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Sex Stories

Page 94

by Mary Jaine

  "You're mine now, so no more tears, from now on, you've got me, and I've got you, so no more of this..this guilt stuff. What we do now is for us, no-one else. I love you, Lin, and I have since we were kids, so now we can do this, if it's what you really want. I also don't think the 'rents will give two shits what we do, so this is what we'll do; we've got all summer to work this out, and you can make up your mind what you want; either way, I won't pressure you. If you want to back away and stay in uni in London, fair enough, I'll respect your decision; you're still my little sister, after all! If, on the other hand, you can't do the whole 'uni' thing, and you want to be with me, call me and I'll come and get you like a flash. Think about it, sis."

  I didn't have to; a whole summer with him? Lead me to it! I did have one thing to say, though.

  "Andy, I really want you, but I want to go to university, too; can I at least try the first year? If I can't bear to be without you, maybe I can transfer to Edinburgh..."

  Andy jiggled my bottom, making me squirm as he pulled my cheeks apart.

  "Baby, if that's what you want to do, then that's fine with me; just give it a fair chance first, that's all I ask; be true to yourself, Lin. I can and will wait, I promise!"

  That was really what I wanted to hear, and it made me feel warm and safe all over again; Andy, my Andy loved me the way I loved him, and he'd promised to wait for me; right then I was the happiest girl on the planet. As I settled against him, he once again pulled the covers up over me, the warmth of his body tingling through me as I spooned against him, and his reassuring arm around me was all I needed to send me off into a deep and satisfied sleep.


  I woke with the bright morning sun in my eyes. Andy was nowhere to be seen, but I could hear the shower in the en-suite, and as I came fully awake, he walked out, a towel around his waist, towelling his hair vigorously. I stared at him again, admiring his body. He grinned at me and cocked an eyebrow quizzically.

  "What, did I miss something?" he grinned, and I smiled back, drinking in the sight of my perfect man.

  "What time is it, big man?" I asked, and he pointed to the clock on the bedside.

  "Right next to you, sleepyhead. Time you were up, we have things to do!"

  It was 8:30, what could I possibly have to do at that time of the morning? The match Andy was playing in kicked-off at 1:30 p.m., so I had five hours to laze, and revel in him.

  "Come on you, get showered, we have an appointment at Rackham's at 9:00, get moving slowcoach!"

  Rackham's is the department store in Shrewsbury High Street, just a short walk from the hotel.

  "Why are we going to Rackham's, Andy?" I enquired, and he grinned.

  "Unless you plan on walking around all day in yesterday's clothes and underwear, we're going shopping. I already called ahead and opened an account for you, so you can shop yourself out; now get a move on!"

  I looked at him pityingly.

  "Andrew, I have to wear yesterday's knickers, I don't have any others! Unless...wait a minute; you want me to go traipsing around Shrewsbury town centre in a short summer dress with no panties on? I don't bloody think so!"

  Andy sat on the bed and pulled me closer and slipped his hand under the bedclothes to squeeze my bottom as he licked my lips.

  "It's just a short walk, sis, come on, give the locals a cheap thrill, it'll be fun!"

  I snorted.

  "For you, maybe, you pervert! If I'd known you were such a deviant I'd have never let you near my lady-garden! You just want me to walk around while you get a secret, unhallowed thrill out of knowing all my lady-bits are getting an airing!"

  He grinned and nodded in defeat, and tugged me out of bed to have a shower. Once I was all nice and clean, I realised he was right; I'd worn my panties all day and half the night, I really didn't want to put them on again, so I didn't, instead slipping my sundress on when his back was turned, and stuffing my panties into my bag. Once my hair was properly dried, we set off to do some shopping.

  At Rackham's, we stopped at the Customer Service desk to pick up my store card, took a few moments to goggle at my spending limit, courtesy of Andy and his own trust-fund, then I showed him how to indulge in intense retail therapy; first to the underwear section, where I couldn't decide between the La Perla and the 'Agent Provocateur' ranges, so he made me take both, ranging from 'nice and girly-girly' to 'raunchy Bondage Tart', so I rewarded him by quickly flipping up the hem of my dress and showing him what was under there.

  His eyes widened, then he smiled, a calculating smile; at that point I decided to cut short my shopping, because I wanted to see where that smile wanted to go, especially with me dressed in that wonderfully feminine, supremely slutty lingerie he'd just bought me, but Andy wanted one more thing for me; I couldn't go to the match in the same dress and shoes I'd worn the previous day, so he bought me a new sundress, matching shoes, and even a small suitcase to take all my purchases home in.

  All done, I led Andy back to the hotel, planning what I was going to wear first; he was in for a few surprises!


  Watching Andy play the Shrewsbury 6th Form First XV, I was amazed he had the energy, after the morning we'd had, but he looked tireless, he, Jack and Harry, the Front Row that had decimated so many other teams, and seemingly unstoppable; I have to give it up to the boys from Shrewsbury; having an opposing team composed of a mixture of England, Fiji, New Zealand and Wales International's didn't faze them, and they gave as good as they got; no doubt someone was making notes to pass to the England and Lions selectors sometime soon...

  The Shrewsbury Old Boys won, but only by a narrow margin, I have to say; there were definitely faces to watch out for in the school team. The Old Boys, led by Jack and Harry, cheered the school team off the pitch, and then came the presentations and obligatory trophy filled with beer passed around the teams. Andy had a coke; it was a long drive home, then they showered, said their goodbyes, and we were soon on the road, heading home for the summer. Andy obviously loved every second of goosing that big V12 engine, while I dozed happily, the morning running through my head once again.


  When we got back to our room after shopping, Andy had grabbed me, his hands all over me as we kissed like maniacs; walking around town in a short dress, with no panties on, knowing what it was doing to him, had definitely racked-up my libido, and right now, all I wanted was a large bite of my brother. Amazingly, he seemed to be in complete agreement, so we wrestled happily for a while, kissing and groping. I was at a distinct disadvantage; all he had to do was hike-up my hem and my nakedness was there for him to play with, but Andy, sweet boy that he was, played nice, only squeezing and teasing, and generally working me into a frenzy. Luckily we had at least three hours to damp down the fires, but I didn't want to waste any time when we could be naked; I so wanted to see him naked, and I definitely wanted to see that thick cock of his in full daylight.

  Andy tried unzipping me, but I fought him off (reluctantly, to be sure...), because I wanted him to peel me out of some of that scanty, decadent silk frilliness he'd just shelled out for, so while he peeled off, I slipped into the bathroom to play dress-up for him. When I came out in my bathrobe, his eyes were dancing with anticipation.

  "Let me see you, Lin." he smiled, so I turned my back and undid my robe. I'd imagined this scene, or one very like it, for a long time now, and I wanted to enjoy every second of the strip I was going to do for him. I slowly slid the robe down to first show him my bare shoulders, then lower, to expose my back, then lower, so he could see and appreciate the V-line panties I was wearing, before dropping the robe and turning around.

  My bra was basically two fine mesh cups with a black ribbon across the middle, hiding my nipples, but nothing much else, and the matching V-line panties cupped my crotch but did little to conceal me. Andy's eyes sparkled as he took in the lace-topped hold-ups and black pumps.

  "You like?" I smiled, doing my best to look alluring, and he just nodded, grinning like a pumpkin as I p
osed for him.

  "God, Lin, you look incredible! Don't move, I just want to take you all in!" he breathed, so I did a slow twirl for him, showing him how those skimpy panties disappeared into the crack of my bum; I think he liked the view, judging by the sharp intake of breath!

  I reached back and unsnapped my bra, and suddenly he was behind me, his lips on my neck as his hands slid up my waist and cupped my boobs. As I said before, I'm not blessed with an over-abundance of boy-bait, but the girls seemed to fit his hands nicely, and it felt so nice to have his warm, soft hands holding my bouncers and gently rubbing my nipples with the palms of his hands.

  His lips on my neck were bringing me out in goosebumps, making me gasp in pleasure as I closed my eyes to enjoy what he was doing with me, and I suddenly realised he'd dropped his robe too, because I could feel something hot and hard pressing against my bum. I slid my hands down his sides, feeling the firm muscles of his abdomen, then reaching behind me, I circled the head of his cock with my fingers, making him gasp this time, and squeeze and rub my breasts even more firmly.

  Andy slid my panties down, nestling his cock between my cheeks, and one of his hands slid down my tummy to slowly stroke me between my thighs. I'd taken the time to shave myself earlier, something he obviously appreciated, as he whispered "Nice!" before slipping his finger into me and frigging me gently.

  I was nearly going out of my mind now; we were naked, his cock felt like an iron bar, and the fact I'd been a virgin this time yesterday meant absolutely nothing. Andy had loved me so well, so tenderly, and so considerately, that all I wanted was more of him, much more, and him tickling and probing my pussy like that was slowly but surely sending me bananas.

  I was hunching myself against his hand, rubbing his cock up and down in the cleft of my bum, obviously working him up as much as he was me, to judge by his breathing, and his pounding heartbeat as he held me tight against his chest. Suddenly he spun me round, and as his hands clutched my bum to pull me against him, our lips glued together as he kissed me like a whirlwind, lights, bells and whistles going off in my head as he kissed me with every ounce of himself in his kiss.

  He tugged me toward the bed, but there was something I wanted to do first, something I'd imagined and fantasised about for so long now, and this was my chance. Andy quirked an eyebrow at me, then a slow grin lit up his face as I slid to my knees and took hold of that lovely cock arching out from the curly nest of wiry hair at the apex of his thighs. I didn't know how long it was, I didn't have a ruler, and I didn't care; it was big enough that I couldn't get my hand all the way around it, and long enough to make me happy, but it fitted perfectly in me, it felt wonderful in me, and that was all that mattered to me; right now I wanted to taste him, to suck him, to do something for him my friends and I had talked about, wondered about, and lied about for years.

  As I squeezed and played with it, examining him closely for the first time, I was struck by how perfect, how beautiful it was, how thick and solid it was, how glossy and shiny the large purple head was, and how soft and velvety his balls felt as I cupped and gently massaged them, making him hiss and shift his weight. Andy reached down to cup my chin and pull my head up so he could look into my eyes.

  "You don't have to, Lin..." he murmured, and for answer, I licked my lips and slid them over the tip of that beautiful penis, sliding back the smooth foreskin as I did. I could just about fit him in my mouth, and he tasted wonderful; salty, and a hint of tangy sweetness, and a faint, metallic undertone, and a whole medley of other, more subtle tastes and scents, all melding into one delicious taste, my man.

  I sucked harder now, no longer tentative; now I was eager to see where this would take me, and so I sucked and licked, my head bobbing on his shaft even as instinct made me slowly pump his shaft and gently squeeze and cup his balls, feeling them slowly retract until they were clustered tightly under the base of his cock.

  "Lin...enough...I'm...Lin, no..." he muttered, but I wanted this, and so I sucked and gave one last pumping squeeze of his shaft, and with that he groaned out loud as his penis twitched, swelling up until I thought it would jam in my mouth. I actually felt the spunk surge up his cock and into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could; it was that or choke, as spurt after spurt of the stuff filled my mouth, but it wasn't as bad as I'd been led to believe; he tasted salty, and tangy, and slightly sweet, and the texture was creamy. Amanda Bradenham had spread it around that it was like having someone spit a mouthful of snot into your mouth, and it had made her nauseous, but it wasn't like that for me; it tasted quite nice, and I knew I'd do this again if he asked me, or even if he didn't, and I'd enjoy it.

  He finished shooting, and I licked and sucked the last drops out of him, cleaning him of all trace of his explosion. As I pulled away from him, he sagged slightly and dropped heavily onto the bed, pulling me up to sit astride him.

  "Where did you learn THAT, sis?" he grinned, and I gently nipped the end of his nose.

  "Here, just now, with you! You like, Effendi?"

  He jiggled my bottom, making me squirm against him.

  "Me like, me keep you!" he grinned. "And now it's your turn, Lin; come here you!"

  He lay back and rolled over, so now he was on top of me, kissing me gently, irresistibly, my lips, my neck, then my shoulders and down to my breasts, making me gasp and buck as he pulled my nipples between his lips, then further down, over my stomach, my belly-button, then all of a sudden, his breath was hot and exciting on my suddenly acutely sensitive slit.

  I waited, tensely, for what was coming, but when it did, the sensation literally had me seeing stars; as his lips closed around my throbbing clitoris, and he sucked as he rubbed his tongue over it, orgasm exploded inside me, fireworks shooting through me as I shuddered uncontrollably, unable to even scream as the full force of release blanked all my senses.

  Andy slid back up against me and grinned as I spread my legs, showing him what I wanted, and as he mounted me, sliding that lovely thick cock into me again and again, my mind dissolved into a welter of orgasmic delight. I don't know how many times I came as he fucked me; all I remember clearly is the overwhelming need I had for him, and seeing that same need reflecting back at me from his eyes, and the joyful pleasure we gave each other as we joined again and again.

  We made love three more times that morning, Andy always the tender, considerate lover, filling me with his seed again and again , and if he weren't playing in that rugby match, I would have kept him there all day and night.


  On the drive home, I only had one thought in my mind; how could I work it so we could be together? Every time I looked at him, Andy would grin and squeeze my hand, or rub my thigh, and if the drive had been only a little longer I think I'd have made him stop at a motorway Travelodge for some rest and another close encounter of the spunky kind.

  As it was, we made good time and arrived home in the early evening. I made no bones about my intentions, dragging him into my room, where I had a Queen-size bed; by my reckoning, it was time for another between-the-sheets wrestling match, and I seriously needed pinning. Andy could only grin happily as he followed me in and closed the door firmly.

  * * *

  Shining Girl: Andy and Linda Pt. 02

  * * *

  I had Andy in my room, in my bed, and I was just the happiest girl in the world; right now, we had the house to ourselves; Miss Langley, our bitter depressive of a housekeeper, had gone away to make her own relatives miserable for two weeks, and Freddy was hiding under a rock somewhere far, far away, so Andy and I had that whole big house to ourselves for a whole two weeks.

  I knew what I wanted; I wanted my sexy big brother to fuck me relentlessly, to break that bed, with me under him when he did it; I wanted large helpings of 'Yee-haarr!' stirred in and seasoned with big smoochie-smoochie , and, lucky me, so did he.

  When we arrived home, the house was deserted; good, that meant the harridan had departed for the lesser circle of Hell she brooded in, so Andy and I could sp
end all day, every day naked, if the mood took us, and I intended to see it did, often.

  From the look in his eyes, Andy was up for it as well, but first, I had needs that I'd been tamping down all through that endless drive down the M5. Now, at last, we had the room and the opportunity to do something about it.

  The house itself is a little way outside Bath, built of that lovely mellow sandstone, like so much of Bath, and stands in six acres of grounds, so no neighbours to hear the various noises I intended to make when my Andy did things to me that needed expressing!

  First off, though, I needed a shower, so, while Andy took our various cases and bags into the dressing room, I stripped off and slipped into my en suite bathroom, and stepped under the lovely hot water.

  I was in a world of my own, pleasurable thoughts of Andy and me playing and being together running through my mind, when a pair of big, warm hands slipped around my waist and cupped my boobs, squeezing the girls while a pair of hot lips grazed along my shoulder and up my neck, making me squirm as goosebumps prickled all over me.

  "Hello Lindy-girl!" he growled softly in my ear, lightly pinching my nipples at the same time, making me gasp and buck against him, my body thrilling with the sudden spike of pleasure that shot through me.

  "Hello big brother!" I husked back at him, grinding my bottom against that club-like penis of his now pressing against me. "Are you going to do my back?" I asked him softly, wriggling against him and feeling him grind back against me.

  "I'm going to do all of you; just give me time!" he murmured as he nibbled my ear, making me sag against him as the pleasure darted through me again, grounding in my pussy, making it twitch and buzz gently . He reached up and flicked the shower off, then turned his attention back to gently squeezing and fondling my breasts, my nipples zinging happily every time he brushed or gently squeezed them.


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