Vatican Book Depository Building (aka Vatican Library), ready to whack the Pope when some Swiss Guard decides to live up to his reputation. It’ll be designed to look like a stray shot from someone, maybe even ‘friendly fire’. And then Putin will say that they only wanted to take the Pope into ‘protective custody’, for his own safety. I know, it sounds absurd. And it will be. But it won’t happen. Why? Because, at the last second, another word will come down, also from Moscow, saying that the Pope is NOT to be harmed, or even arrested. Putin says this? No, silly, the Patriarch says this. And Putin caves in. And the world is stunned!

  Stunned not only that the seemingly inevitable abomination has been averted, but that it was stayed by the hand of The Patriarch of Moscow. Incredible! The world is transfixed by this moment!! The Russians withdraw from their Vatican siege and melt away into Rome, proper. The crisis is over, seemingly, if only for the moment. It is as if King Priam has risen one morning and climbed to the top of the walls of Troy, so long besieged by the Greeks, only to see all 1,220 ships gone from the shore! Victory! Who cares why they’ve left, they’re gone!!! They’re gone!!!! Peace at last!!! And then the party begins, as the euphorial vision fills the eyes of all who behold it. And that’s everyone, because all of this will have played out on worldwide networks, of all kinds. Suddenly, all the tension evaporates, as everyone immediately assumes that there truly is a humane heart in the real rulers of Russia. That would be the Orthodox Patriarch. And the world swoons for joy.

  And just what does the Patriarch say to the world, once he has stayed the hand of Putin with a mere word of rebuke? He says the unthinkable. Or actually, the undecipherable, to those who don’t listen closely. Here’s what I would say, if I was the Patriarch, and I coveted the throne of Peter for myself; ‘Men of Earth, listen to me. I come to you seeking the safety of my brother, Peter. I and mine are in accord with the See of Peter. Let there be peace!’

  Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Can’t we all get along? But have you noticed something? He won’t say that he is in accord with, let alone submission to, the occupant of the See (Chair) of Peter. If he did, he would have to name him, and the current occupant of that chair has a name, and it’s not Peter. No, all the Patriarch has really said is that he and his bunch are in accord with the throne, but not necessarily the current occupant! In other words, we’ll submit to the Pope, when we are the Pope! And not a minute before, you stupid fools. But that’s not what the world will hear, because they don’t want to hear it.

  Oh sure, there will be a Cassandra, crying out like Laocoon and Golitsyn, begging people not to believe the words of the Greeks , and not to drag that infernal Horse inside the walls. But no one will listen to her. Or to me. No one but you, my grandson. I hope you will listen, for your sake. No, believing me will not save your mortal life. But it will let you die like a man, and not like some mute, unthinking sacrificial animal. Virtus et honor, my son!

  But everyone else will believe what they wanted to hear, and what they thought they heard. And that is this; that the war is over, period. And since all wars are ultimately religious in nature, if this 1,000 year war between Holy Rome and Orthodoxy is now over, peaceably, then surely mankind is on the cusp of a true era of peace, no? And if Orthodoxy has the power to rein in the remnants of the Czarist/Communist eras (Putin, et al) and their fearsome military machine, then surely this must be the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Beautiful Lady, right? And the era of peace is upon us, right? Wrong. Well, why is that?

  We’ll get there in a minute, but first, let’s look at the Holy Roman reaction to the Patriarch’s actions. What will the Pope say when the throne of Holy Rome has been safely delivered by Holy Mother Russia? What can he say, besides an effusive ‘Thank you and God bless you, my Ecumenical Brother’? How in the world is he going to be able to say ‘now hold on a minute, folks, something’s not right here’. That is, if he could even think it, let alone say it. Will he be one of those who still thinks that the consecration of Russia was somehow inherent in that 1980’s consecration of the world, by all the bishops of the world? Is he one of those who are still big fans of the Big Ecu-maniacal Dinner in 1962? Does he have a vested interest in the way things were for the last 50 years that followed the Big Dinner Party in Rome? Does he say the Mass in Latin?

  No, regardless of any of his past actions regarding Vatican II, I don’t think the Pope will be able to verbalize any doubts as to the purity of the motives of the Patriarch of Moscow. In fact, I think he will end up announcing, in some non-dogmatic way, that the schism is over, that all men are brothers, and that we all have to do everything we possibly can to prevent any further descent into the madness of war, especially nuclear war. Everything possible, including forgetting the past. All of it. Prophesies included.

  And then, someone will whisper something in the Pope’s ear. Something like this: ‘Your Holiness, this is the moment! This is the opportunity to not only deliver peace to all mankind, but to also show your greatness. Now is the time, the time to truly heal the schism, and ratify the reunification of the entire Church, in all her fragments. If you were to show the greatest humility of all time, by resigning, so that the entire Church, re-unified, could elect a new Pope that was chosen by ALL the members of its various and formerly separated parts, then you will be seen as the greatest peacemaker of all time.’ Well, who could resist? Besides me, of course?

  And it’s not like Pope’s don’t resign anymore, right? Just ask Benedict. In fact, the current Pope just might do that! But in any event, think of the logic here. It is a truly seductive message. It plays to both the welfare of the entire Church, as well as to an individual man’s personal pride. A pride sated by means of apparent humility. Who could resist? And besides, what if he doesn’t do what this someone has whispered to him? What if this truly is the opportune time to perform such an act? And given the human toll of the preceding events in Southern Asia, who wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice his own personal position if it could bring lasting peace? The question is, of course, will it br
ing true peace?

  Well, we’re going to get to find out. Why? Because any man of low virtue would succumb to the second part of what was whispered in the Pope’s ear. But any man of high virtue will question whether or not he should risk wasting what seems to be a heaven-sent opportunity to truly heal all the divisions of the past. And so, he’s stuck, right? Sure, if he was one of those who bought into the idea that the consecration of the world to the Beautiful Lady’s heart back in the 1980’s was somehow sufficient to cover her request for the consecration of Russia. Hmmm…….Photius would be proud of me here. I know, I’m bad. I’m a true Welsh Barbarian. I’ll drink to that! Here, grandson, you too!

  Well, was this consecration of the world (and not just Russia) in the 1980’s sufficient? I’m not buying it. Why? Well, if the Orthodox are brought into full communion with Holy Rome without so much as a whispered ‘I’m sorry’, we’re back to the puzzling re-unification of the ROC and the ROCOR after the supposed fall of Communism, right? And ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’, right? Wrong! I still don’t buy the idea that Communism/ Socialism was the Error of Russia. And not just because it’s singular in nature. I still think it is the claim that ‘Holy Mother Russia’ has supplanted both Imperial and Holy Rome. That’s twin errors. Plural, in other words.

  And if those previous consecrations of ‘the world’ were sufficient, then why was there this horrendous war that happened, the one that annihilated so many peoples and nations? That’s before we ask about all those wars between 1980 and now. I thought there was supposed to be a peaceful era after the consecration, right? Hell, even the Gulf Wars and Afghanistan are enough to make me wonder. And what about the ‘conversion of Russia’? How could that happen, if, as everyone will assume, Russian is already Christian (but Orthodox)? So, is it like ice cream? Chocolate and vanilla, but they’re both authentically ice cream? Or are we talking frozen yogurt as well? I hate yogurt. It’s simply an imposter. If it’s low-fat, I don’t want it! But never mind all that though, because we’re all going to find out if the consecration of the world was a sufficient low-fat substitute for the consecration of Russia. I don’t think the Beautiful Lady was on a diet. But we’ll see.


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