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The Barbarian Bible

Page 55

by Ianto Watt

  And how did they perceive in this image what the conquistadors had been unable to articulate? It was her visual portrayal as an Indian-Spaniard. A pregnant yet virginal maiden, as the image so clearly showed to the Indian eye. And then it became clear to them. This new faith was something that made all men equal, and equally valuable to a universal God. And the result was that they converted in droves. By the millions, and then the tens of millions. And today, all of the hundreds of millions in the Americas (that speak either Spanish or Portuguese) believe in the reality of her title. All because of an image of the Beautiful Lady.

  And what is this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, really? Well, the Weiner-dogs can tell you what it isn’t, but as usual, they can’t tell you what it is. It isn’t a painting. It isn’t a photograph. It isn’t a hologram. It isn’t anything that they can explain, but yet even they can plainly see it. So I guess it can’t be another case of mass-hallucination, eh? Unless they’re hallucinating too. Hahahhah! Stupid midget dogs. Idiots.

  Yes, the image still exists, in Mexico City. Hundreds of millions have seen it, even today. Scientifically speaking, it is an image that appears to float above the surface of Juan Diego’s cloak. A cloak made of agave fiber, a fiber that normally crumbles apart in 20 or 30 years. But it is almost 500 years old. Yet it has survived fires, bombings and continuous human handling. And yet the image perseveres. And so does the Faith it sparked. And this image of the Beautiful Lady even contains the reflection of Juan Diego in the pupil of her eyes. It is scientifically undeniable and artistically indescribable. It is simply incredible. And it is there for all to see, even today, 500 years later.

  It is just like the image that persevered in the minds of those 70,000+ scoffers who gathered at Fatima in 1917, waiting to laugh those 3 children to scorn when their promised miracle fizzled out in the rain. But it didn’t work out that way, did it Artur? Hahahahah! And now, it is almost 100 years since her last appearance on such a gigantic scale. So I think she’s due for her finale! And why not? How else will the Muslims convert from their faith, a faith that is a stunted version of the Holy Roman faith? Yes, Muslims are incipient Catholics, and all that it will take is a match to enlighten their minds with a visual representation of the truth. Because a picture, an image, is worth 70,000 words. Or more.

  And so now, it is time for her to appear to the Muslims. And why not? They pay her far more homage than her own ‘believers’ do in Europe and North America. The Muslims call her son, Jesus, the greatest of all the prophets, next to Mohammed, of course. And they venerate her as the holiest of all women. And maybe this time, she will appear in a way that shows that her Son is actually greater than Mohammed? And that is all it will take. And where will this take place? Who knows? Who can guess the mind of a woman, let alone a good one? Have you met any lately? Besides your mother and grandmother?

  After that, it will be a race to see who can convert faster, the Russians or the Muslims. The Russians will still be in shock that one of their own is now the Pope of the entire world, and not just some Orthodox Ultra-Wannabe High Priest crank that rules the icebox of Russia. And that the Russian nation has actually supplanted the Empire, at least in the East. At last, Russians will perceive that they are seen as equals, if not the masters, of Europe, militarily and spiritually, and all their Barbarian bitterness will melt away as they take their place amongst the truly civilized. And the old Europeans are now the dregs of humanity. Hahahahahah! Who says God has no sense of humour??? How’s it look from down there, Henry? You too, Artur! Hahhahahahah!

  And the same process will now be at work amongst the Muslims, who will now take rightful pride in their place amongst all men, and receive the grandest of prizes, the land of Europe! Yes, no longer will they wander in the arid wastelands, forever rootless, as they now become the rightful owners of the land of the apostates who have ruled and over-ruled them for almost 500 years! And in this mystical overwhelming of all the Barbarian ways of both the Rus’ and the Muslims is seen the fulfillment of another prophecy. The prophecy that the Beautiful Lady will be the one who overcomes all heresies. Because that’s what the schism of the Orthodox had produced. Heresy. And the faith of Mohammed was also a heresy of early Christianity. But that’s OK, she’s tough, she can handle this.

  And what of the Anglish? What’s to become of them? Hell, who cares, right? Because in their case, it isn’t so much heresy as it is apostasy. And stupidity. Oh, all right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t talk this way, I know. Yes, they can be saved too. But it’s no sure thing, you understand, right? Maybe, if the Russians can find a way to remove that stupid Hanoverian Idiot Dynasty in London, things may improve. I think I know how it can and will be done. After all, this prophesy of peace won’t happen without a little effort on the part of men, right? And so, how will the inhabitants of Brython be freed from their Anglish overlords? It’s simple, really. It’s a math problem, as usual.

  Here’s the equation. If you have X amount of money compounding at Y percent of interest, and this rate of growth equals the rate of the enslavement of all men, how do you free them? Simply reduce the value of Y to zero. How? Well, if I was the Pope, I would denounce the Kabalistic black-magic practice of usury as being demonic. As in, from ‘the gods’. And I would ask the new Emperor of the East, my Russian compatriot, to decree that all usury is to be forbidden. To decree that all personal contracts calling for interest on personal debts are to have the interest rate reduced to zero. And all business loans are to be converted to true partnerships, substituting profit (and loss) sharing for the current demand for interest. How would that work? Just ask the Islamic Bankers, they’ll know. Why? Because they know usury is Kabbalah. Black magic.

  Well, what would this do, grandson? I’ll tell you what it would do. It would destroy the Chosen One financiers of the Western Empire and end the slavery of man to the Mammonites. Remember them? Yes, the rulers of Old York and New York. The financiers of all wars. And all mankind could start anew, without the bondage of debt. And this one act, made with the threat of arms, will be the only way the Chosen Ones can be broken. And then all men will be free. And then true peace can begin. The peace that was promised by the Beautiful Lady.

  But what of those Chosen Ones? Can there be true peace as long as they remain apart from all other men? No, and that is why the Beautiful Lady only prophesied a ‘period’ of true peace. For the peace will only be amongst those who are at peace, within the Church. Dar es Salaam, as the muslims would say. But the Chosen Ones will remain outside, for their time is not yet come. And then the peace will end. And then, and only then, will we be at the true end of time, as the last war takes place. The really big one. The Magic War. The one fought to re-institute the black magic of usury. The desire for money, the root of all evil.

  But for now, there will be a time of peace. And the Beautiful Lady is not a piker. We’ll get at least 40 years, if not a hundred. Why do I say that? Because those are the two favorite numbers (besides 12) in the history of Israel and the Church. Twelve is too short, and like I said, she’s no piker. So my bet is at least 40, but I’m hoping for a hundred, which is another favorite number in prophetic histories. Which should be long enough to rebuild civilization to what it was in the 1200’s. But with indoor plumbing, of course.

  And in the meantime, the Russians will get to do what no one else has been able to do – to convert America to the True Faith. The one and only authentic Operating System. Won’t that be hilarious! Truly, God has a sense of humour, and of ultimate irony! And this, as Padre Pio said, will take some time, because those Judaizing Puritans are a stiff-necked people. And that’s why I’m betting on the hundred year version of this prediction.

  And so, take heart, my grandson, there is a time of peace awaiting you! Take advantage of this blessing, be fruitful and multiply. Resist the Empire by showing that you are a grateful son of the Beautiful Lady, and a loyal brother to her Son. And until this time of peace comes, be useful. How? Remember to pray for your parents. And for t
he conversion of Russia. And the Chosen Ones too. Just like the Beautiful Lady has asked us to do.

  What? You want to know what will happen at the end of this coming period of war and peace? Well, that’s another story, my boy. But soon the sun will be up and your mother is going to be here, and she will be very mad that we’ve stayed up so late and drunk so much of my wine. She probably won’t let you come over for at least another week, or longer. But when she does, I’ll tell you the rest of the story. The story of The Magic War. It is even more incredible than this story. But don’t worry, because as I said, the final end won’t happen for a good while. I’ll be gone by then, but hopefully you won’t. So, promise me, you’ll pray for me when I’m gone? Good, and I will pray for you!

  And in the meantime, don’t be too hard on your mother. Don’t make her cry, if you can help it. After all, like the Beautiful Lady, she does have your best interests at heart. She only wants what is best for you (even if she doesn’t know exactly what that is). But now you do. So take good care of her, she’s my daughter, remember? And remember the reason for my telling you this story. Remember to place your chip on the right number of the roulette wheel of life. Do it soon, eh, grandson? Place it where the Beautiful Lady places hers. Put it on the number 3. And then you can live like a man.

  In order to understand the actual nature of history, you must read the volumes of the vanquished. Here is a beginner’s list of topics you should read on in order to begin to understand how the history presented to us in the government schools and texts is simply the public relations line that our masters want us to assimilate. All the better to keep us dazed and confused. And enslaved, of course, which is their ultimate purpose. To research these events and movements, just Google up these names and start reading about them, and you’ll come across plenty of material that you NEVER heard of in your years of conformist schooling. Each one of these groups was betrayed by internal spies and agents, or was treacherously dealt with by their Mammonite opponents who promised an honorable truce or peace. Start with Alexander Solzhenitsyn, as he writes about the Soviet Gulag (One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago). Then start researching the following topics.

  The Vendee Uprising (France)

  The Cornwall Uprising (Angland)

  The Jacobite Uprisings in Angland (all 3)

  The San Patricios (of Mexico)

  The Cristeros Uprising (Mexico)

  The Black Book of Communism (Everywhere)

  The Carlists (Spanish Civil War, specifically works of Warren Carroll))

  The Russian Civil War (White Russians)

  The Hmong People in the Vietnam War

  The Targeting of Hiroshima & Nagasaki (because of their religious population)

  The Armenian Genocide (Armenia)

  The Genocide of the Ukranian Kulaks (USSR)

  The Jameson Raid (South Africa)

  The Reductions of Paraguay

  The Black Legend of Spain

  The Haymarket Uprising (America)

  The Pennsylvania Coalminer Uprising (America)

  The Destruction of America through Urban Renewal (The Slaughter of Cities)

  By the end of this list, you will have begun (hopefully) to understand that every conflict has had at least two sides, and that accepting the ‘modern’ version of history regarding any event will inevitably lead you to mindless conformity that keeps you from understanding the reality of history. At that point you will have begun to think for yourself (and do the requisite work of seeking out the story of each of the vanquished). Only then will your mind be truly free.

  1The True Story of Troy, directed by Gary Glassman (Documentary # AAE-77149, A&E Television Networks, 235 E 45th St, New York City, New York,United States 10017, year 2004), DVD.

  2Flavius Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, William Whiston, translator 1737, (website) July 14, 2013

  3Flavius Josephus War of the Jews, ibid.

  4Baba Mezia, 114b.

  5Erubhin, f. 21b.

  6Sanhedrin, X, 3, f.88b.

  7Sopherim ,V, 7, fol. 13b.

  8Erubhin, f. 13b.

  9The Holy Bible, Book of Malachi, 1:11, Douay-Reims (Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1989), 1024.

  10Yonan, 39b.

  11Solomon’s Temple (website) Accessed December 1, 2012

  12Menahoth, 43b-44a.

  13Wikipedia contributors, “Karaite Judaism,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 25, 2013).

  14The Holy Bible, Gospel of Luke, 3:1, Douay-Reims (Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1989), 1024

  15WikiPaintings Pope Leo I Repulsing Attila - Raphael - WikiPaintings. Accessed July 14, 2013

  16Catholic Encyclopedia (website) cathen/12043b.htm Accessed July 14, 2013

  17Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe (New York: Random House, 1976), 81-82.

  18Nicene Creed, Roman Catholic Church

  19Catholic Encyclopedia (website) Accessed July 14, 2013

  20The Quran (website) (accessed July 14, 2013)

  21The Holy Bible, 2nd Thessalonians 2:7

  22Virgil, The Aeneid, trans. David West (London: Penguin Books, Ltd. 1990)

  23Quintus of Smyrna, The War at Troy, trans. Frederick M. Combellack (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1996), 6 - Accessed July 30, 2013

  25Quintus of Smyrna, The War at Troy, trans. Frederick M. Combellack (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1996), 242-243.

  26Painting of ‘Aeneas Flees Burning Troy’ by Federico Barocci

  27Benjamin Disraeli, Coningsby or the New Generation (United States of America: Kessinger Publishing, 2010), 300.

  28Wikipedia contributors, “British Israelism,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Israelism&oldid=556326735 (accessed May 25, 2013).

  29Wikipedia contributors, “Commonwealth of Nations,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, of Nations &oldid=555912087 (accessed May 25, 2013).

  30 Wikipedia contributors, “Rudolf Hess,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, May 25, 2013).

  31Wikipedia contributors, “Rudolf Hess,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, May 25, 2013).

  32Wikipedia contributors, “Rudolf Hess,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, May 25, 2013).

  33Wikipedia contributors, “Timeline of United States military operations,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 25, 2013).

  34Robert Friedman, Red Mafiya (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2000).

  35National Geographic Magazine September 2011

  36Hans Johst Play Schlageter

  37Michal Collins Piper, Final Judgement (Washington, DC: American Free Press, 2005).

  38Wikipedia contributors, Grigori Rasputin,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, May 26, 2013).

  39Russian newspaper Pravda (

  40Wikipedia contributors, “Khazars,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, http:// (accessed May 26, 2013).

  41Wikipedia contributors, “Khazars,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, http:// (accessed May 26,

  42Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old ( New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. 1984

  43Strabo, Geography, Book III, Ch. 3, Para 3. July 30, 2013)


  45Novos Documentos de Fatima (Loyala editions, San Paulo, 1984)

  46Wikipedia contributors, “Our Lady of Fatima,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 27, 2013).

  47Wikipedia contributors, “Our Lady of Fatima,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 27, 2013).

  48Wikipedia contributors, “Consecration of Russia,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed May 27, 2013).

  Homer, The Iliad, trans. Samuel Butler, Barnes & Noble, NY 1942

  Homer, The Odyssey, trans. Samuel Butler, Barnes & Noble, NY 1993

  Quintus of Smyrna, The War At Troy (What Homer Didn’t Tell), trans. Frederick M. Combellack, Barnes & Noble, NY 1968

  Virgil, The Aeneid, trans. David West, Penguin Books, London 1990

  Hesiod, Works & Days Theogony, trans. Stanley Lombardo, Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis IN 1993


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