Book Read Free

Threadbare Volume 3

Page 39

by Andrew Seiple


  Level 15, Cost 50 San, Duration: Instant

  Animates an object at range, no touch required. The animation cost must be paid on top of the distant animus cost. The range is short, equivalent to one foot per animator level.


  Level: 5, Cost: 5 San Duration: 10 minutes per animator level

  Allows the animator to see through one of their animi. Lasts until the animi deactivates, or can be shut off at will. Occupies the sight capabilities of one of the Animator’s eyes, so perception penalties and confusion may occur if both eyes are open at once. You cannot have more than one dollseye effect active for each functional eye your body possesses.


  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: 1 minute

  Allows the animator to examine the status of any animi, golem, or other construct he looks upon. Also analyzes any object for animation potential and sanity cost. Can be resisted.


  Level: 10, Cost: 20 San Duration: 10 minutes per level

  Allow the animator to speak through one of the animi currently in their party, regardless of distance. If the animi does not have a mouth, the voice issues forth from the closest approximate place a mouth would be on a living being of similar structure.


  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: Instant

  Instantly repairs the target construct or object, restoring a small amount of HP, influenced by the level of this skill and the animator’s will.



  Level 1, Cost 5 Mox, Duration: Instant

  Calls out a target to fight you. They suffer combat penalties based on your charisma unless they are actively trying to attack you. Resistible, because some foes are just too cool for you.


  Level 1, Cost 10 Mox, Duration: Instant

  Used before revealing yourself to foes, the more dramatic your appearance the better. Boosts your charisma and cool for a short time.


  Level 10 Cost: 20 Sta Duration: Instant

  Has a chance of disarming a foe’s wielded item. The foe must be in melee range.


  Level 1, Cost 5 Sta, Duration: Instant

  Unleash a fancy set of moves that won’t hurt your foe but look really cool. Attacks their Moxie.


  Level 1, Cost 10 Sta, Duration: Until dropped, or the end of the fight

  Assume a guard stance, and gain a bonus to your dodge skill and armor, at the cost of lowering your strength and dexterity.


  Level: 5, Cost: N/A Duration: Passive Constant

  While you have your specialized weapon drawn, you have a chance of parrying any melee attack you are aware of.


  Level 10 Cost: NA Duration: Passive Constant

  Whenever you successfully parry an attack, you have a chance at riposting, triggering a free attack with whatever weapon you are currently wielding.


  Level: 5, Cost: N/A Duration: Passive Constant

  Your Charisma buffs your Cool.


  Level: 5, Cost: N/A Duration: One minute per skill level

  Activate this skill to buff your agility and climb skill while swinging from ropes, chains, chandeliers, etc...


  Level 1, Cost N/A, Duration: Passive Constant

  Enhances your weapon skill. Automatically assigned to your highest weapon skill. If you have two or more equal highest weapon skills, you may freely choose which to specialize in at any time.



  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: 5 minutes

  Allows you to see all relevant information about a mundane or magical item.

  BOOST +5

  Level 5, Cost 25 San, Duration: Permanent

  Enchants a magic item to boost an attribute or defense or magical effect by +5. Not cumulative. Consumes three doses of RED Reagents and a level 1 crystal.

  BOOST +10

  Level 10, Cost 50 San, Duration: Permanent

  Enchants a magic item to boost an attribute or defense or magical effect by +10. Not cumulative. Consumes three doses of YELLOW Reagents and a level 2 crystal.


  Level 10, Cost 30 San, Duration: Instant

  Attempts to disenchant a nearby magical item that you have created or that you control or own. Breaks it down into reagents and crystals. Chance of failure based on skill and the complexity of the item, mitigated by intelligence.


  Level 5, Cost 50 San, Duration: Permanent

  Combine with a dedicated boost to imbue a wielded or worn item with a field that disperses or absorbs elemental energy of the chosen type, sparing you some harm. Consumes one dose of ORANGE Reagents.


  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: 1 hour per level

  Infuses any object with a simple light spell. The luminescence is based upon the caster’s intelligence.


  Level 1, Cost 10 San, Duration: 10 minutes

  Increases the toughness of any object or construct temporarily, adding to its armor and/or damage potential.


  Level 1, Cost 10 San, Duration: 10 minutes

  Decreases the toughness of any object or construct temporarily, reducing its armor and/or damage potential.


  Level 1, Cost 10 San, Duration: Permanent

  Prepares an object that stores a level 1 spell or skill inside of it. Anyone can then read, break, drink, or otherwise use the object in an appropriate manner to activate the spell. Requires and consumes one dose of RED Reagents. The enchanter does not have to be the person storing the spell inside the Spellstore.


  Level 5, Cost 20 San, Duration: Permanent

  Prepares an object that stores a level 5 spell or skill inside of it. Anyone can then read, break, drink, or otherwise use the object in an appropriate manner to activate the spell. Requires and consumes one dose of ORANGE Reagents. The enchanter does not have to be the person storing the spell inside the Spellstore.


  Level 10, Cost 40 San, Duration: Permanent

  Prepares an object that stores a level 10 spell or skill inside of it. Anyone can then read, break, drink, or otherwise use the object in an appropriate manner to activate the spell. Requires and consumes one dose of YELLOW Reagents. The enchanter does not have to be the person storing the spell inside the Spellstore.


  Level 5, Cost 50 San, Duration: Permanent until damaged or dispelled

  Creates wards within an area against a particular creature type. Creatures of that type within the area are debuffed and affected with a damage-over-time effect based on the skill level. Magical effects created that are tied to that creature type may be suppressed or countered while within the area. Requires and consumes one dose of GREEN Reagents.



  Level 20 Cost: 350 San Duration: Permanent

  Creates an armor golem shell out of metal. Requires metal, 3 BLUE reagents and a level 4 crystal.


  Level 15, Cost 250 San, Duration: Permanent

  Allows the golemist to construct a bone golem shell. Requires bones, 3 doses of GREEN reagents, and a level 3 crystal.


  Level 15, Cost 75 San, Duration: Instant

  Teleports one of your golems to your side. The golem must either be in your party or within 500 feet per rank in this skill at the time of casting.


  Level 10, Cost 200 San, Duration: Permanent

  Allows the golemist to construct a clay golem shell, which may then be baked or left unfired, as desired. Requires clay, 1 dose of GREEN reagents, and a level 2 Crystal.


  Level 1, Cost 20 San, Duration: 1 minute per level

  Allows the caster to issue one command to a golem that isn’t currently in a party. If unresisted, the golem will follow the command to the best of its ability until it is impossible to do so, or until the command wears off.


  Level 20 Cost: 300 San Duration: Permanent

  Creates a flesh golem shell out of a corpse, or corpses sewn together. The less damage there is to the corpse (or corpses), the more it will mimic life. Requires corpse(s), 1 BLUE reagent, and a level 3 crystal.


  Level 1, Cost 50 San, Duration: Permanent

  Turns a prepared golem shell into a functional lesser golem that will obey its creator’s commands to the best of its ability.


  Level 10, Cost NA, Duration: Passive Constant

  Enhances golems in the creator’s party, boosting all attributes. The amount buffed is influenced by the Golemist’s will.


  Level 25, Cost 250 San, Duration: Permanent

  Changes a lesser golem into a sapient greater golem version of itself.


  Level 1, Cost 10 San, Duration: Instant

  Used to invite golems into your party. Automatically affects golems created by the golemist, can be resisted by other golems. Will not affect golems in their creator’s party.


  Level 5, Cost: 20 San Duration: Instant

  Heals a golem for a moderate amount, dependent upon your intelligence and skill level.


  Level 5, Cost: 50 San Duration: Permanent until changed

  Allows the golemist to give conditional instructions to golems under his control. The golems will follow these instructions until it becomes impossible to do so. The higher the skill, the more instructions can be given, and the more complex they can become. Some experimentation is necessary for best results.


  Level 1, Cost 100 San, Duration: Permanent

  Allows the golemist to construct a toy golem shell. Requires a toy, one dose of YELLOW reagents, and a level 1 Crystal.


  Level 5, Cost: 150 San Duration: Permanent

  Allows the golemist to construct a wood golem shell. Requires wood, three doses of YELLOW reagents, and a level 2 Crystal.



  Level 10 Cost: 20 Sta Duration: 1 minute per skill level.

  You may adjust your weight upward or downward, increasing or decreasing it by a percentage based upon your model level, or any point in between. Your body will get thinner or fatter as you do so. Getting too heavy will debuff your agility. Getting too light will debuff your strength.


  Level: 5, Cost: 20 Mox Duration: Instant

  Instantly summons one of your regular equipment sets from wherever it may be. The set must be kept together, and cannot include material heavier than leather.


  Level 1, Cost N/A, Duration: Until broken

  So long as you have spent the last week without eating anything with the UNHEALTHY identifier you gain a small buff to all pools. This bonus is cumulative, up to twice your rank of this skill. Eating UNHEALTHY designated food immediately removes all versions of the buff.


  Level 1, Cost N/A, Duration: Dependant upon skill

  Heal, aid, or otherwise be nice to an enemy in combat. If unresisted by mental fortitude, the foe will become temporarily fascinated with you, for a duration proportionate to this skill’s level.


  Level 1, Cost 10 Sta, Duration: 1 minute per level

  Buff your endurance and armor by the level of this skill.


  Level: 5, Cost: 10 Mox Duration: Until smeared or removed

  Allows you to apply makeup that buffs any one of your skills. Form follows function, so the makeup must be appropriate to the job that contains the skill being buffed.


  Level 1, Cost 10 Mox, Duration: 1 minute per level

  Buff your mental fortitude and cool by the level of this skill.


  Level 10 Cost: 20 Sta Duration: 1 minute per model level.

  Buffs your charisma, but only applies when dealing with people who are capable of being sexually attracted to you. Only one pose may be active at a time.


  Level: 5, Cost: 10 Sta Duration: 1 minute per model level

  Buffs your strength. Only one pose may be active at a time.


  Level 1, Cost NA, Duration: Passive Constant

  Whenever one of your worn or wielded items creates a favorable impression in at least one onlooker, then this skill has a chance of increasing. All worn and wielded items that confer bonuses have their bonuses increased by a small percentage for each level of this skill. Note that the difference is harder to see with lower level gear and lower levels of the skill.



  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: 1 minute

  Allows the animator to examine the status of any undead creature he looks upon. Also analyzes any corpse for animation potential and sanity cost. Can be resisted.


  Level 1, Cost 5 San, Duration: 1 minute per level

  Allows the caster to issue a command to a single undead creature. If unresisted, the creature most follow its orders to the best of its ability. Can also be used to invite unintelligent undead into a party, at which point they can be verbally commanded indefinitely by the caster.


  Level: 5, Cost: 10 San Duration: 5 minutes per necromancer level

  Automatically tells you the number of hit points any creature you can see has left. May not work on level ???? creatures.


  Level 10, Cost: 20 San Duration: Instant

  Drains a small amount of life from a nearby foe and adds it to your hit points. Will heal regardless of physical form. Does not affect certain monster types.


  Level: 5 Cost: 10 San Duration: 1 Hour per necromancer level

  Invites the targeted undead to your party. Non-sapient undead who are not already in a party will automatically join if this spell is not resisted. Intelligent undead always have the option of refusal.


  Level 10 Cost: N/A Duration: Passive Constant

  Buffs your sanity pool by a percentage equal to your necromancer level.


  Level: 5 Cost: 15 San Duration: Permanent

  Animates one skeleton or skeletal fragment into a skeleton. Requires a spirit.


  Level 1, Cost: 20 San, Duration: Permanent

  Creates a soulstone crystal, which can house a newly-deceased spirit or an existing incorporeal undead. A spirit in a soulstone may be conversed with, used to create a new undead, or simply unleashed upon the world at a time of the caster’s choosing.


  Level 1, Cost: 5 San, Duration: 1 minute per level

  Allows the necromancer to converse with corpses, spirits, or normally incoherent undead. In places with particularly strong spirits, the caster may be notified of the presence of conversable spirits.


  Level 1, Cost: 10 San, Duration: Permanent

  Turns a corpse into a zombie. Requires a spirit present in the area.



  Level: 5, Cost: 25 Mox Duration: Permanent until changed

  You may appoint one official per ruler level. This official, who must be one of your subjects, may accept oaths of fealty, and add them to your subject pool.


  Level 1, Cost: 10 Mox, Duration: Instant

  Buffs all allies Moxie an
d sanity by an amount related to the ruler’s charisma. Only affects allies within earshot.


  Level 1, Cost: 5 Mox, Duration: 5 minutes

  Allows the ruler to examine a sworn subject’s status screen. May also be used on people within your party, giving more information than the party status screen.


  Level: 10, Cost: N/A Duration: Passive Constant

  You gain a tiny fraction of experience whenever one of your subjects does. Experience gained from higher level individuals goes directly to leveling your ruler class. Experience gained from lower level individuals may only be utilized for King’s Quest rewards.


  Level 15, Cost: 50 For Duration: Until you rest

  Promote one or more of your party members to Kingsguard. They gain a buff to their weapon skills and pools affected by your charisma and ruler level.


  Level: 10, Cost: 20 Mox Duration: Permanent until changed

  Decree a public quest. All your subjects within earshot may accept. Any who fulfill the quest reap the benefits of the quest immediately.


  Level 1, Cost: N/A, Duration: Passive Constant

  Buffs all sworn subjects and party members a small amount. The stat buffed is dependent upon your highest attribute.


  Level: 5, Cost: 15 Mox Duration: Permanent until changed

  You may choose one quest shared among your party members or subjects. While on that quest and working toward that goal, they gain a bonus to all attributes equivalent to your ruler level.


  Level 15, Cost: 200 Mox Duration: Permanent until dismissed

  Choose a nation or organization. All subjects are notified of your new treaty with this group, and suffer a debuff when attacking members of this group. They also gain a charisma and perception bonus affected by your ruler level when dealing with members of this group.


  Level 1, Cost 10 Mox, Duration: 1 Minute per level

  Buffs your charisma, but only when dealing with sworn subjects


  Level 1, Cost 10 Mox, Duration: Permanent until changed

  Declare a simple command in twelve words or less. All sworn subjects are notified of the decree. Any who do not comply with this decree take Moxie damage influenced by your charisma and wisdom, resisted by cool. Only one simple decree may be in place at a time. Simple commands may not be used to inflict suicidal or self-harmful activities.


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