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Forever and Ever (Complete #1-7)

Page 100

by E. L. Todd

  “Hey, baby.” I kissed her forehead then sat beside her. “How’s it going?”

  “Good. I found a dress that I love. I just want to make a few changes.”

  “Cool.” I tried to be interested in her passion for fashion even though it was hard. But if it was important to her, then it was important to me. “We’re going to stay with my parents for the weekend.”

  “Who’s we?” she asked, pasting the image to the paper.

  “You and I.” Whom did she think I meant?

  “What are you doing down there?”

  “Working with my dad at the shop. So pack your stuff.”

  She flashed me a confused expression. “Why would I come? You’re going to be working the whole time.”

  “So you can be with me.”

  “It’s okay…I have a lot of things to do.”

  “No,” I said. “Where I go, you go.”

  “It just seems like a waste for me to stay with my parents when I’m not going to see you anyway,” she argued.

  “Why would you stay with your parents?” I asked.

  “Where else would I stay…?” Condescension was in her voice.

  “With my parents.”

  Her eyes widened. “Absolutely not.”

  “What?” I demanded. “They don’t care.”

  “I do. That’s so awkward.”

  “I’ve brought tons of girls over,” I argued.

  She glared at me. “Is that supposed to convince me?”

  “You’re making a big deal over nothing. I’d offer to stay at a hotel with you, but we both know how you feel about that…”

  “Slade, I’m staying here.”

  “No, you’re coming with me,” I snapped.

  “Why do you want me to go with you so bad?” she hissed.

  “I need sex.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You want me to be there just so you can have sex with me at night?”

  “And sleep with you,” I said. “You know how grumpy I get when I don’t have you in the morning and night.”

  “So romantic…”

  “Hey, you said I could ask for things in this relationship. So I’m doing it. I want you to come with me.”

  “I can’t even begin to explain how uncomfortable I would feel having sex down the hall from your parents.” She shook her head and shivered.

  “We’ll be quiet.” Obviously.

  “You don’t get it, Slade,” she hissed. “Your parents are like family to me.”

  “We had sex at the ski lodge.”

  “But no one knew we were together,” she argued. “And they were on a different floor.”

  “Why are you being so annoying about this?” I asked. “Look, my parents know how I am. I fuck around—a lot. Now I’m dating you, therefore, I have sex with you. This isn’t brand-new information to them. They know we screw like rabbits.”

  “It’s different doing it in their house,” she argued.

  “So, every time we go home to visit we’re going to be in separate rooms?” I asked incredulously. “My parents aren’t like yours. My dad is cool. He doesn’t care. My mom doesn’t care either.”

  “Well, I care. They could be my in-laws someday.”

  My heart sped up but I kept a stoic face.

  “Slade, no.”

  “Trinity, yes.”

  “You can use your hand for a few days.”

  “I hate using my hand and you know that,” I said with a growl. “Now stop being a pain in the ass and just do as I say!”

  “I want your parents to like me.”

  “Are you an idiot?” I demanded. “They already love you.”

  She sighed then rubbed her temples. “I hate you right now.”

  “And I hate you all the time. Now pack your shit and let’s go.”

  “They’re really fine with it…?”

  “Yes.” I rolled my eyes. “Now let’s head out.”

  Trinity looked out the window and remained quiet for the drive. My hand was on the steering wheel and the other was on the armrest. I didn’t turn on the radio and let the silence play out.

  “You can turn on music if you want.” I was trying to put her in a better mood.

  She kept staring out the window.

  “How about I pull over and fuck you the way you like? Would that cheer you up?” Sex seemed to be a universal language we could both understand. It made bad situations good, and it reminded us how right we were for each other.

  She swatted my arm. “Go to hell, Slade.”

  “What?” I asked. “I was being serious.”

  “Which was why I hit you,” she snapped.

  I rolled my eyes. “I was just trying to be nice…”

  She grabbed my jacket from the back seat and covered herself with it.

  I turned on the heater. “You cold, baby?”

  She nodded and looked out the window.

  I reached my hand out and held hers. She didn’t pull it away, which I took as a good sign. “We should go out and have fun while we’re here. Hit up a nice restaurant or something.”

  “Sure,” she said with a shrug.

  I stopped trying to coax her into a conversation and fell silent. The miles passed until we reached the city. The traffic was a bitch but I was used to it. I found a parking spot in front of the building then killed the engine. “Here we are.”

  “Yay…” She eyed the building warily.

  We got out then grabbed our bags. I carried everything, not wanting her to strain herself and her leg. We took the elevator to the top floor then headed to the door.

  She took a deep breath, like she was scared.

  “Baby, chill.”

  “How would you feel if I asked you to stay with my dad and have sex with me down the hall from his room?” she demanded.

  I shrugged. “I like a challenge.”

  She swatted me on the arm.

  “Stop hitting my arm,” I snapped. “Slap me across the face. I like it better.”

  She took my advice and hit my cheek.

  I narrowed my eyes and growled at her. Then I grabbed her wrist and yanked her to me, giving her a hard kiss on the mouth. Then I released her.

  “You’re so weird…” She rolled her eyes.

  “You make me hot. That’s not weird.”

  She eyed the door then turned back to me. “Can we just go inside and not have this conversation on their doorstep?”

  “Could you seal that pretty mouth around my cock and stop talking?”

  She slapped me again.

  I took the hit then turned to her, grinning. “I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight.”

  She looked away like she was indifferent, but I knew she was just as hot as I was.

  I put the keys in the door.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed. “You don’t live here anymore. You can’t just walk inside.”

  “They know I’m coming.” I got the door opened and walked in.

  My dad was sitting on the couch, my mom beside him. His arm was around her shoulders. “About time. I didn’t think you were coming.”

  “I had an unexpected detour.” I gave Trinity a knowing look.

  My parents stood and came to us.

  My dad spotted Trinity behind me. “Oh, hey. I didn’t know you were coming.”

  Trinity gave me a murderous glare, and not the playful kind she usually gave me. This was cold and threatening. If she had a knife, it’d be embedded in my back right now.

  Oops, I forgot to tell my parents about Trinity. It slipped my mind.

  My dad hugged her. “I’m glad you’re staying with us. What a nice surprise.”

  She hugged him back, trying to hide her pissed face. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  My mom went to her before me. “It’s nice to see you. Pretty as always.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Janice.” Trinity hugged her back.

  My mom came to me, giving me a frightening look that would even scare my dad. She and I hadn’t talked about Trinity
or the fact that I was sleeping with her. Trinity’s car accident saved my ass, as wrong as that sounded. But now my mom unleashed her fury. “How dare you!” She slapped me hard across the face. “I raised you better than that.”

  I took the hit and clenched my jaw.

  My dad grabbed her arm. “Baby, let it go. It all worked out okay…”

  “But it almost didn’t. You can use any other girl but not Trinity.” My mom continued on. “That was unacceptable and you know that. If you do anything to hurt her, I’ll skin you alive and take away all those tattoos you love so much!”

  I knew my mom wasn’t bluffing. “I’m sorry, okay?”

  “No, you aren’t,” she hissed. She turned back to Trinity, her anger evaporated. A smile was on her face. “Can I get you anything? Some water or juice?”

  “I’m okay,” Trinity said. “But thank you.”

  “I’ll take a water,” I said.

  My mom turned to me, a fire blazing in her eyes. She slapped me again then carried Trinity’s bags into her room.

  I rubbed my cheek, feeling it turn red.

  My dad smirked at me. “At least it’s over with now…”

  “How do you put up with her?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I’d tell you but it would just gross you out…”

  I cringed. “Yeah, I’ll pass…”

  My dad grabbed the rest of the bags and carried them into my old room.

  Once we were alone, Trinity turned her fury on me. “You fucking dick!”

  “I forgot to tell them, okay? Sorry. But I told you they’d be cool with it.”

  “Arghh!” She looked like she wanted to do more than slap me. “I hate you. And I don’t mean it in a playful way. I. Hate. You.”

  “I. Hate. You. Too.”

  She growled and hissed at the same time.

  “Damn, you need to get fucked.”

  She threw her weight into her arm as she slapped me across the face. “It won’t be by you.” She marched into my room, leaving me standing there as I rubbed my cheek.

  After dinner, we gathered around the TV and watched a game. Trinity sat beside me and I put my arm around her like I usually did. She squirmed slightly, uncomfortable with affection in front of my parents.

  “Chill,” I whispered in her ear.

  My dad yelled at the ref for making a bad call.

  Trinity fell silent but didn’t pull away from me. I could tell she was still mad.

  “Trin, do you have plans tomorrow?” my mom asked.

  “No, just reading.”

  “You want to go shopping?” my mom asked.

  “Sure,” Trinity said with enthusiasm.

  “Why don’t you ask to go shopping with me?” I asked.

  My mom rolled her eyes and ignored me.

  “You don’t like to shop,” my dad said. “Remember?”

  “It just seems like Mom likes everyone else more than me,” I said.

  “Because I do,” she hissed.

  My dad rolled his eyes because my mom couldn’t see him.

  When the game was over, they retired to bed.

  “Good night,” my dad said. “Be ready at nine.”

  “Okay, Dad.” I stayed on the couch beside Trinity.

  “Good night, Trinity,” my mom said.

  “Night,” Trinity said back.

  “Um, Mom? Aren’t you forgetting me?” I said.

  My mom ignored me.

  My dad patted my shoulder. “She’ll come around. You know your mother.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “And she’s a hard-ass.”

  He winked. “Why do you think I stick around?”

  “Because she makes you,” I countered.

  “Definitely not.” He chuckled then disappeared into the hallway.

  “Ready for bed, baby?” I asked.

  “You’re sleeping on the couch.” She stood up and left my embrace.

  “Uh, no.”

  “Uh, yeah,” she hissed.

  “You aren’t kicking me out of my own room.”

  “Fine, I’ll sleep on the couch.” She grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and laid it out.

  “Don’t be annoying.” I grabbed her arm and dragged her to bed.

  “I’m still so mad at you!”

  “You think I care?” I got in her face. “You need to start living your life and stop caring what others think. You get so worked up over the dumbest things. You and I are a lot alike, but we are different in that regard. You need to let me rub off on you and calm down a little. You’ll live longer.”

  “You lied to me.”

  “I didn’t lie,” I snapped. “I know my parents. They are cool.”

  “It was still rude to show up with me in tow.”

  “Like I said, they don’t care.”

  “I hate you, Slade.”

  “And I fucking love you,” I hissed. “I wouldn’t put up with your bullshit if I weren’t crazy for you. Now shut up and let’s go to bed.”

  She finally shut her mouth and stopped arguing with me.

  We went into my room then undressed before we got into bed. Trinity turned on her side, her back to me. She clearly didn’t want to have sex.

  Too bad.

  I came up behind her then lifted her right leg. Before she could protest or move out of the way, I was inside her. Once she felt me stretch her, she gave in, rocking back into me while I thrust inside her. We both stayed quiet, and despite how annoying she was, she still sent me to the edge and made me come hard.

  When we were finished, I didn’t pull out of her. I stayed behind her and hooked my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. My lips moved into her hair and I inhaled her scent. “I know we don’t always get along, and I know I do things that piss you off, but I wouldn’t change what we have for anything.” I tightened my hold on her, not wanting to let go.

  “Me neither,” she whispered.

  I went down to the shop with my dad and saw it buzzing with business. People sat in the plastic chairs against the walls, waiting for their turn to get ink. The artists were busy, working at their stations.

  “Dude, this place is still booming.”

  My dad shrugged. “I’m not sure why.”

  The place was old and didn’t look the best. The tile looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since the day it was installed. The walls were worn and bare. The windows looked foggy, not from the cold, but from dirt. But people seemed to like it.

  Razor, a guy with a nose piercing and tattoos up his neck, fist-pounded me. “Hey, man.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Saving the world, like usual.” He laughed then adjusted his leather jacket.

  “Hey, some people need you.”

  He nodded to a group of girls who were chattering and giggling together. “I hope they are some people.”

  “They’ve got tramp stamp written all over them,” I said.

  He laughed. “Speaking of tramps, I told my sister you were going to be down here.”

  Trixie was similar to her brother. She was covered in tattoos, had sleeves like mine, and she had a tongue piercing. Her body was rocking and curvy and she was good in the sack. Razor didn’t seem to care that I had tapped his sister on and off for years. “Cool.”

  “She might stop by.”

  I hoped she didn’t. The last thing I needed was for it to get back to Trinity. It would be another fight that would give me a headache. But I’m sure the make-up sex would be off the hook.

  I moved to Radio, one of the newer guys. “What’s up?”

  “Same old shit on a different day.” He organized his station while he spoke to me. “I heard through the grapevine you were going to run the second shop.”

  “You’d be right.”

  He winked. “Your dad is a dick so can I come work with you?”

  “I can hear you,” my dad said from the other side of the shop.

  I laughed. “Sure thing. The shop will be full of chicks on spring break.”

>   He patted me on the shoulder. “And you’ll ruin them all.”

  My first instinct was to blurt I had a girlfriend but I guess I should keep that to myself so I wouldn’t be teased for it. I greeted the rest of the guys then went to the counter with my dad. We did the bookkeeping and finances for the shop, and I saw how much dough he made in a single month.

  “Shit, you’re loaded!”

  “Keep your voice down,” he hissed.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  The door chime rang overhead when it opened, the sound I’d been hearing all day. When I looked up, I saw Trixie. She wore a shirt that showed her flat stomach and pierced navel, and her body was still a perfect ten. A leather jacket was over her shoulders, adding to her hotness. When she spotted me, her eyes flashed in recognition then she sauntered over to me.

  “Hey, college boy.”

  “Hey, Trixie. How’s life?”

  “It’s alright.” She chewed her gum then flipped her hair back.

  My dad walked into the back with his clipboard in hand.

  She eyed me for a moment. “You’re looking good.”

  I didn’t say it back. “What brings you here?”

  “Just wanted to say hi…among other things.”

  I didn’t deny my attraction to her, but it wasn’t what it used to be. Now I was almost indifferent to her. Trinity hogged all my attention and focus. It was hard to be attracted to someone else in that way. “Well, it was nice seeing you. Thanks for stopping by.” I walked around the counter, about to help Razor with his station.

  She grabbed my arm and yanked me to her. “Playing hard to get or what?”

  “No. Actually, I have a girlfriend.”

  She laughed. “You’re too funny.” She hit my shoulder, still laughing.

  “I’m not joking. I really do have a girlfriend.” I kept my voice serious so she would believe me.

  “I’m sorry. I just can’t picture it.” She was still smiling.

  “It’s hard to believe but that doesn’t make it untrue.” I took my arm back.

  “Well, that’s too bad.” She pouted her lips and leaned closer to me. “Because I really wanted a night with you in my bed.”

  I stepped back. “It’s not going to happen.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Then at least help me decide where I should get my new tattoo.” She pulled up her shirt, exposing her bra and big tits. “I was thinking right under my ribs…”


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