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Sex Stories

Page 93

by Mary Jaine

  When we eventually went up to the room, I was starting to feel that somehow I would have to let him know what was happening inside me; all kinds of things were clicking into place whenever I thought of him, and I didn't know where to start, or if he'd even take me seriously. Going up to that room with him was an agony of apprehension for me, believe me!

  The room itself was spectacular; walls panelled in stained walnut, thick carpets, candelabras on every surface, and a huge four-poster bed.

  I refused to turn Andy out of his bed, as he'd had a long drive from Edinburgh, and a hard day coming up, but Andy, ever the caring big brother, wouldn't hear of it, and insisted on taking the ridiculous couch, which was about three feet too short for him to stretch out on; we argued back and forth, until I settled it by pulling the spare quilt out of the linen press and making a bed on the floor. Andy grinned, knowing when he was beaten, but then came the next problem.

  As I'd originally had no intention of staying over, I had nothing to sleep in, no toiletries, and no change of underwear. Luckily the en-suite had new toothbrushes, soap, and lotions. Andy gave me his Shrewsbury Old Boys rugby jersey to sleep in, which just about covered my bum, but was made of stretchy Lycra and Gore-tex, so it was form-fitting, and I was immediately aware of my nipples sticking out from the friction of the material rubbing against them. Andy was trying to not see them, bless him, but I could see him reddening and looking away every time I looked up.

  All washed and brushed, and tired-out after the stress of the day, I settled into my nest on the floor, adamant that I was comfortable there; I really didn't want to deprive poor Andy of his bed, knowing the tough match he was going to be playing in the morning, but he was still unhappy about it, and repeatedly offered to change places.

  I of course refused, and so he switched off the light and I settled down to sleep.

  Tried to, I should say. The events of that morning kept replaying in my mind and try as I might, sleep just wouldn't come. Every time I thought I was settling down, the image of Jack Fineman holding me pressed against him flashed into my mind, his slack, sneering mouth close enough to kiss, not that I'd ever have done that, I'd rather chew the leg off a leper, but it kept recurring, and I couldn't make it go away.

  Also, just to make my day even more memorable, it was cold down there; in fact, it was bloody freezing. There was a persistent draught whistling from God knows where, only to be expected in a building as old as the Prince Rupert Hotel, but at least now I knew why four-poster beds had curtains. It was a warm summer night, and that bloody draught made it feel more like early winter.

  Added to that was the fact the the floor was a lot harder than I'd counted on, even though I was rolled-up in a thick, doubled-over quilt. After what seemed like hours, I'd had enough; I was cold, I was dog-tired, and I was even more wide-awake than when we'd first settled down.

  "Andy, Andy!" I whispered.

  He shot upright.

  "What, what is it Lin, what's the matter?" he stage-whispered.

  "I can't sleep, Andy, and I'm cold; can I share with you please?" I quavered, and for answer he took my hand and helped me onto that lovely four-poster, pulling me into the warm spot he'd been lying in while he retrieved the pillows and quilt from the floor.

  "Better now, sis?" he asked, and I nodded, nice and toasty-warm at last. Andy lay down on the covers next to me, and pulled the quilt up over both of us.

  "I tried to tell you!" he grinned, "I've been waiting for you to climb off your high-horse and climb up here!" I smiled as I backed into him, feeling his warmth even through the covers.

  Go to sleep now, it's late and we've an early start. G'night, Lindy."

  I felt a sudden, inexplicable rush of happiness that he'd remembered and used my baby name, and I snuggled even closer to him, pulled his arm across me, and quickly fell asleep, feeling safe now that my big brother had me.


  I woke with from a dream about Slimy, Andy, Sai Fong and a whole bunch of other things all jumbled together, and fading even as I tried to recall them, to find that I was now facing him, on top of the bedclothes, with my hand inside his briefs and clasped firmly around his really impressive cock, and my panties pulled part way down, with his big, warm hand clasped in turn around my bum cheeks. My nipples were fully erect now, almost painfully so, and my pussy was throbbing with the need to rub against something soon.

  I was still a virgin (well, technically, anyway) but not an ignoramus when it came to sex, and right now I was horny, and hot for a little relief; I needed it right now, and who better than my sexy big brother, the subject of a few dozen naughty thoughts over the evening, already half-naked in bed with me, with his hand in my panties.

  I shifted my grip on him, freezing as he muttered my name, then carefully rubbed the hot, slick tip of his cock against myself, savouring the feel of the slippery hardness rubbing against my already swollen labia.

  I kept this up for a while, but it wasn't enough, not by a long chalk; it seemed like half my life I'd been wanting him and waiting for him to make a move on me. All those feelings this evening, all the things I'd been feeling for years, now was the time to let them finally come out. But not like this. His lips were close, so close, so I leaned forward and licked his lips, then kissed him, gently at first, but then his lips parted and I pushed my tongue between them, rubbing my tongue against his as I kissed him harder.

  Andy moaned in his sleep, and his hand flexed as he tightened his grip on my bum, pulling me closer so my pussy was rubbing against him. I couldn't help but start to grind against him, loving the feel of his hardness rubbing between my labia and grinding against my clitoris, pleasure zipping through me as we ground together.

  My hands slipped around his neck, holding him to me as we kissed, and then his eyes flickered open.

  "Lin...what...oh God, Lin...wha...!" he mumbled, before I kissed him again, then let him go.

  "Shush, no talking Andy, just kiss me!" I whispered, and he smiled before gathering me into his arms and kissing me like I'd always hoped I'd be kissed one day. As he kissed me, his hands slipped down to caress and squeeze my bum, pulling me close to him again as our sexes ground and slid together. He slid my panties down so I could kick them off; I did likewise to him, and now my hands roamed over his naked, wonderful body, holding and squeezing and caressing the perfect physical specimen that was my big brother.

  I broke away for a moment so I could sit up and pull off the rugby jersey, smiling as Andy gazed happily at my breasts, and stretched my arms to make them lift and point at him. That was all the invitation he needed to pull me down and suck my stiff nipples while he squeezed my bum cheeks, holding me against him so our sexes slipped and ground together again, making me writhe with the pleasurable sensations flooding through me and making my swollen pussy twitch.

  I knew that at some point very soon I was going to fuck him, and the thought made me glow hotly, a sweet, clean anticipation filling me. The time was right, and he was the one, he was the only man in the world I was ever going to give myself to, of that I was sure.

  Andy pulled away from nuzzling me to look straight at me.

  "Sis, this is important, listen to me; we can stop now, nothing's happened. If you want to stop, I want you to know I won't mind, honestly; Lin, I don't want you to think you have to do...something, anything with me, just because you think I want to. Are you listening?"

  For answer, I slid up against him and once again rubbed my wet pussy against his iron-hard cock, kissing him lightly as I did.

  "Andy, please, I want this, I'm ready for this, and I want it from you, no-one else; are YOU listening?"

  Andy stroked my hair as he smiled at me.

  "Yes, I am. Are you sure about this? Once we go there, it's done, no going back. Have you really, really thought about this, Lin, about what it means?"

  As he said it, I realised it was what I'd always wanted; all those strange, indefinable longings over the years, all those feelings that welled-up inside me
when I thought about Andy, and only him, suddenly all that came into focus and finally made sense.

  I pulled him closer, kissing him.

  "I've always known what I wanted; it was always going to be you, Andy, only you, and I need you now...!" I whispered.

  He pulled me closer, kissing me as he held me tight. Then he rolled over onto his back, taking me with him. I lay on him, feeling the pulse beat of the blood in his engorged penis as it lay sandwiched between us.

  "Do it this way, Lin, your first time, it's better for you..." he murmured, and so I sat up astride him and raised myself up, holding him as I rubbed the tip of his cock once again through my wetness, then, with only a little trepidation, slowly, oh, so slowly, pushed myself down onto him as I held him immobile.

  It hurt, but not like I'd been led to believe it would; I had no 'cherry' to bust, to put it crudely; thirteen years of riding, hockey, netball and gymnastics, then fingers and tampons had taken care of that. He was so big, the act of penetrating me was stretching me, and it did hurt a little, but it also felt good; Andy was obviously feeling something good too, if the look on his face was anything to go by. I kept slowly sliding more and more of him into me, and then suddenly there was no more; he was fully inside me, I'd taken all of him!

  I waited a few seconds for the pain to ease up, and Andy didn't push me to do anything, bless him; true to his word, he was letting me do this at my own pace. The feel of him inside me was wonderful; the feeling of being so full was incredible, and when he twitched inside me, I nearly cried out at how wonderful it felt. I slumped down against him, my heart racing as I realised I was now actually having sex, for real, with a guy, my guy, my Andy!

  As I lay against him, he shifted position, and the movement inside me felt so good I began moving against him. Andy pumped slowly into me, the feel of him slowly sliding in and out of me was out of this world, and I intertwined my fingers with his as I began to move with him. Andy pushed against my hands, and I realised he wanted me to sit upright again; once I did, he began pumping his hips against me, and that's when the penny dropped, and I began grinding against him as he slid in and out of me.

  As we pumped and ground together, I could feel the stirrings of orgasm deep inside me; the faster I moved, the closer they curled, and the more intense they became, tantalising me, showing me what was possible. Andy sensed my need, and held my hips as he began pumping harder and faster into me as I squirmed and rubbed against him, until, with a blast of white heat, the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced broke and surged through me.

  I hope that room was soundproof, because I screamed like a banshee at the sheer mind-blowing intensity of my release, all my nerve-endings crackling and sparkling as the pleasure swept through and through me, like nothing I'd ever felt before.

  I slumped down on my brother, my heart fluttering, and Andy rolled us over so now I was underneath him; he kissed me, clamping his mouth over mine as he began pumping himself into me, long, sweeping strokes that seemed never-ending, pouring pleasure into me all over again. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer, and that brought my clitoris up into contact with him as he pounded into me, the friction sweeping orgasm after orgasm through me.

  Suddenly, he groaned and shuddered, stopping dead, all his muscles tensing as his cock flexed and pulsed inside me, the heat of his ejaculation filling me completely. At that I came one last time, my love for him pulling me into an inferno of pleasure as we shook and trembled together.

  He slowly pulled himself out of me and slumped down next to me, pulling me close to kiss me again, his soft, warm hand completely covering my buttock as he held me close. We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, the full meaning of what we'd just done suddenly hitting both of us.

  Andy looked unworried; I was too; whatever had happened here was because we wanted it, it was a long time coming, and it was ours now. Andy smiled as he stroked a few stray hairs away from my face so he could kiss me as lovingly as he had earlier on.

  Suddenly, though, he yanked away and stared at me in horror.

  "Oh dear God, Lin, I...inside you...I didn't even ask, oh Christ, what have we done...!"

  I grinned and put my finger on his lip to silence him.

  "It's alright Andy, I'm safe, you're okay, we're okay!"

  He looked unconvinced.

  "How can you say that, I should have pulled out, suppose you get...!"

  Once again I silenced him.

  "It's not going to happen, sweetie, do shut up and listen! I'm safe, I have protection! Andy, I'm on the pill, stop worrying!"

  He actually deflated with relief, collapsing in on himself into a lovely soft, warm, 'Andy-Cushion' for me to cuddle up against. I wriggled around until we were face to face again, and kissed him on that delicious cleft chin of his.

  "Mine now, okay? All of you is mine now, understand, Mr. Andrew Clive Grosvenor-Edgeworth? I don't care who knows, I don't care if Mr. & Mrs. Invisible Parental Unit find out, and I doubt they'd give a flying shit anyway; from now on you're mine. Got it?"

  Andy grinned tiredly and squeezed my bum as he kissed the tip of my nose.

  "Funny thing, Lin; I was just going to say the same thing! If Freddy objects, I'll hammer a rugby ball up his arse, but I don't think he will; after what happened today I think he probably thinks he's persona non grata, so I expect he'll stay holed up in a smelly little bolt-hole somewhere for a long while to come. He's out of the picture, so it's just you and me, so what shall we do all summer long?"

  My plan for the summer, such as it was, now revolved around hauling him into my bedroom when we got home and keeping him chained in bed with me, but first things first; I wanted to see my darling twin brother one last time, because I wanted to hold him by the scruff of his neck so I could kick him so hard up the arse his nose bled; when I told Andy he laughed.

  "You'll have to get in line, you bloodthirsty little menace; you know Jack Cameron has a younger sister?"

  I did, but I'd never met her. Andy grinned as he told me.

  "Jack's sister is half-Japanese, her name's Teruko, and she's beautiful; she looks like a model, you have to see her to understand how exquisite she is. Jack put the voodoo word out on her; touch my kid sister and you die, painfully."

  He grinned at the memory.

  "Freddy obviously felt it didn't apply to him, and went sniffing around her; she objected, told her mother, who told Jack, who's now looking for Freddy. In deference to me, he waited until after I left and went to uni, as he wasn't going to pound on my kid brother while I was around, but I gave him permission to flay the little kerb-sniffer alive if he ever surfaces again."

  I asked him why Jack was so fiercely protective over his little sister, not that there was anything wrong with that. Andy gave a small indulgent smile.

  "Because he's crazy about her; Jack's been in love with Teruko since the day he met her, although you couldn't get him to admit it under torture; everyone else knows, though, and no-one cares, but that's why no-one has ever seriously made a pass at her; that, and because Jack will kill them if they do. Good luck to both of them, I say!"

  I grinned at that; it looked like Freddy was going to be too busy ducking and weaving to trouble us. Andy continued.

  "You have to understand the difference between Freddy and Slimy Fineman, Lin; Freddy's not wicked, he's not even bad, he's just young and stupid; too stupid to be a real bad-guy, no matter that he thinks he is, and just stupid enough to do bloody stupid things and think he can get away with them, but that's all. He'll grow out of it one day, when he works out who he is, then you'll see the real Freddy."

  Andy looked pensive, his eyes far away.

  "I know I said I was okay with Big Jack giving him a good tanning, but that was just me being dramatic; Freddy's a cocky twerp, but he's still my kid brother, and I won't let anyone hurt him, not that Jack would; he's not a bully, and I know even you'll forgive him eventually; in the meantime, let him think he's on the run, it'll be g
ood for him!"

  He sighed, and turned to face me.

  "Jack Fineman, though, he's a real low-class piece of work; he goes out of his way to be a prick, and I don't know why; he's been like that since we were preps, and he's never going to change, not until someone beats the stuffing out of him. If I catch him, after today's little escapade, I'll gladly do it; some lessons need to be learned the hard way."

  He sighed again.

  "It's his family I feel for; his father was my Classics Master and Housemaster, he's a good man, his mother is really nice, his sister's a great girl, they're all good people, so I don't know how or why he turned out that way."

  A sudden thought struck me, hard on the heels of what he'd said about Freddy, and I turned to Andy in consternation. His attention switched to me immediately.

  "What, what's the matter, Lin, what happened?"

  My lip trembled as I tried to say what I wanted to say, what I'd just realised.

  "Andy, I'm sorry, I never even asked you, I just jumped on you, oh God, oh God, what was I thinking, I'm sorry, I did what Freddy did, I never even asked you...!"

  Andy pulled me close, hugging me as I cried against him; how could I have been so stupid? My own brother! What kind of screw-up was I? Of all the available boys in the whole bloody world, I had to go and throw myself at my own brother...and now, now, we'd done the unthinkable!! Oh Fucking Christ, how did I manage to bugger things up so completely?

  Andy soothed me the way he'd done when I was young, rubbing my back while rocking me gently, calming me, whispering to me.

  "Ssshh, calm down, it's alright, you only did what I wanted to do! I've been thinking about you for so long, Sis, if I knew you wanted me like that I'd have come and taken you away long ago! If we did anything wrong, then we're both to blame, but I don't care, Lin, long as I have you! Stop crying, Lindy, please!"

  As his words percolated through the fog of guilt and remorse I perked-up; he was saying what I'd been feeling; he wasn't angry, or guilty, or ashamed; he wanted me, he still wanted me!

  Andy passed me his shirt so I could wipe my eyes (and have a crafty wipe of my nose as well...) then his hands slipped down to once more cup my bottom as he pulled me close.


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