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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 99

by E. L. Todd

  “I just meant you aren’t fat.”

  “No, you didn’t.” He nudged me in the side. “You know your old man is still a stud.”

  I couldn’t count the number of times the girls I hooked up with asked if my father was the cheating type. And I knew they weren’t interested just because he was rich. It made me want to vomit. “Anyway…”

  “Anyone special in your life?”

  “No,” I blurted.

  “How’s Jasmine?”

  “I haven’t seen her since our date.”

  “You like her?” he asked.

  “As a friend,” I said firmly.

  “She’s a sweet girl. She’ll find someone worthy of her time—eventually.”

  “I’m sure she will.”

  “No married flings?”

  I hit my dad in the side. “Let it go already.”

  He laughed. “Sorry. I’ll tease you forever.”

  “And I’ll tease you forever for being a psycho control freak.”

  “Well, you got me there…”

  “And why are you like that…?” I knew he wouldn’t answer me, but I liked to ask anyway.

  He stood up and stretched. “It’s getting late. I’m going to hit the sack.”

  I glanced at the clock. “It’s not even nine.”

  “Well, I’m old, as you constantly like to remind me.” He flashed me a grin before he headed up the stairs.

  I poured myself another brandy and drank it alone in the dark, feeling better than I had in a while.



  We got to our seats with our nachos and beers.

  “Damn, these are good tickets,” Slade said. He wore a Red Sox jersey that showed his line of ink. A baseball cap was on his head and his shades shielded his eyes from the sun.

  I drank my beer while I watched the inning. “I got them from a friend who couldn’t go.”

  “Well, your friend missed out.” He shoved five nachos into his mouth and scarfed them down. “Why didn’t you take Roland?”

  “He had plans.” He was such a momma’s boy.

  “I’m still surprised you invited me,” he said honestly.

  The batter hit the ball then made it to second base.

  “The bases are going to be loaded,” Slade said. “I can feel it.”

  I addressed his previous question. “I figured it would be good if we spend time together…to make up for the awkwardness of the past few months.”

  “Yeah…” Slade drank his beer.

  “So…are you and my sister okay? Or are you still fighting?”

  “We’re fine,” he said immediately. “Trinity just acts like a brat sometimes.”

  “It sounds like you still hate her like before,” I said with a laugh.

  “Oh, I do. Just because I love her doesn’t mean I’ll stop hating all the annoying shit she does.”

  I laughed. “Well, thanks for putting up with her.”

  “I’m doing you and Mike a service, really.”

  I ate too many nachos in a single bite so I swallowed the acid down with my beer.

  “What’s new with you?” he asked.

  “Nothing really.”

  “Any hot chicks worth mentioning?”

  “I met this girl at the gym last week. She was really hot but horrible in bed.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “How is that possible?”

  “She just lay there and I did all the work.”

  Slade nodded. “Trinity—” He suddenly closed his mouth, realizing how inappropriate it would be to discuss my sister in that context. “Sorry, sometimes I forget you’re her brother.”

  “It’s cool.” I’m just glad he didn’t finish the sentence. “Just don’t let anything slip out. I’ll vomit all over the people in front of us.”

  “That would actually be hilarious to watch,” Slade said with a smirk.

  After I finished my nachos, I left them on the ground then leaned back in my chair. The game continued on, and just as Slade predicted, the bases were loaded.

  “Come on!” Slade clapped his hands. “Bring it home.”

  The batter hit a home run, giving the Red Sox four runs.

  “Yes!” Slade shouted. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  I clapped then whistled loudly. “You know what baseball is missing?”

  “Cheerleaders?” Slade said, reading my mind.


  “I know, right?” He drank his beer again.

  The game continued on, but the Red Sox were so far in the lead the game wasn’t even competitive.

  “At least we’ll win,” Slade said.

  “Yeah.” I finished my second beer then left it on the ground. “How’s Trinity’s leg?”

  “Pretty much back to normal. She walks around on it but she’s afraid to run. I push her but I don’t want to push her too much, too fast.”

  “Yeah…good idea.”

  “You should have taken her to the game,” Slade said. “She would have liked to come.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. And I did promise I’d spend more time with her. When I’d thought she was going to die, I was a total wreck. I guess I did love her after all. “I’ll invite her to the next one.”

  “Good idea.”

  He finished his nachos then wiped all the cheese off his hands.


  “What, bro?”

  “I’m sorry for the way I acted before…about Trinity.”

  “Dude, don’t worry about it. I understand why you reacted that way.”

  I still felt like I made nothing into something. “Okay.”

  “Just when Trinity and I finally got out of all the drama, she and I butt heads like rams on a mountain.”

  “Now that you’re a couple, you’re bound to fight.”

  He sighed. “Yeah, it’s not fun. Well, the making up—” He fell silent, realizing his mistake again. “Uh, it’s just difficult to get used to.”

  I let it slide, thankful I didn’t actually hear the words. “It’s cool…”

  We watched the game until the last inning. The score was pitiful.

  “Does the other team even know what a baseball is?” Slade asked.

  “No. And they don’t know what a bat is either.”

  He shook his head. “Embarrassing…”

  “You want to leave before the crowd and get a beer?”

  “Yeah…there’s nothing left to see here.”

  We headed to a bar then sat down at a table. After the waitress brought our beers, we drank them quietly while we watched the TV in the corner. They were recapping the game, declaring the Red Sox as the victors.

  “Did you win any money on the game?” I asked.

  “Five hundred bucks.”

  “I’m jealous.”

  “You should be. It’s the easiest money in the world.”

  I scanned the tables and saw a group of girls decked out in Red Sox jerseys and hats. They looked cute in their gear. And if a girl liked sports, she automatically got a few points in my eyes.

  Slade glanced over his shoulder and spotted them. “Which one are you going to go for?”

  “I don’t know. They’re all cute.”

  Slade shrugged. “They’re alright…”

  “The brunette with big tits looks good.”

  “Go for it, man,” Slade said. “I can take a cab back.”

  “Nah,” I said. “I’ll just get her number.”

  He clinked his glass against mine. “Good luck.”

  “Like I need it.” I headed to the table and moved close to the brunette. “Brutal game, huh?”

  She turned, startled by my presence. “It wasn’t much of a game at all.” She had green eyes and dark skin, like she tanned often or was a mix of light and dark.

  “Is that why you left early?”

  “I didn’t go. We watched it here.”

  I nodded. “Well, you saved money. The nachos are ridiculously expensive.”

  She giggl
ed. “Looks like I dodged a bullet.” Judging the way her eyes lit up when she looked at me, she was smitten with me. But why wouldn’t she be? Come on, look at me. I was tall and built, and my face was fair in comparison to my dark blue eyes. Girls swooned for me the second I came near. They didn’t stand a chance against my charms.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Sure.” She gave me a sweet smile.

  “And can your friend buy me one?” A drunk blonde grabbed my arm.

  “He’s got a girlfriend,” I blurted. I turned back to my prey. “I’m Conrad.”


  “Ooh…pretty name.”

  “You should try my peaches. They are sweet.”


  She laughed at the confused look on my face. “Because Georgia is known for their peaches…never mind.”

  “No, I got it. It just took me a second.” At first I thought she wanted me to suck her nipples in the bathroom, which I would have done in a heartbeat. “So, what are you drinking?”

  “John Adams.”

  “Coming right up.” I headed to the bar and got her the drink. Then I returned. “So, do you live in Boston?”


  Good. So she lived close but not too close.



  She nodded. “Not too far away.”


  She flicked her hair over her shoulder, showing her tanned skin.

  “How about we get dinner on Friday night?”

  “I’d like that.” She drank her beer and stared at me.

  “Me too.”

  She gave me her phone number and I stored it in my phone.

  Slade texted me. Trinity is coming. Make sure you give your girl the slippery dolphin. I can tell she’s into that.

  I typed a message back while Georgia stared at me.

  “Is your friend lonely?” she asked.

  I looked at her. “His girl is picking him up.”

  “So, you’re free for tonight?” she asked.

  “I guess so…” If that means I’ll be getting laid.

  “I live a few blocks from here.”

  I immediately texted Slade back. K. I will.

  Slade sent a smiley face back.

  “Do you want to finish your beer?” I asked.

  “Not really.”

  Damn, maybe Slade was right.

  We pulled up to her house then walked inside. I hadn’t gotten laid in a week so I was eager. Using my hand got the job done, but I always preferred the real thing. And this girl was smoking hot. I couldn’t wait to see her curves underneath that jersey.

  We walked inside and she set her purse on the counter.

  Now that were alone, I came up behind her and pressed my crotch into her ass, groping her from behind while my lips sought her neck.

  She pushed back into me, enjoying it, and then a giggle escaped her lips. “Hold on…don’t get too excited now.” She broke apart from me, leaving me wanting more. She gave me a mischievous look as she walked into the living room. “Mom?”

  What? Huh?

  “Thanks for watching the kids.”

  What kids?

  “Sure thing, honey.” An older woman grabbed her purse then spotted me. “Oh, you have company?”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Mom, this is Conrad,” Georgia said.

  I was frozen in place, feeling awkward and tense. Then I remembered my manners. “It’s nice to meet you.” I shook her hand.

  She smiled at her daughter. “He’s cute.” Then she walked out.

  What the hell did I just get myself into?

  Georgia walked to the couch. “Time for bed.”

  “No!” A little girl screamed. “I want to watch cartoons!”

  “Abby, no. It’s time for bed,” Georgia said firmly.

  “Why do you get to stay awake?” a little boy asked.

  “Because I said so,” Georgia spat. “Now go. I mean it.”

  Both of the kids walked by me. The little girl didn’t notice me, but the boy did. He stopped and stared at me with wide eyes.

  Was I supposed to say something? I’d never been good with kids.

  Then he dropped his gaze and headed to his bedroom.


  When the doors were shut, Georgia came back to me. “Sorry about that…I thought they would be in bed by now. My mom spoils them.”

  I was speechless.

  “Now where were we?” She put her hands on my chest and leaned in.

  I stepped back. “Are you married?” The last thing I needed was an angry husband breaking down the front door with a shotgun in his hand.

  “No.” She didn’t come closer to me. “I’m a single mom.”

  Knowing she had kids made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure why. I’d never had sex with a mom before…that I knew of.

  “It’s not a big deal,” she said. “They’re asleep.”

  “No, they aren’t,” I said. “They aren’t stupid. They know why I’m here.” The little boy looked at me like I was another stranger he shouldn’t bother getting to know.

  “Look, you’re making it into a bigger deal than it needs to be.”

  “You shouldn’t bring random guys back to your house where your kids sleep. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Her eyes widened in offense. “Don’t tell me how to live my life. I have needs too.”

  “It’s called a hotel.”

  “Like I can afford that.”

  “You could have asked to come to my place,” I argued.

  “You live all the way in Cambridge.”

  “I would have made the drive if you asked,” I snapped.

  “Look, are we going to do this or what? Because I don’t think arguing down the hall from my kids is the best idea.”

  I wasn’t sure what I wanted anymore. I wanted to get laid and I was already here. “Are you sure some guy isn’t going to come after me?”

  “My husband is dead. We’re in the clear.” She said it with no remorse, like it happened a long time ago.

  “I’m sorry.” I didn’t realize she was a widow.

  “It’s fine.” She sounded angry, like it wasn’t fine.

  “I should just go…” I headed to the door.

  “Stay.” She said it quietly.

  I took a deep breath. “I’m not looking for a relationship. If you want a new man to be a father to your kids, it’s not me.” I didn’t want to waste her time or her heart.

  “I always make that assumption when I meet a guy in a bar.” She put her hands on her hips. “No reason to feel guilty.”

  I still couldn’t move. If I just stayed, I could have meaningless sex and drive home feeling satisfied. I knew I would feel guilty too, but my cock was doing most of the thinking. Georgia really was beautiful.

  She got tired of waiting. “I’ll be in my bedroom if you change your mind. If not, take care.” She walked down the hall and closed her bedroom door.

  I stood there, debating. The house was dark and quiet. I could hear my own breathing. My horniness steering me, I headed to her room and walked inside.

  “How’d it go with that girl?” Slade asked when he saw me in the library. “She loved the slippery dolphin, didn’t she? I can tell she’s into nasty shit.”

  “Just regular sex,” I said with a sigh.

  “Was she that bad?” He held a burrito in his hand but he didn’t eat it. “Did she have a dick or something?”

  I glared at him just as Roland joined us.

  “Yo.” Roland bit into a power bar and chewed. “What are you guys talking about?”

  “Conrad fucked a guy,” Slade blurted.

  “She wasn’t a dude!” I argued.

  Roland’s eyes widened and darted back and forth between us. “What did I miss…?”

  I spoke before Slade could exaggerate it. “We went to the game then hit up a bar. I hooked up with some girl and took her back to her place.”

  “Sounds normal to me,” Roland said. “But she ended up being a dude…?”

  “No,” I snapped. “She was definitely a chick.”

  “Then why are you all sad and crap?” Slade asked, biting in his burrito.

  I covered my face, not wanting to say it out loud. “She had two kids.”

  Slade stopped eating.

  Roland spat his food out.

  “She already popped out two brats?” Slade asked. “She must be looser than a prostitute.”

  Roland cringed. “You slept with her anyway?”

  I felt worse by the second. “I was already there…the kids were in their rooms…”

  “That’s gross,” Slade said. “I wouldn’t even stoop so low to sleep with a MILF.”

  “Was she married?” Roland asked.

  I didn’t want to say the next part. “She’s a widow.”

  Slade’s face blanched. “I’ve done some fucked-up shit, but I have to say that’s way worse than anything I ever did.”

  It was true. “I know…”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Roland asked. “You want to be a dad or something?”

  “No,” I snapped. “I just invested all that time and I didn’t want to walk away with nothing…”

  Slade’s eyes were wide. “Dude, I’m judging you. And that’s saying something.”

  “She said she just wanted a one-night stand. She knew I wasn’t going to offer her more,” I said.

  “But still,” Roland said. “You could have hooked up with some other chick—who doesn’t have kids.”

  “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” I asked quietly.

  “No,” Slade and Roland said at the same time.

  I rested my head on the table and tried to disappear.



  My dad asked me to come down and help with the shop for the weekend, and I immediately agreed, wanting to be in the place I belonged. The boys at the shop were awesome and I couldn’t wait to take over.

  I went to Trinity’s house then walked inside.

  She was sitting at the kitchen table, cutting out images from magazines and pasting them into her scrapbook where she did her sketches. She looked up when she noticed me. “Hey.” A bright smile was on her face, one she only gave me.


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